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Hello there, my name is Mr. Wilshire, and in this lesson we are going to be looking at the use of animal hearts in humans.

The outcome for our lesson is, "I can consider arguments for and against "the use of animal hearts "to repair or replace human hearts." There are some keywords to consider as we work through our lesson.

Don't worry if you're not too sure what some of them mean, because the meaning will become clear as we go through the different slides.

The keywords are heart, transplant, pros and cons, research, and debate.

If you'd like to make yourself clear on some of the definitions, you can pause the video now and continue when you've finished.

The first part of our lesson is called heart health.

Now, the heart, blood, and blood vessels all work together as part of a system in the human body.

This is called the circulatory system.

Here you can see the heart.

This is the blood that is pumped throughout the body.

And there are blood vessels that reach all the different corners of the body and reach different organs and muscles and cells, which also need blood to survive.

Remember, the blood isn't just blood, is it? It's made up of four different parts that do different jobs.

The blood also helps to transport different things, like oxygen and nutrients, to the body, and take away carbon dioxide and other waste products.

So what's the main function of the circulatory system? Pause the video and have a think.

Restart when you've done that.

So what is the main function of the circulatory system? Well, here you can see a moving image of the heart pumping blood through the blood vessels.

The circulatory system delivers oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body, and then removes the waste that we do not need, such as carbon dioxide.

This is delivered back to the lungs to be exhaled back out into the air.

It's important to live a healthy lifestyle to help your heart perform its many different functions.

Laura says, "The heart performs many functions.

"If it can't pump properly, "it can't transport blood around the body." Sam says, "Well, staying healthy "is really important for your body "and your mental wellbeing." What can you do to help keep your heart healthy? Because it doesn't just happen on its own, you need to be responsible for the organs and system inside your body, too.

So what can be done to make sure that you keep it healthy? Pause the video and have a discussion.

Restart when you've done that.

So what kind of things have you chosen to keep your heart healthy? There are lots of different ways that you can keep it healthy.

You could make sure you have a healthy diet.

You can make sure that you do lots of regular exercise.

You could choose different sports, couldn't you? Sam says, "Well, eating a healthy diet provides you "with the nutrients that your body needs.

"Exercising helps to keep you and your heart healthy." It's also exercising is going to burn off that excess fat that you don't need.

Too many nutrients stored up over a long time can actually make you a little bit unhealthy, so it's a very good idea to get lots of exercise to make sure that you use them up in some way.

Let's stop and think.

Which of the following is a good way to stay healthy? Is it eating a balanced diet or exercising regularly? Eating only fatty foods or resting your body as much as possible? Choose which you think are the correct answers.

The correct answers here are eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly.

So other factors can also affect your heart health.

Some people may develop disease of the heart or their blood vessels later on in life.

Laura says, "Well, apart from an unbalanced diet "and lack of exercise, I wonder what else can cause heart problems." Hmm, what do you think? Do you have any ideas? Or is it just being unhealthy that gives you those problems? Pause the video and have a discussion.

Restart when you've done that.

So what did you talk about? Is there another way that your heart can become unhealthy? Can your heart become unhealthy even if you do exercise and have a balanced diet? Let's find out more.

Smoking can cause significant problems for the heart and many other organs in the body.

Smoking can reduce the flow of blood to and from the heart by causing damage to blood vessels.

Here you can see a picture of some lungs that have been damaged by smoking.

When you are inhaling the smoke, all of this tar can get inside to your lungs and start to make them diseased.

This can then have greater effects on your body.

Smoke can affect how easily oxygen and carbon dioxide can pass through the lungs and to and from your blood.

Some people could also be born with heart problems. Here you can see a baby inside an incubator, which is a specialist piece of equipment that hospitals use when somebody is very, very unwell.

And a baby won't have much of an immune system to fight off any infections.

So, putting them inside an incubator helps 'em to breathe and helps to keep them alive, helps the doctors and nurses to make sure that they are still healthy and well.

Some children are born with holes in their heart, or they may have a heart which beats at an irregular way.

Often this is monitored to check if the body can heal itself, and it often does.

However, if it does not, surgery may be needed to help fix the problem.

As you grow up, your body is going to grow and develop.

Your heart will also get slightly larger in size as you grow to match your body.

So, as these problems develop, sometimes the heart is actually able to repair itself, but other times you may need some surgical assistance to make sure that your heart is still healthy and working.

Some heart problems will occur later in life when blood vessels become blocked or the valves in the heart fail.

This could be due to an unhealthy lifestyle, or it could be something that you don't have much control over, and it's just something that has happened to your heart.

Doctors are able to check for these symptoms using some specialist equipment and then are able to treat it.

That's why it's very important to go to the doctors to seek some help if you notice that something doesn't feel quite right.

For some people, they may need advice on changing their lifestyle, or they may need some surgery to help them out.

Here, you can see the specialist equipment.

