
Lesson video

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Hello, my name is Ms. Shaw.

I'm so excited to be learning with you today.

I will be helping you with your geography lesson.

We're going to have such a great time learning together in this lesson.

Let's start our learning journey.

Welcome to today's lesson from the unit, The UK.

What kind of place is it? This lesson is called the UK and its surrounding seas.

And you will be learning how to locate the UK on a globe and world map, and annotate a map with key information.

Some of the learning is brand new, but I'm here to help you.

We are building on our previous learning of understanding the local area and the different features of different places.

I'm very excited to get started.

I hope you are, too.

The key words we will be using today are country, island, coastline, English Channel.

And we will be learning more about them throughout our lesson.

Let's do my turn, your turn.







English Channel.

English Channel.

Well done.

A country is an area of land that has its own government and can be large or small.

An island is a piece of land, smaller than a continent, that is surrounded by water.

A coastline is the boundary between the land and the sea or ocean.

The English Channel is a narrow part of the Atlantic Ocean that separates the south coast of England from France.

I want you to be using these key words throughout our lesson as well.

Every time you and your partner uses a key word, I want you to give yourself a thumbs up like this.

We live in the United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom is also known as the UK for short.

Here is a map of the United Kingdom.

Now, let's think about the countries that are located in the United Kingdom.

There are four countries in the United Kingdom.

They are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

One of the countries in the United Kingdom is Northern Ireland.

Even though Northern Ireland is separated by seas from Scotland, England, and Wales, it is part of the UK.

The Republic of Ireland is located south of Northern Ireland.

But it is not part of the UK.

The Republic of Ireland borders Northern Island.

Now, let's check your learning so far by answering this question together.

Which of the following countries is not part of the United Kingdom? Is it A.





Republic of Ireland.

Or D, Northern Island.

What do you think? Pause the video and have a go at answering the question.

That's right.

The Republic of Ireland is not part of the UK.

Well done if you got it right.

You can give yourself a pat on the back or a thumbs up.

Islands are pieces of land that are surrounded by seas.

There are many islands all over the world.

The UK, where we live, is made up of islands.

Some islands in the United Kingdom are large and some are smaller.

England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are countries on the two largest islands.

One island is called Great Britain.

England, Scotland and Wales are located on the island of Great Britain.

Whereas Northern Ireland is located on the island of Ireland.

The UK has over 6,000 islands in total, but most of these islands are very small and don't have many people living on them.

However, some of the UK's islands have a very large number of people living there.

In England, there is a small island located in the south of the United Kingdom.

It is called the Isle of Wight.

Even though it is a small island, it has a lot of people living there.

It has a population of more than 130,000.

How many people live in the Isle of Wight? Pause the video now and share your ideas with your partner or teacher.

Well done.

Did you say the population of the Isle of Wight is 130,000 people? If you did, well done.

That is a tricky number to say.

So let's have another little check here.

This is a true or false question.

So you have to think carefully about if it's something is true or not.

The UK has lots of islands.

Is that true or false? Pause the video here and have a go at that question.


Let's look at this question together.

The UK has lots of islands.

That's true.

Now, I want you to justify your answer.

That means you have to explain why.

There are two reasons here to find out and tell it apart from each other.

Think about which answer explains why it's true, that the UK has lots of islands.

Pause the video here and justify your answer.

Yes, that's right.

The UK has lots of islands and there are over 6,000 islands around the UK.

Let's carry on with our thinking about the UK.

The place where we live is called the UK.

What does the UK stand for again? Pause the video and tell your partner or teacher.

Did you say United Kingdom? Well done if you did.

The United Kingdom is on two large islands.

Remember that an island is a piece of land that is surrounded by sea.

The United Kingdom is surrounded by oceans and seas.

Remember, oceans and seas are large areas of water found around islands.

Today we are going to be thinking like geographers, so let's look at the map.

The Atlantic Ocean is an ocean located next to Scotland, an island.

Did you know that the Atlantic Ocean stretches all the way to North America and South America? The Irish Sea is the sea that separates Great Britain and Ireland.

The North Sea is situated on the east side of the UK.

It is located next to Scotland and England.

In the south of the United Kingdom, the English channel is a narrow arm of the Atlantic Ocean.

It separates the south coast of England from the north coast of France.

All of the oceans and seas that surround the UK will have something called a coastline.

A coastline is a part of an island which sits along the edge of the sea.

