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Hello, everyone.

It is so great to see you.

My name is Miss Larham, and I am your D&T teacher.

Would you please tell me what your name is? Great, it is lovely to meet you and welcome to your design and technology lesson.

You have opened up less than one of our D&T unit, all about textiles.

It sounds so exciting, doesn't it? But for this unit of work, there will be lots of equipment that we will need to be able to take part.

So things like staplers, needles and threads, fabric.

Now, it might be fabrics such as felt, or it could be recycled fabric from pieces of clothing that you don't need anymore, an old pillowcase, an old bed cover, an old jumper, but we will need to be using fabric as well.

And we will need lots of decorating equipment, such as buttons, wool, sequins, pens, paints, that kind of thing.

So although we don't need all those things today, over time, over these lessons that you're starting today, there will be lots of things that we'll need, so I've just given you a little heads up about that.

Shall we get started? Great, let's get started.

So like I said, this is lesson one of our textiles unit.

We're going to be learning all about templates and joining techniques during this unit.

But today, we're going to explore a range of existing products.

Let's have a look of what equipment you will need for today's lesson.

In this lesson, you will need an exercise book or paper and a pencil.

So if you need to pause the video now and go and collect those things for me, now's the time to do that, and then you can press play when you have everything that you need.

Well done for collecting your equipment.

Let's have a little look at what our learning is going to look like today.

First, altogether, we're going to do our intro quiz.

Then we're going to do our star words.

And then we're going to be learning how to evaluate existing products, and it will be your turn then to do some work for me.

And then, altogether again at the end, we will do our exit quiz.

So let's get started with our intro quiz.

Are you ready? Me too.

Now, for our intro quiz today, I'm going to show you some photos at the bottom of the screen.

And I'm going to give you five seconds to have a think.

Do you know what it is a picture of? So when it comes on your screen, have some time to think, and then I'm going to ask you to tell me.

I'm going to put some equipment on your screen.

Are you ready for the first picture? Brilliant, let me show you.

This is our first picture.

What do you think this is a picture of? What is it? What's on your screen now? Five seconds to think.


Have you got your answer? Do you think you know what that is.

Excellent, can you tell me? Tell me now.

Did you say needle or needle and thread? I thought you did.

Well done, what an amazing start.

Let's see my next picture.

Do you know what this is? What piece of equipment is this? Five seconds to think.


Well done for having to think.

Do you think you're ready to tell me? Brilliant, tell me now.

If you said stapler, well done.

That is a picture of a stapler.

Let's see what the last picture is.

What's that showing? What piece of equipment can you see? Five seconds to think.


Brilliant, well done for having to think.

Do you know what you can see a picture of there? Can you tell me now? Well done, everybody.

You might have told me button.

Can you see that there is a button holding those bits of fabric together? Well done, and well done if you said coat.

You might have recognised that that is a coat.

We're looking at the button.

Well done on the intro quiz, everybody.

What amazing start to our lesson today.

It is time for our star words.

Can you flash your hands like mine? Excellent.

Let's make sure our voices are ready, because we're going to do some my turn, your turn.

I'm going to say star words in my quiet voice, My turn, star words, star words.

Your turn.

Well done.

I'm going to say star words again, but this time I'm going to say in my loud voice.


My turn.

Star words, star words.

Your turn.

Wow, that was loud.

Well done.

Let's see what's our first star word is for today.

Our first star word is evaluate.

I'm going to say it, and then it will be your turn.

My turn.


Your turn.

Well done for joining in.

Let's try again.


Your turn.

Fantastic, you might have heard the word evaluate before.

If you haven't, don't worry.

Evaluate means we're going to judge it.

We're going to judge something.

So what do we like about it? What do we dislike about it? How does it work? Who is it for? What do we use it for? So we're going to judge it.

Let's see what our next star word is.

A tricky one, my turn.


Your turn.

Well done.


Fantastic, existing means something that is available now, so anything that we could use now, that we can buy, that we can find, things that exist already.

Let's see what's next.

My turn, purpose.

Your turn.

Well done.



Purpose means what will we use it for.

