
Lesson video

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Hello, everybody.

It's Mrs. Franzsen here.

Welcome to Computing.

It's really great to see you here today.

We've got a great lesson lined up all about using information technology, which is one of my favourite topics.

Are you ready? Off we go.

By the end of this lesson you will be able to explain how to use information technology safely.

Let's go through our keywords for today.

So we are going to do my turn, your turn for this.

That means that I'm going to say a keyword, then I want you to say the keyword, and then I want you to listen carefully while I explain that keyword.

Okay? So let's try that first word.

My turn: rules.

Your turn.

That's great.

I'm sure you know that word already.

The rules are instructions everyone should follow to keep us safe.

Next word.

My turn: private.

Your turn.

That's great.

Something that is private is something that belongs to you and is not for everyone to see or use.

The first part of our lesson today is all about understanding information technology rules.

Let's get started.

Information technology, we also call this IT, is a computer or things that are made to work with a computer.

You might recognise some of the information technology devices here.

How have you used information technology at school or at home? I'm sure that you've got lots of stories about this.

You can pause the video here to answer this question and I'll be here when you get back.

Well done for thinking about that question.

Here are some ideas.

We use technology to learn and to work.

We use it to talk to people far away, and we also use it to play and have fun.

Information technology is all around us every day.

What rules, that was one of our keywords there, did you hear it? What rules do you have to follow when using devices? These rules could be from school or home.

Pause the video here to share some of your rules.

IT rules keep us safe, protect our devices and ensure everyone can enjoy using information technology.

Both adults and children have to follow IT rules.

Let's do a check for understanding here.

Who has to follow information technology rules? Is it A: only children under 18, B: everyone, adults and children, or C: only adults aged 18 or over? Pause the video here to think about your answer.

Well done for thinking about your answer.

The question was: Who has to follow information technology rules? The answer was B: everyone, adults and children, all have to follow IT rules.

Well done if you got that one right.

Right, we're going to have a closer look at some IT rules.

The first one here has got a photo of someone holding a phone with a camera app open.

The question says, why do you think we have this IT rule? And the IT rule here is in purple.

It says, ask permission before taking someone's photo.

That is our IT rule.

You can pause the video here to have a think about that and then I'll give you the answer.

This rule shows respect and helps others feel comfortable because I always think that you might not always want your photo taken.

It's always good to respect other people and ask them before you take their photo.

We also call this consent.

Let's look at the next rule now.

We've got a photo of somebody's finger unlocking a device by putting a code in.

The question says, why do you think we have this IT rule? And the rule here is in purple.

The rule is: Keep your passwords private.

Now private is one of our keywords.

And I wonder if you remember the definition of private.

We defined private earlier as something that only belongs to you and that you should not share with others.

You can pause the video here to think about why we have the IT rule of keep your passwords private.

This rule keeps your device safe from others using it without permission.

Let's look at a third IT rule here.

We've got a photo of someone using a device.

The question says: Why do you think we have this IT rule? The rule here is in purple, it says: Carry your device with both hands.

Why do you think we have this rule? Pause the video here to think about your answer.

This rule helps to keep the device safe and not get damaged.

Why do you think we have this IT rule? In this photo we can see two people holding gaming controllers and playing a game.

The rule says: Only play games suitable for your age.

Why do you think we have this rule? You can pause the video here to think about your answer.

This rule helps you avoid seeing or using things that might not be appropriate for you.

Let's do a check here.

It says: Which of these is an example of an IT rule? We have, A: only walk inside, B: carry a tablet carefully with both hands, or C: bedtime at eight o'clock.

You can pause the video here to think about your answer.

Well done for thinking about that question, which of these is an example of an IT rule? The answer was.

B: carry a tablet carefully with both hands.

Well done if you got that one right.

Okay, we've got a task now.

The task is to choose an IT device and think about how you use it safely.

Draw a picture of the IT device in the centre of your page, right in the middle.

In the spaces around it, write down three key rules for using the device safely.

Off you go now to work on this task and I'll be here when you get back to go through your answers.

Welcome back, well done for working so hard on this task.

Let's go through an example that I've made.

So we have got a drawing of a tablet right in the centre of my page.

You can see I've also labelled it there, tablet.

And then all around the image of the tablet I've put my safety rules.

So I have a rule here of no food or drink near the tablet.

Only use apps and games for my age group, and ask before I take someone's photo.

I wonder what device you chose for this task.

I hope that you managed to get your three rules down.

Were your rules the same as mine or maybe they were different? That's also okay.

Well done for all of your hard work.

Let's move on to the next part of this lesson.

This part is all about why information technology rules are important.

