
Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Ms Cayley and I'm going to help you with your learning today.

In today's lesson, we're going to use a part-whole model to partition a whole into more than two parts.

So let's have a look at today's lesson outcome.

Here's the outcome of today's lesson, so by the end of the lesson, you'll be able to do this.

I can use a part-whole model to represent a whole partitioned into more than two parts.

Here are the keywords for today's lesson.

We've got whole, part, partition and part-whole model.

Can you repeat them after me? My turn, whole.

Your turn.

My turn, part.

Your turn.

My turn, partition.

Your turn.

My turn, part-whole model.

Your turn.

Well done.

Do you know what these words mean? So we've got the word whole.

That means that we've got a whole object or a whole group of objects.

We've got all of them.

None are missing.

Then we've got part.

This is part of a whole, so some of the whole is missing.

We've just got a piece of the whole, we have not got all of it.

Then we've got partition.

This means we're going to split a whole into parts.

Then we've got part-whole model or a part-whole diagram.

Sometimes this is called a cherry model as well.

This is a diagram or a drawing or a representation where we can partition a whole into parts.

Here's the lesson outline for today's lesson.

So we will use a part-whole model to represent a whole partitioned into more than two parts.

We'll start the lesson by partitioning into more than two parts, and then we will be using a part-whole model.

Let's start with the first part of the lesson.

Here are some children that are going to help us in today's lesson.

We've got Sam and Jun.

Let's start with the learning.

A whole group can be partitioned into many parts.

The parts may look the same or different.

Can you see the whole group of cubes here? I wonder if we can partition it into parts.

How could we partition these cubes? I wonder how many cubes we've got in the whole group.

Should we count them? Can you count them with me? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 cubes.

There are six cubes in the whole group.

Wonder how we can partition them? I've put a ring round two of the cubes.

There are two cubes in this part.

Now I've put a ring round a different part.

There are two cubes in in this part, and I've put a ring round the rest of them.

There are two cubes in this part.

Six can be partitioned into three parts.

Can you see the three parts there? They all look the same size, don't they? They've all got two cubes.

The parts are smaller than the whole.

A whole group can be partitioned into more than two parts.

Could we partition these cubes? How many cubes have we got in the whole group? Let's count them.

We've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 cubes.

There are five cubes in the whole.

I wonder how we're going to partition them.

I've put a ring around three of the cubes.

There are three cubes in this part.

Now I've put a ring around a different part.

There is one cube in this part.

Finally, we've got one cube in the last group.

There is one cube in this part.

Five can be partitioned into three parts.

Can you see these parts look different? They're not the same size.

The parts are smaller than the whole.

A whole group can be partitioned into more than two parts.

How could we partition these cubes? I wonder how many cubes we've got in the whole group.

Shall we count them? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 cubes.

There are five cubes in the whole group.

Let's partition the cubes.

I've put a ring round two of the cubes.

There are two cubes in this part.

There is one cube in this part.

There are two cubes in this part.

I've partitioned the five cubes into three parts.

Five can be partitioned into three parts.

These parts look different, don't they? The parts are smaller than the whole.

Can five be partitioned into more than three parts? Hmm.

What do you think? We've tried partitioning five into three parts.

I wonder if five can be partitioned into more than three parts.

What do you think? Here's the whole.

How many cubes have we got in the whole group? There are five cubes in the whole group.

Let's partition them into parts.

There are two cubes in this part.

There is one cube in this part.

There is one cube in this part.

There is one cube in this part.

We've partitioned five into four parts.

Five can be partitioned into four parts.

These parts look different.

The parts are smaller than the whole.

Can five be partitioned into more than four parts? We've partitioned five into three parts and four parts.

I wonder if five can be partitioned into more than four parts.

Here we've got the whole group.

There are five cubes in the whole.

Let's partition the five cubes into smaller parts.

We've partitioned five cubes into five parts.

There is one cube in each part.

Five can be partitioned into five parts.