This is a heart rate monitor, and so that the doctor doesn't have to sit there counting the amount of times that the heart beats, this piece of machinery actually does it for them and gives lots of other readouts as well.

Let's stop and think.

Everyone is born with a healthy heart.

Is that true or false? The answer here, unfortunately, is false.

Can we justify that answer? The heart is a very tricky organ.

Now, some people can be born with heart problems and others may develop problems in later life.

It isn't just older people who have these problems. So what can be done to help people who have problems with their heart? Alex says, "Well, what if you're born with a heart problem or have always been healthy and exercise a lot?" What do you think? What can be done? Pause the video here.

Restart when you've discussed.

A surgery is one way that a human heart can be repaired.

This is often a lifesaving procedure.

Here you can see some surgeons working together in a surgical theatre, using some machinery and making sure that they're all wearing safety clothing to make sure that everyone is safe, including the patient.

A surgery, called a heart transplant, involves removing an unhealthy heart and replacing it with a healthy heart.

This is only considered when a heart condition doesn't improve enough with medications or other surgeries.

Remember I said as well that the body sometimes is able to repair itself.

There's also some medication that you can take that can make sure that the heart can continue to do this.

Surgery is something that would happen if all of those things have failed.

Laura and Sam are talking about heart transplants.

Laura here says, "Well, my uncle has an unhealthy heart.

"He's on the waiting list for a heart transplant.

"My aunty says he needs to consider the pros and cons, "but what does that mean?" Sam says, "Pros and cons are arguments "for and against something.

"Pros are the positive points "and cons are the negative ones." Let's stop and think.

A heart transplant may be considered for a patient when.

Choose the correct statement.

The correct answer here is b.

A heart condition has not improved with other surgeries.

So here's your first task.

You need to have a discussion here.

Talk to a partner and consider the pros and cons of having a heart transplant.

What's good about a heart transplant and what might be bad? What could the negative effects be? Best of luck with your task.

Restart the video when you've done that.

So how did you get on? Some of the ideas that are written down could be different to yours.

That's okay.

The pros of heart transplants are having a better quality of life.

You might be able to do things that you struggled to do before.

You're going to be able to live longer, and there's less time and money spent on medical help or assistance.

The cons, though, are the surgery could cause other problems. Remember, surgery means that they would need to cut into a part of your body that could cause some other damage.

The new heart may not work, and it may be rejected.

There's a very long recovery time for these kind of surgical procedures, and it may seem very scary to have your heart being replaced.

Hopefully some of your answers are very similar to that, or you may have found some different ideas as well.

Keep hold of those ideas, though, because you are going to need them for the next task in the next part of the lesson.

The next part of our lesson is called considering arguments for and against.

So scientists and doctors use technology and research to assist saving people's lives.

Alex says, "Wow, how amazing! "Where do they get the correct parts "to replace organs in the circulatory system?" Well, transplanted hearts can come from organ donors who have needed to donate their organs when they die.

They choose to donate their organs because they want to help someone who is sick.

When you pass away, your organs will stay in your body, and if they're good functioning organs, it would be a great thing to be able to donate them to someone else to use, wouldn't it? Some people choose to do this, but I can understand why that might be a scary prospect for other people.

Izzy here says, "Can parts of the circulatory system "be replaced with animal hearts?" Animal hearts? Well, here's a human heart beating.

Does an animal heart look like a human heart? Some people argue that we should use animals, such as pigs bred especially for transplants, as their organs are very close in size to a human heart, and they can be more readily available than are human hearts.

Of course, you can have a lot of pigs there ready that you would be able to take the heart out of to transplant into a human.

A pig heart has been successfully used as a replacement heart for a human, and scientific knowledge is developing all the time to make sure that person will be able to live for as long as possible.

However, using animal organs for human transplantation in this way has led to disagreements.

I wonder why.

Izzy and Alex here are discussing the use of animal hearts in humans.

Izzy says, "It's awful that some animals "could have their organs taken without them "being able to argue." Mmm, yeah, okay.

So gathering all those pigs together for that one particular thing may be quite cruel, mightn't it? but Alex says, "It isn't a bad thing "to take an animal's life to save a humans." Hmm.

What do you think? Pause the video here and discuss.

Restart when you've done that.

Hopefully you've had some discussions about what you think.

Now, some people may disagree with other people, and that's okay.

A discussion is about seeing both sides and seeing the pros and the cons.

Remember the positives and the negatives.

So let's stop and think.

Using animal organs for human transportation has led to disagreements.

The answer here is true.

People have disagreed over this.

But why? Well, many people will feel it's unfair for animals to be used in this way.

The answer is, a.

Izzy's sister explains that it's okay for them to disagree over this topic, and you, in your class, may have disagreed with other people as well.

There may be some people that think that this is fine.

There may be some people that think that this is not fine.

There may be some people who can see that it's both a positive and a negative thing.

