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Hello, my name is Mrs. Mafrin.

I am so excited to be learning with you today.

We are going to do brilliantly, learning all about the basic needs of animals.

We are going to have such a great time.

Welcome to today's lesson from the unit, New Life.

This lesson is called The Basic Needs of Animals and by the end of today's lesson, we will be able to recognise those basic needs and what they need to survive.

Now, some of the learning is brand new, but I am here to help you.

Sometimes learning can be a bit challenging, but that's great, because it means that we can work hard together and learn lots of fabulous new things.

Your lesson outcome for today is to describe what animals need to state alive.

Here are some key words for our learning today.

I'm going to be coming back to these words, throughout our learning.

We're going to do my turn, your turn.

You may already be familiar with some of these words.

My turn, animal.

Your turn.

My turn, alive.

Your turn.

My turn, survive.

Your turn.

My turn, basic need.

Your turn.

Fantastic, well done.

Now our lesson is split into two parts today.

The first part is how do animals stay alive? Let's begin.

There are many animals in the world around us.

Some animals live on land and some animals live in water.

Here is a picture of safari animals.

I can see a zebra, a giraffe, an ostrich, and many more.

Here is a picture of sea creatures.

Now, animals may appear to be very different, but they all need the same things to stay alive or survive.

Here is a picture of a jellyfish and a picture of a peacock.

Aren't they both so beautiful? Survive means to continue to stay alive.

Let's check in on your learning so far.

True or false? Different animals need different things to stay alive.

Is that true or is that false? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer, but if you think you need longer, you can pause the video here.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

The answer is, false.

Now, let's see if we can put that into a sentence.

So, I think this because, A, animals might appear to be very different, but they all need the same things to survive or B, animals live in different places.

Again, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer, but if you think you're going to need longer, you can pause the video here.

Off you go.


Really good thinking, well done.

The answer is, A, animals might appear to be very different, but they all need the same things to survive.

Fantastic learning so far.

Well done.

Some animals can stay alive for a short time.

We've got a house fly who only lives for about 28 days.

That's roughly a month.

And we have an adult dragonfly that can live for up to six to eight weeks, but often only survive for around two weeks.

That really is a very short time.

Now, some animals can stay alive for a very long time.

Scientists thought that the ocean Quahog Clams, could survive for around 225 years.

Wow, that is a very long time already.

These clams live in the cold waters of the North Atlantic Ocean and grow very slowly.

Scientists measured the shell of a clam that they found in 2006 and discovered it had been alive for over 500 years.

That's more than double what they initially thought.

Wow, that is a very, very long time.

Now, let's do a quick check of your learning.

All animals need the same things to survive.

What does survive mean? Does it mean A, survive means to continue to stay alive? B, survive means that different animals eat different foods or C, survive means that some, look like their parents.

I'm going to give you five seconds to think about your answer, but if you think you need longer, you can pause the video here.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

The answer is A, survive means to continue to stay alive.

Fantastic, well done.

So, here is our first task.

We have Sofia who says, "We know that animals need the same things to stay alive, "but what do you think these things are?" Sam says, "Talk to a partner and make a list of all the things "you think animals need to survive." So, you can make your list like this.

You are going to need a piece of paper and a pencil.

Now, if you don't have a partner, that's okay.

You can speak to a teddy or you can say your ideas out loud first, before you jot them down.

I'd like you to pause the video here and have a go at making that list.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

Let's see if what you got is the same as what Sofia and Sam thought of.

Sofia says, "I think that animals need food to eat "and water to drink to stay alive." And Sam says, "Animals need somewhere to live." Did you think of anything else that animals need to stay alive? So we have food, water, air, and somewhere to live.

So, these are things that all animals need to stay alive.

They must have all four of those things in order to survive.

Without one of them, they cannot survive and cannot stay alive.

So, we need to remember all four of these as we're going through the rest of our lesson.

Well done.

You are working so hard and you are really using your critical thinking.

Now, we're onto the second part of our learning, the basic needs of animals.

All animals have basic needs.

These are the things that they need in order to survive.

Here we have human offspring.

