Hello, everybody.
Mrs. Franzsen here.
Welcome to Computing.
It's great to see you.
Are you ready to begin? Then let's go.
By the end of today's lesson, you will be able to use the line tool and the shape tool in your digital artwork.
And don't worry, if you haven't used any painting tools before on your device, I'm going to help you every step of the way.
Let's go through our keywords for today's lesson.
We're going to use my turn and your turn for this.
First word.
My turn: Undo.
Your turn: Great.
Undo means to go back one step.
My turn: line tool.
Your turn: That's brilliant.
A line tool draws a straight line.
My turn: shape tool.
Your turn: That's great.
A shape tool draws a shape.
Here we go with the first part of the lesson.
We are going to be using the undo and the line tool.
Lots of different programmes have an undo button.
Can you see my symbol for undo here? It looks a bit like an arrow pointing backwards.
"Undo lets you go back one step at a time," Izzy says.
Jun says, "Using undo can help you fix a mistake." The line tool is used to draw straight lines.
Can you see my symbol here for a line tool? It's like very straight, diagonal line going across the symbol.
Line tool.
Let's do a quick check here to see if you were listening.
The line tool is used to A: measure straight lines, B: draw straight lines, or C: count straight lines? Pause the video now and think about which one the answer is.
Well done if you got the right answer.
The correct answer was the line tool is used to draw straight lines, B.
Our task is in two parts today.
I'm going to explain both parts and then I'd like you to go off and give it a try.
So part one is I want you to paint a house using these tools in your painting programme.
I want you to use the line tool, that's one of our key keywords, line tool.
I want you to use the fill tool, that looks like a bucket, and I want you to use the paintbrush tool.
Your house should have a roof, a door, and some windows.
So picture in your mind how your house could look.
Okay, and the next part, what happens when you press the undo button more than once? There's the symbol for undo, one of our keywords.
I want you to try that out while you are doing your painting task today.
It's time for you to pause your video now and go off and create your house.
I can't wait to see what you're going to make.
Here is how I did the task.
I used my straight line tool to draw the square, rectangularish shape of my house.
Can you see how I'm building my lines? Now I'm going to use the fill tool to colour in my shape, and then back to the line tool with a new colour.
What am I making here? That's right, I'm creating the roof of my house.
I'm going to colour it with the fill tool, just like that.
The house needed a few clicks there to colour it in.
And now with my paintbrush tool, I'm going to draw the shape of.
Can you guess? That's my door.
And for my final colour, I'm going to put something in the sides of the house.
What are I painting here? I'm painting a window.
And my second window, just like that! For part two of the task, it said what happens when you press the undo button more than once? And the answer here is that the undo button keeps going back one step at a time.
In some painting programmes, the more that you press the undo button, the further you go back.
You can even go back to the start with some painting programmes.
Let me show you an example of undo.
When I press undo, it takes away what I drew with the paintbrush tool.
Right, we're onto our second part of our lesson now.
We are going to be trying out a new tool.
It is the shape tool.
Are you ready? Let's go.
This shape tool is used to create shapes.
In some painting programmes, you can draw squares or rectangles.
In other painting programmes, you can draw circles or other shapes.
So the shape tool looks different in different programmes.
The symbol I'm using has got a circle and a square and your symbol might look a bit different.
Different painting programmes show the shape tool in different ways.
My painting programme shows different buttons for different shapes.
So in this blue box, this is how it looks in my painting programme, but in some painting programmes, they give you a single button to click.
So check with a grownup if you are not sure where to find your shape tool.
You can combine all of the digital tools together.
When you combine something, you're putting it together.
And we can combine these tools together to create your picture.
This is the same as using pencils and paintbrushes together on one paper.
Can you see at the bottom how I've got one, two, three, four, five, six different symbols? And sometimes when you are making a picture on a programme, you might use all of the digital tools.
True or false? In a digital painting, you can only use one or two tools to create a picture.
Pause the video now and have a think about that.
Oh, the answer was false.
Why? Pause the video and have a think about why the answer was false.
You can use lots of digital tools to make digital artwork.
You can use different digital tools to draw shapes, to colour in and to add details to your picture.
Let's learn about an artist today.
The artist's name is Piet Mondrian.
Piet Mondrian was a Dutch artist.
He lived from 1872 to 1944.
And he created abstract art.
What shapes and colours can you see? Look closely at this painting.
You can pause the video and have a think about the shapes and the colours that you see.
I can see red and blue and yellow and black, and I can see that there are squares and also rectangles in this painting.
Which of the digital tools could help you make a painting like this? Let's have a think.
We've got the line tool, we've got undo, we've got a fill tool, we've got the shape tool, we've got erase, and we have got a paintbrush tool.
Would we need to all of these tools in this painting or just some of them? Pause the video and have a think about that.
Maybe if you've got people there, you could talk together about which tools you think you would need to make this kind of painting.
We are going to work on a new task now.
We are going to be making a painting inspired by Piet Mondrian.
So there are two parts to this task.
I'm going to explain both of them.
The first part is we are going to make the painting.
So we're going to draw a large square with the shape tool.
Then we're going to use the line tool to split the picture up into different parts, to break that square up into smaller squares and rectangles.
Then we're going to use the fill tool to colour in some of the spaces.
And you can use undo.
Why would we use undo? Who can remember? Undo is for fixing mistakes.
So if you made a mistake, you can use that undo tool.
Part two of this task is to use the checking sheet to record the different tools that you used in the task.
For the second part of this task, we have to fill in the checking sheet.
So we have got a column that says symbol where all the symbols of the different tools are there.
We've got a blank space that's labelled paint tool where your job is to write the name of the painting tool in there.
And then in the last column it says, "I used this in my artwork." And if you used that tool, I'd like you to put a tick in that box or maybe a smiley face to note down which symbols you selected and which painting tools you selected for this task.
It's time to pause the video now to go and work on your task.
And I'll wait here for you.
And when you come back, I'll show you how I did this task.
This is how I did the Piet Mondrian task.
I've got my shape tool and I'm going to use it to draw a big rectangle, a big, black rectangle.
And now with the line tool, I'm going to break up the shape by drawing my lines and deciding where I want there to be squares or rectangles, big shapes or small shapes.
There we go.
If you are not sure with this step, just go with what feels right.
Because that's what art's all about, especially abstract art.
I'm gonna use my fill tool now.
I'm choose some colours and decide which shapes I want to colour in.
So I'm filling in that shape, I'm filling in that shape.
So I did three blue shapes and now with red, I'm going to do a red one there, a red rectangle there.
Oh, and now I'm gonna decide with the yellow.
Nice and bright.
I've got one fill, second filled shape.
Oh, and in the corner, third filled shape.
There we go.
So here's how I filled it in.
I have got line, shape, fill, undo and paintbrush.
And I used all of those in my artwork, so I ticked all of the column on the right.
Did you notice that I used three of our keywords in this task? I used line, shape, and undo.
You have worked so hard today.
I'm really proud of all the hard work we did together, learning about shapes and lines.
Let's summarise what we've learned today.
In painting programmes, we can use many tools.
The line tool draws straight lines, and the shape tool can draw shapes like squares.
The undo button lets you go back one step to fix mistakes.
You can use lots of different digital tools in the same artwork.
This is the same as using pencils and paintbrushes together on paper.
Thank you for coming to learn with me today and I hope to see you soon.