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Hello there.

My name is Mr. Wilshire and in this lesson we're going to be looking at the impact of a balanced diet.

The outcome for this lesson is I can describe the impact of diet on the human body.

As always, there are some keywords for us to consider as we work our way through this lesson.

The first is diet.

After that, impact.

Next, nutrients and finally beneficial.

Don't worry if you're not too sure what some of these words mean.

The definitions have appeared on the screen for you now.

So if you need to, you can pause the video here, have a recap and restart when you are ready.

The first part of this lesson is called, Nutrients and Diet.

Sam and Lucas are talking about diet.

Sam says, "My brother says a diet is something you do to lose weight." Lucas says, "I think diet means you only eat certain foods." What do you think? Pause the video here and discuss.

Restart when you've done that.

What did you discuss? Are both of them correct? Is one of them incorrect? Let's find out more.

Now a diet is the type and range of food that you eat regularly.

Now that includes everything you eat as well as drink.

Lions, for example, live on a diet of meat.

Here's an image of a lion eating some meat and pigs have a diet of just about anything that they can find to eat.

There you can see an image of a pig.

Some humans choose a vegetarian or vegan diet as well and some humans have a special diet for medical or religious reasons.

You can see an image of somebody choosing food.

So really both of the children are wrong there.

The word diet doesn't just mean only eating one type of thing, or cutting out lots of different things and eating a very small amount.

The word diet can actually mean your food preferences as well.

Whether you eat meat, whether you eat vegetables, or whether you cut a certain thing out.

Let's stop and think.

What is a diet? Is it a time when you eat less fat? All of the foods that you eat regularly or a list of the nutrients in your food? The correct answer here is B.

All of the foods you eat regularly.

It doesn't just mean that you are trying to cut out one particular type of thing.

Have you ever heard the expression, "You are what you eat," and there's an image of somebody eating.

Well people often say this because the food that you eat has a great impact on your body, so it's very important to eat a balanced diet with different types of food.

These can then provide your body with the nutrients that it needs to grow, develop and to stay healthy.

Although you don't necessarily become the item that you are eating, you certainly take on a lot of its nutrients and other good things as well.

Let's stop and think.

Eating foods that contain essential blank is important for good health, growth and development? Is the correct answer here sugars, additives or nutrients? The correct answer here is nutrients.

Eating foods that contain essential nutrients is important for good health, growth and development.

Sam says, "What types of food should I eat to get the nutrients that my body needs?" What do you think? If Sam is after a diet that contains more nutrients, what you going to need to do? Pause the video here and discuss.

Restart when you've done that.

How did you get on? What types of food did you discuss? Maybe you mentioned milk or eggs or fruits and vegetables.

There are lots of different types of food that can provide us nutrients.

The Eatwell plate that you can see here, can help us to see what types of food that we should eat and in what quantities to make sure that our bodies get all the essential nutrients that they need.

So lots of foods have got nutrients, but they all do different types of things.

You can see in the green section there, there's lots of different fruits and vegetables like banana, broccoli, cucumber, cabbage.

Carbohydrate section there is the yellow bit and you can see there's lots of potatoes, there's bread, there's also some cereal as well.

The purple section there is very small, and that's the oils and spreads area.

That's where you get cooking oil.

You get different spread that you can put on your toast or in your sandwiches.

In the blue section is the dairy and the alternatives there like milk and cheese and yoghourt.

There's also a pink section there for different proteins like fish and different types of meat and also eggs.

Now, food and drinks which are high in fat and or sugar are on the outside there.

They include crisps, chocolate and tomato sauce.

These are the kind of things that you shouldn't really eat lots of, but it doesn't mean that you're not allowed to eat them at all.

You just need to be careful the amount that you consume.

Now, a balanced diet includes plenty of fruit and vegetables.

They should make around a third of your diet.

Here you can see the green section from the Eatwell plate.

Now these foods provide us with lots of beneficial vitamins and minerals which help our body to grow, heal, and work as it should.

They also contain fibre, which helps our digestive system to work properly.

Otherwise we wouldn't be able to get any of that waste out of our body.

The fruit and vegetables section here includes bananas and tomatoes, carrots, it has mushrooms and cucumbers, lots of naturally occurring and growing food.

I wonder if you mentioned any of these, or if you can mention any other types of fruits and vegetables.

Now, another third of your diet should be made up of foods rich in carbohydrates.

Here you can see the yellow section from the plate there and inside there you can see some cereal.

You can see bread.

You can see different types of bread as well, like bagels and pita bread, there's rice as well, pasta and spaghetti.

Carbohydrates are nutrients that give us the fuel that we need to do everything, from running around to even breathing.

