
Lesson video

In progress...


Hello, everyone.

My name is Miss Barron.

Have you ever wondered how to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Have you ever wondered how to travel to the moon? Have you ever wondered how to trap a fire giant? If you have, then you've been waiting for somebody to tell you how.

Now, has anyone ever asked you how you get to school? How to tie your shoelace? How to make your favourite sandwich? Well, if they have then you've probably told them how to do it.

And that means that you have given a set of instructions.

Now, instructions are really useful because they tell somebody how to do something.

And we use them all the time in our lives.

Just yesterday, in fact, my mom was telling me, she was instructing me how to plant tomatoes in the garden.

And just this morning, I was telling my mom, I was instructing her how to get to the dentist.

So, we use instructions all the time.

They are so useful.

And that means that we need to be able to give instructions well.

And so, I'm going to teach you how to do that in this unit.

And to do that, we are going to do some magic.

So, today, I'm going to tell you how to do some magic.

That means I'm going to give you a set of instruction to follow.

So, in today's lesson, you are going to listen and respond to my set of instructions.

Now, let's just practise saying that word.

Ready? My turn, your turn.


Your turn.

Well done.

My turn again.


Your turn.


And just remind me, what are instructions? Let me start the sentence for you.

Instructions tell somebody, go on you finish that sentence for me.

Say it to your screen now.

Instructions tell somebody.

Well done! Instructions tell somebody how to do something.


So, let me show you what the learning is going to look like today.

First, we're going to do a quick spelling activity before we get on to our magic.

Then, you are going to hear me give you some instructions.

Then, we're going to map the set of instructions to help you remember them.

And then, we're going to answer some questions just to check that you understand what to do.

So, in today's lesson you are going to need an exercise book or a piece of paper to write on and a pen or a pencil to write with.

So, pause the video now and go and get those things if you need to.

Fantastic, you are back with everything you need to start the learning today.

I can't wait, I hope that you're excited too.

Now then, let's start with our spelling activity.

Look carefully at the words in the purple boxes on your screen.

What do you notice about how the words change? How are they different in the second purple box? Pause the video now and have a think about that.

Great, you're back and ready to share your idea.

So, tell me in a full sentence, "I noticed that." Go on, tell your screen now.

Well spotted.

You noticed that those words in the second purple box all end in an "S".

In the "S" sound, fantastic.

Now, let's read the words together and then we can hear the change in the sound.

Read with me.







Did you spot how the sound changed when we added the "S" on the end? Now, what is that "S" that we add on the end of the word? Well, it's called a suffix.

A suffix is a letter or a group of letters that we add on the end of a word to change its meaning.

So, let's just practise saying that word, shall we? Suffix, your turn.

Now let's say it in a robot voice, ready? Suffix.

Your turn.

Well done.

Let's say it in a high voice.


Your turn.

And a low voice.


Your turn.

Well done.

Now, a suffix, remember, is a letter or group of letters we add on the end of a word to change its meaning.

And so, the suffix "S" is just one letter.

And we add it onto the end of a word to make a word plural.

Now plural just means that we have more than one.

So, here I have a hat.

I have one hat.

Now, I have hats.


Meaning I have more than one.

Let's look at how adding the suffix "S" changes the meaning of some other words to make them plural.


Say it with me, shoe.

I have one shoe.

Now, I have shoes.

Say it with me, shoes.

Meaning I have more than one.

Well done.


Say it with me, sock.

Here is a sock.

I have one sock.

Now I have socks.

Say it with me, socks.

Here are my smelly socks.

Now, coat.

I have a coat.

Say it with me, coat.

I have one coat.

Now, I have coats.

Say it with me, coats.

Meaning I have more than one.

Well done.


Say it with me, boot.

I have one boot.

Now, I have boots.

Say that with me, boots.

Well done.

I have more than one boot, I have boots.



I have one ring.


Say it with me, ring.

Well done.

Now, I have rings.

Can you see my rings? So, I have more than one ring.

I have rings.


Now, let's look at putting those words in some of our own sentences, shall we? So, we are going to make up some sentences about these items in the plural with the suffix "S" on the end.

So, just practise saying those words with me again.



Well done.

Say them with me.







Now, I would like you to pick two of those items and make up your own sentences about them.

So, let me give you my example first.

I'm going to choose the word "socks".

This is my sentence.

I put my smelly socks in the washing machine.

That's my sentence.

Now, I wonder if you can think of a sentence.

Maybe about socks or something else.

Let me give you another sentence as an example.

This time I'm going to choose the word "rings".

My sentence is going to be "The king loved to wear his big, gold rings." The king loved to wear his big, gold rings.

So, now, I would like you to pause the video and choose two, or more if you'd like, of those words and make up your own sentences using those words with the suffix "S" on the end to make them plural.

Pause the video now and have a go at that.


You've made up your own sentences.

I would to hear one of them.

Can you tell me your favourite sentence using one of those words? Go on, tell it to your screen now.

