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Lesson video

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Hello, my name is Mrs. Bishop.

And I will be your design and technology teacher today.

We have been studying a unit called Electronics: simple circuits and switches.

And this is our last lesson.

Well done for working so hard within this unit.

Today we will be evaluating how well our products meet the user's needs and wants.

Make sure you are in a nice, calm and quiet place so that we can begin.

In this lesson, you will need an exercise book or some paper and you will also need a pencil today to write and draw with.

Here, you should have started by completing your intro quiz.

If you haven't, you could pause the video now and go and give that a go.

Well done for completing it.

We will start today with a celebration.

After that, we're going to look at some product analysis.

Then we will look at making a product evaluation.

And finally today, I would like you to complete your exit quiz.

In today's lesson, there are some key words.

I will say each keyword and I would like you to repeat it after me.

I will then read a definition of the keyword.

The first key word today is questionnaire.

Can you say the word questionnaire? Questionnaire is a set of written questions to be asked to a group of people.

Our next word is product analysis.

Can you say product analysis? Product analysis is looking carefully at an item identifying how well it meets the needs of the user or how well it performs. And we will be doing that today by looking at our mate lights and thinking about, oh, well they meet the needs of our users and how well they perform.

Now then, let's start today with a celebration.

Let's celebrate because today we are about to finish today's unit.

And I am so proud of the work that you've done.

And I can't wait to see some of your final night light prototyped.

We designed and created an absolutely wonderful night light.

Here's some examples that I've been showing you throughout this unit.

I wonder what yours looks like.

Could you hold it up and show it to me? I'd love to see it.

I hope you are proud of the work you've done.

I know I am.

You've worked very hard in this unit and you have designed and created an absolutely fantastic prototype for a night light.

I wonder does your night light meet the needs of your user? And that's what we're going to be learning about today.

Let's start now with a product analysis.

We are going to look at using user centred product analysis today.

We're going to ask someone to use the product.

We're going to let our intended user use the night lights for a period of time.

That could be an hour or a day.

We might want them to use it at night time because that's the time of day that our night light is designed to be used.

And this is the best way to see if the night light is suitable for the user's needs and wants.

Then we are going to conduct a questionnaire.

We're going to write the questionnaire survey and ask it to the user to explain their experiences of using the night light prototype that we have designed and made.

And finally today we will conduct an evaluation.

We will evaluate your findings from the questionnaire and this will help you to understand the user's likes and dislikes and improvements required for your night light.

Let's start now looking at how to create the questionnaire.

First, you need to decide exactly the information that you want to find out.

Then you can start to think of the questions that you will ask.

A good questionnaire will be clear, easy to understand and straightforward to answer.

You might include open questions and then let the respondent provide more information giving their own views and ideas.

You may also choose to use closed questions.

So respondents have the answer yes or no to choose from or they choose from a pre-selected list of options.

I wonder if you can pause the video now and select three options that help to make a good questionnaire.

That's right.

The questionnaire needs to be clear.

It needs to be straightforward to answer and it needs to be easy to understand.

The reasons the questionnaire needs to be clear is so that clear and concise language should be used to write questions making it very easy for the respondent to understand.

The question should also be easy to answer and easily understood.

And of course, questionnaires can use both open and closed questions.

Well done.

Let's look at some top tips for conducting a questionnaire.

Questionnaires and surveys are vital research tools as they tell us what consumers like or dislike about our prototype night light.

This helps us gauge if we should or shouldn't manufacture this night light and how much we might expect to sell it for.

It's important that the questionnaire survey is carried out without a bias so that we get a fair and rounded opinion of what night light's really like.

Now, I want to show you some example questions that you might include in your questionnaire about your night light today.

For the purpose of this questionnaire is to find out what the user thinks and feels about our night light.

And we want them to be honest as they can be.

You might ask them this question, do you like this night light? And we'll provide them with a closed response which is just yes or no.

We could also make it a more open question for then saying if yes, what do you like about this night light? We're going to ask them this question.

Do you dislike this night light? And they can answer yes or no.

And if it says, yes, what did they dislike about this night light? Here's another question you can ask.

Do you think this night light could be improved? And you could let them have the options of yes or no.

Or you could also ask them a more open question by asking them, if yes how do you think this night-night could be improved? You might also ask them this very important question.

Do you think this night light was safe to use? Why was it safe or unsafe? A very important question.

You might also ask was it easy to use this night light? And you might ask why was it easy to use this night light? What features made it easy to use the night light.

You might also think about asking, do you think that this night light was fit for purpose? And they might answer yes or no.

You could make that a more open-ended question by saying, why do you think this night light is or isn't fit for purpose? Now what I want you to do, pause this video to complete your task.

I want you to create and conduct a questionnaire.

I want you to make sure that your writing clear, easily understood questions about your night light.

And then I want you to conduct your questionnaire or record your answers very carefully.

Resume the video once you've finished that task.

Welcome back.

Now that we have all those answers to our questionnaire, we really taken on the users' ideas and opinions, we can now continue with completing a product evaluation.

This is what I want you to do in your product evaluation.

I want you to look at each section here on the table and I want you to complete a similar product evaluation.

You might start first of all with an annotated diagram of your night light.

Then you think about what the user has told you in the questionnaire.

Whether they are they happy with the colour shapes and sizes of the night light.

What did they think of your design in general? Are you happy with the materials chosen? Is your night life safe? And what did the other users say about it? Was it safe when they used it? Is your night light easy to use? Do you find it easy to use? What about the people that you asked your questionnaire to? Did they find it easy to use? What was good about this process and what did you enjoy? What do you think needs to be improved about your night light design and why does it need to be improved? What did your users of the questionnaire tell you needed to be improved? And throughout these whole lessons, what did you learn as you designed and made and evaluated your night light? Now you might like to present yours something like this.

This is my example, product evaluation.

I have done my annotated diagram in the middle of the page and then I have answered the questions around the annotated diagram.

It is up to you how you do it but that as an example if you need one.

So now I want you to pause the video to complete this task I want you to write your own product evaluation, make sure that you draw an annotated diagram of your night light and then write an evaluation of your night light considering all the features and points that we have discussed.

Use the evidence from your questionnaire that you've conducted to aid you with this process.

Resume the video once you have finished this task.

Welcome back.

Well, I hope that you have written an absolutely brilliant product evaluation today.

If you want it today, you could ask a parent to care to share your work on Twitter tagging @OakNational and #LearnwithOak.

Now, I have absolutely loved being with you and learning about night lights in this unit of work.

I really look forward to seeing you soon.

But in the meantime, I really hope that you stay safe and happy and that you have enjoyed our work together.

Goodbye for now.