Hello, my name is Mrs. Clinton, and I'm here to help you with your lesson today.
We're gonna have a great time learning some new things and finding out about what pit different people do.
Today's lesson is Welcoming New Life, and it comes from the unit new life.
How is a new child welcomed? We have a learning outcome for today, and our learning outcome is, I can understand that people welcome new life in different ways.
We also have some key words to help us in our learning today.
I'm going to say the word and then I'd like you to shout or repeat back the words to me.
So I say Welcome, you say, I say welcome.
You say.
Fantastic, thank you.
And welcome means to show that you are happy to see someone like I'm feeling today.
I'm feeling really happy to see you today.
I say celebration, you say.
I say celebration, you say.
And a celebration is a way of marking a happy day or event.
I say ceremony, you say.
I say ceremony, you say.
And a ceremony is an event to celebrate a special occasion.
And our last key word for today, I say tradition, you say.
I say tradition, you say.
And a tradition is a way of doing something that has existed for a long time.
Today in our lesson, Welcoming New Life, we have got three parts to our lesson.
Part one is welcoming a new life.
Part two, differing ways of celebrating a new life.
And part three, special ceremonies to welcome a new family member.
So let's get on with our lesson.
We are going to do welcoming a new life.
Here's Benny.
Can you see him? He's looking out.
He's looking out, waiting for something to come.
I wonder what he might be looking for.
I wonder if you look out sometimes waiting and wondering what's coming.
Now benny is really excited.
He's excited because he's waiting to welcome a new arrival at home.
Back at his house, getting very excited because somebody or something is coming.
And people often get excited when they get to meet someone new.
I wonder, can you think of a time when you've been excited to meet somebody new? Maybe it was coming to school on your first day and the new people you were going to meet.
Maybe it was meeting somebody new in your family.
So I have a question for you to think about.
How is Benny feeling waiting for a new arrival? Is he feeling A, sad? Is he feeling B, angry? Or is he feeling C, excited? Take a moment and talk to the person next to you.
How is Benny feeling right now? I wonder what your answer was.
Shall we have a look and see what the right answer was? There you go.
The right answer is Benny is feeling excited because he's looking out and waiting for a new arrival.
Can you see now why Benny is excited? What's in the picture? Can you tell me what's in the picture? Benny's parents are bringing a new baby home from the hospital.
And people often celebrate a new life with a big welcome.
Because a new baby is a very special addition to a family.
I wonder, do you know somebody who's got excited when they've had a baby join the family? I wonder in your family if there's been any babies join recently? People get excited and feel happy to welcome different people and different things.
So for example, people can get really excited and feel happy when they get to see people in their family, like your grandparents or grandparents.
People can feel excited and happy when something new joins the family like a puppy.
I love puppies and I always get so excited if I knew I was going home today from school and there was a new puppy at my house.
And of course, people get excited when a new baby joins their family.
People might get excited to have someone new to love or to play with.
I have a question for you.
Who is Benny excited to welcome? Is it A, his grandparents? Is it B, a puppy? Or C, a new baby? Have a talk to the person next to you.
Is it A, B, or C? Shall we look at the answer? And the answer is C.
Benny's excited to welcome the new baby.
I have a task for you now.
Sophia is wondering why some people get excited about a new baby.
Jacob tells her it's because babies are very special.
Can you give Sophia another two reasons? I would like you to talk to the person next to you and see if you can come up with two reasons.
You might want to write your reasons down.
Let's have a look at what your answers might be.
So here are some possible reasons for why some people get excited when a new baby arrives.
A new baby gives you someone to love.
It might give you someone to play with, and of course it might make you feel happy.
Happy to meet someone new.
Did you think of any more possible reasons? Now we are going to go onto the second part of our lesson, different ways of celebrating a new life.
Benny and his grandparents have got a few things ready to celebrate the arrival of a new baby.
They've made a new baby card to welcome the new baby.
But also can you tell me what's in the picture? I can't hear you.
What's in the picture? Yes, there's some presents that Benny and his grandparents have wrapped up.
They look very beautiful and I would be very excited if those presents were for me.