What amazing sentences.

I am so impressed that you have used your nouns ending in the suffix "S" to make them plural in your own sentences.

Well done.

Now, it's time for you to hear a set of instructions.

In a moment, I am going to get into role and tell you how to make something magic.

First, I've got a song for us to sing all about instructions.

So, listen to me sing it first so you're ready to join in with me.

I'll let you know when.

Ready? My song goes like this.

♪ Instructions, instructions ♪ ♪ How shall we do it ♪ ♪ Instructions, instructions ♪ ♪ How shall we do it ♪ ♪ Explain what it is for ♪ ♪ Explain what you need ♪ ♪ Explain what to do ♪ ♪ That's how you do it ♪ Join in with me I said.

♪ Instructions, instructions ♪ ♪ How shall we do it ♪ ♪ Instructions, instructions ♪ ♪ How shall we do it ♪ ♪ Explain what it is for ♪ ♪ Explain what you need ♪ ♪ Explain what to do ♪ ♪ That's how you do it ♪ Well done.

So, that is our song all about instructions, reminding us what they're for and how we give instructions.

Now, we're going to have a go ourselves.

I'm going to tell you how to make something magic.

Hello, everyone.

My name is the Hatmaker.

And, as you can tell, I love to wear and make hats.

Now, I've brought a long a box of some of my best and favourite hat creations to show you.

You ready? This is my pirate hat.

I love to wear this when I want to be a swashbuckling pirate.

This is my sparkly sequined hat.

I love to wear this when I got to parties so I look fabulous.

This is my sailors hat.

Now, I love to wear this one when I get in my boat and sail away to far off lands.

This one's a very special hat.

This one is my carnival hat.

I love to wear this when I dance in the street to my favourite music.

Now, this one is my winter hat.

It keeps me warm when it's cold in winter.

And this one, last but not least, is my sombrero.

My special hat all the way from Mexico.

So, those are some of my favourite and best hat creations.

Now, as you can see, I love to make hats.

And I make all sorts of hats.

I make tall hats and short hats.

Fat hats and thin hats.

All sorts of hats.

But the very best hat to make is the magic hat.

When you put it on your head, it will show you the thing you want most.

One day, it might be covered in butterflies.

The next, it might be covered in sweets.

Another, it might pop footballs out the top.

But I'm the only person in the world that knows how to make it.

So, shh.

I'm going to tell you how to make it today.

But don't tell anyone, it's going to be our secret.

You will need the horn of a unicorn, the tooth of a dragon, the song of a mermaid, the snot of a giant, a ray of silver moonlight, and a big, gold bucket.

This is what you do.

First, catch a ray of silver moonlight in your gold bucket.

Next, add your unicorn horn and your dragon tooth.

After that, mix it all together with the snot of a giant.

And finally, sing the song of a mermaid.

It goes like this.

♪ I am a mermaid from the deep blue sea ♪ ♪ Don't you want some magic like me ♪ ♪ My tail is full of magic, you see ♪ ♪ That's why there's magic in the deep blue sea ♪ Sing it with me this time ♪ I am a mermaid from the deep blue sea ♪ ♪ Don't you want some magic like me ♪ ♪ My tail is full of magic, you see ♪ ♪ That's why there's magic in the deep blue sea ♪ Then, the magic hat will appear on your head.

So, that's how you make a magic hat.

When you put it on, you look fantastic and you will feel like you can do anything.

Now, I've told you my secret.

I've told you how to make a magic hat.

So, let's map it together, shall we? So that we can remember it, so we don't forget.

Now, we're going to draw a quick instructions map to remind us how to make the magic hat so that we don't forget.

You're going to need your piece of paper and your pen or pencil.

Now, you can see that I've written my title already.

"How to Make a Magic Hat".

You might like to pause the video now and write yours or you can wait until the end to do it.

Now, watch carefully.

First, I'm going to write the capital letter "I".

That stands for introduction.

We're first going to draw a picture to show the introduction of our set of instructions.

Now, the introduction tells people what it's for.

What the magic hat is for.

Now, let's remind ourselves what is it for.

It's to show us the thing that we want most, isn't it? So, I'm going to draw a person dreaming about the thing they want most.

And here's the hat that's going to show it to them.

So, that might be butterflies.

It might be sweets.

It might be footballs popping out the top.

There we go.

So, the magic hat shows us the thing that we want most.

So, now I've drawn that picture.

I'm going draw a bubble around that.

That's my introduction.

The magic hat shows us the thing we want most.

It might be butterflies, it might be sweets another day, it might be footballs.

Now, I'm going to draw the next section.

The next section is what you need.

So, I'm going to show that with a bucket with two arrows going in.

This means what you need.

So, what do you need to make the magic hat? Well, you need the horn of a unicorn, don't you? There it is.

You also need the tooth of a dragon.

You need the song of a mermaid.

You need the snot of a giant.

