Hello super story tellers and welcome to this English lesson.
My name is Ms. Cashin and this is lesson one of this unit.
In this unit we are going to be learning all about a story, and that story is called "The Eagle Who Thought he Was a Chicken!" I wonder what has happened to an eagle for him to think that he is a chicken.
We are going to find out soon.
In today's lesson we are going to listen to that new story and then we are going to see if we understood that story by creating our very own story matrix.
So let's see what else we are going to get up to in this lesson.
We are going to start today's lesson with a spelling activity.
Then we are going to listen to our new story "The Eagle Who Thought he Was a Chicken" Then we are going to check our understanding of that story by creating a story matrix.
These are the things you're going to need in our lesson today.
You are going to need an exercise book or a piece of paper and it would be amazing if you had some plain paper for your story matrix.
You are going to need something to write with, a pen or a pencil.
And of course you're going to need your brilliant brain to have a think about our new story "The Eagle Who Thought he Was a Chicken" So let's get started with our spellings.
In our spellings today we are looking at the 'l' sound spelt 'il' at the end of a word.
So let's practise that, my turn, your turn.
'l' 'l' 'l' Fantastic! So, I have got a picture here of a horses nose and mouth and chin and in this picture there is a word that has our 'l' sound at the end spelt 'il'.
Pause the video, have a careful look.
Can you spot what that word is with the 'l' sound at the end? Well done super spellers! Let's see if you got the right word.
Can you tell me which word you thought it was? I heard some learners saying the right word, here it is, nostril! 'nostril' 'nostril' 'nostril' Can you point to your nostril? There it is, fantastic! Okay nostril, we can use our sounds 'n' 'os' 'tr' 'l' at the end to spell il.
So we need to remember when we spell nostril it is 'il' at the end.
Let's have a look at our next picture.
There is something in this picture that has an 'l' sound at the end that is spelt 'il'.
You can pause the video to try to find it and this time you might also see if you can write down that word.
So pause the video to have a careful look.
Well done super spellers! Let's have a look at what that word was.
Can you tell me what you thought it was first? Oh I heard lots of learners get this one right! 'Pencil' 'pencil' 'pencil' Fantastic, let's have a look.
There it is, pencil.
P-e-n-c and then our 'l' sound is spelt 'il' at the end.
Fantastic work super spellers! Let's have a look at our last picture.
Oh this might be a bit of a tricky one.
Pause the video and see if you can find what is in this picture that has an 'l' sound at the end and see if you can write that word down if you find it.
Well done super spellers, did you get this word? Can you tell me what you thought it was? Oh well done, I heard some learners do have the right one.
It's fossil.
'fossil' 'fossil' 'fossil' And some of you might know this, some of you might not, a fossil is a special sort of stone or a special sort of rock that we find in the ground that has the imprint of an animal or a shell from millions and millions of years ago.
So I've got a fossil picture here.
Let's have a look at how we spell fossil.
There is is, f-o-s-s and then 'l' is spelt 'il' well done super spellers! Now it's time for us to listen to our new story.
Our new story is called "The Eagle Who Thought he Was a Chicken" And this story is from Native America.
"Once, there was a farmer.
One day he was walking back to his farm when he heard two gun shots.
"boom" "boom" He walked up the path and before him he saw two enormous Golden Eagles.
They were both stone cold dead.
'Who would do such a thing?' thought the farmer? Who would kill two such magnificent creatures? They help keep down the numbers of rats, mice, and rabbits and they do such little harm to us humans.
The farmer looked up above him and he could see in a branch at the top of a tall pine tree and Eagle's nest.
The farmer climbed up the tree.
He peered in the side of the nest and he could see two Eagles eggs.
Carefully, the farmer picked up the Eagles eggs and slipped them in to his pocket.
He climbed back down the tree and went back to his farm.
When he got to his farm he wondered what to do with the eggs.
Then he had an idea! He slipped them underneath a hen who was sitting on her own chicken eggs, waiting for them to hatch.
Some time passed and the eggs hatched and the eaglets were accepted in to their chicken family.
They thought the hen was their mother and they loved her very much.
They learnt to squawk like chickens "cock-a-doodle-do" They learnt to scratch like chickens.
They learnt to eat seeds and to eat grubs.
