
Lesson video

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Hi, everyone, and welcome to today's lesson.

My name is Ms. Mullins, and today, we're going to be writing the adaptation section of our non-chronological report.

In your lesson today, you'll be using a plan to write the adaptation section of a non-chronological report about tigers.

Here are some key words we will use, specific information, parenthesis, brackets, text cohesion, adaptations.

Well done.

Specific information is clear, exact, and particular information.

Parenthesis is additional information that can be removed without compromising grammatical accuracy.

Brackets are a punctuation mark used to add extra, factual information in a clause.

Text cohesion refers to how text flows to maintain the interest of the reader and achieve the text's purpose.

Adaptations are special features that animals and plants develop to help them survive where they live.

Today, we will be writing the adaptation section of a non-chronological report about tigers.

Firstly, we will be preparing to write the adaptation section, and then we will write the adaptation section later on in our lesson.

Non-chronological reports often follow the same structure.

They have a title, an introduction, which is the first paragraph that encourages the reader to read on.

Then, we have the sections.

In this case, we've been doing a diet section and an adaptation section.

They contain paragraphs of information related to a particular aspect of the subject.

And finally, we have a conclusion.

This is the last paragraph that summarises the key information in the text.

So far, we've written our introduction and our diet section.

And today, we are writing the adaptation section.

The purpose of the adaptation section is to engage the reader and give the reader specific information about tiger's adaptations.

The structure of the section's like this, we have a subheading, an introductory sentence, specific information, and a linking sentence.

The introductory sentence introduces what the paragraph will be about.

Then, we have specific information which gives the reader detailed information about an aspect of the topic.

And finally, we have a linking sentence, which links on to the next paragraph.

Let's review the cohesive devices we've used to build text cohesion so far in this report.

Fronted adverbials, subject-specific vocabulary, relative complex sentences, parenthesis marked using brackets.

Well done.

All of these combined help us achieve text cohesion, which means how our text flows and how we keep our reader engaged.

Match each cohesive device to its definition and pause the video while you do that.

Well done if you spotted that a fronted adverbial is a sentence starter followed by a comma.

Subject-specific vocabulary is vocabulary used when writing about a particular subject.

A relative complex sentence is a sentence formed of a main clause and a relative clause.

And parenthesis is additional information that can be removed without compromising grammatical accuracy.

Circle the parenthesis in this sentence.

So, let's do this first one together.

Let's read it together to begin.

Tigers are carnivores, meat eaters, so their diet is varied.

Now, remember, parenthesis is additional information that can be added into a sentence and also can be removed from the sentence without compromising grammatical accuracy.


The additional information here is the word meat eaters, because it explains what the word carnivores means.

So, this is my parenthesis.

'Cause if I were to remove it from the sentence, the sentence would still make sense.

Let's try reading around the parenthesis.

Tigers are carnivores, so their diet is varied.

Yeah, I'm definitely confident that this is my parenthesis.

Now, it's your turn.

Circle the parenthesis in this sentence, but let's first of all, read it together.

Tigers are nocturnal, active at night, so they require excellent night vision when hunting.

Pause the video now while you consider which part of this sentence is the parenthesis and circle it.

Well done if you spotted that the parenthesis here is active at night, because it is additional information added into the sentence to explain what the word nocturnal means.

Let's try reading this sentence around the parenthesis and check it, so it makes sense.

Tigers are nocturnal, so they require excellent night vision when hunting.

Well done.

Which of these sentences uses brackets to demarcate parenthesis correctly? Pause the video while you decide.

Great work, everybody.

Well done.

You are correct if you spotted that the correct answer is B.

Tigers are nocturnal, active at night, so they require excellent night vision when hunting.

In this sentence, the brackets is placed around the parenthesis to separate it from the rest of the sentence.

Now, it's time for your task.

Insert a pair of brackets around the parenthesis in the sentence below.

Let's read it together.

Tigers possess a range of adaptations, special features that enable them to survive, making them unique to other animals.

So, your first step is to identify what's the additional information in the sentence and can it be removed and the rest of the sentence still makes sense? And then, your second task is to put a pair of brackets around that parenthesis.

Pause the video now while you do that.

Well done, everybody.

Great work if you spotted that the parenthesis here is special features that enable them to survive, because it's explaining what the word adaptations means and giving extra information about that word's meaning.

So, therefore, the bracket needs to be placed around that parenthesis.

Now, for part two of your task, which of these sentences uses brackets to demarcate parenthesis correctly? Pause the video while you do that.

Well done if you spotted that the correct answer is B.

