
Lesson video

In progress...


Hello, I'm Miss Corbert, and thank you so much for choosing to learn with me today.

I'm really excited for today's lesson, which is called, "The Theme of Community in 'A Superhero Like You.

'" For this lesson, you need a copy of the book, "A Superhero Like You" by Dr Ranj.

You need to make sure that your copy looks just like mine.

Can you pause the video and go and get it for me? Off you go.


I'm so glad you've got your copy.

Now we are ready to get started.

Today's lesson outcome is, I can listen to and respond to a story.

So for this lesson, I need you to have your listening ears, your looking eyes, and your thinking brains.

You will also need somebody to talk to and your copy of "A Superhero Like You." At different parts of the lesson today, we will be reading a story, so you also need somebody to read the story to you.

Can you make sure that you have someone ready to read the story to you? Pause the video if you need to.


I think we're ready to get started.

Here are the key words for our learning today.

Don't worry if you don't know what they all mean because we will see them as we go throughout our lesson, and they will help us get to our learning outcome.

But first, I want to hear you repeat them after me in your loud and proud voice.

Off we go.



We know that fiction means made-up.







And theme.


Fantastic joining in.

Do you think we could go a bit quicker? Fiction, character, setting, plot, theme.

Well done for joining in so well, and I will let you know when those words come up throughout our lesson.

Here is today's lesson.

We will start by exploring character.

Then we will explore the setting and plot.

And finally, we will look at the theme of community.

Let's get started with exploring character.

Can you remember the title of the story without me showing you the front cover? Hmm.

Now let me show you the front cover to give you another clue.

Can you shout the title at me? Well done.

The title of this story is "A Superhero Like You." Your Turn.


So, let's remind ourselves what we can see on the front cover.

Can you pause the video now and tell the person nearby everything that you can see on the front cover? Off you go.

Well done.

You shared so many things that you could see.

Now, as well as the author, Dr.

Ranj, the title, "A Superhero Like You," and the illustrator, Liam Darcy, I can also see lots and lots of illustrations.

Let's see if you saw the same things as me.

I can see a young girl, and she's dressed as a doctor, it looks like, but she's wearing a cape.

I can also see a doctor.

I know he's a doctor because he has a stethoscope around his neck, and there are a few other doctors.

I can see a female doctor in the back there also with a stethoscope around her neck.

I can see a firefighter.

I know that they are both firefighters because they both have helmets on and outfits that remind me of a firefighter.

And I can see a scientist.

Can you see that lady with the goggles? She looks like she's a scientist with goggles, a lab coat, and gloves.

And lots of other people may be doing different jobs, too.

How exciting! A character is a person or animal in the story.

And I think that all of the people on the front cover are characters.

We already know that the author of this book, the person who writes the words, is Dr.

Ranj, who is a real-life doctor, and you can see an illustration of him on the front cover.

Can you see him next to the young girl? I can see him.

The main character is the little girl, I think, because she is the biggest illustration, and the main character is who the story is mostly about.

But I know that we will meet more characters when we are reading.

So, let's see if you've been listening.

Can you think, is a character a person or animal in a story, where the story happens, or the main parts in a story? What is a character? Pause the video and share your idea.

Off you go.

Well done if you said a character is a person or animal in a story.

So a character is who a story is about.

Fantastic remembering.

Look again at the front cover.

Can I see you looking? Remember that the front cover can help us to predict, which makes a guess, about what happens in the story and what the characters are like.

I am looking at the front cover.

I can see the little girl is dressed as a doctor.

Hmm, what else can I see? She is standing strongly with her hands on her hips.

Everybody stand up for me and get your hands on your hips.


She is smiling, and she looks like she's looking at Dr.

Ranj, and she is wearing a superhero cape.

That shows us what we know about the characters in the story.

Now it's my favourite part.

It's time for us to read the first page of the story.

So can you open your book for me and find the first page of the story starting with the word one? Can you pause the video and get the person nearby to read just the first page of the story.

Off you go.

I really hope that you enjoyed the first part of our story.

Have a look at her bedroom.

We know that she is called Lily.

Have a look at Lily's bedroom.

I'm looking at it right now.

What can you see in her bedroom? Can you try and list all of the things that you can see? Pause the video and off you go.


I'm going to say what I can see.

I can see some slippers.

I can see a lizard of some sort.

I can see a rainbow outside.

I can see some comics on the floor, a fire engine, and what looks like a dressing-up box.

Did you see all of the things that I saw? Fantastic.

Now I want you to have a think about how Lily, the little girl, is feeling, and how do you know? Have a look at her.

Lily is feeling.

(hums) I know this because.

(hums) Pause the video.

Off you go.

I heard Lily is feeling excited because she has a big smile on her face.

Lily is feeling happy because she is smiling.

Lily is feeling surprised because her eyes are wide.

Fantastic! Now, you know that Lily has an idea from listening to the story.

