Hi, everyone! I'm Mrs. Hawley and I love stories.
I love reading stories, I love writing stories, I love telling stories and I love listening to stories.
And you get to listen to a story today, but before you do, I'm going to introduce you to one of my friends.
Now his name is Cedric, but he's very shy.
So you might have to be very quiet, so he's brave enough to come out of his shell.
Can you say a very quiet, hallo Cedric? Oh, that was so kind.
Oh, Cedric, are you pleased to be here today? Uh, he said he's very excited.
Uh, we're going to Warm our brains up now with a tongue twister.
A tongue twister is a group of words that's really tricky, to say together.
Ours today is red lorry, yellow lorry.
Should we have a go at saying that together now? Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry.
Well done.
Should we have a go at saying that even faster this time? Okay.
Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow, red lorry, yellow,.
red, yellow.
I think I need a bit of practise Cedric.
Cedric thinks I'm very good at tongue twisters though, don't you Cedric? So, you do think I'm very good, at tongue twisters Cedric, don't you? Yes, so when, Oh, Cedric, he does make me laugh and he really helps me out sometimes.
So in today's lesson, we're going to listen to and respond to a story in lots of different ways, that is going to help us become fantastic storytellers, but it's also going to help us with our writing later in the unit.
Let's have a look at our agenda for today.
So we're going to do some spelling to start off with, then we're going to listen to a story, and then we're going to map the story.
You will need some paper, a pencil or a pen and your brilliant brain.
And if you want to get a cuddly friend to help you like Cedric helps me, then you can do that as well.
Why don't you pause the video now, so you can collect those things.
Fantastic! And now we're ready for spelling.
We're going to look up words today that end in the letter Y but in these words, the letter, Y makes an E sound E-E-E-E E-E-E-E-E E-E E-E E-E E-E-E-E Fantastic! Now these words also have two syllables.
Can you clap? Brilliant! Now the first word today is exactly how I'm feeling today.
Can you guess what it is? Yes, it's happy.
Can you say happy for me in a really happy voice, happy.
Fantastic! Our next word is a word that I could use to describe Cedric, because he makes me laugh.
Can you guess the word is, funny.
Can you say funny for me in a really giggly voice? Funny.
Brilliant! Our next word is a big truck that drives down the motorway like that.
It's a Lorry, can you say Lorry for me in a lorry driving kind of way, Lorry.
Brilliant! Our next word hopes around the field to to toooo.
It is a bunny.
Can you say Bunny for me, please? In a bunny voice, bunny, bunny.
Brilliant! Our next word is something that you might like to do on your birthday.
There might be balloons, there might be dancing, the word is party.
Can you have a party for me while you say that word, please? Party, party, party, party.
Fantastic! And our final word, describes somebody who just can't have enough.
They want more and more and more.
And the word is greedy.
Can you say that for me in a greedy voice, greedy.
Brilliant! What I'd like you to try and do now is pause the video and write down these spellings.
When you do that, look for the tricky bits.
You might notice something about the first four words.
They all have two consonants before the E sound before the Y, but be careful because the last two words don't, pause the video now and have ago at writing those words down.
Well done, I'm going to give you a magical cheer.
Get your magic wand ready, well done.
Well done.
Well done.
Well done.
Woooow! There is definitely some magic in the air today.
I can feel it.
And I'm good at spotting these things.
Are you good at spotting magical things? I wonder if you've seen anything mysteriously magic today, maybe you saw a blue unicorn fly past your window or a penguin in a bow tie.
Keep your eyes peeled.
Could you tell me, if you've seen anything magical? Maybe you could put it in a sentence.
I saw a magical, wow! I knew something magical was happening today, we are definitely ready for our story.
Our story today is called the magic paintbrush.
And it's a story from China.
Now Cedric just bought me a present.
Thank you, Cedric.
It's a very magical looking hat.
What do you think? Can you join him with our story chant?.
It's story time.
It's story time.
Look, listen, wooow! It's story time.
It's story time.
Look, listen, wooow! Once upon a time, there lived a young man called Marlian.
He was a kind man.
He was a poor man and he worked hard every day in the fields.
He loved to draw and paint and he drew everywhere.
One night, something mysterious happened.
Marlian had a dream.
He dreamt that an old man brought him a magic paintbrush and told him that he needed to use this to help the poor.
The next morning, Marlian woke up and what do you think was on his desk? A magic paintbrush.
He couldn't believe his eyes.
What ever he painted or drew came to life, from that moment on Marlian used the magic paintbrush to help other people.
When he was in the fields and he noticed that there wasn't enough water.
He drew the most magnificent river and it came to life.
When he noticed that people were hungry.
He drew plates of delicious steaming food.
