
Lesson video

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This is year five, unit two, Creating Media-Video Editing.

It is less than six of six; Video Evaluation.

For this lesson, you will need to have a video recording device and also a device that you can edit video editing on.

If you are going to be using an internet connected device to access websites please make sure that you do so with supervision from a parent or guardian.

Hello everyone.

My name is Jane Adamson and I'm your computing teacher for this unit.

I'm looking forward to teaching your lesson.

To prepare, you will need something to write with, something to write on and a video recording device.

It would also be beneficial, if you have access to an internet connected device.

Please take a moment before you start to clear away any distractions including turning off any notifications on apps.

So you can focus.

Try to find a quiet comfortable space where you can work without disruption during this lesson.

You may pause the video at any time that you need to during this lesson.

Let's get started, lesson six, video evaluation.

In this lesson, you will consider the impact of the choices made when making and sharing a video.

Make edits to your video and improve the final outcome.

Recognise that your choices when making a video will impact on the quality of the final outcome you will also evaluate your video and share your opinions.

The key vocabulary that we will be covering in this lesson is video, special effects, title, credits, export, and constructive feedback.

We're starting this lesson with a task, task one.

What are your thoughts on making a video so far? What did you find easy about making a video? What did you find difficult about making a video? What was the most valuable lesson that you learned and how confident are you making up a video, pause and reflect on these questions and think about the different answers for each question.

Once you've had time to think about your answers, resume the lesson.

Task one, what were your thoughts on making a video? This is the review.

What did you find easy about making a video? Possible answers could be having a story board and also a focus made it easier and also having a clear message that I wanted to put across.

So what did you find difficult about making a video? Maybe it could be deciding on a theme, thinking about all the different camera techniques, maybe you would have made the storyboard more detailed.

What is the most valuable lesson that you learned? Maybe it could be to plan everything and then check it all again.

Make sure you have the equipment and props that you need for filming.

For me, one of the biggest things was to make sure there was nothing in the background when I was recording my film on hand-washing I had to move all the things that could have been distracting to the viewer, away.

So how confident are you at making a video? An overwhelming resounding, confident making videos can be so rewarding.

Special effects.

Here, we have a video to help us learn about animations and transitions.

Watch the video on how this is done in the app.

Now we are going to look at how we can do different things in our video editing app to enhance our video and make our final product.

So my video clip here has got some sound on it that I'm not really keen on having So you can see it's rather loud.

So I'm going to highlight it and you can see some options come up at the bottom.

And because I'm in the actions area, I can actually detach the audio and you can see now it's split it into the visuals at the top, and then the blue sound at the bottom.

So it's highlighted, 'cause I know it's got a yellow box around it.

If I just press the bin now, then that's got rid of the audio.

And if I play that, it's nice and quiet and it's not distracting.

And we're just looking at what's happening in the visuals.

For the next thing that we're going to have a look at is you may have noticed that when I moved from one video clip to the next, if I just drag that along, you can see there's a slight shift.

This is called a transition.

And that's where the two triangles are between the two clips here.

If I click on that, it gives me some different options that I can have for my transitions.

Now, the default setting for all, between all of the clips is dissolve.

What my advice would be is, choose a type of transition that you would like that suits your film and then stick with it all the way through, make sure it's consistent.

And that has to fit with your film.

You'll see that you can change the timing so you can have it on for half a second, one second.

And it's up to you how you think it fits with your video clips.

And the best thing is just to try things out, maybe and do them until you get something that you're happy with.

So I'm just going to demonstrate a different type of a transition.

So I'm going to choose a slide transition by just clicking on it.

And if I play that clip now that just slides across Special effects, captions, visual effects, music and audio.

Let's have a look at how this is done in the video that supports this.

Let's a look at some other things that we can do now.

I'm going to go to my speech bubble here and move that along in the timeline like so and I'm actually going to highlight it and I've got some options here at the bottom.

I'm actually going to put a filter on it and I'm going to actually make it yellow.

Now what I'm going to do is I need to put a caption on, because in my storyboard it actually says the person eating their meal is wondering if the person who made it has washed their hands.

So we need to put a caption or a title on, and there's lots of different choices here that you can have.

You can have a standard one, you can have a reveal.