Do you think humans might need those things to stay alive too? I'd like you to think about your answer.

I'll give you five seconds to do that, but if you think you need longer, you can pause the video here.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

Humans do need the same basic needs as an animal to survive.

The children are talking about the basic needs of animals.

Who do you agree with? Laura says, "Basic needs are the things an animal needs to stay alive." Alex says, "Basic needs are the things an animal needs "to get food." And Izzy says, "Basic needs are the things an animal needs to be happy." Who do you agree with and why? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer or you can pause the video here.

Off you go.

Well done.

The person who was correct was Laura.

Basic needs are the things an animal needs to stay alive.

All animals need food so they can grow, remain healthy and stay alive.

A horse eats grass to stay alive.

A lion eats other animals to stay alive.

All animals need water so they can grow, remain healthy and stay alive.

Humans are animals, so also need water.

A rhinoceros drinks water from rivers and lakes.

All animals need air as a basic need.

Some animals take air by breathing.

Here is a picture of a vulture in a tree.

Some birds like vultures have air sacks in their bodies, including in their bottoms to help them to breathe when they are flying high up in the air.

One interesting fact.

How do humans breathe air in order to survive? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer, but if you need longer, you can pause the video here.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So, in order for a human to breathe air, they breathe in, so they inhale and the air goes to their lungs and the oxygen from the air goes to their blood, but at the same time, carbon-dioxide and waste gas moves from their blood into the lungs and then is breathed out.

That's exhaling.

Well done.

Here is a picture of a shark.

Now, sharks use their gills to take in air from the water around them.

Here is a picture of a worm.

Worms take air through their skin so they can stay alive.

So, both of these animals take air in different ways, however they both need air to survive.

Let's do a quick check of your learning.

Which is not a basic need of all animals? Is it A, food, B, water, or C, shoes? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer, but if you need longer, you can pause the video here.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

The answer is C, shoes, well done.

True or false? Animals that live in water do not need air.

Is that true or is that false? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer, but if you need longer you can pause the video here.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

The answer is false.

Even animals that live in water need air to breathe.

Let's see if we can put that into a sentence.

I think this because A, some animals in water get air through their gills or B, all animals in water need to come up for air.

I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer or you can pause the video here.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

The answer is A, some animals in water get air through their gills.

So task B, you're going to be working in partners to discuss these questions.

Would an animal live or die if, it did not move? It did not use its senses.

It did not drink.

It did not eat.

It did not have babies.

It did not go to the toilet or it did not breathe.

Now if you don't have a partner, that's okay.

You can speak to a teddy if you'd like or you can say and discuss these questions out loud.

I'd like you to pause the video here, so you can have a really good discussion.

Off you go.

So, Aisha looked at the question, what would happen to an animal if it did not move? And Aisha says, "I think an animal would die "if it did not move because it would not be able to hide "from other animals that might eat it "or be able to move around to get food." Lucas said, "I don't think an animal would die "if it did not have babies.

"There would just be less of this type of animal." What other ideas might you have had? So, you may have said that an animal would die if it did not breathe air and you would be correct, because that is one of the basic needs of survival.

Well done.

So, the second part of task B.

An alien has come to planet Earth and wants to take home a new pet, a human.

I would like you to create a guide on how to keep a human as a pet.

You will need to include advice on the basic needs that a human has so that they keep their pet alive.

I'd like you to pause the video here, so that you can have a go.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So, you may have put, it's important to feed your human regularly.

All humans need to drink water in order to survive.

Make sure fresh water is available for them at all times.

Your human will need air to breathe.

Humans need to breathe to stay alive and cannot survive without air.

You may have also put that the human will need shelter or a place to live as that is another one of the basic needs that an animal or human needs to survive.

Fantastic, well done.

Let's go through the summary of our learning today.

All animals, including humans have basic needs.

These are the things that they need in order to survive.

To survive means to continue to stay alive.

All animals need food and water to grow, remain healthy and stay alive.

All animals need air in order to breathe and stay alive.

Thank you all so much for your hard work and your dedication in this lesson.

You have done some fantastic learning and it has been absolutely brilliant to be able to learn with you.