Tigers possess occelli, white markings on the backs of their ears, that are used to confuse and intimidate their prey.

The additional information or parenthesis here is white markings on the backs of their ears.

Therefore, the brackets needs to be placed around that additional information.

Well done, everyone.

Now, we're ready to move on to writing the adaptation section.

Now, we're going to write the adaptation section.

When we write, we always try to do these things.

We plan and say each sentence before we write it.

We use punctuation where we know the rules.

We showcase each sentence type we know.

We write letters neatly on the line in joined handwriting.

We use spelling strategies to spell words accurately.

And we check and improve our writing When we think we've finished.

Here's our success criteria, which can act as a really useful guide to help us remember what we want to include in our writing.

Let's read them together.

I have written an introductory sentence which explains what the paragraph is about.

I have included specific facts about tiger's adaptations and their functions.

I have used a relative complex sentence.

I have used parenthesis demarcated with bracket.

Which of the below will help you today? Pause the video while you decide.

Great work if you spotted that we actually need all three of these.

We need our plan, because this is where we jotted down our initial ideas.

I wrote in vocabulary and words and phrases that we really want to include in our writing today.

We need our success criteria, 'cause it acts as a really useful checklist to help us remember what we need to be successful in our writing.

And we need a growth mindset to build on the ideas in our plan.

We don't just write down the words and phrases in our plan.

We need to come with that positive mindset of how we can change those initial ideas into full sentences and develop them to make them even better.

Let's just remind ourselves of the structure of the adaptation section.

So, we've got the subheading, the introductory sentence, which introduces what the paragraph is about, specific information which gives the reader detailed information about an aspect of the topic.

And finally, a linking sentence, which links on to the next section.

We're gonna start with writing our introductory sentence.

Make sure you've got your plan in front of you and you're looking at the relevant section of your plan.

This is my example plan.

So, I've planned my subheading.

I've decided to do that as a question.

I've also planned in a nice opener to link back to the previous section.

So, our previous section was about diet.

So, I've decided to make that link in my introductory sentence, as well as their interesting feeding habits.

And then, I'm going to build on and talk about the adaptations, so that tigers have a wide range of adaptations to help them successfully hunt and survive in their habitat.

Hi, everyone.

So, I've stuck in my success criteria and I've gone ahead and written my subheading, which is I've chosen to use, how our tigers adapted to their environment? And I've remembered to use my question mark, because this is a question and I've used a ruler to underline my subheading.

So, the first thing I'm gonna say is, it's really important to remember that we have planned to write two paragraphs for this section, writing about two different adaptations.

But for this particular part of my shared write, I'm only going to show one paragraph.

Whereas when we come back together again, we are going to write two together, or you are gonna go off and write two.

So, I might not meet all of my success criteria in my one paragraph, but that's okay, because I've got two paragraphs to write.

So, I've got actually more opportunities to meet them later.

The first thing I'm going to do though is write an introductory sentence which explains what the paragraph is about.

Now, remember, we're linking on from our previous section, which was all about tiger's diets.

So, I want to make a reference to the fact that we've already talked about what they eat, and now we're gonna talk about how they're adapted.

So, in my plan, I've got a few different and formal fronted adverbials.

I've got furthermore, also, as well as, in addition to, I'm gonna go with in ad.

I'm actually gonna go with as well as.

So, as well as their interesting feeding habits, tigers have a range of adaptations that are vital to their survival.

So, remembering my indentation.

As well as their interesting, interesting, making sure I spell that correctly, feeding habits, comma, tigers.

Now, I did originally say tigers have a range of adaptations, but I'm gonna go with tigers possess a range of adaptations, 'cause that word possess is a bit more formal.

And remember our nonfiction writing here is very formal in tone.

That are vital.

I could say vital, I could say crucial, I could say integral.

I'm gonna go with vital.

That are vital as in very, very important to their survival.

Now, at this point, I'm going to stop.

I'm going to reread my sentence and make sure I'm happy with it.

So, as well as their interesting feeding habits, comma, tigers possess a range of adaptations that are vital to their survival.


I'm happy with that as an introductory sentence, so I can tick that off.


Now, this is where I'm gonna go into talking in more detail about one adaptation.

I am going to write about their strong jaws and teeth as my first adaptation.

So, I'm gonna say a, hmm, adaptation.

I could say a key adaptation, a primary adaptation, a highly important adaptation.

I'm gonna go with a highly, no, actually, I'm gonna go with a key adaptation.

A key adaptation of this creature.


I wonder if I could use an adjective.

