
Lesson video

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Hello, my name is Ms. Chorekdjian.

I'm so excited to be learning with you today.

I will be helping you with your geography lesson.

We are going to have a great time learning together today.

Let's get started.

Welcome to today's lesson from our unit called, "Continence and Oceans: What can we find out about the world?" This lesson is called, "The UK's Place in the world." Your learning outcome will be to use atlases and maps to locate the UK in the world.

Some of the learning is brand new, but I'm here to help you.

This links back to previous learning you might have done about your local area and more globally locating and naming Earth's seven continents and Earth's five oceans.

And you might have also looked at some rivers and some mountains from around the world too.

I'm really excited to get started, I hope you are too.

Here are the key words that we will be using together throughout our lesson.

Let's practise saying them together.


Europe, Europe.

Globe, Globe.


Let's find out what these key words mean.


The United Kingdom includes the countries of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.


A country is an area of land that has its own government and can be large or small.


Europe is a continent in the Northern hemisphere.


A globe is a map of the earth on a sphere.

Well done everyone.

I want you to be using these keywords throughout our lesson as well.

Are you ready to start your learning for today? Fantastic, let's begin.

Here are the learnings working through together in today's lesson.

First, we will be located the UK and then we'll be thinking about the UK's place in the world.

Are you ready to start your learning today? Fantastic.

We have been learning about the seven continents and five oceans of the world.

Can you remember the names of all of the seven continents and all of the five oceans? Talk to your partner and see if you can name them all.

You could even do this as a think pair and share activity.

Pause the video now.

How did you get on? Did you name the five oceans? We've got the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Southern Ocean.

Well done if you were able to name and locate all of those oceans.

Fantastic, you can give yourselves a big thumbs up.

Moving on to the seven continents.

Were you able to name them all? Were you able to locate them all? Let's go through them together.

We've got Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Oceania, and Antarctica.

Well done if you are able to name and locate all of those seven continents and all of the five oceans.

Good job everyone, you can give yourselves another thumbs up.

It's now time for a quick check.

How many continents and oceans are there? A, three continents and five oceans.

B, Give continents and seven oceans.

C, seven continents and three oceans.

Or D, seven continents and five oceans.

Pause the video and complete that check.

How did you get on everyone? Did you say D, seven continents and five oceans? That's correct, there are seven continents and five oceans in the world.

Good job if you got that right.

The continents can be divided into smaller areas known as countries.

Here you can see that we've zoomed into the continent of Africa, and all over Africa you can see all the countries are divided and separated by those smaller black lines.

And if you look carefully at this map, you can see all the other continents have been divided in a similar way as well.

So those are the countries that are within the continents.

They're all smaller areas that are divided by their borders.

We can locate the United Kingdom on a globe and our location in the UK on a map.

I wonder if you can have a look at that picture and see if you can spot where the UK might be.

Pause the video and see if you can spot the UK.

How did you get on? Did you spot it here? Good job if you did.

Here is the UK located on a globe.

Shall we work together and see if we can locate it on a map together? Here's a map of the world.

The UK, or United Kingdom, is located in the continent of Europe.

Pause the video and see if you can locate the continent of Europe.

How did you get on? Were you able to locate the continent of Europe? There it is.

And if we zoom in a little bit closer, we can see Europe here all divided into different countries.

Can you spot where the UK is? The UK is the country that is predominantly green on this map.

Well done everyone if you were able to locate the continent of Europe and then the United Kingdom within that.

Good job, you can give yourselves a thumbs up.

It is time for a quick check here.

Which continent is this? Pause the video and complete this check.

How did you get on? Were you able to say that this continent is Europe? Good job.

The UK is located in the northwest of Europe, so you can see looking at this map here and the compass that's next to it, the UK is positioned to the north and to the west of the main continent of Europe.

There it is.

And if we look closer, here's a map showing the countries that make up the United Kingdom.

We've got Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, and Wales, and as we said, the UK is located in the northwest of Europe.

It's time to complete this check now.

Let's fill in the missing gap in this sentence.

The UK is located in the mm of Europe.