Choosing whole grain versions of these products is even better for our bodies, as they also contain other beneficial nutrients.

Now here's the pink section from the plate.

Everyone's diet should include sources of protein as well.

Now, it doesn't just mean that this comes especially from animals.

There are lots of other alternatives that you can get to replace this, which is useful, especially if you are a vegetarian or a vegan.

They can include beans and lentils.

The meat options there are things like tuna and other fish.

There's eggs and other types of meat as well, like chicken or beef or lamb.

Protein is a nutrient that helps our bodies to grow and to heal.

Protein is found in meat, fish, eggs, and pulses like lentils and chickpeas.

So as I said before, you don't just get this type of protein just from meat.

It can also come from vegetable sources as well.

Have you noticed that each of these different slides have got different size portions of the plate? It's getting a lot smaller, isn't it? So a balanced diet also includes dairy products or alternatives such as milk, cheese and yoghourt.

So these are important to have, but not as important as the green or the yellow sections.

In the dairy and alternative sections here you can see cheese, you can see milk and other alternatives for milk as well, like soya.

The blue section here includes nutrients that help our bones to grow and to stay strong.

Sam says, "I can see that foods high in fat and sugar like crisps and cake are at the side of the Eatwell plate and not on the plate itself.

Does this mean I shouldn't eat any of these foods?" We've discussed this a little bit before, haven't we? So what do you think here? Discuss, restart the video when you've done that.

So what do you think? Does it mean that you shouldn't eat any of those foods? Well, these foods that are high in fat and sugar are shown at the side of the plate because they're not needed for a balanced diet, it's not essential for you to have them to stay balanced.

However, it is still completely fine to eat small amounts of these foods as part of a balanced diet as well.

You shouldn't be eating too much of them as this can create large amounts of fat in the body.

Let's stop and think.

Which type of food is not an essential part of a balanced diet? Is it protein sources, fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates or foods high in fats and sugar? The correct answer here is foods that are high in fats and sugar.

Sam says, "I know I need to eat a balanced diet to be healthy.

Does that mean I need to eat equal amounts of each type of food?" What do you think? Pause the video again and discuss.

Restart when you've done that.

What did you think? Does Sam need to eat the same amount and equal amounts of each type of food? Well, not quite.

A balanced diet is made up of the different food types in the proportions shared on the Eatwell plate.

So if you ate equal amounts of each food type, you would not get the right amount of nutrients found in different types of food.

Can you see how each colour section is a different size? This can give you an idea as to the amount that you should be eating of those different food types.

So you should be having a large amount of fruit or vegetables across the day.

You should be having a larger amount of carbohydrates across the day, a smaller amount again, of proteins and an even smaller amount than that of dairy and alternatives and of course, oils and spreads, it's a very tiny amount, but I presume that's only because you use oil to cook things in or butter to spread onto your sandwiches.

You wouldn't certainly sit there and eat a whole tub of butter.

I don't think that would make you feel very well.

Let's stop and think.

A balanced diet is a diet with no foods containing fat or sugar.

A diet with an equal balance of different food types, or a diet with the right balance of nutrients for your body.

The correct answer here is a diet with the right balance of nutrients for your body.

Here is task A.

Do you agree with Laura? This is the first part.

She says, "It's impossible to eat chocolate and still have a balanced diet." Can you explain why? Pause the video here and discuss.

Restart when you've done that.

Now, did you agree with Laura? Well, foods that are high in fat and or sugar, like chocolate are not an essential part of a balanced diet.

So it's still okay to eat these types of food as part of a balanced diet that includes a good range of other food groups, to provide your body with all the nutrients it needs.

But of course, you shouldn't eat too much.

Here's part two.

Now, do you agree with Jun? He says, "Fruits and vegetables have lots of beneficial nutrients, so I'm only going to eat these and no other foods.

Then my diet will be balanced." Can you explain why? Pause the video and discuss.

Restart when you've done that.

So did you explain why? Well, fruits and vegetables are a very important part of a balanced diet, but if you didn't eat any other types of foods, then your body wouldn't get all of the nutrients that it needs.

A balanced diet must include different types of foods.

You need protein as well as different types of minerals in your body, not just what fruit and vegetables can give you.

The last part of this lesson is called, benefits of a balanced diet.

The foods that we choose to eat and the nutrients that they contain have a direct impact on how our bodies work.

After we eat food, the nutrients are absorbed into our bodies as it passes through our intestines.

The nutrients are then transported around the body in our blood to the places that they're needed.

Here you can see an image of the body with the intestines pointed out for you.

Now, if our muscles, organs, and systems such as the brain, heart, and circulatory system don't get the nutrients that they need, then they may not function properly.