Of this, hmm, creature.

I don't want to use a word like amazing or anything, 'cause that's not really formal enough.

So, I'm gonna go with distinctive, 'cause I've used fascinating a few times.

Of this distinctive creature is its strong jaws, strong jaws and teeth.


Now, as always, we go back and we reread to check.

It all flows, it's cohesive, and we haven't made any mistakes.

A key adaptation of this distinctive creature is its strong jaws and teeth.

I'm happy with the wording, but I'm not so sure about this apostrophe.

I wonder whether you can tell me why have I used an apostrophe here? Have I used it for a contracted word as in it is? So, a key adaptation of this distinctive creature is it is strong jaws and teeth.

No, that doesn't make sense, does it? So, it's definitely not an apostrophe for contraction.

What I've done actually is I've made a mistake.

I've written the contracted form of the word it, when actually, I need the possessive form.

Now, the possessive form is just its.

So, whenever I'm talking about the tiger owning anything and I'm using the pronoun it, I just write its.

Because when I have it, apostrophe, S, that actually means it is.

So, I need to only use its when my tiger is possessing something, strong jaws and teeth.

Now, I've named my adaptation, but now, it's really important that I actually explain why this adaptation helps it to survive.

So, this physical feature, hmm, what does it do? What does it enable the tiger to do? I wonder if you can tell me.

What does the strong jaws and teeth help the tiger to do? Well done.

It enables it to catch and kill its prey is essential to its hunting success.

Okay, so this physical feature, physical is a tricky word to spell.


This physical feature, which enables the tiger to catch and kill its.

Now, I was going to write just moving, but I think I should do fast-moving, 'cause lots of prey moves, like for example, a worm that a bird is trying to catch moves, but it moves very slowly.

Whereas a tiger hunts things like deer and wild boar, which can move very quickly.

So, catch and kill its fast-moving.

No, this is almost a double adjective.

Fast, hyphen, moving, so we join those two words with a hyphen.

Its fast-moving prey.

So, this physical feature.

Oh, I forgot my comma around my which, relative clause, comma, which enables the tiger to catch and kill its fast-moving prey, comma.

This physical feature is.

Now, I've already used the word vital, so I'm gonna go with essential.

Is essential to its.

And again, there's my possessive.

Its again, remember, with no apostrophe, hunting success.

Full stop.

Let's reread this final sentence.

This physical feature, comma, which enables the tiger to catch and kill its fast-moving prey, comma, is essential to its hunting success.

Now, I'm happy with that sentence.

I wonder if you can tell me what type of sentence this is.

Well done.

You're correct.

It is a relative complex sentence, so I can tick that off on my success criteria.

Now, I've got to the end of my first paragraph.

I have included specific facts about the tiger's adaptation here about its jaws.

I'm not gonna tick this one off just yet though, 'cause I've still got another paragraph to write where I write about my second adaptation.

And I've not included any parenthesis demarcated with brackets in this paragraph.

So, that means when I come on to writing my second paragraph about adaptation two, I definitely need to include some parenthesis with brackets.

But this, let's reread it, was one more time as my first paragraph to check.

We're happy with it.

As well as their interesting feeding habits, comma, tigers possess a range of adaptations that are vital to their survival.

A key adaptation of this distinctive creature is its strong jaws and teeth.

This physical feature, which enables the tiger to catch and kill its fast-moving prey, is essential to its hunting success.

I feel really happy there that I've named the adaptation and I've explained its function.

Now, I'm ready to move on to my second paragraph.

Thank you so much for your help with this one.

Thank you so much for your help just now, everyone.

Now, it's your turn to plan and draught your subheading and your introductory sentence.

You can see on the screen, I have got a couple of scaffolds to help you if you would like to use them, but you don't have to.

So, you might decide to use your subheading as a question just in the same way as I did.

And you can also use my sentence opener, which was in addition to their intriguing diet, comma, tigers.

Pause the video now while you complete your task.

Well done, everybody.

So, here are a few of my ideas, which might be a little bit different to yours, and that's okay.

My example question was, how are tigers adapted to survive? And here is my introductory sentence.

In addition to their intriguing diet, tigers possess a range of adaptations that enable them to successfully hunt and survive in their habitat.

Now, I can tick off my introductory sentence success criteria.

Take a moment to reread your writing and if you're happy with your introductory sentence, you can tick it off on your success criteria as well.

Now, we're going to draught this specific information of this paragraph.

What information do we need to include here? Take a moment to look at your plan and take a moment to look at what you've noted down for adaptation one and adaptation two.