And they learnt to hide if an Eagle ever soared over the farm.
Some more time went on and the eaglets had bigger beaks than the other chicks.
They had bigger wings, wider wings than the other chicks.
And they had sharper claws.
One day the brother Eagle was walking through the farm when he heard a sound up above him.
It was an owl hooting.
But it was also laughing at him.
"twit twit Twoo ha ha ho ho" "twit twit Twoo ha ha ho ho" Said the owl.
'what are you laughing at?' said the Eagle.
'haha!I am laughing at you!' said the owl.
'why?' Said the eaglet.
'because you act like a chicken, but you are an Eagle!' said the owl.
'I am not an eagle, I am a chicken' said the eaglet.
'Ha why is your beak so big? Why are your wings so wide? Why are your claws so sharp?' said the owl.
'well I am just a very unusual chicken' said the eaglet 'come with me' said the owl 'I have something to show you' The owl swooped down and the eaglet climbed on to his back and held on.
The owl soared through the sky.
'I don't like it! I don't like it!' said the eagle.
Before he knew what was happening the owl flipped himself upside down and the eagle began to plummet towards the Earth.
'ahhh' screamed the eaglet.
'open your wings!' Shouted the owl 'open your wings!' Eaglet took a deep breath and opened his enormous brown wings.
He began to soar and glide through the sky.
'I am flying!' He shouted.
'I am an eagle! And I can fly through the sky.
' The next day the brother Eaglet went to his sister and said 'come with me, I have something to show you' and he taught her to fly as well.
They soared high above the chicken coop.
King and queen of the sky, proud eagles.
'Thank you owl!' They called down 'for showing us who we really are.
' Well done super story tellers for listening to our new story "The Eagle Who Thought he Was a Chicken" Let's have a look at what we are going to do now to check our understanding of the story.
We are going to create a story matrix which you might have done before.
To do this you need a piece of paper and you need to split it in to 6 boxes.
So to do that, I am going to fold mine in 3 across like this.
It doesn't need to be perfect.
And then, once I have got one, two, three, I am then going to fold it in half the other way.
And then I will have 6 boxes.
And then once you have your 6 boxes you need to write these words in each of the boxes: "where" "who" "problem" "solution" "ending" and "learning" So pause the video now to go and create your story matrix.
Well done super story tellers, now that you've got your story matrix let's look at what we are going to do with it! Let's start with our where box.
Where did this story take place? Where is this story set? Have a think.
Okay, pause the video and draw a picture in your where box of where this story took place.
Well done super story tellers let's have a look at my picture.
This is where the story took place it's a farm.
So I have written the word farm, I've drawn a farm house, and I have drawn a little path going to the chicken coop.
You might have included lots of other animals.
An you might have drawn the forest as well.
If you want to, you can pause the video again here to see if you want to add anything to your drawing.
Well done super story tellers, let's have a look at our next box.
Who? Who is this story about? Who are the main characters? Try and go through each bit of the story, who are the main characters in this story? Pause the video and draw a picture of the characters in this story.
Well done super story tellers, let's have a look at my picture! There we go, whose in the story.
I've got our brother eagle and sister eagle or eaglet because they aren't grown up yet.
I've got brother and sister eaglet, I've got the farmer, I've got the owl who says 'ha ha ha you think you're a chicken! How silly, you are an eagle.
And we've got the mother hen who raised the eaglets as if they were chickens and really looked after them and loved them.
IF you want to, you can pause the video now to add anything to your story matrix.
Well done super story tellers let's go on to our next box! Oo this one needs a little bit more thinking.
Problem, what is the problem in this story? What is the problem in this story? There are a few different things that happen in this story that you might think are a problem so choose the one you think is the point of the highest drama, where a lot is happening.
Maybe where the characters are upset, that's maybe when there's a problem.
So have a careful think, what is the problem in this story? Well done superstars let's have a look at what I thought the problem was.
So I thought the problem was when the eaglet, the bother eaglet, is confronted by the owl who is laughing at him.
He says 'ha ha ha ha, you keep acting like a chicken how ridiculous' And the eaglet begins to think oh I am a bit unusual, I am a bit different, but I am happy being a chicken, and he feels really sad and confused and he shouts at the owl because he is so angry that someone is telling him that he is not a chicken.