Is it A, north East? B, North West? C, South West? or D, South East? Which of those completes the sentence? Pause the video now and complete this check.

Well, geographers, how did you get on? Did you say that the UK is located in the north west of Europe? Good job if you did, that's correct.

Well done, you can give yourselves another thumbs up.

This is fantastic learning so far today.

The UK is located in Europe with the Atlantic Ocean to its west.

Where can you spot the Atlantic Ocean on this map? Pause the video and tell your partner if you know where the Atlantic Ocean is located on this map.

Good job everybody.

Were you able to use the compass and look carefully at this map to spot the Atlantic Ocean? There it is.

And remember we said that the Atlantic Ocean is to the west of the United Kingdom.

We've also said that the United Kingdom is to the northwest of Europe.

Well done if you've got that right.

Four countries make up the UK.

If you were listening carefully earlier, I did mention them to you.

Do you know what those four countries are? Pause the video and see if you can think about the four countries that make up the United Kingdom.

How did you get on? Were you able to name the four countries that make up the United Kingdom? Let's go through them together.

The four countries that make up the United Kingdom and their capital cities are Scotland.

So Scotland's capital city is Edinburgh.

Well done if you said Scotland and a very special well done if you were able to locate Scotland there as the orange part that's represented on our map.

The next country that makes up the United Kingdom is England.

England is shaded in green on this map, and the capital city of England is London.

Next we have Northern Ireland.

You can see Northern Ireland there in yellow, and the capital city of Northern Ireland is Belfast.

And finally, the fourth country that makes up the United Kingdom is Wales, and the capital city of Wales is Cardiff.

Well done if you were able to name all four countries that make up the United Kingdom.

Let's go through them together so that we are sure that we don't forget.

Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Scotland, England, England, Wales, Wales.

Good job everyone.

It's now time for a check.

What are the names of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom? A, England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales? B, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales? C, England, Ireland, Scotland and Belfast? Or D, Edinburgh, Ireland, Scotland and Wales? Pause the video now and complete that check.

How did you get on? Were you able to name the four countries that make up the UK? Did you say B? That's right, the four countries that make up the UK are England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

That's fantastic, you can give yourselves a big thumbs up.

Here's a map of the United Kingdom.

Let's think about where we might live.

One pupil in Oak primary School, Sophia, says that she lives in the capital city of England.

Where does she live? Pause the video and see if you can work out or remember what the capital city of England is.

How did you get on? Were you able to locate where Sophia lives? Did you say London? That's right, well done if you did.

London is the capital city of England, and England is one of the four countries that makes up the United Kingdom.

Good job everyone.

Which country in the UK do you live in? Which city do you live in or closest to? Pause the video now and have that discussion as a class.

Think about which of these four countries in the UK you live in, and see if you can locate the city that's nearest or closest to you, or if you can spot the city that you live in on this map.

Pause the video now and have that discussion as a class.

Well done everyone.

I'm sure you were able to say and locate which of the four countries making up the UK that you live in, and I'm sure you had a really good discussion locating the city that you live in or the city that's closest to you.

That's fantastic learning for today.

It's now time for task A.

What I would like you to do for part one is to locate the continent that the UK is in.

Then I would like you to locate the UK, and finally I'd like you to name and locate the ocean to the west of the UK.

Pause the video now and complete task A.

how did you get on everyone? Did you locate the continent that the UK is in? That continent is called Europe.

Well done if you did.

Next, were you able to locate the UK within the continent of Europe? Good job, fantastic.

And finally, were you able to say that the Atlantic Ocean is to the west of the UK? Good job everyone.

I'm sure you worked really hard for that task.

You can give yourselves a big thumbs up.

That's fantastic learning so far.

Let's continue with our lesson.

Now that we've located the UK, it's time to think about the UK's place in the world.

The UK is an island, but it is connected globally to other places and countries in Europe and around the globe.

There we can see the UK located on our map.

It's now time to think about the connections and how the UK is connected globally to other countries and other continents.

One way it is connected is because some people might have been born in other countries around the world, or they may have friends and family who live in other countries around the world.