For my plan, my first adaptation I'm going to write about is its striped fur and the fact that this helps it to to stay camouflaged when it is hunting.

My second adaptation is that the tiger has hypersensitive hearing and eyesight, which is used to help see and hear prey when hunting at nighttime.

Take a moment now for you to reread your specific information section of your plan, and you might need to pause the video while you do that.

Great work, everyone.

Now that you have taken that time to reread your plan, you're gonna be feeling really confident about what you want to write in your first adaptation section.

Use your plan to draught your specific information just for adaptation one.

And remember that you need to name the adaptation, but you also need to explain how that adaptation helps the tiger to survive.

And you can also use my sentence opener to help you, which is one of the tiger's primary adaptations is its.

Pause the video now while you do that.

Well done, everyone.

Here's my example of specific information for adaptation one.

Now, if you've decided to do a different adaptation, obviously, your writing's gonna be really different to mine and that's great to have lots of different ideas.

My ideas were this.

One of the tiger's primary adaptations is its striped fur.

This enables the tiger to remain camouflaged, blended in with its surroundings, and disguised from its prey when hunting.

With this sentence, I've included some specific facts about tiger's adaptations and their functions.

And I've also included parenthesis demarcated using brackets.

I've used parenthesis inside brackets to describe what the word camouflage means for my reader.

And now, finally, now that we've written adaptation one, we're going to move on to drafting our specific information for adaptation two.

You might want to use my sentence opener, as well as this.

Pause the video now while you do that.

Well done, everybody.

Here are my ideas.

Remember my second adaptation was to write about the tiger's hearing and eyesight.

And obviously, if you've written about something different, your sentences are going to be very different.

As well as this, this nocturnal animal's hearing and eyesight, which is hypersensitive, is used to help it locate its prey when hunting at night.

So, now, I've included specific facts about the tiger's adaptations and their functions.

I've named the adaptation and I've explained that it's helpful when it's hunting at nighttime, but I've also used a relative complex sentence.

I can see my relative clause, which is hypersensitive, is used to give an extra fact about the tiger's hearing and eyesight.

Take a moment now to check which success criteria you've already met.

And now, we're moving on to our linking sentence.

This is where we link on to the next section of our report.

Make sure you're looking at the relevant parts of your plan.

Here's my plan.

So, I just jotted down a few words and phrases.

So, I want to summarise that tigers have a range of adaptations and that they're essential to tigers' survival.

Now, use your plan to draught your linking sentence.

You might want to use this opener.

Having this range of adaptations means that tigers.

Take a moment now to complete your draught of your linking sentence and pause the video while you do that.

Great work, everybody.

So, here's my example linking sentence.

Having this range of adaptations means that tigers are highly adapted to their environment and these features are essential to their survival.

Now, it's time for you to check your writing and make any edits or improvements.

Then, rewrite your sentences as full adaptation sections with a subheading.

Pause the video while you do that.

Brilliant work, everyone.

Here is my full adaptation section.

Let's read it through together.

How are tigers adapted to survive? In addition to their intriguing diet, tigers possess a range of adaptations that enable them to successfully hunt and survive in their habitat.

One of the tiger's primary adaptations is its striped fur.

This enables the tiger to remain camouflaged, blended in with its surroundings and disguised from its prey when hunting.

As well as this, this nocturnal animal's hearing and eyesight, which is hypersensitive, is used to help it locate its prey when hunting at night.

Having this range of adaptations means that tigers are highly adapted to their environment, and these features are essential to their survival.

I've written an introductory sentence which explains what the paragraph is about.

I've included specific facts about tiger's adaptations and their functions.

I've used a relative complex sentence and I have used parenthesis demarcated with brackets.

Take a moment now to double-check your success criteria and make sure that you have met all of them.

If you haven't, don't worry, because I'm sure you can find a way to make some edits, to find ways to incorporate those writing skills into your writing.

Well done, everyone.

That now brings us to the end of our lesson, where today, we've been writing the adaptation section of a non-chronological report about tigers.

Fronted adverbials, subject-specific vocabulary, relative complex sentences, and parenthesis are all cohesive devices used to improve text flow.

Parenthesis is additional information that can be removed without compromising grammatical accuracy.

Success criteria helps us identify what a successful piece of writing includes.

And planning, drafting, and editing allows for a successful writing process.

Well done, everyone.

I hope you're feeling so proud of the writing that you have produced today.

We've actually produced a bit of additional writing in this section than the other sections, because we've written two paragraphs.

So, well done.

I hope you're feeling really, really successful.