So this is when he first realises that maybe he is an eagle.
So I thought that was the biggest problem in the story because it's a big problem for our main character the eaglet.
You might have thought that the problem was that the eaglet's parents were shot at the beginning of the story.
You might have thought that was the biggest problem.
Or, you might have thought the biggest problem is that the farmer took the eggs out of their nest.
Although I think he was doing it so the eaglets had a parent to look after them.
There are a few different things you might have thought were the problem in this story.
You can pause the video again if you like to if you want to take anything from my picture.
Okay super story tellers, let's have a look at the next bit of our story matrix.
Oh solution.
So, the problem in my story matrix was that the eagle is upset that the owl is laughing at him and he begins to think 'oh maybe I'm not a chicken.
And he is really upset.
What is the solution? How is the problem solved? What is the solution? Have a careful think, pause the video, and see if you can draw what the solution is.
Well done super story tellers.
This was a bit more tricky one.
Let's have a look.
There we go, I thought that the solution was that eagle learned, the eaglet sorry, learned that he could fly.
And he learned that he was an eagle.
And I think it solved the problem because he felt really positive about being an eagle.
He thought look what I can do! I've got these enormous wings, I can fly! And he felt really proud of himself.
So I thought that was a really lovely solution, that he was able to find some of the really good things about being an eagle.
You can pause the video now if you would like to take anything from my drawing.
Well done superstars, let's have a look at our next box.
Ending, how does this story end? Think about our main characters, think about what they are doing, how does this story end? Pause the video and see if you can draw a picture that shows how the story ends.
Well done super story tellers, let's have a look! There you go, there is the ending, I've got the chicken in the chicken coop down there and the eagles are soaring above them in the sky and there's a lovely sun so that you know they are up in the sky.
I do like to think though that they still go down and say hi to the chickens and maybe still act like chickens sometimes, because they were very happy being chickens.
You can pause the video again if you would like to take anything from my picture and add it to your picture.
Well done superstars, it's one last box let's have a look! Learning.
Oo this is a bit of tricky one to think about, you might have different ideas.
What do you think we can learn from this story? What is the important message from this story that we can take in to our own lives? What do you think you've learnt from this story? I found this one a bit tricky to draw a picture for.
If you want to, you can write a few words.
It's up to you.
So pause the video now and think about what is the learning in this story? Well done superstars, let's have a look.
I told you I found it a bit tricky to think about what I was going to draw.
I just did a really happy face because I thought that the learning in this story is to be happy with yourself.
The eagle was really happy being a chicken, but he did begin to notice he was a bit different.
His beak was longer, his wings were wider, his claws were sharper and when that waws pointed out to him he felt a bit upset.
But then he discovered that as an eagle he could fly and soar and be really proud of himself as an eagle.
So I think the main learning is you need to be happy with yourself and who you think you are.
I think that the eagle can still be a bit like a chicken if he wants to.
He can be a bit like a chicken and a bit like an eagle.
He doesn't have to choose just one, as long as he's happy and his sister is happy with who they are I wonder what you thought the learning was in this story.
Maybe you thought it was something different to me.
Okay, I have got a challenge for you, I wonder if you've got the energy for a challenge.
My challenge says 'which part of the story was your favourite and why?' Pause the video and see if you can finish this sentence 'my favourite part of this story was ___ because.
' Fantastic super story tellers! Can you please tell me what was your favourite part of the story? I heard so many amazing different ideas.
I heard one learner say that their favourite part of the story was right at the beginning when the farmer took the eggs.
He thought how kind that the farmer is giving those eagles a new home and a new family.
Some people said that their favourite part was when the eagle was learning to be like a chicken and was hiding from other eagles, because they thought that was quite funny.
I heard somebody say that their favourite part was when the eagle learns to fly.
You have worked so brilliantly today, well done! I have really enjoyed learning our new story together.
Remember you can always share your work with Oak National and I would love to see some of your story matrix's.
So if you'd like to please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter tagging @oak national and hashtagging #Leavenworth because I would love to see it! Well done super story tellers and in our next lesson we will be learning our story "The Eagle Who Thought he Was a Chicken" from memory, so I will see you then!.