You are going to make a prediction about what her idea is.

Then you will explain why you think this using the word because.

Finally, you will listen to somebody else's prediction.

So first, you will say, "I predict that her idea is.

(hums) I think this because.

." Then listen to somebody else's idea.

Pause the video and off you go.

Fantastic predicting, everybody.

Let's see what I heard.

"I predict that her idea is that she wants to meet a superhero." That's an excellent prediction.

That would definitely make her excited.

And I heard that, "I predict that her idea is, she wants to meet a doctor." I think that's using the front cover to help you, too.

Did you make a prediction, and did you listen to somebody else's? Fantastic.

Well done if you did.

Let's move on to the next part of our lesson, exploring the setting and plot.

You are going to listen to the next page, starting with the word "Mom." Can you pause the video now and listen and look at the illustrations on the next page.

Off you go.

Welcome back.

I hope you listened really well.

The plot is what happens in a story.

The character Lily decides she wants to be a superhero.

So this will be part of the plot, which is what happens in the story.

Now, can you turn the page, and you are going to listen to the next two pages being read, starting with the word "A" and ending with the word "place." Remember to stop at the word "place." Listen to the words and look at the illustrations.

Pause the video now.

Happy listening! Fantastic.

Are you enjoying the story so far? I really am.

So, what we know about the plot, which is what happens in the story, is that Lily has decided she wants to be a real superhero, not a fictional superhero, a made-up superhero with superpowers.

Instead, she wants to be someone who can help others in real life.

This is just like what we saw on the front cover, the doctors, the scientists, the firefighters, people who help other people.

Let's check how well you have been listening.

Is this true or false? Get your thumbs up for true ready or your thumbs down for false.

The plot is what happens in the story, true or false? The plot is what happens in the story.

I'll give you five seconds to decide.

Get ready to show me your thumbs.


And zero.

Let me see.

Well done if you have your thumbs up.

The plot is what happens in the story, the main events in the story.

Let's keep reading.

Can you turn the page, and you are going to start reading the next page, listening to that person read to you with the word "that's." Then you are going to keep reading.

Keep reading and stop at the word "world." Look at the illustrations and listen to the words.

Pause the video now.

Off you go.

I really hope you're enjoying the story.

We're getting so far into it.

Well done for listening so well.

Lily is imagining what she could be and how she will help people, and so far she's imagined being a doctor, a firefighter, and a teacher.

Which other jobs might help people? Lily really wants to help people.

So which other jobs might help people? Can you pause the video and try and think of some? Off you go.

I heard some excellent ideas.

Well done.

Keep those ideas in your head and see if they come up next.

As Lily is travelling with different jobs, she is showing the setting of the story, another one of our keywords, setting.

So as she's moving around, we can see the setting because the setting is where the story happens.

Having a look at it and looking at the illustrations, it looks like a city.

And as Dr.

Ranj is a British author, the setting is likely to be in the United Kingdom.

So, let's see if we've been remembering.

What is a setting? Is it, a setting is, who is in the story, a setting is where the story takes place, or a setting is what happens in the story? Hmm.

Is it who, where it happens, or what happens? Hmm, pause the video and have a think.

Off you go.

Let's see if you were right.

A setting is where the story takes place like a city or a castle or the woods.


Well done.

I think we are ready to read some more of the story.

I want you to listen carefully and look at the illustrations to help you really understand the setting, where it's all happening, and the plot, what is happening.

You are going to read on from where you were, and I want you to stop at the word "time." Can you pause the video and listen? Off you go.

Fantastic listening.

I'm so glad you seem to be enjoying this story.

Now, we have seen so many jobs, things that people do for work, that Lily has helped in.

I wonder, can you remember all of them? Pause the video and off you go.

Well done.

Let's see if you remembered them all.

Lily has imagined, so in her head she's thought about working in lots of different jobs that help people.

Let's see if you remembered.

She imagined she was a doctor, a firefighter, a teacher, an air ambulance pilot flying in the sky to help those who have been hurt, a carer caring for elderly people who need some help, a recycling truck driver, collecting all of the rubbish, a scientist making new discoveries, and a vet caring for lots of animals.

That is so many different ways of helping.

Now, I'm going to list four jobs.

These are all jobs that help people, but Lily has only imagined having two of them.

Can you find the two that she's imagined having? You could look back in the book to help you remember.

So, you are trying to find two.

Teacher, police officer, nurse, and air ambulance pilot.

Pause the video, look back in the book if you need to to find the two jobs she's imagined having.

Off you go.


Let's see if you've got them.

It was teacher and air ambulance pilot.

So all of these jobs are helpful.

Teachers help children how to learn.

Police officers help to keep people safe.

Nurses help to make people feel better.

And air ambulance pilots travel in the sky to help people who have been hurt where an ambulance can't get to.

But in the story, Lily only imagined being a teacher and an air ambulance pilot.

Well done for looking back in the book to help you.

