
Lesson video

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Hello, and welcome to today's spelling lesson.

I'm Mr. Moss, I love spelling and I'm really looking forward to teaching you.

With you today, you need to bring your looking eyes, your listening ears, and your thinking brains.

As well as that, something to write with and write on and someone or something to talk to you would also be great.

Well, let's get straight into today's spelling lesson then.

In this spelling lesson, we're going to be looking at //shun// suffixes, including -sion.

The outcome will be, I can spell words using the suffix, -sion, or //shun//.

Here are the key words for today's learning.

My turn.

Your turn.


Root word.



Thank you for saying those back to me.

Please keep an eye and an ear out for these keywords in today's learning.

Let's have a chat about what these keywords mean then.

A noun is a naming word for a person, place or thing.

A root word is the base word from which other words are formed, often by adding prefixes or suffixes.

And a suffix is a letter or group of letters that we add to the end of a word to change its meaning or create a new word.

Today we're adding that -sion suffix to the ends of words.

So we're looking at /shun/ suffixes, including -sion.

The first learning cycle, we're gonna look at using this suffix.

Then, we're gonna spell some curriculum words.

And finally, we're gonna apply the spellings that we've been looking at in today's lesson within a sentence.

Let's get on with using the suffix /shun/, then, -sion.

A suffix remember, is a letter or group of letters that we can add to the end of a root word in order to create a new word.

Unlike prefixes, suffixes often change the word class or tense of a word.

Let's look at some suffixes in action.

Here we have the root word, kind, and I've added my -ness suffix to create a new word, kindness.

Here we have the root word, joy, and I've added the suffix, ful onto the end to create joyful.

And here we have deep.

Deep is an adjective.

And if I add my -en suffix, it becomes deepen, which is a verb.

Remember, there are lots of different types of suffix, and today we are looking at adding the -sion or /shun/ suffix.

Different suffixes can create different and new words, and they can also have an impact upon the spelling of the root word.

The spelling of that root word might change when the suffix is added.

So there are several ways of spelling the suffix which sounds like shun.

We have here, my turn, your turn.

Musician, musician.

So it's making that shun sound at the end.

And notice here it's spelled -cian.

So my suffix there is -cian.

We have passion.

Here we have -ssion, shun.


Here we have -tion, shun, and extension, that shun that we're looking at today, -sion.

The spelling, -tion for that shun is the most common and is your best bet for the spelling if you hear it at the end of the word and you don't know how to spell the word, it's probably your best bet because it's the most common, it appears most regularly.

<v ->Cian, -ssion and the -sion that we're looking at today</v> are less common.

When we are writing a word with an ending that sounds like shun, we might be able to hear a word within the word we are writing.

The last letter or letters of this root word can give us a clue about how to spell that shun suffix, given that there's a number of different shun suffixes.

If it's our -tion, the root word often ends in a t or te.

This is the most common rule.

So here we have our word, invention.

The root word there is invent.

It ends in a t.

So then I add my -ion to make that shun.

Here we have hesitation with that shun, it's spelled -tion.

Our root word there is hesitate, which ends in a te.

So then we use our -tion, shun suffix.

So the last letters here that help us are knowing if our root word ends in a t or a te, it's most commonly, most likely going to be, if you hear that shun sound at the end, a -tion spelling.

Education is another example.

Educate is our root word, it ends in te.

So I remove that te and add our -tion, shun.

Words ending in shun, often sound slightly different, like zhun.

So be careful.

Here we have division.

Please complete that division problem.

If you listen carefully, it's no longer a shun, it's a zhun or a zhu, zhu.

Division, say that for me, division.

Tension, that's our shun.

Again, they have the same spelling.

It's that -sion.


That's that, zhun, isn't it? My turn, your turn.


There was great confusion in the room.


So be careful, that -sion suffix can make both shun, shu, shu, or a zhun, zhu, zhu.

Do you recognise the root word for these words ending in shun or zhun, -sion suffix? Here we have division, we have tension, extension, and decision.

So we have two zhuns and one shun.

They all have that -sion suffix.

Do you recognise any of the root words that these words have been formed from? Pause the video and have a think now.


So division.

I know that that's come from the root word divide, ending in de there.

Tension has come from tense.

Extension has come from extend, and decision has come from decide.

So have a look carefully at these root words for me.

What do you notice about the end of these root words? Pause the video and have a look at them now.