Let's have a look at our last star word for today.

My turn, user.

Well done.


Fantastic, well done, user means who.

Who might use it? Who is it for? Well done for joining in on the star words today, everybody.

Now we're going to start the next part of our lesson.

We're going to be evaluating existing products.

I just heard some of our star words then, did you? I thought so.

So evaluating existing products.

So that means we're going to be judging products that are available now.

so we're going to be thinking about some questions of how we can evaluate, how we can judge, some products that I am going to show you.

So let's have a look at a product together, and then eventually you're going to do your own evaluating of your own product.

So let's have a look at our first product.

Our first product today is a torch, and I've got my torch with me today.

If you have a torch, you're more than welcome to go and collect it.

So if you have your own torch, pause the video now, go and collect, and then come on back when you're ready.

If you don't have your own torch, don't worry.

We can share mine together.

So let's have a look at our evaluation questions and we're going to be thinking about a torch.

So let's see what's first.

What is this product for? So what is the purpose of this product? Why do we have it? What is this product for? What I would like us to do is pause the video, have a think, and then press play when you're ready.

We'll all throw it together.

So press pause, have a think.

I'll see you in a second.

Welcome done for having a think.

I wonder what you came up with.

What is this product for? I wonder if you said, "This product is for creating a light source.

So when we need to find something, when we need to be out in the dark, we have a turn on our torch to help us to see in the dark." Well done if you said something like that.

Let's see what our next evaluation question says, Who is this product for? Who would be using it? Pause your video.

Have a think about who this product is for, and join us when you're ready.

Well done for having a think, everybody.

I wonder what you thought of.

Who is this product for? I wonder if you said somebody that works at nighttime, so someone that has to do all of their work outside in the dark.

That would be a person who would use a torch.

I wonder if you said somebody who walks their dog at night time, and he's got to see where they're going and to keep themselves safe.

I wonder if you said somebody that does work in somebody's house.

So, for example, if my fridge broke, and the person who came to fix it needs to see down the back of my fridge.

They might have to turn on their torch and look down the back of my fridge to see where it is broken.

Well done for having a think.

Let's see what our next question is.

Where? Where might this product be used? Where would you use a torch? Pause the video, have a think, and then join me again when you're ready.

Amazing thinking, everybody.

I wonder what you came up with.

Where might we use this.

I like to use my torch outside.

So when I'm going outside to walk my dog, I take my torch with me, especially when it's a little bit darker outside, so I use mine outside.

Let's see what our next question is.

What material has this product been made from? Your torch might be different from mine.

The photograph of the torch here looks a little bit different from mine.

I think we can come up with some ideas.

What material has this product been made from? Pause the video, have a think, press play when you're ready.

Well done, everybody.

Have a look at mine if you're not sure.

I wonder what you thought of.

I think if you were looking at the photograph below, I think you might have said metal.

It looks like a metal torch, doesn't it? If you are looking at my torch, it's not metal.

It is plastic.

So I wonder if you said plastic.

Inside here is a bulb, and that bulb has been made from glass, but you might have said that as well.

Well done if you did.

And our lest evaluation for our torch is, how did this product work? How does it work? Look at my torch if you're not sure.

Have a look at your own if you have it.

How does this product work? Pause the video, have a think, and then join me when you're ready.

How does it work? Well done for having a think for my last question about the torch.

I wonder if you said for torch to be able to work, we need to turn on the switch.

We have to push this switch forwards.

Inside here are some battery that when I push the switch forwards, it connects up the circuit inside with electricity, so the bulb turns on.

So it works by turning on the switch, creating a complete circuit with my batteries, and turning on the bulb bright, so we can see in the dark.

Amazing evaluation of the torch, everybody.

Let's see what's next.

Our next product is a safety jacket or a hi-vis jacket.

I've got mine here as well.

So we're going to be evaluating the safety jacket.

Now we're going to be using the same questions as before.

So let me remind you of those.

What is this product for? So what do we use this for, I wonder.

Who is this product for? Who would use one of these do you think? Where might this product be used? What material has this product been made from? And how does this product work? So this time, instead of pausing in between each question, we're going to do a longer pause now.