Let's go.

Information technology rules are important.

IT rules help keep us safe when using devices.

They also protect our devices from getting broken or being misused.

Following the rules means that we are respecting others and making good choices when we use information technology.

Let's do a check here.

Are you ready? True or false? IT rules were made to stop you having fun.

Pause the video here to think about your answer, and I'll be here when you get back.

That was a good try thinking about that question.

True or false? IT rules were made to stop you having fun.

The answer was false.

Why? IT rules are for keeping you and your device safe.

Well done if you got that one right.

What could happen if you did not follow IT rules? Let's look a bit more closely at these rules.

So what could happen if you did not follow this rule? The rule here is in green and it says: Keep your passwords private.

You can pause the video here to think about this.

If you don't follow this rule, someone might say things pretending to be you or take over your work.

That's why it's important to keep your passwords private.

Let's look at another rule now.

It says: What could happen if you did not follow this IT rule? Only play games suitable for your age.

You can pause the video here to have a think about that.

If you play games meant for older children, you might see things that are confusing or scary.

That's why it's important to only play games suitable for your age.

Let's look at the next rule here.

Oh, in the photo we can see that the device, the phone has been smashed.

Can you see how the glass is all cracked along the sides there? The rule is: Carry your device with both hands.

You can pause the video here to think about what could happen if you don't follow this IT rule.

If you drop a device, it might break.

That's why it's important to always carry your device with both hands.

Let's do a check here.

True or false? It is safe to share passwords with friends because they will not use them inappropriately.

True or false? Pause the video here to think about your answer.

The answer was false.

Why? Passwords should always be kept private to protect personal information and stop others using the device without permission.

Well done if you got that one right.

Okay, we're gonna do another task here.

It says: Here are some examples of people breaking information technology rules.

Let's look at each picture in more detail.

So we've got four examples here.

We're going to go through them one by one.

This is the first example.

Izzy is breaking an information technology rule.

In the picture we can see that Izzy is using a computer.

She's got a page open that says social media, and it says Izzy has posted 15 minutes ago.

"Hi, I am Izzy.

I am seven years old and I live at 12 Oak Lane." I wonder if you are already thinking how Izzy is breaking an IT rule in this example.

In the second example, Andeep is breaking an information technology rule.

We have a situation in this example where Alex is looking sad and Alex is saying, "Stop Andeep.

Don't take my photo." And Andeep is holding a phone where they are taking a picture of Alex.

In the third example here, Jacob is breaking an information technology rule.

Jacob is chatting on his device with someone and the person says, "Hi Jacob." And Jacob writes back, "Go away.

I don't like you.

You are rubbish at drawing." In the fourth example, Aisha is breaking an information technology rule.

In this situation we've got Alex.

Poor Alex, Alex is sad, and he's saying, "Aisha, you aren't listening to me." And Aisha is on a tablet facing the other way from Alex and not listening to what Alex is saying.

In this task we have to draw a line to match the scenarios to the rules.

So we've got our four scenarios with Izzy, Andeep, Jacob and Aisha, and we have four rules.

I'm going to read the rules now.

Ask before taking someone's photo, stop using IT when you should be listening, keep personal information private, and be nice to other people.

Your job is to draw lines to match the scenarios to the correct rules.

Off you go and work on the task and I'll be here when you get back to go through the answers.

Welcome back.

That was a tricky one, so well done working so hard on your task.

Let's go through the answers here.

Alright, so I'm going to say the rule and then I'm going to say the number of scenario that it connects to.

So our first rule was ask before taking someone's photo and the scenario where that was happening was number two, with Andeep taking a photo of Alex.

You should always ask before taking someone's photo.

The second rule was stop using IT when you should be listening.

Which character was doing that or not doing that? It was number four, Aisha.

You should always make sure that you stop using it when you should be listening to someone else.

The next rule says keep personal information private.

Which character was breaking that rule? It was number one with Izzy.

Izzy was posting private information on social media.

You should always keep personal information private.

The last one, be nice to other people.

We also have this rule when we're not using technology, but very often it can be broken while using technology too.

So that was number three.

Jacob was being unkind when using technology.

We should always be nice to other people.

Well done if you got those questions correct.

You have worked really hard today on your learning.

Let's go through a summary of what we've learned today.

Information technology rules help us stay safe, protect our devices, and be respectful to others.

We should keep personal information and passwords private and not share them with anyone.

Breaking it rules can lead to problems such as broken devices or seeing things that are not appropriate.

IT rules help everyone of all ages keep safe when using information technology.

Thank you for joining me on this lesson today.

I hope you enjoyed it and I hope to see you again soon.