When he noticed that someone needed a home and somewhere safe to live, he drew a house.
The people were amazed.
Now, by now everybody had heard of Marlian and his magic paintbrush, a greedy King decided he wanted the paintbrush for himself.
"If I had that magic paintbrush, I could paint myself more and more riches." And he sent his men to steal the paintbrush from Marlian, and he threw Marlian in prison.
The greedy king invited all his friends to the palace, so he could show off his magic paintbrush.
He drew one picture and nothing happened.
He drew another picture and nothing happened again.
He was furious, he summoned Marlian to the palace.
And he said to Marlian, "you will draw me what I want, and then I will set you free" Now Marlian didn't know what to do.
He knew the greedy king was a bad man, What would you do? He thought about it, and then he had an idea "I would like you to draw me a golden mountain and then I can get that gold and be rich, go on, draw it.
" Marlian drew a sea, "Why have you drawn a sea, i don't want a sea.
I want to golden mountain, draw me a golden mountain right now." So Marlian drew a golden mountain further way past the sea.
"Right I need a big ship so I can travel to that mountain." So Marlian drew a big ship, the greedy King and his people jumped onto the ship.
And when the ship was in the middle of the ocean, Marlian drew a giant wave.
Waaash! it destroyed the ship and the greedy King and his people were never seen again.
Marlian lived a very happy life, helping others every day with his magic paintbrush.
Did you enjoy that story? I did.
What was your favourite part of the story? I think mine, was when Marlian first found the magic paintbrush.
Could you tell me when your favourite moment was? could you say in a sentence? My favourite moment was, now we're going to map the story and that's going to help us to think about the story, but also it will help us start learning it.
So the first thing I'm going to draw is a squiggly line, that's going to map out the journey of our story, and then I'm going to draw the first character that we meet.
Can you remember who that is? Marlian.
That's right.
So I'm going to draw Marlian and I'm going to give him a big smile to remember that how kind he is.
And can you remember what he loves doing? Oh yes.
Painting and drawing.
So I'm going to draw a piece paper and a paintbrush, next in the story is a very important moment where something mysterious happens.
Yes it's when he has a dream.
So I'm going to draw the bed, Marlian sitting in the bed.
And what did he dream of? He dreamt of a magic paintbrush, that was given to him by the old man.
So I'm going to draw the magic paint brush and make sure it looks very magical.
And next in this story, he wakes up to find the.
can you remember what he finds on his desk? Magic paintbrush, is that magical.
Now from that day on Malian decided that he was going to help other people with the magic paintbrush.
So I'm going to draw a heart to show that kindness again.
And then I'm going to draw few other things that Marlian used to help other people.
So we draw drew a river, I'm going to draw a plate of hot steaming food.
And I'm going to draw a house because he helped people by giving them a home and some way to live that.
Then in the story, we meet another character.
We meet the greedy king and he decides that he wants the paintbrush.
So he steals it for Marlian and he throws Marlian in prison.
So am going to draw those bars, poor Marlian.
But then of cause the paintbrush doesn't work.
And the greedy King is not impressed by this at all.
So I'm going to draw a picture of him for me, where he looks very unimpressed.
Oh, he's got none.
He calls for Marlian and tells him "you need to help me.
And then I will free you".
And then of course, Marlian doesn't know what to do, which is why I draw that question mark above his head.
But then he has an idea.
And even though the King has asked him to draw golden mountain, he draws the sea, King is not happy about that.
So he draws a mountain but far away from the sea.
And then of course he draws the ship because the King says he wants to go to that golden mountain right away.
And then when the greedy King is in the middle of the ocean, Marlian draws that huge wave that goes waash and destroys the ship.
And the greedy King is never seen again.
But Marlian lives a happy life.
Now why don't you have a go at mapping the story, remember the pictures don't need to be perfect.
It's just to help you remember the story, pause the video and have a go.
Well done superstars, you deserve another magical cheer.
Get your magic wand ready? Well done.
Well done.
Well done.
Well done.
Wooow! Cedric is impressed.
What was your favourite part of the lesson? What was your favourite part Cedric? Cedric love the part when he heard the story for the first time.
Lesson two is going to be very exciting, because you're going to learn how to be the storytellers yourself.
There's a few things you might want to do before the next lesson.
Imagine that you had a magic paintbrush, what would you draw and how would you help other people.
You might want to design something magical and draw a picture of it.
And don't forget, you can practise our tongue twister as well.
Red lorry, yellow, lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry.
Keep practising.
If you'd like to, you can ask a parent or a carer to share your work, and then I can see your lovely work as well.
Well, thank you.
I hope you have a great day and enjoy the rest of your learning.
Bye for now.