Here you can see an image of the body and the circulatory system.

There are lots of different things that need to work inside the system, so if they don't get the nutrients they need, they're not going to work very well.

Let's stop and think.

Why is it important to eat a balanced diet? Is it because we need essential nutrients to allow our bodies to function properly? Is it because we need to eat food we enjoy so we're not hungry? Or is it because we need to clear our plates so we don't waste food? The correct answer here is because we need essential nutrients to allow our bodies to function properly.

Our diet can change the way that we feel.

A balanced diet containing all essential nutrients can make our bodies feel well and energised.

An unbalanced diet could make us feel unwell, as you may be lacking important nutrients.

Here you can see an image of some people eating a meal.

Scientists have even found that eating a balanced diet helps our mental health, as it can improve our mood.

So if we don't get all of the nutrients that we need, we can feel really tired and we may find it difficult to concentrate.

The nutrients we take in from food also help us to heal if we've been injured or feel unwell.

If you don't get enough of these nutrients than it can take our bodies is much longer to recover.

Here you can see someone with an injury.

Eating a diet containing plenty of the nutrients our bodies need is especially important for children.

Children are still growing, so nutrients from food are essential to allow their bodies to grow and develop properly.

There you can see an image of some children eating.

So here's an example.

Calcium is an important nutrient found in dairy products like milk and cheese and their plant-based alternatives as well.

Calcium helps to keep our bones and teeth healthy and strong.

Everyone should make sure that their diets includes calcium, whatever age they are, but it's especially important for children because their bones are still growing.

So if children don't get the correct amount of calcium in their body, their bones are going to grow at a lesser speed.

The bones also might not be as strong.

Scientists have found that eating a balanced diet in childhood lowers the chances of developing some diseases as an adult.

Here you can see an image of some people eating a meal.

Children who have balanced diets are less likely to develop diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and type two diabetes.

Let's stop and think.

A balanced diet in childhood can lead to increased chance of developing heart disease, a decreased lifespan, a lower likelihood of developing some diseases, or a lower ability to heal after injuries.

The correct answer here is C, a lower likelihood of developing some diseases.

Here is task B part one.

The chef at Lucas's school would like to create a new weekly menu.

There's Lucas with his chef's hat.

Now you need to plan a menu for the week that will provide part of a balanced diet for the children having school dinners.

There you can see your table there that you need to fill out, Monday to Friday.

Have a go.

Restart the video when you've done that.

How did you get on? Now, yours might be similar to Lucas's here.

Here you can see Monday there's spaghetti bolognese and a fruit salad.

Tuesday is a roast dinner with chicken, veg and mashed potato.

There's a yoghourt and fruit for pudding.

On Wednesday there's lentil curry with rice and naan bread.

There's also a mango lassi for pudding.

Thursday is an omelette with tomato, spring onion and mushroom, and Friday is baked fish and chips and Thursday and Friday has a chocolate cookie for pudding and then a fruit salad.

How fantastic, what a delicious diet there.

Here's part two.

Do you agree with Lucas here? Can you explain why? He says, "If I eat this menu every day, it doesn't matter how balanced my meals at home are, because I will get plenty of nutrients at school." What do you think here? Is he correct? Have a discussion and restart the video when you've done that.

So, what did you discuss? Do you think that Lucas is correct? Here's one possible answer.

"I do not agree because your diet is everything you eat, not just certain meals.

Lucas's whole diet, including his breakfast, dinner, and snack, should have an overall balance to make sure he gets all the nutrients he needs." Remember, lunchtime isn't the only meal that you're going to eat, but these school lunches should be able to give you a good balance across the week.

Here's part three.

Explain what might happen if your diet does not include all of the essential nutrients that you need.

Pause the video here and have a go.

Restart when you've done that.

You might feel unwell if you don't get all the nutrients you need from your diet, you might feel tired at school and it may take your body longer to heal if you are injured.

Having a diet that is not balanced may increase your risk of developing some diseases when you're an adult as well.

So it's very important to make sure that you get lots of the essential nutrients that your body needs, especially when you're growing.

Let's summarise our lesson.

Eating a balanced diet with essential nutrients is important for good health, growth and development.

The foods that we choose to eat can have an impact on how our bodies function and the way that we feel as well.

Healthy eating in childhood can lead to a longer life and lower the chances of developing some diseases.

There you can see an example of lots of different types of healthy food in a lunchbox.

Hopefully, you now are more aware of the different types of food that you need to eat and how your balanced diet can have an impact on the way that you feel and the way that you grow.

I hope this is gonna help you make some healthy choices in the future.

My name's been Mr. Wilshire.

Thank you very much for listening.