You're going to answer all of those evaluations questions for me, all about this hi-vis safety jacket.

Okay, so what is the product for? Who is it for? Where might it be used? What material has it been made from? And how does this product work? So pause the video, answer all of those evaluation questions for me, and then press play when you're ready.

I'll see you in a couple of minutes.

Welcome back to the lesson everybody, and well done for having a really good think about all of those evaluation questions.

I wonder what you came up with.

So for our first question, what is this product for? So a safety jacket, a hi-vis jacket is to keep people safe, isn't it? It's to make them stand out and be visible and to be able to be seen in the dark.

So who might use one of these? Can you tell me one of your answers who might use it? Tell me your answer.

That's really good thinking.

I was thinking the same, anybody who needs to be bright and visible and be seen, So I'm thinking people like cyclists, or joggers, or horse riders.

They need to be kept safe because they're out on the pavements on the roads, aren't they? I see lots of construction workers, so builders wearing hi-vis jackets as well, because they have to be visible onsite to keep them safe.

I'm thinking, where might this product be used? So like I said before, with who, you would see these on building sites and construction sites, wouldn't you? In the outdoors where people are trying to keep themselves visible and safe.

I wonder, what material do you think this has been made from? What did you come up with? Can you tell me? It is the fabric, isn't it? And these hi-vis jackets are made from polyester.

Well done.

Now, this is a bit of a tricky question, our evaluating question of how does this product work? There's lots of science behind the answer to this one.

Did you notice that I use bright fluorescent colours.

I notice that too.

Those bright colours make them visible and stand out, and it's fluorescent because of the way that it absorbs and emit different kinds of light.

It's fluorescent, it makes them stand out.

Have you noticed that it also has these reflective strips on it as well.

They're really important.

There's lots of science behind these two.

They are called retroreflective.

And that means, at night, the light from the sources, such as car headlights, they shine onto this reflective strip, and it bounces off back to the light source.

These are retroreflective, and that means it bounces all of the.

Most of the light bounces back to the source.

It almost makes it look like it's glowing.

Well done if you knew the answers to any of those questions.

We're going to do some more evaluating questions linked to our safety jacket now.

So we're going to continue to look at our safety jackets, because we have a couple more evaluating question that we need to do.

So let's look at our first question, our next question.

How many parts has it been made up from? Let's have a look.

So look carefully as I move the jacket past your screen.

Have a good look around.

I wonder what you noticed.

How many parts is it made up from? Could you tell? Could you tell how many parts it was made up from? Let's have a look.

It is made up of one big part.

And it's got some binding, this bright orange, around the sleeves, and around the bottom, and along the front.

So it's one big main part with some binding put on, to add some more fluorescent colour.

Let's have a look at the next question.

How do you think these parts have been joined together? How do you think they've been joined together? Have a few seconds to think.

How have they been joined together? What do you think? How was this orange bit joined to the yellow bit? I wonder what you thought of? Did you say sewing? Well done.

They have used stitching, sewing to join these different parts together.

Well done.

How is it being fastened together? So when we put this jacket on, how do we do it up? How do we fasten it together? Do you know what that's called? Tell me if you do.

Well done.

Did you say Velcro? Super, super job.

So this has been joined together with Velcro.

You do it up with a Velcro.

Well done, one more question.

What finishing techniques have been used? So what have they put on the jacket to finish it off, to decorate it, to make sure that our product has everything it needs to be able to work properly.

What have they put on there? Have a few seconds to think.

I wonder what you thought of.

Did you tell me that they have put some reflective strips on there? They finished that off by putting reflective strips.

They need that to make this extra safe.

They've also put some writing on the back, haven't they? Be safe, be seen.

That's reminding you what this jacket is used for, keeping you safe, keeping you seen.

Well done, everybody.

That was lots of evaluating questions, and you took part brilliantly.

Well done.

We are going to do a quick quiz together.

Have a look at the gentleman wearing his coat.

How has this product, the coat, being fastened together? So how did they do his coat up? Option one, with a zip, or option two, with buttons.