Okay, so I'm wondering what you've spotted then as investigators.

What I've noticed that divide ends in de, tense ends in se, extend ends in d and decide ends in de.

So they end in de, se, or d.

Perhaps then, when our root word ends in either de, se or d, this is most commonly when we would use our <v ->sion suffix then, for either shun or zhun.

</v> So there might be a pattern emerging here, which is that we add our -sion suffix when our root word ends in de, se or d.

So what have we discovered so far then when adding different suffixes? The last letter or letters of the root word can give us a clue about how to spell the shun suffix.

If it's a t, or te at the end of our root word, the most common spelling then will be shun spelt -tion.

And if the root word ends in a d, de, or se, then the most common spelling, or the most likely spelling will be -sion.

But remember, this can sound like shun or zhun, with a zhu.

So let's have a look at this.


Our root word is extend ending in a d.

So it's most likely going to be our -sion spelling.

And division.

Remember that, different sound, not a shun, but a zhun.

Again, divide, ending in a de, so we add our -sion suffix.

Tension, root word tense, ending in se.

So we there, add our -sion, shun suffix.

There are also some words ending in -sio without obvious root word.

So vision, for instance.

My turn, your turn.




So there's no clear root words here, but sometimes we can find Latin roots.

So for instance, vis, we take from Latin, meaning to see, which is where we get vision from, that ability to see with your eyes.

So sometimes we can etymologically work out where the word is coming from and that can help us.

We can also make links between these words and other words to understand how they're spelt.

So for this task, I'd like you to write the related noun ending in the suffix, -sion.

So we have the root words here.

Expand, invade, comprehend, explode and revise.

Remember, when you say them, it might sound like a shun or a zhun.

Think about these words.

They all end in that d, de or se, don't they? So we know it's going to be our -sion spelling for that suffix.

So we need to have a go at creating some new words.

Expansion, invasion, comprehension, explosion and revision.

Pause the video, have a go adding the suffix, -sion now.

Off you go.

Brilliant, great job.

Let's see how you've done them.

So expansion, I've had to remove the d and then add my -sion.

And that's a shun.

Invasion, that's a zhun, zhu, zhu.

<v ->sion spelling still, ending in a d,</v> so remove the de and add my -sion.

Comprehend has become comprehension.

I've taken away the d and added my -sion.

Explode becomes explosion.

That zhun.

That de ending, similar to invade with a de, so it's that zhun.

I've removed the de and add -sion.

And then revise becomes revision.

Again, remove the se, when add our -sion.

So for our practise task now I'd like us to have a go at writing some words that use our -sion suffix.

I'd like you to think, do you recognise a root word there? What ending does that root word have? I'd like you to remember any spelling rules that we've looked at today.

So thinking about when our root words end in certain letters, which spelling are we going to use? And then I'd like us to read the word and check back carefully as well.

So just listen to me say the words first of all.

Number one is decision.


I can't make a decision.

Number two is division.

Division, please complete the division problem.

Number three is confusion.

There was confusion amongst the people.

And the final one, number four, revision.


Complete your revision ahead of the test.

So listen carefully there.

You've either got a shun or a zhun at the end of these words.

You're gonna have a go at writing them now.

Decision, division, confusion, revision.

Pause the video.

Off you go.

Fantastic job, team.

I could see children really reading their work back carefully there.

Lots of consideration being given to root words there and the endings there.

And also some really careful sounding out of words.

Great job.

Let's see how you've done them.

So our first one was decision.

My root word there is decide, it's ending in a de.

So I know it's gonna be my -sion, decision.

Now it's a zhun, isn't it? Zhun sound, so it's my -sion, that making that zhun sound.

Remember, it can make a shun or a zhun.

So my correct spelling here, decide, D-E-C-I-D-E, take off the de and then add my -sion for my zhun.


The next one was division.

Division, divide there is my root word.

Ending in a de again.

Take off the de and add -sion, division, just like it sounds there.

And next one was confusion.


Confuse here, is my root word here, ending in se.

So I'm gonna take away the se and add my -sion, confusion, so this one here.

Remember, we've been looking at the suffix, -sion today, and it can make way for shun or a zhun sound, can't it?.

And here, revision.

Revision, be careful with this one because the first part, I know that it's got that prefix re- at the start.

re, it sounds like ri, ri, rivision, but it's re, revise is my root word there, ending in se.

