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Hi everyone, it's Ms. Panchal here.

I'm so excited and glad you've decided to join me on this science lesson today.

So we're going to be focusing on different types of food today, and this is part of our bigger unit of learning on healthy eating.

Now, I hope your stomach's not going to be rumbling through our lesson 'cause we're going to be talking about lots of different food and lots of different examples of food groups.

So let's get started with the lesson.

So the outcome for our lesson today is I can identify that humans get nutrients from different types of food.

So we're going to talk through some key words that we're going to use in our lesson today, and it's important that we learn how to say them.

So I'm going to say the word, and I would like you to repeat it back to me.

My turn, nutrient.

Your turn.


My turn, vitamin.

Your turn.

Well done.

My turn, carbohydrate.

Your turn.

Well done.

My turn, protein.

Your turn.

Great job.

My turn, calcium.

Your turn.


Well done.

Now, it's important that we also learn about what these words mean.

So a nutrient is any substance that plants or animals need in order to live and grow.

A vitamin is a chemical in food which helps the body to stay healthy.

Carbohydrates are found in foods like fruits, vegetables, and grains, and they give us energy.

Protein is found in foods like meat, fish, and eggs, and it helps a human's body to grow and repair itself.

Calcium is one of the chemicals that forms our bones and teeth, and calcium is found in dairy foods.

So some of you may have heard of these words before, or even may know what they mean, but don't worry too much if you're not sure 'cause we're going to cover all of these words in our lesson today.

So our lesson on types of food is going to be split up into two parts.

The beginning part of the lesson, we're going to be focusing on different types of food, and then we're going to move on to more types of food.

So let's get started with the first part of our lesson.

So Lucas is at a supermarket with his family, and Lucas says, "There are many different types of food.

Why do we need so many types?" Lucas' brother says, "It is important to eat different types of food because they help our bodies in different ways.

Humans get different nutrients from different types of food." And a nutrient is any substance that living things need in order to live or grow.

So we need lots of different nutrients in order to keep ourselves healthy.

One type or group of food is fruit and vegetables.

Lucas says, "My parents say it's important to eat fruit and vegetables every day." Do you know why? So pause the video here and maybe your adults tell you that you need to eat fruit and vegetables every day as well.

But do you know the reason why? Pause the video, have a little think on your own, and then share your idea with your partner.

Why do you think we need to have fruit and vegetables every day? Superstars.

Well done.

So fruit and vegetables provide nutrients in the form of vitamins, which can help us to stay healthy.

Well, Lucas is saying, "You can buy vitamins from the supermarket, so why are we having to eat fruit and vegetables?" So "Fruit and vegetables also provide fibre, which helps maintain a healthy gut and keeps you visiting the toilet regularly." So yes, some of the vitamins that come from fruit and vegetable you can get in vitamins from the shop, but actually, fruit and vegetables also contain fibre.

So fruit and vegetables are really good for you and keep everything inside your body really healthy.

Which fruits and vegetables do you like to eat? So pause the video here and think in your head a little bit about the different fruits and vegetables you like, and share them with your partner.

Do you like the same or do you like different ones? Click play when you're ready to continue.

Thank you everyone for sharing your different fruits and vegetables that you like.

My favourite fruit, I think, is a mango, and my favourite vegetable, I think, might be broccoli.

I love some broccoli.

Do you like broccoli too? So let's do a check of our learning.

True or false, "Eating fruits and vegetables can help us to stay healthy." Do we think that's true or false? Hands up for true.

Hands up for false.

Excellent, the answer is true.

So we now need to think about why it is true.

Is it because A, fruit and vegetables come from plants, or B, fruits and vegetables provide vitamins and fibre? Think back to the learning we've just done on fruit and vegetables.

Which one do you think is the right answer? Excellent job, everyone.

Well done.

The answer is B.

So fruits and vegetables provide vitamins and fibre.

So we said that, yes, the vitamins that are in fruits and vegetables, you could buy them in a supermarket, but actually, there's lots of fibre inside fruit and vegetables too, and the vitamins and fibre help to keep everything inside your body nice and healthy, and making sure you're also going to the bathroom regularly.

So Lucas' brother puts some of brown bread, rice, and pasta into the shopping trolley.

Lucas says, "Why do we eat foods like these? Do they contain nutrients to help us stay healthy?" Do you know? So have a little think, brown bread, pasta and rice, do they contain nutrients that we need in order to stay healthy? Hands up for yes, they contain good nutrients, or hands up for no, they do not contain any nutrients.