Point to your screen now which option you think it is.

Zip or buttons, off you go.

Well done.

Let's see if you're right.

Did you have your finger on zip? Fantastic.

He has done his coat up with a zip.

Well done.

Next question.

Look at the little sock puppet.

What finishing techniques have been added or decorations have been added? Option one, sequins for eyes, spaghetti for hair, or option two, buttons for eyes, wool for hair.

Option one or option two? Point to your screen now.

Are you ready? Let's see if you were right.

Did you have your finger on option two.

Well done, it does have buttons for eyes and wool for hair.

Well done, everybody, on our quick quiz.

Okay, now it is time to do our task.

Now we're going to do an evaluation task.

So for this you will need something from around your home to evaluate.

So it might be your coat, a jumper, a bag, a hat, a teddy bear.

Should I show you who I'm going to evaluate? My pet crocodile.

He's called Cranky though.

He's very grumpy.

Here he is.

This is Cranky the crocodile, my pet crocodile.

He's very, very grumpy.

So I'm going to evaluate Cranky.

I'm going to have a good look at him and answer all of Miss Larham's evaluation questions.

I am, Cranky.

So, I wonder what you would choose.

Will you go find a coat, a jumper, a new bag, a special hat? Do you have a puppet like Cranky? Do you have a really cool teddy bear that you might like to use? You can choose anything from around your home, you can, anything you like, that you're going to evaluate.

Pause the video.

Go and find something, and I'll join you in just a second.

Let's get started with our main task.

So I have got my Cranky the crocodile.

I have got my worksheet which have all of my evaluation question, and I've got my pen to write with.

So the first thing you're going to do is draw me a picture of the thing that you're evaluating.

So I would draw a picture of Cranky the crocodile in this space here.

And then I'm going to answer all of the questions all about the product that you have decided to evaluate.

So you're going to write your answer in these boxes here.

Don't forget to draw your picture first.

Okay, so for example, what material is this product made from? So have a really good look at your product.

There might be a label inside that tells you.

I can see that this is made from a soft material.

So I'm going to write it is made from a soft, fluffy material.

This one says, where might this product be used? So it might be used in the classroom, so at school.

It might be used in a puppet show.

It might be used for storytelling time.

Okay, so what you're going to do is answer all of these evaluation question.

And don't forget to tell me, what do you like and what do you dislike about the product? So pause the video, complete your evaluation task, and press play when you're ready.

I'll see you very soon.

Welcome back to the lesson, everybody, and well done for competing your evaluation task.

I managed to answer all of the questions about Cranky the crocodile.

I wonder if you manage to answer all of your questions too.

There were some tricky words in our lesson today, such as joining techniques.

So remember, that means how all the different parts of your product been joined together.

So Cranky the crocodile has been sewn together, but it could've been stapled or glued.

The other tricky word we looked at today was finishing techniques, and that means what decorations were put onto your product to make it so it is completely finished.

So were there any decorations or anything that were added to it to finish off, to decorate it? So well done for completing your task, everybody.

We're going to finish with our exit quiz altogether to see if we've locked in all that knowledge.

Are you ready for the quiz? Excellent, me too.

I have got a feeling that you are going to be amazing at my exit quiz today.

I have got two questions for you.

Ready for the first question? Excellent.

I want to see if you can remember what does user mean? What's another word for user? Have some time to think.

What does user mean? Well done for having a think.

It's a bit of a challenge question, isn't it? Do you remember what user means, another word for user? Tell me, tell your screen.

Well done.

User means who.

Who is going to use it? Who is it for? So well done if you used the word who in your answer.

My final question is, what is one way that a coat could be fastened? So when we do up our coats, what is one way that you could do up your coat? You might be able to think of more than one answer.

How could you fasten, do up a coat? Have you got your answer for me? Excellent, tell me now.


I love that some of you have more than one answer.

That is amazing.

You might have said zip, or button, or Velcro.

Well done if you knew how a coat could be fastened together.

Amazing work everybody.

Well done.

A huge well done for all of your hard work today, everybody.

I can't wait to see you in lesson two.

See you there, everybody.