So it's up to you what you want to put in.

So if I highlight that here and I put delete, what's there.

I wonder if the chef washed their hands.

Okay, so that's what I'm wondering about half, Yeah, that looks okay.

I'll click on the down, arrow on the keyboard here.

And are we happy with that? Let's see what that might look like.

So we'll just play that and the best thing to do to see whether you like it.

I wonder if the chef washed their hands.

I'm going to highlight it, 'cause I'm going to have a look at something different this time.

See if it comes out better if we do standard.


I don't want that there.

So I'll just get rid of that.

And that don't want that one there either.

See if that's got what to that.

So let's play it out.

I wonder if the chef.

That's was great.

That looks good.

I'm so happy with that.

This brings me onto my next clip, which has got some footsteps on.

So I'm going to actually have a look in my collection on here to see whether I've got any footsteps that I could add on as a sound effect.

So if I highlight it and I make sure that the actions button at the bottom is highlighted, it's always best to have it set to that.

Then you know that the area on the right-hand side is going to work, go to audio and we want sound effects.

If I go to sound effects and then there's a search bar up here, can have a looked through all of the different sound effects.

I'm just going to type in the search, foot, we've gotten footsteps.

So it's 12 seconds long let's have a look.

Okay, we now have a look at lots of different Folders.

So I'm going to go with the footsteps.

So have a listen to different things that you get offered there.

So if we just take that.

And again, I don't know what's happened there.

So I have footsteps and then I edited the play ahead so click on the place, And then go to the keyboard.

You can see here that we've got footsteps going all the way through.

Now it puts it where the play head was when you first started adding your sound effects.

So you can highlight it once you've done that and drag it along a bit.

If you want to create a bit of suspense you can actually have the footstep starting a little bit before when the caption comes up.

I wonder if the chefs washed their hands, and even the footsteps I'm thinking, what's going on here? I'm happy with that.

So that's showing you how to do captions and visual effects for the filter on the captions box to make it yellow.

And also how to put the sound effect in.

Now it's time for task two, to add some special effects to your video.

Add two effects from the following list, animation and transition, maybe some captions, music or audio visual effects.

This could include changing the colour of the brightness in your video.

So pause the video while you take time to complete this task and then resume once you're finished.

Remember to refer back to the help videos that you've just seen if you need to.

Resume the video, once you're finished.

How did you get on adding some effects and extra text? Which effect did you enjoy putting in? And what did you find difficult about adding effects? What was the most valuable lesson that you learned? My answer would be, not trying to add too many effects.

You can soon confuse the people who are watching your video.

So keep things minimal.

So how confident are you adding effects on text to video? I believe that you're probably now feeling much more confident about adding all of these different effects to your videos.

Title, screen, and end credits.

So you're going to learn how to add a title, add end credits, such as who produced the movie and that's you, you're going to choose some text effects.

So watch the video on how this is done in the app.

We're going to add a title screen and end credits for a movie now.

So I'm going to move it to the beginning, to the play head.

And I'm going to select the background that I've chosen.

So you could choose to put it up over your video at the start, or you could choose to add another image in.

I've chosen to have a still image in.

So it's just here.

So I've highlighted it.

And I'm going to click on titles here and I'm going to go on standard.

Maybe not standard, I might go on reveal.

My title is going to be all about hand washing.

So how clean are your hands? With a question mark at the end.

And we'll get rid of the keyboard.

We'll have a look and see whether we like that.

I'm going to go back to actions here and I'll play it.

How clean are your hands? Then I will move the starts to place through.

And I can do exactly the same thing on the end.

Put an image on, or have some text appearing over the last part of the video.

What I would be aware of is what I've done here.

Can you see how I've got a yellow background? Cause I know the text is coming up white.

So I've made it a different colour, contrasting colour so that I know the text will stand out.

If you've got a video with lots of different colours on it, it's going to be quite difficult to read that.

So it might be an idea to think about having a solid colour behind and just getting an image, a colour, just a plain colour off the internet and saving the image and then putting that in your album and then importing that in like I've done, it's up to you.

Now what my video lacks now is some sound.

So you can put a soundtrack that plays all the way through your video and you can also alter the volume of that soundtrack and the audio that you have on your clip.