Excellent job, everyone.

Well done.

So these foods belong to a group called carbohydrates, and you may have heard this word before.

Carbohydrates are one of the main nutrients found in foods and drinks.

When we eat food containing carbohydrates, our body breaks it down and uses it to give us energy, and this can help us to stay active.

So it's important that we do have some carbohydrates in the food that we eat because those carbohydrates break down and they help us to give us energy, and that can support us in being active, for example, playing basketball, or doing some dancing, or jogging on the spot.

Let's do a check of our learning, shall we? So carbohydrates give us A, fibre, B vitamins, or C energy? Which one do you think is correct? What do carbohydrates give us? Great work, everyone.

We know that carbohydrates give us energy.

Super job.

So Lucas' brother adds some chickpeas, chicken, soya pieces, and salmon to the shopping trolley.

And Lucas says, "These are all very different foods.

Which nutrients do they contain that we need to eat?" What do you think? So have a think about what the pictures are on the screen.

So we've got chickpeas, chicken, soya pieces, and salmon.

So which nutrients do they contain that we need to eat? What do you think? Super job.

So these foods contain protein, and other examples of protein are beef, eggs, and tofu.

So protein is an important nutrient in food for muscle health because it helps our bones and muscles to grow and to repair themselves.

So let's do a check of our learning of what we've just learned about protein.

Which of these foods is a good source of protein, A, white bread, B, salmon, C, tomatoes? So out of these foods, which of these are good source of protein? Great job.

The answer is B, salmon.

Salmon is a really good source of protein.

I love eating salmon.

It's so delicious.

So let's move on to the first task of our lesson today.

So I would like you to sort these foods into the following groups, fruits and vegetables, foods containing carbohydrates, and foods containing protein.

So pause the video here and if you would like to, print out this slide, cut out the pictures and organise them, or you can write out a list yourself.

Click play when you're ready to continue and we'll go through the answers.

Super job, everybody.

Well done for completing this task.

So let's go through the answers.

So in the fruit and vegetables section, you could have had par snips, strawberries, and courgettes.

In the carbohydrates section, you should have had pasta and rice, and in the protein section should have been eggs and beef.

Did you get those answers? Well done, everyone.

We're now going to move on to the next part of the task.

So what I'd like you to do is match the reasons why we need to eat each type of food to their group.

So I'm going to read the sentences to you and you'll need to think about what is the reason for that food group.

"We should eat these foods every day because they provide our bodies with vitamins and fibre, which help to keep us healthy.

We need to eat foods in this group because they give us energy.

This helps us to stay active and healthy.

We need to eat food from this group to help our body to grow and repair itself." So have a think about the information here, and can you match the reason why we need to eat each type of food to the group? Off you go and click play when you're ready to continue, and we'll go through the answer.

Super job, everybody.

Well done.

I'm so impressed with your work so far in the lesson.

So let's go through the answers.

So fruits and vegetables, we should eat these every day because they provide our bodies with vitamins and fibre which help to keep us healthy.

Carbohydrates, we need to eat carbohydrates because they give us energy, and this helps us to stay active and healthy.

And protein, protein helps our body to grow and repair itself.

Did you get those answers? Well done.

So we're going to move on to the second part of our lesson now.

So we focused on different types of food, and we're now going to move on to more types of food.

So Lucas and his family arrive in the dairy aisle.

They pick up milk, cheese, soya milk, and yoghourts, and these foods all contain nutrients that help to keep us healthy.

Lucas says, "I know what these foods have in common.

They're all kept in the fridge." Do you know which group these foods belong to? Pause the video and have a think with your talk partner.

Excellent job, everyone.

Well done.

So these foods belong to the group of foods called dairy.

This usually means they are foods made from or containing milk.

So not all dairy food is made using milk from cows and other animals.

Milk and cheese can also be made from alternatives like soybeans, and nuts such as cashews and macadamias.

So milk doesn't have to be from cows.

There are actually alternatives to this as well.

So dairy foods contain nutrients, including vitamins and calcium, which are important for good bone health.

But why is it important to have healthy bones? Pause the video here, have a little think in your head on your own, then share your idea with your partner, and then share your thoughts with the rest of the group.

Why is it important to have healthy bones? Great job, everyone, and great discussion.