These parts look the same.

The parts are smaller than the whole.

Let's check your understanding.

We've got four cubes in the whole group here.

Who do you agree with? Sam said, "Four is the whole, four can only be partitioned into two parts." Jun said, "Four is the whole, four can be partitioned into many parts." Who do you agree with? Pause the video and think about this one.

That's right.

Jun was correct.

Four can be partitioned into many parts.

If four is the whole, four can be partitioned into many parts.

Four can be partitioned into two parts.

We've got two examples here.

Or four can be partitioned into three parts.

There's an example.

Or four can be partitioned into four parts.

Let's check your understanding again.

Who do you agree with this time? We've got four cubes in the whole group.

Sam said, "The parts will be smaller than the whole." Jun said, "The parts will be bigger than the whole." Who do you think is right? Pause the video and think about this one.

That's right, Sam was correct.

The parts will be smaller than the whole.

Here's an example of four partitioned into two parts, and you can see that the parts are smaller than the whole.

Let's check your understanding again.

Who do you agree with this time? We've got four cubes in the whole.

Sam said, "The parts will look the same." Jun said, "The parts can look the same or different." Pause the video and think about who you agree with.

That's right.

Jun was correct.

Here's an example of the parts looking the same, so the parts can look the same or they can look different.

Here's an example of them looking different.

Here's a task for you to have a go at.

Can you partition six cubes into more than two parts? So see if you can find six cubes or six objects, or you could draw them on a piece of paper and see if you can partition them into more than two parts.

You can use the stem sentence to help you.

Six is the whole, it can be partitioned into, and then you can work out the numbers for each part.

So pause the video and have a go at this task.

How did you get on with your task? Did you partition six into more than two parts? Here's some ways that I tried, and here's the stem sentence that we used.

Six is the whole, it can be partitioned into four, one and one.

Can you see that at the top there? I've partitioned six into four, one and one.

Six is the whole, it can be partitioned into three, two, and one.

That's the middle example.

Six is the whole, it can be partitioned into two, two and two.

That's the bottom example.

Did you find any other ways? So here we have partitioned six into three parts.

It could be partitioned into more than three parts.

You might have tried partitioning into more than three parts.

So here we've got six is partitioned into many parts.

On the top row I have partitioned six into 3, 1, 1, and 1.

In the middle, I've partitioned six into 2, 2, 1, and 1.

And at the bottom there I've partition six into 2, 1, 1, 1, and 1.

Did you find any other ways? Let's move on to the second part of our lesson.

We will be using a part-whole model.

A whole group can be partitioned in different ways.

The parts may look the same or different.

This is a part-whole model.

You might have seen one of these before.

Some people call it a part-whole diagram or a cherry model because it looks a bit like a bunch of cherries.

A whole group can be partitioned into three parts.

I wonder how many we've got in the whole group here.

Can you count how many black counters there are? Can you count them with me? 1, 2, 3, 4.

There are four counters in the whole.

Let's try to partition them into three parts.

There's one of the parts that's got two counters.

Two is a part.

There's another part.

One is a part.

Finally, the last part has also got one.

One is a part.

So four is the whole and the parts are two, one and one.

We can put numbers in the part-whole model.

Can you see how we partitioned the four into parts? We can put numbers in the part-whole model.

Can you see how we partitioned four into parts? We had two, one and one.

Four is the whole, two is a part, one is a part and one is a part.

So instead of having the objects in the part-whole model, we could replace them with numbers.

If we know the parts, we can work out the whole.

Can you see the parts here? We've got some cubes.

We've got two cubes in each of the parts.

The parts can be combined to make the whole group.

That means we're going to put the parts together to make the whole group.

I wonder what the whole group is going to be here.

What is the whole? Well, we know the parts.

Two is a part, two is a part and two is a part.

Let's put them together to make the whole.

Six is the whole.

The parts have been put together to make the whole.

Six cubes can be partitioned into more than three parts.

I wonder how it can be done.