Do any of you have friends or family that live in other parts of the world? Were any of you born in different countries? Pause the video and have that discussion.

Let's take a look at Sophia.

So we know that Sophia was born in London because she told us where she lives earlier.

She said she was born in the UK.

There's the UK located on our map of Europe.

"But my parents were born in Athens in a country called Greece.

Greece is in Europe." So there's Greece.

You can see that already there's a connection there between the United Kingdom and Greece, and that's because Sophia was born in the UK, in England, and her parents were born in Athens, which is a place in Greece.

Greece and the UK are both in the continent of Europe.

There you can see a closer view of Greece.

"I am connected to the UK and to Greece." Can you see how one pupil has connected those two places? Let's explore this a little more together.

Sophia's going to tell us about more connections that she has.

"I live in the UK." There you can see the UK located on our map.

"My uncle lives in Canada, in the continent of North America." There's Canada.

So you can see that Canada is a country that's in a different continent to the UK.

Canada is in the continent of North America whilst the UK is in the continent of Europe.

There you can see the continent of North America.

"I am connected to the UK as well as Greece and Canada." So we've learned about the UK's connection to two different places and that's through Sophia and her family.

We've learned about her connection to Greece because her parents were born there.

Remember that Greece is in the continent of Europe.

And then we found out that she also has a connection to Canada.

Canada is a country in the continent of North America, and she's connected to that place because that's where her uncle lives.

I'm sure lots of you are connected to different places in different continents, either through yourselves, your parents, your family, or your friends.

It's now time for a quick check here.

This is a true or false question, so that means you've got to think really carefully about whether or not this statement is true.

"We live in the UK, but we are connected to other countries around the world." Is that true or false? Pause the video and answer that question.

How did you get on? Did you say true? That's correct, we are connected to other countries around the world even though we live in the UK.

It's now time to justify our answer and think about why it's true.

Is it because A, people are only connected to the place they live in now, or B, people are connected to lots of places through friends and family? Pause the video now and justify your answer.

How did you get on? Did you say B? That's correct.

So even though we live in the UK, we are connected to other countries around the world, and that's because people are connected to lots of places through their friends and their family.

Remember that example of Sophia? She was born in the UK, in England in fact, and she was connected to Athens in Greece, which is in the continent of Europe, and that's because her parents were born there, and then she was also connected to Canada, which is located in the continent of North America, and that's because her uncle lives there, and I'm sure lots of you have other connections to different countries and continents as well.

It is now time for task B.

What I would like you to do is to use globes, maps, and atlases to explore your connection to other countries around the world.

They might be countries that are in the same continent as the one we live in, Europe, or there might be countries that are in different continents, the same as Sophia's uncle.

What I would like you to do is to think about where you were born, where your parents were born, and where other family members were born or live.

So you can use globes, maps, and atlases to explore your connection to other countries around the world, and you can use these questions here as a focus.

Pause the video now and complete task B.

How did you get on exploring your connection to other countries around the world? You could have written something like this.

"I live in London, which is a city in England, which is part of the United Kingdom.

The UK is located in the continent of Europe with the Atlantic Ocean to the west." So I've talked there about myself, and then I've related that to other countries and other continents through my family members.

"Some of my family live in other countries in the world.

My uncle lives in Canada, which is located in the continent of North America." I'm sure you had lots of fun there exploring all of your connections to other countries and other continents.

You've been fantastic today.

You've thought really hard about the UK and locating it.

You've also thought really hard about the four countries that make up the UK, and you've also thought about the UK's place in the world by exploring your connections to other countries and other continents.

We've now come to the end of our lesson.

Let's go through a quick summary of all of the learning that we've completed together today.

Continents are divided into small areas known as countries.

The UK is a country located in Europe with the Atlantic Ocean to its west.

We can locate the UK on a globe and our location in the UK on a map.

We may have friends and family who live in other countries around the world.

Good job everyone, you've been fantastic today.

You can give yourselves another thumbs up.

Thank you for joining me today and for sharing your learning with me.

I'll see you next time for more geography Lessons soon.