Well, Izzy sister says, "A debate is a formal discussion.

"It's about a subject where people have different views.

"Some people will feel very strongly "about one side of the argument, "and others will feel more in support of the other side.

"In this case, you're considering the argument "for and against the use of animal hearts in humans." There's always going to be two sides to every argument.

Izzy says, "But we've been told "not to argue with one another.

"Is a debate like an argument?" What do you think? Are they arguing? Pause the video and discuss.

Restart when you've done that.

Izzy's sister says, "Well, this isn't arguing like that.

"Debating a subject means to give reasons "to persuade other people "to agree or disagree with something.

"You need to consider both the pros and the cons "of both sides of the debate." Well, yes, we've already been thinking about pros and cons, haven't we? Both sides to any argument must be researched and considered.

Although we use the term argument to describe a debate, it doesn't mean shouting and falling out.

Here, you can see two people debating.

Now, they can have different ideas and different opinions about things.

There's no need to shout at each other and fall out.

A debate will always have two sides, and there will always be positives and negatives of both sides.

Remember, these are called pros and cons.

So what are the two sides of Izzy and Alex's debates here? Izzy says, "I will research evidence "against using animal hearts." And Alex says, "I will research evidence "for using animal hearts." What evidence can you suggest for and against this argument? You may be able to use some of the pros and cons from the last task to help you here.

Have a discussion.

Restart when you've done that.

I wonder what evidence you've come up with.

What evidence could you suggest for and against this argument? Let's pause and think.

Both sides to any argument must be, hmm, which of these is correct? Researched and considered? There's no point shouting about it, and the loudest person is not always the correct person.

So here is a final task for this lesson.

You need to, step one, plan a debate regarding this question.

Should animal hearts be used to repair or replace human hearts? You will need to consider and research both sides of this argument.

Regardless of whether you agree or disagree, it's good to understand the pros and cons of both.

Fill out this table to help you with your debate.

Pause the video here and have a go at that task.

When you've done, continue to step two.

So hopefully you've got some ideas about the pros and the cons of both sides of the argument here.

Now, your ideas could have looked a bit like this.

The pros for using animal hearts.

More lives can be saved.

There would be no shortage of animal hearts for transplants.

It can be quicker to use an animal heart than wait for a human heart to become available.

And animals are used for food anyway, so what does it matter? The cons, though, are the trials of human hearts haven't always been successful.

Although a human has had a pig heart transferred into them, they didn't last a very long.

Animals have no say or choice in this, and raising animals just for human hearts is wrong.

So the second task here is to conduct your own debate, with one side supporting the use of animal hearts and the other against using animal hearts in humans.

There's some information that you can consider in the additional materials, and you can use the information collected in your table to refer to use in the debate as well.

Best of luck with this task and remember to stay respectful of each other and make sure that you listen.

I wonder if there will be an outright winner of this debate.

How did you get on? Let's look at how Izzy and Alex approached this debate.

Izzy says, "I think using animal hearts is bad, "because animals are unable to have a say in this.

"Doctors won't wait until the animal has lived a full life "before using its organ.

"Animal hearts are similar to humans, "but they're not always successful if they're transplanted.

"This can cause further problems or distress "to the person who has the transplant.

"If people want to live longer, "they should just eat a healthier diet and exercise more." Alex says, "I think using animal hearts is good "because people all over the world "can have their lives saved by this surgery.

"Using an animal in this way can help humans "live for longer, and it's much quicker "than waiting for a human donor.

"It isn't the fault of the human whose heart is failing, "especially if they've been born with this condition." Well, I wonder what you think here.

Is there a winner? Remember, in some debates, everyone is going to have their own different opinion and everyone is going to think differently.

So that means that, although you might vote on a clear winner, some people won't have their votes counted because they will disagree with it.

So what do you think? Is there a clear winner here? Sometimes in some debates, there is no clear winner.

Nobody can decide what's best and what's bad.

There are clearly two sides of the argument here that are very strong.

It is cruel to use animals in that way, but this can also help to save a lot of lives.

So, this is why this is an argument that has gone on for a very long time.

I wonder what you thought, though.

What do you think is the right thing to do in this case? Let's summarise our lesson.

It's important to live a healthy lifestyle to help your heart to perform its many functions.

Some people are born with heart problems. Others may develop disease in the heart or blood vessels later on in life.

A heart transplant is a treatment when a heart condition hasn't improved enough with medications or other surgeries.

Using animal organs for human transplantation has led to considerable disagreements and debate.

And both sides to any argument must be researched and considered.

Hopefully, you've had a good chance to think about the pros and the cons of a heart transplant and replacing a human heart with an animal heart.

It is a very tricky argument to have, and hopefully you've been able to listen to everyone's point of view.

Whatever you use this information for in the future, I hope that you go on to have some successful debates and interesting discussions.

I've been Mr. Wilshire.

Thank you very much for listening.