Let's try to partition these six cubes into more than three parts.

We've got four parts this time.

We could partition them into two cubes, two cubes, one cube, and one cube.

Could six be partitioned into more parts? Yes, it could.

Let's have a try.

Six cubes can be partitioned into more than three parts.

Here we've got five parts.

Let's see how we can partition the six cubes into five parts.

We've got two cubes, one cube, one cube, one cube, and one cube.

Let's check that that is still six cubes.

Let's count them.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 cubes.

We've partitioned six cubes into five parts.

Jun wants to know, could six be partitioned into more parts? Yes, it could.

Let's try.

Six cubes can be partitioned into more than three parts.

Here we've got six parts.

I wonder how many cubes will be in each part.

Let's try to partition these six cubes into six parts.

We've got six cubes in the whole.

We've got one cube in one part, one cube in this part, one cube in this part, one cube in this part, one cube in this part and one cube in the last part.

We have partitioned six cubes into six parts.

The parts are smaller than the whole.

Let's check your understanding.

Look at this part-whole model.

We can see the parts, but we can't see the whole.

Who do you agree with? Sam thinks the whole is six.

Jun thinks the whole is four.

Pause a video and think about who you agree with.

That's right.

Sam was correct.

The whole is going to be six, and there you can see the parts have been combined to make the whole group of six cubes.

Let's check your understanding again, look at this part-whole model.

We can see the parts, but we can't see the whole.

Who do you agree with this time? Sam said, "The whole is six." Jun said, "The whole is five." Pause the video and think about who you agree with.

That's right.

Jun was correct.

There are five cubes in the whole.

If we put the parts together, you can see we have got five cubes in the whole.

Let's check your understanding again, look at this part-whole model.

We can see the whole, but we can't see the parts yet.

Six is going to be partitioned into two, two and something.

Sam thinks the missing part is four.

Jun thinks the missing part is two.

Who do you agree with? Pause the video while you think about this one.

That's right, Jun was correct.

The missing part was two.

These parts can be combined to make the whole of six cubes.

Here's a task for you to have a go at.

Can you find different ways to partition seven cubes? So if you've got some cubes, you can try this with real cubes or you could try a different object if you haven't got cubes, or you could draw it on a piece of paper.

See if you can partition seven cubes into three parts in different ways.

There's a stem sentence to help you as well.

Seven can be partitioned into mm, mm and mm.

Here's the second part of your task.

Can you partition seven cubes into more than three parts? Here's an example with four parts, but you could try it with different parts.

Can you use the stem sentence to help you? Seven can be partitioned into, and write down the parts on the line.

You could draw part-whole models to help you, or you could use the ones in the additional materials.

So pause the video and have a go at your tasks.

How did you get on with your task? So first of all, we were partitioning seven cubes into three parts, and here are some ways that I found.

I partitioned seven cubes into five, one and one.

Then I tried partitioning seven cubes into three, three and one.

Then I tried partitioning seven cubes into four, two, and one.

And finally, I partitioned seven cubes into three, two, and two.

Did you find any other ways? The second part of your task, I asked you to partition seven cubes into more than three parts.

Did you find any ways to do this one? So this is a way that I found to do it.

I partitioned seven cubes into four, one, one and one.

What else did you find? Can seven be partitioned into any other parts? Yes, there are lots of ways to do this one.

Here's a different way that I tried.

I partitioned seven cubes into 3, 2, 1, and 1.

Did you find any other ways? Here's a different way that I tried.

I partitioned seven into four parts and in my parts I had 2, 2, 2 and 1.

Which ways did you find? We've got to the end of our lesson, well done everyone.

Today we've been using a part-whole model to represent a whole partitioned into more than two parts, and this is what we found out.

A part-whole model can be used to represent a whole partitioned into more than two parts.

The parts might look different or the parts might look the same.

Each part will be smaller than the whole group.

The parts can be combined to make the whole group.

Well done.

See you next time.