That helps you remember the plot, the main event in the story.

Now, it's my favourite part.

You get to listen to the end of the story.

So read from where you were all the way to the end.

I hope you enjoy the ending just like I do.

Pause the video.

Off you go.

Did you enjoy the ending? I love the ending of how she decides she wants to be a superhero doctor, just like her mum.

Lily is describing the people who work in these jobs as superheroes because they all show caring superpowers.

Now it's your turn to see if you can list all of the eight jobs that Lily imagined having in the story.

And then challenge yourself to think of three more jobs that help others.

So there are eight jobs in the story, and I wonder if you could think of three more other jobs that are helpful.

You could look at the very start of the book for some other illustrations to help you.

Pause the video and off you go.

Well done.

Let's see if you remembered all eight.

Maybe as I'm listing them, you could look back in the book to see if you can find them.

Let's see.

Lily imagined she would be a doctor, a firefighter, a teacher, an air ambulance pilot, a carer, a recycling truck driver, a scientist, and a vet.

Eight jobs.

Did you remember all of them? Or did you use the book to help you remember all of them? If you did, that's fantastic.

I wonder if you then thought of three more.

Other jobs that might help others are a shop worker to help people get all the things they need, a nurse to help care for people, and a soldier to help protect people.

Well done if you managed to list all eight from the story and even more.

Let's move on to the final part of our lesson, the theme of community.

Let's find out what that means.

Have a look or think about all of the jobs from the story.

You can look back in the book if you want to.

Have a think.

What is the same about all of these jobs? They're all different jobs, but what is the same about them? I'm going to let you have a little think for five seconds.


Excellent thinking.

All of the jobs that Lily imagines having are jobs that help others in their community.

Well done.

One of the themes of this book is the importance of community.

Theme is one of our key words.

A theme is a main idea from the story told by the plot.

So, we learn what the theme is, the big idea, through understanding the plot of the story.

Now we've got to the end, we know the whole plot and the theme.

A community.

Can you say that word for me again? Community is a group of people who work together to help each other, such as your local area that you live in, your school, your family community, your team community that you might be a part of if you go to a club after school.

Can you think of any communities that you are part of? Think about your local area, your family, your school, or maybe a special team or club that you are part of.

Can you think of one and share it with me? Pause the video and have a think.

So many different ideas, and it feels really special to be part of a community because you know that people are there to help you.

I'm going to explain how a recycling truck driver, like we saw in the story, helps the community.

Recycling truck drivers help everyone to keep the streets and houses clean.

So, I've said who the group of people is who help and I've said who they help.

Is it everyone? Is it a group of people? And what they do to help to keep the streets and houses clean.

Now it's your turn.

You are going to explain how teachers help the community.

Hmm, let's have a think.

Teachers help.

Who do they help and what do they do? Pause the video and have a think.


Teachers help children to learn.

So both helpful jobs, they're both the same because they're helpful, but they're different in how they are helpful to the community.

The superheroes that Lily is talking about are all part of a local community who help others through their jobs.

All local areas have their own police officers, their own firefighters, their own recycling collectors and so on.

People who work in the community must be helpful, caring, hardworking, and team players just like the superheroes in stories and films. But the difference is these are real people helping them.

This story teaches us the importance of those people in our community and that we should be thankful and grateful for their help.

So, I'm going to tell you about a time when someone in the community helped me.

Once, a vet helped me to make my cat feel better when she was unwell, and I felt really thankful.

I was grateful because I'd been so worried about my cat and then she felt better thanks to the help of the kind vet.

Now it's your turn.

First, you are going to tell somebody a time when someone in the community helped you.

So you need to do some thinking.

Who has helped you? Maybe it's somebody who has a job from the story or maybe somebody who has a different job.

Draw a picture of you and them in this place, in this setting, and show how you are feeling.

So firstly, tell them, "A (hums) helped me when.

I felt.

." Then you are going to draw a picture of you and the person who helped you in the place that they helped you, and show on your face how you are feeling.

I can't wait to hear these 'cause these are such lovely ideas to talk about and show that we're thankful, and I can't wait to see your drawing.

Pause the video and off you go.


It's so lovely to hear how people in our community can help everybody in so many different ways.

And what fantastic drawing.

Let's think.

This is something that I heard.

"A nurse helped me when I felt unwell.

I felt grateful." What's a lovely word to show that you're thankful, and I can see some super drawings as well.

So, who helped you and how do you feel? Could you think back to your drawing and your feelings? No wonder Lily thinks all of these people are superheroes because look how people in our communities can be so helpful.

Well done, everybody.

That is the end of our lesson.

So today we've learned so much.

We have learned that most stories start by introducing the main characters, who is in the story, the setting, and the plot.

Characters are who is in the story.

The setting is where a story takes place, and the plot is what happens in the story.

In this story, the plot explores the theme of community and the importance of helping others.

Thank you so much for learning with me today, and I really hope to see you soon.