It is where land meets water.

People often will call the coastline the sea or the shore.

Britain has over 18,000 miles of coastline.

If you were to walk around it, it would take you three years to complete.

That's a very long way.

Now it's time for our first task now.

Here is a map of the UK.

I want you to label this map of the UK with the four countries in the United Kingdom.

Label the islands of Great Britain and Ireland.

And as many seas and oceans as you can remember.

Pause the video here and have a go at this task.

Did you label all the countries in the United Kingdom? Well done if you labelled the island of Great Britain on the east side of the map.

The countries in the island of Great Britain are England, Scotland, and Wales.

Now on the west side of the map, the island of Ireland, which is made up of two countries, but remember, only Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom.

Then there are oceans and seas which surround the UK.

The Irish Sea is located between the island of Great Britain and the island of Ireland.

The English Channel is located south of England, and borders on the country France, which is in Europe.

Then located around the coastline of the United Kingdom is the North Sea, located east of Scotland and England.

This sea is known to have harsh weather conditions sometimes.

And finally, located northwest of the United Kingdom, is the Atlantic Ocean.

This ocean stretches all the way to the Americas.

Well done for completing your first task.

Let's continue with today's learning.

Now we're going to think about where is the UK located? The world is made up of seven continents.

A continent is a large area of land.

How many of the seven continents can you name? Pause the video here and discuss this as a class.

How many of the seven continents did you manage to name? The seven continents are Europe.





South America and North America.

Let's have a check here.

How many continents are there in the world? Is it A.




Or C.


Pause the video here and have a go at this check.

Did you answer C? Well done.

That's right.

There are seven continents in the world.

Now that we know there are seven continents in the world, let's have a look at which continent the UK is in.

The UK is located in the continent of Europe.

So the countries England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, are all located in the continent Europe.

Pause the video here, and tell your partner or teacher what continent is the UK in.

Well done if you said Europe.

You are really thinking like geographers now.

When you are thinking like a geographer, you can use compass directions to describe where something is.

You can use the compass directions north, east, south and west to describe where something is located.

So on the map, you can see that the United Kingdom is located in the northwest of Europe.

If a country lies between the north and west part of the map, it is known as the northwest.

If a country, for example, Finland, lies between the north and east, then it would be in Northeast Europe.

In the southeast part of Europe, there are countries such as Ukraine and Romania.

And finally, in the southwest of Europe, there are countries such as Spain and Portugal.

So the United Kingdom is located in the northwest of Europe.

What part of Europe is the UK located in? My turn, Northwest Europe.

Your turn.

Northwest Europe.

So let's have another little check here.

This is a true and false question.

So you have to think carefully about if something is true or not.

The UK is in the northeast of Europe.

Is that true or false? Pause the video here and have a go at that question.


Let's look at this question together.

The UK is in the northeast of Europe.

That's false.

Now, I want you to justify your answer.

That means you have to explain why.

There's two reasons here to find it or tell it apart from each other.

Think about which answer explains why it's false, that the UK is in the northeast of Europe.

Pause the video here and justify your answer.

Yes, that's right.

The UK is not in the southwest of Europe.

It is in the northwest of Europe.

Now it's time for task B, which is your second task in today's lesson.

I would like you to now practise writing a letter to a pen pal from India describing the UK and where it is located.

You should include how many countries make up the UK, and what are their names? Which oceans and seas surround the UK? Which continent is the UK in? And what other country has a coastline at the English channel? Remember to use capital letters and full stops.

Pause the video here and have a go at this task.

Well done for writing a letter describing the UK, and where it is located.

Does it look like mine? Did you remember to include the countries in the UK, which are England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland? Did you tell your pen pal that the UK is located in the continent Europe? Did you remember that the English Channel, North Sea, Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean surround the UK, and that the English channel separates the UK and France? Good job.

That was a lot of knowledge to remember.

Give yourselves a pat on the back or a thumbs up.

Let's just go through a summary of the learning that we've completed together today.

We've learned that the UK is made up of four countries, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

We've also talked about how the UK has 6,000 islands.

We've gained knowledge about how the UK is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the Irish Sea, the English Channel and the North Sea.

We've learned that the UK is located in the northwestern part of Europe.

You've been fantastic today.

Give yourself one last thumbs up.

And well done for joining me today, and sharing your learning with me.

See you next time for some more geography lessons.