So to do that I put my play head head at the very start and I'm going on to audio.

And let's choose some tracks this time and we can have a look at the choices are all royalty free ones that you can use on iMovie.

So we'll just have a look at anythings.

You can listen to it.

Take your time, have a look through the different choices you have on your editing programme.

Click the plus to add it in.

And it's come in to our timeline down below.

Now the scroll through mine.

Now, when I did footsteps here, I'm just going to play that bit and see how that sounds.

What, I'm going to do is alter the sound levels a bit here.

So if I go onto the soundtrack and volume, I can turn that down slightly.

And then I can go to my footsteps and turn that down slightly and see how that helps.

Yeah, I think that sounds better.

So I will scroll up from the start, play your video through multiple times to make sure you're happy with the volume and audio levels because that is quite important when you have your people watching it.

Task three, you know, what's coming add a title screen and then credits to your movie.

Go to the worksheet and brand your video by adding a title and some end credits.

So pause the video and resume.

Once you've completed this task.

Task three, how did he get on adding the title and credits? What style did you use for the title and credits? Are they easy to read? And some apps that you use you can be limited by the different types of fonts and colours that are available and also where the title is located.

That's particularly the case for the free video editing apps Are the titles and credits in the right location, in the video? The title and end credits are insertive were inserted, wherever the play head is.

It is so important to make sure the play head is at the right point in your video so that you get your title and end credits in the right location first time.

It makes things much easier.

As you've been making edits to your movie project, you will have been regularly saving your project.

So your project is saved in the project file format.

Anyone who has the same app will be able to view your project, but if they don't have your aura, they won't be able to view it.

What you can do is export your video in a format so that most people will be able to view it and enjoy it on their devices.

There are many different file formats when exporting video.

A common video format is MP4.

So depending on your device, some formats work better than others.

Watch the video and learn about how to export and save if your video Through your video.

And you're happy that you've got no sound on it, that you don't want and all the sound levels are right.

And your transitions look good.

Any special effects, for example, on here if you wanted to put some filters on, making sure the consistent all the way through so I'm just going to undo that one.

Once, you're totally happy with your movie click done in the top left-hand corner, and then you want to save it in a format that most people can view on their devices.

So what you do is you click this square with the arrow pointing up over in the bottom of the screen and you have some different options that come up here.

Export project means it's in iMovie format, so we would only be able to look on it with a device that has iMovie on it.

Save video, however, is the best option that you can choose for saving it.

And this saves it into your photos app.

And you can decide what quality of video that you want.

I usually opt for medium or HD.

But that depends on, if you were going to play it on a large screen television you want to maybe choose the higher quality maybe four, but medium is good enough for most devices.

So select medium.

And then it exports the movie and creates it into a.

mov file and movie file that you can play on other devices.

So wait for it to export.

It's a large movie.

So it takes a bit of time.

It's got a few effects on and titles.

And what I'll do is as soon as it's finished exporting, yep, it's exported to your to your photo library, we click okay, we'll just go back.

And if I go into my photos and take it from the albums, if I go to a recent, I should be able to see this one with the cloud on is the start of my movie.

And it's all finished and that's great.

Task four, it's now your turn to export your video.

So you've learned how to save your project and now how to export your video in a format so that most people can watch it on their devices.

Let's do that now.

Resume the video once you're ready.

Video review, constructive feedback time.

We're going to watch a video and consider these questions.

What do you like about the video? What suggestions could you offer to help improve it? What are some of the things that I could have done better to improve the movie? We'll watch the video now and then think about the answers to these questions.

Now that we've watched my movie, we're going to have a think about the answers to some of these questions.

I could have made the titles easier to read.

I could have cut the length of some of the clips to keep the viewers more engaged.

I also could have put some audio on the washing hands clip to see you should wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds.

Some people recommend singing happy birthday.

I'd like you now to watch your final movie and try to give yourself constructive feedback on what you could have done to improve your video for next time.

I'm sure you've already done a great job but as we all know, there is always room for improvement.

This concludes lesson six, year five, unit two creating media video editing.

Thank you.

You've all made an amazing effort.

I hope that you've enjoyed learning as much as I've enjoyed teaching you.