So remove the se and add that -sion.

We've been adding that -sion suffix, revision, which means to go back over something to relearn it, to look at it again.

Okay, so we had decision, division, confusion, revision, all with that zhun, but that -sion spelling, great job.

How did you do? Did you made any magical mistakes? Do you have any corrections to make? Share your learning, make those corrections now.

Pause the video.

Onto our next learning cycle then, which is spelling curriculum words.

So I wonder what curriculum words we're gonna look at today? Let's have a read of these curriculum words.

My turn, your turn.


Oh, strange spelling there for that A sound.



And February.


Okay, some strange spellings here compared to how they sound.

Have a pause for a moment and think about these words.

What do you notice about the spellings, given how they're spelled, compared to how they sound? Is there anything particularly tricky about these curriculum words? Pause the video and have a think.


So I've noticed a few things.

In reign, there's this eig making that ay sound, which is a less common representation of that sound.

You also have to be really careful with this word because it's a homophone, isn't it? A word that sounds the same but can be spelled differently and have different meanings.

It can rain, R-A-I-N.

That's that rain falling.

A horse has reins that you use to lead it and control it.

A queen or king reigns.

Okay, a monarch might reign.

That's the spelling we've got here today with the eig representation of that ay sound.

So be careful with that word.

The word island, has an is in it doesn't it? It has a silent S, I didn't say is land, but it can help to remember that it's broken up into the words is and land.

Island is spelled, is land.

So be careful with that silent S.

And finally, February, February is a bit of a strange spelling, isn't it? It can really help to break this one up.


So Feb-ru-ar-y, with that Y spelling at the end there can help you to remember the letters that are in it.

Feb-ru-ar-y, or Feb-ru-ar-y can help you remember how to spell that.

So with that in mind, with those curriculum words in our brains are gonna appear a lot on our reading and writing.

Let's have a see if you can remember how to spell them.

Select the correct spelling to complete this sentence.

The Queen's hm, was over 20 years long.

So the Queen's reign, which spelling is the correct spelling of reign here? Watch out for the homophones.

Pause the video and point to it now.


Absolutely, it's not gonna be rain, like the rain falling.

It's not gonna be rein like the rein on a horse.

It's reign with that eig representation of that ay sound, that strange representation reign with that.

We don't hear that G, do we? So the Queen's reign was over 20 years long.

It's how long she was in power for, how long she reigned over her people.

So which of these words then are spelled correctly from those curriculum words we've just looked at? Think what was tricky about them.

Think and think about the strategy that you're gonna use to help you remember how to spell them.


The island was surrounded by water.


Pause the video and point to the correct spelling now.


Now island, remember, has a silent S and it has is and land in it, those words.

Is land spells island.


And then finally, February, the month February.

My friend's birthday is in February.

Point to the correct spelling of February now.

Brilliant, remember it can be hard to remember all of the words that are in, or the letters, sorry, that are in the spelling of February.

So we can break it up, Feb-ru-ar-y or Feb-ru-ar-y, spells February.

So it's F-E-B-R-U-A-R and then Y at the end there.

And remember, it has to have a capital letter 'cause it's a proper noun.

So we're gonna have a go at practising these spellings now, 'cause they're curriculum words.

They're gonna appear a lot in our reading and writing.

It's important that we are confident when spelling them.

So we're gonna use the look, cover, write, check strategy, a really great independent and repetitive strategy right now.

So you're gonna look carefully at each of the words.

You then cover them up.

You then, from memory, have a go at writing them.

And then you check and uncover and look back.

And you do this a number of times.

Even if you get it right first time, you're gonna keep doing it to really make that link between your hand and your brain as well.

That motor or muscle memory.

So really take your time doing this, okay? Look at reign, is the first one.

Think about what's tricky about it.

Or it's that eig for that ray, for that ay sound, isn't it? And then cover it up.

Have a go at writing in your neatest handwriting, cursive handwriting of course.

And then uncover it and check.

Great, got it right, or if you've got it wrong, make a correction and then try again.

Do this a few times for each of our words.

Reign, island and February.

Pause the video and have a go at using our look, cover, write, check strategy now.

Off you go.

Fantastic job, team.

Some wonderful handwriting, some great use of that strategy.

I love this strategy 'cause it allows you to be independent and responsible for your learning.

And that repetitive nature, means that you're self-correcting.