I heard some really fantastic ideas there.

So bones support our body.

They're also protecting different organs inside our body, such as our brain, hearts, and lungs, so it's really important we look after our bones and keep them as strong as possible.

Let's do a check of our learning.

True or false, "Dairy foods are a good source of carbohydrates that give us energy." Do we think that's true or false? What do we think? Great job.

The answer is false.

Now let's have a little think about why do we think that is? Because A, dairy foods contain calcium, which helps to keep our bones healthy, or B, dairy foods are often kept in the fridge? So think back to the learning we've done about carbohydrates and dairy foods, and think about which answer is correct.

Super job.

The answer is A.

So dairy foods contain calcium, which helps to keep our bones healthy, and it's really important that we have calcium in our diet to make sure that our bones are as strong as possible.

So whilst at the dairy aisle, Lucas' brother picks up some butter.

Lucas says, "I know that we should not eat a lot of food like this.

Is it because they do not contain nutrients?" Do you know why? So Lucas says he knows that we shouldn't be eating too much of foods such as butter.

Is it because they don't contain much nutrients? Or do you know the reason why? Excellent, so butter contains nutrients such as vitamin D and calcium.

However, butter is a food high in fat.

So yes, it does have some good nutrients in there, but it also is quite high in fat, and we must be very careful not to eat too much of this every day.

Foods like oils and spreads contain fats, and fats help our bodies to absorb vitamins.

And it's important that humans eat a small amount of fat as part of a healthy, balanced diet.

Lard, coconut oil, and olive oil.

So here are examples of some different oils that could be used in your diet, and can be used in different cooking.

So fats help our bodies to absorb vitamins.

So it's important we do have some fat as part of our healthy diet and as part of our meals and food for the day, but it's important we don't have too much.

So let's do a check of our learning.

True or false, "Humans should not eat foods that contain fat?" True or false? What do you think? Great job.

The answer is false, but we need to think about why.

Do we think it's because A, humans need to eat small amounts of foods that contain some fat, or B, humans need to regularly eat foods that contain a lot of fat.

So which do we think is correct, A or B? Great job.

The answer is A.

So humans need to eat small amounts of food that contain some fat.

Super job.

Okay, so let's move on to the next task for the lesson.

So I would like you to sort these foods into foods containing dairy and foods containing fats.

And then I would like you to explain why we need to eat each type of food.

So there are two parts to this task.

So we've got vegetable oil, low-sugar yoghourt, coconut oil, goat milk, margarine, and cheese.

So pause the video here, have a go at the task.

If you need to, go back over the last couple of slides to go over the different food groups and different examples to help you complete the task.

When you're ready to go through the answers, click play and we'll talk through them.

Off you go.

Super work everybody.

Well done.

I can see you've worked really hard to think really carefully about these different foods, and categorising them into whether they can contain dairy or they contain fats.

So Aisha has said, "These foods contain dairy, and dairy is important because it contains calcium, which helps our bones to stay healthy.

Our bones are an important part of our body because they support our body and help to protect important organs such as our brains." So Aisha here has chosen low-sugar yoghourt, goat milk, and cheese.

Did you get a similar answer to Aisha or did you get a different one? Well done for having a good go at this task.

And Alex says here, "These oils and spreads contain fats.

Cheese is a dairy food, but is also high in fat.

Humans need to eat some fat as part of a healthy diet." So Alex here has chosen vegetable oil, coconut oil, margarine, and cheese.

So we've spoken about how it's important that we have fat in our diet, but actually, we need to limit how much that is in order to have a balanced diet and to keep us super healthy.

So we've come towards the end of our lesson, so let's do a summary of our learning.

Fruits and vegetables provide vitamins and fibre for good health.

Carbohydrates give us energy, and protein helps our bones and muscles to grow and repair.

Dairy and alternatives provide calcium for good bone health, and a small amount of fat is an essential part of a healthy, balanced diet.

So in our lesson today, we've learned about some different foods and different food groups.

Now, in order to have a healthy balanced diet, we need foods from all of these different food groups.

And as we said, with the fat group, it's important that we have some of those foods that belong in that group, but that we don't have too many of those.

Now, I'm so impressed with all the learning you've done today.

You've produced some fantastic work, and you've worked really hard to give me lots of different examples within the different food groups.

I hope you have a great rest of the day, and I'm sure I'll see you really soon in the next science lesson, bye-Bye.