Jacob's wondering what might be in those wrapped gifts.
Talk to your partner.
What do you think might be in there for the new baby? You've given lots of great ideas about what might have been in these presents.
Thank you.
At a celebration, people might bring a new baby card or buy a present, or they might pass things on that have been in the family for a really long time aa present.
Benny has chosen one of his toys, a lamb to welcome the baby.
I think that lamb looks soft and lovely.
I think I might like to cuddle that lamb.
I hope Benny's baby would enjoy this present.
I have a question for you to think about.
Is this statement true or false? People only buy new gifts for a baby.
Is that true or is it false? Talk to your partner.
Shall we see what the answer is? That's false.
Friends and family may also hand on gifts that have been special in the family as a present for a new baby like Benny.
Benny passed on a toy lamb.
Family and friends celebrating new life in different ways.
When this is repeated, it's called a tradition.
So in Japan, there's a tradition for the grandparents to cook the food for a whole month when a new baby is welcomed into a home.
I think I'd like to be in that family, don't you? In Britain, it's a tradition to buy a gift made of silver.
A Czech tradition is to buy coloured nappies.
That sounds really fun, doesn't it? Let's check our understanding.
Can you find the correct statements? A, all families use balloons to celebrate a new baby's arrival.
B, each family will have a different way to celebrate a new baby's arrival.
And C, different countries have different traditions to celebrate a new baby's arrival.
Can you talk to your partner and see if you can find the correct statements? There's more than one.
Off you go.
Let's come back together and have a look at the answers.
Here we go, the correct statements were B and C.
Families have different ways to celebrate a new baby's arrival.
And countries have different traditions to celebrate a new baby's arrival.
Well done if you found both of those true statements.
Now we're going to do a practise task, and I want you with a partner to see if you can find the correct description that goes with each of these three words.
So our three words are welcome, tradition, and celebration.
Off you go work together.
Let's come back together and see if you've matched these words correctly.
So what is a welcome? A welcome is to show you are happy to see someone.
Did you get it right? Well done if you did.
What's a tradition? It's a way of doing something that's existed for a really long time.
Well done if you got that correct.
And our final word is celebration.
A way of marking a happy day or event.
I'm so excited if you've got all three of those matched up.
Well done.
Now we are going on to the third part of our lesson today about special ceremonies to welcome a new family member.
Now the arrival of a new baby is an exciting and special event, and both religious and non-religious people may have a special ceremony to welcome a new baby.
A ceremony is an event to celebrate a special occasion.
Let's have a question.
Is this true or false? A ceremony is something ordinary and every day, what do you think? Do you think it's true or do you think it's false? Let's have a look at the answer.
It's false.
A ceremony is a special event where people come together to celebrate a special occasion.
People who believe in God will often thank God for a new life in a special ceremony.
They'll ask God to look after the new life and help the family to bring up the baby.
And in the picture there you can see some gifts in boxes and there's a cross on the front and there's some special candles there as well.
Now, Benny and his family are going to have a special ceremony to welcome the new baby.
They have a Christian worldview.
And a Christian might give the new baby a cross or a special candle, and you can see that in our picture.
So a question.
Which of these pictures shows an example of the things that might be used in a Christian ceremony? Is it A, B, or C? Talk with your partner and see if you can find the right answer.
Shall we have a look for the right answer? It's A, well done if you got that right.
Great thinking.
Here are some examples of cards that welcome a new baby.
What would you write on your card to welcome a new baby? So we are going to give you a template, and on that template, there's some space for you to write your words that you'd like to say to a new baby.
I'd like you to do that task now.
I wonder if the words that you wrote, look anything like mine, I said in my card, congratulations on the safe arrival of your baby with love, lots of kisses.
And that would be from Mrs. Clinton.
You might have a different message and of course that's fine.
So in our lesson today about welcoming new life, we found out that most people get excited about a new baby joining their family.
There are different traditions to welcome a new life, and some people have a special ceremony to celebrate a new life.
Thank you for joining me for our lesson today.
I hope you've learned some new things and you've enjoyed learning them.
I hope to see you again soon, but I'm going to say goodbye for today.