
Lesson video

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Hello everyone and welcome to your sixth lesson of the unit with me, Miss Britton and Cedric.

Now, Cedric I'm really excited about today's lesson.

Would you like to know why? Well, in today's lesson we are going to be doing some writing and hopefully, all our work, we've done on our building block, action and the deepening we've done of our story with our role play and our dancing is really going to help us today.

And don't worry if you're feeling a little bit nervous, because sometimes I feel nervous when I'm doing writing and you do as well Cedric, don't you? But it's okay because we will all work together.

In today's lesson we are going to be writing captions to show action in the story.

So we're going to have a think about some key vocabulary first and then we're going to draw some pictures and write some captions on the pictures.

In today's lesson, we will be starting off with our nursery rhyme, then we'll be looking at some vocabulary, which is different words.

And then we'll be writing labels and captions.

For this lesson you will need an exercise book or a piece of paper and a pencil, your super memory and your teddy talk partner.

Now it's time for our nursery rhyme.

Today's nursery rhyme We haven't actually done before and it's called "10 in the bed".

And that's how it starts off 10.

Will you count down with me children? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

Now in "10 in the bed", 10 goes down to zero.

So will you count down with me from 10.

10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero.


Now you may have heard this nursery rhyme before.

And if you have, that's great you can join in.

And if you haven't, don't worry, you can join in once you get the hang of it.


♪ There were 10 in the bed ♪ ♪ And the little one said ♪ ♪ Roll over, roll over ♪ ♪ So they all rolled over ♪ ♪ And one fell out ♪ So 10 and one's fallen out.

I've got nine in the bed.

Now you ready? ♪ There were nine in the bed ♪ ♪ And the little one said ♪ ♪ Roll over, roll over ♪ ♪ So they all rolled over ♪ ♪ And one fell out ♪ What comes after nine? Eight.

That's right.

♪ There were eight in the bed ♪ ♪ And the little one said ♪ ♪ Roll over, roll over ♪ ♪ So they all rolled over ♪ ♪ And one fell out ♪ Eight, seven.

♪ There were seven in the bed ♪ ♪ And the little one said ♪ ♪ Roll over, roll over ♪ ♪ So they all rolled over ♪ ♪ And one fell out ♪ ♪ There were six in the bed ♪ ♪ And the little one said ♪ ♪ Roll over, roll over ♪ ♪ So they all rolled over ♪ ♪ And one fell out ♪ ♪ There were five in the bed ♪ Can you carry on the rest of this nursery rhyme with your teddy talk partner, all the way to zero.

The next bit of this lesson, you will need your exercise book or paper and a pencil because we're going to be writing some labels and captions to go with some pictures.

Before we begin I'd like us to think about what a good sentence needs? And I want you to show me five.

Whenever we write a sentence, I want us to check for these five things.

Capital letters, that come at the beginning of our sentence.

Capital letters.

Finger spaces, so that each word has a finger space between them and our words aren't bunched together.

So it's clear to read.

We need to check our spellings and make sure we've used our phonics to sound out our words.

We need to check for a full stop, which comes at the end of our sentence.

And then when we've done all of these four things and we've wrote our sentence, we need to check that it makes sense.

Give me five, capital letters, finger spaces, spellings, full stop at the end, and then to check it makes sense.

So I've got a sentence here, the turnip was big.

That's what it's supposed to say.

The turnip was big.

I'm going to check, my give me five to make sure my sentence has all those things.

First one capital letter.

Where should the capital letter go? It should go at the beginning.

The needs a capital letter and it hasn't got a capital letter.

So the needs to be changed to a capital letter.

The next thing I would check is my finger spaces.

I can see that each of my word has a space between them.

So finger spaces I can tick off.

The next thing I need to check is my spellings.

The turnip was big.

Turnip I know that I've got from the story.

The and was are my high frequency words.

I can't sound them out, I just have to know them.

Let's have a look at big though.


That isn't big.

So I need to sound out big and correct it.


So I can change bij to big.

And then finally a full stop at the end.

And then once I've got my sentence, I can check it makes sense.

The turnip was big.

In this section of the lesson, we are going to be drawing pictures from the story and writing labels or captions to show what is happening, to show clear action because of that is our building block that we are focusing on.

How the writer shows a reader clear action and makes it really obvious as to what is going on.

So I'm going to show you a picture first, and then you can have a go at writing the labels or captions yourself or you can come along with me.

You might want to watch the first one, with me.

So, in the ground here, I've got a picture and it's a turnip stuck in the ground.