There's the giant's nose and the snot dripping out.

You need a ray of silver moonlight.

There's the moon, put some craters on it.

The ray of silver moonlight.

And you need a gold bucket.

So, those are the things that you need.

So, I'm going to draw a bubble around that section.

So, we have got two bubbles on our map.

First, the introduction.

What the hat is for.

And second, what you need.

Now, I would like you to pause the video here and draw those two bubbles on your map.

Your pictures don't need to be the same as mine.

You just need to make sure that you include pictures to show the key information you need to remember.

So, pause the video now and draw those two sections of your map.

Brilliant job.

Now, we're ready to carry on mapping.

And we're going to move to the next key section.

Now, you can see that I've moved my paper up slightly.

And that's just so that you can see the bottom of my piece of paper.

Now, the next key section of our set of instructions is what to do.

So, here is my symbol to show that.

Like a list of what you need to remember.

So, this means what to do.

Now, what's the first thing that you do? The first thing you do is catch the ray of silver moonlight in your bucket.

Next, add your unicorn horn and dragon tooth.

Then, mix it all together with the snot of a giant.

And finally, sing the song of a mermaid.

So, four key steps that you need to do to make your magic hat.

Let's draw a bubble around those.

So, this is the what you do section, what you need to do.

Now, let's move on to our final section, the conclusion.

I'm going to show that with this symbol here or ending.

This means ending.


Now, so, in this section we are going to say what happens when you've done all of these things.

So, when you follow the set of instructions, what happens? The hat suddenly appears on your head.

So, let's draw a picture to show that.

The hat appears on your head.

And why is this hat so fantastic? Well, it makes us look fantastic, doesn't it? So, there's our picture to show that.

And it makes us feel like we can do anything.

So, there's my picture to show that.

So, here is the ending of our set of instructions.

So, the hat appears on our head.

It makes us look fantastic and we feel like we can do anything.

So, there again, we are reminding the reader or our audience why they should make a magic hat.

So, pause the video now and draw your next two bubbles to show what you do and the ending, why the hat is so fantastic.

Remember, your pictures don't need to look exactly like mine, but they do need to show all the key information.

So, pause the video now and draw those sections of your instructions map.

Now, I would like you to use your instructions map you've just drawn to help you answer these questions.

Why is a magic hat the best hat to make? Have a think about it.

I'd like you to answer in a full sentence.

The magic hat is the best hat to make because.

Pause the video now, use your map to help you and think of the answer and get ready to tell me in a full sentence when you press play again.

Pause the video and do that.

Brilliant, you're back.

Go on then, tell me your answer in a full sentence.

The magic hat is the best hat to make because, tell me to your screen now.

Well done, you're right.

The magic hat is the best hat to make because it shows you the thing you want most.

That might be butterflies, it could be sweets, it might be footballs.

It shows you the thing you want most.


Now, next question, what do you need? What do you need to make the magic hat? Have a think about that, pause your video and get ready to tell me in a full sentence.

You need.

Go on then, pause the video and have a think.


Go on then, remind me what you need to make the magic hat.

Say, "You need.

." Go on, tell your screen now.

Well remembered.

You've remembered so much already.

You're right, you need the horn of a unicorn, the tooth of a dragon, the snot of a giant, the song of a mermaid, a ray of silver moonlight, and a gold bucket.

Brilliant, six things.

I'm wondering if you can remember all of those in the next lesson.

What must you do first? What must you do first? Have a think about that and get ready to tell me in a full sentence.

"First you must.

." Pause the video and have a think.

Use your map to help you.

Brilliant, you're back.

Go on and tell me your answer.

First, you must, say it to your screen.


First, you must catch the ray of silver moonlight in your gold bucket.

Well done.

What do we mix all our ingredients together with? Ingredients is a big word, go on say it with me.


Your turn.

Ingredients, your turn again.

Well done.

Ingredients just means the things that we need.

So what do we mix all our ingredients together with? I want you to have a think about it and get ready to tell me your answer with a full sentence.

We mix them together with, pause the video now.

Use your map to help you work out the answer.

Go on then, tell me.

What do we mix them together with? We mix them together with, tell your screen now.

Great job, you're right.

We mix them together with the snot of a giant, don't we? Well done.

So, now you know how to make a magic hat.

And you've got your instructions map to remind you how to do it.

Now, keep that map, you're going to need it in the next few lessons.

It would be even better if you could practise telling the set of instructions from your map before we see each other in lesson two.

Now, before we finish, I thought we would sing the mermaid song again because that song is really important.

Without it, the magic hat will not appear on our heads, will it? So we need to remember it.

Ready to sing with me? ♪ I am a mermaid from the deep blue sea ♪ ♪ Don't you want some magic like me ♪ ♪ My tail is full of magic, you see ♪ ♪ That's why there's magic in the deep blue sea ♪ Fantastic, well done.

So, that brings us to the end of our learning today.

I will see you in lesson two.