And also it's really embedding that spelling into your long-term memory.

So hopefully you've written out the words reign, island and February a number of times just like this here.

Do you need to check? Do you need to make any corrections? Pause the video and make those now.


So onto our final learning cycle then, which is applying the spellings that we've been looking at with that -sion suffix within a sentence.

So we're gonna have a go now at writing a sentence containing our focus spellings.

Remember, we've been looking at adding that -sion shun or zhun suffix.

So when we write the whole sentence, we have to do several things at once.

So let's really take our time.

We're gonna need to remember the whole sentence.

We're gonna need to sound out each word.

We need to think of our spelling rules, okay, for adding that suffix.

Remember, we'll sometimes know the root words, sometimes we won't, so listen out carefully.

And then we'll look out for those common exception and curriculum words.

And remember, we've looked at three so far today, reign, island and February.

And of course we need to think about our sentence punctuation.

Not only capital letters and full stops, but any other commas and apostrophes and other punctuation that might come in our sentence.

So I'd like to just listen to me say the sentence first of all, use your incredible hearing and just listen to me say it a number of times.

The Queen's decision to visit the island in February caused much excitement.

The Queen's decision to visit the island in February caused much excitement.

So we're gonna use some strategies now to help us remember the sentence.

The first is repeating the sentence several times out loud, saying this until you've got it embedded in your brain.

So remember, our sentence is, the Queen's decision to visit the island in February caused much excitement.

Pause the video and say that a number of times now.

Excellent, the next one is picturing what's happening in your head.

Think of a queen somewhere going to visit an island and all of the people were becoming excited.

The Queen's decision to visit the island in February caused much excitement.

Pause the video and imagine what's happening in your head as you say that now.

And finally, counting the words on our fingers so we know how many there are and we don't miss any words as we say the sentence.

The Queen's decision to visit the island in February caused much excitement.

Pause the video and count that now.

Count how many words there are so you didn't miss any.

Off you go.

How many words did you get there? I made it 12.

If you haven't got 12, have a go at saying the sentence again and make sure you have 12 words.

So you're gonna have a go now writing the sentence.

But before you do, I just wanted to remind you.

Sound out each of those words.

Look out for those common exception curriculum words 'cause there's a few in this sentence, and don't forget your sentence punctuation.

Not only capital letters and full stops, but other punctuation, apostrophes, commas, any other punctuation you think might be in the sentence.

Think carefully about that.

I'll say the sentence one more time.

The Queen's decision to visit the island in February caused much excitement.

Pause the video and have a go at writing that sentence now.

Off you go.

Great job, team.

Done a really fantastic job there.

Some beautiful handwriting, some great application of that shun or zhun, -sion suffix.

And also there are a number of curriculum words in this sentence.

I can see we've had a really good stab at spelling.

So let's check our work and make any corrections as we go along.

The, needs to have a capital letter.

Queen's, now I've given her a capital letter here as well because I feel like she's a proper noun.

She's the Queen of a country.

Now I've got an apostrophe here for singular possession.

So before our s, because it's her decision that she's made, that decision belongs to her.

Oh, and look, decision, that's that -sion with that zhun, our root word is decide ending in de, we remove the de and add our -sion suffix for that zhun.

The Queen's decision to visit the island, is land spells island, remember that silent s, in February, capital letter 'cause it's a proper noun.

And Feb-ru-ar-y or Feb-ru-ar-y spells February.

Remember, break that word up because it can be hard to hear all of the letters in it.

Caused much excitement.

Okay, and of course we have a full stop.

So let's go back through the sentence one more time.

The Queen's, capital letter and apostrophe singular possession, decision, -sion, to visit the island, is land spells island, in February, capital letter Feb-ru-ar-y, caused much excitement, full stop.

How did you do there? What did you learn? Do you have any corrections to make? Share your learning.

Share any magical mistakes and make any corrections now.

Off you go.

Great spelling today, all.

We've been using the suffix, -sion today.

Words ending in the suffix, -sion are nouns.

The shun suffix can be spelt <v ->tion, -sion, -ssion, or -cian.

</v> Words spelt with the -tion often have a root word ending in t or te.

The suffix, -sion sometimes makes the sound zhun, so it can make shun or zhun, like division.

Words spelled with that -sion, often have a root word ending in d, de or se.

So keep an eye out for those.

Keep up the great spelling, keep up the great practise and I'll see you again soon.