So I want to think of what action word would go with this, stuck.

I need to use my phonics here to sound out stuck.

So I'm going to think it, I'm going to say it, use my robot arms and then write it.




And I've got a diagraph at the end there, which is two letters one sound.


What other word could I write next to the turnip it shows clear action.

Well, during this bit the turnip was being pulled and pulled is in my keyword box.

So I'm going to copy that word from there.


So I've got stuck and pulled both words showing clear action.

Now, if you feeling confident enough, you might want to write a caption for your picture.

Well, the turnip stuck in the ground.

I need to think my sentence first and say it twice.

The turnip is stuck.

I want to say it with punctuation this time.

Capital letter, the turnip is stuck full stop.


I'm taking the from my high frequency word box, turnip, which is in my key vocabulary box.

Is Which is also another one of my high frequency words.


Which I've already used as a label for my turnip.

So I can copy it from there.

Capital letter, the turnip is stuck, full stop.

And at this point, I need to give you five.

I need to check that my sentence has the five things, a good sentence needs.

Capital letter, check.

Finger space, check.

Spellings, well I sounded out stuck before, and I've got the over words for my keyword box, check.

Full stop.

And then I'll read it now to make sure that it makes sense.

You can read along with me if you'd like.

The turnip is stuck.

Now, if you're feeling confident here, you might extend this sentence and make it longer.

And explain why the turnip is stuck.

If you'd like to have a go at that now, pause the video and have a go.

If not, you can stay with me.

The turnip is stuck.

But why is the turnip stuck? Because it is so big.

So I'm going to extend my sentence and say, capital letter the turnip is stuck because it is so big full stop.

So that means I need to cross out my full stop here and carry on.

And don't worry when you're writing sentences, if you're not sure of the spellings, as long as you use your phonics and sound out the word, and the sounds that you know, then that is absolutely fine.

The turnip is stuck because it is so big.


Full stop.

The turnip is stuck because it is so big.

Well done if you had a go at extending that sentence on your own.

Here, I've drawn another image and this image is of them falling down.

Is another action from the story, falling down at the end, when the turnip pops out of the ground.

So I'm going to think of a label, for this image first.

Can you tell your teddy talk partner a label, an action word which you might label this image with.


You could use, fell.

You could use, tumble.


So I'm going to label this picture with, fell.

I'm going to sound it out first.




And I'm going to label my image with fell.


Which is my diagraph.

Two letters.

One sound.


Now I'd like to put this into a sentence, remember I need to think it, say it, punctuate it before I write it.

And I want to write the sentence.

In fact, children, I'm going to let you think of the sentence for this one.

Pause the video here and see if you can use fell in a sentence to describe what is going on in that picture.

How did you find that? Did you manage to have a go? I came up with a sentence and I'm going to use my key word, they.

They fell down.

Capital letter, they fell down full stop.

They, which is in my high frequency word box.

I can't sound it out, I just have to know it.

They finger space fell which I've already labelled my picture with.

Finger space down.


Full stop.

Capital letter, they fell down full stop.

is one more image.

Talk to your teddy talk partner.

What do you think is going on in this image? What action is it showing? For this picture, I want you to have a go now at writing a label.

Can you label it with an action? And then if you're feeling confident, you could have a go at writing a sentence to describe what is going on in the picture, to write a caption for it.

Remember, that you've got a box with your high frequency words and below it, some of our star words, which you might use in your sentence.

And then once you've written your sentence, don't forget to give me five.

Pause the video here and have a go.

If you're feeling really confident after that, you might draw some of your own images and label them and caption them to show clear action.

I'm wondering how you felt your learning went in that lesson.

I'm wondering if you found it tricky.

How did you find it, Cedric? Oh, Cedric found it a little bit tricky at times, but you love that we were able to work together.

If you had a go, at writing your own sentences and captions for the pictures, all labels, Well done.

If you didn't manage to get a go, you might want to pause the video now, and you can always rewind it and have a go.

Shall we sing our resilience song to remind us that we should always give things a go even when they're tricky, Cedric? Are you ready children? ♪ We'll always have a go ♪ ♪ We'll always have a go ♪ ♪ Oh ooh, don't you know, ♪ ♪ We'll always have a go ♪ ♪ I won't give up, oh no ♪ ♪ I won't give up, oh no ♪ ♪ Oh ooh, don't you know ♪ ♪ I won't give up, oh no ♪ Me and Cedric would love to see all your hard work of your labels and captions.

So if you'd like to, you can ask a parent or carer to share it.

See you in the next lesson.