
Lesson video

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Hi everybody, it's Ms. Gardner.

Welcome to your next lesson from our unit, Healthy Lifestyle and Non-Chronological Report.

I'm really excited for today's lesson.

We are going to be writing our final section, the conclusion.

So let's get started.

In today's lesson from our unit, non-chronological report on healthy lifestyle, we are writing the final section of our non-chronological report.

So your learning outcome is I can write the conclusion of a non-chronological report about healthy lifestyle.

Let's start by looking at the keywords.

We'll do my turn, your turn.

Conclusion, summarise formal fronted adverbial.

Let's have a look at what these mean.

A conclusion is the closing paragraph of a nonfiction text.

To summarise is to sum up or conclude the main body of a text.

A formal fronted adverbial is a sentence data followed by a comma that is formal in tone and often found in nonfiction texts.

So there are two sections of our lesson today.

And the first we'll be preparing to write and in the second we'll be writing our conclusion.

So let's start by preparing to write.

So a non-chronological report can be structured into four sections.

An introduction, section one and section two, which were themed.

Section one about the diet, section two about exercise and sleep and then a conclusion.

We've written the introduction section ones and section two.

In today's lesson, we are writing our conclusion.

When we write, we always try to do these things.

Plan and say each sentence out loud before we write it.

Use punctuation where we know the rules.

Showcase each sentence type we know.

Write letters neatly on the line in joint handwriting and use spelling strategies to spell words accurately and check and improve our writing when we think when we are finished.

So what is the purpose of a conclusion? Why do we need to include a conclusion in our non-chronological reports? The purpose is to summarise the key information from the text.

To refer to the reader's own actions about food choices so thinking about, what we as a reader can be doing when it comes to food and making healthy food choices.

And advise the reader to find out more about the subject.

So checking for understanding true or false.

This sentence would be in a conclusion.

Whole grains are excellent for our guts because they are filled with fibre.

Pause the video now.

That is false.

Can you use A or B to justify your answer? A specific and detailed facts about the subject come earlier in the report.

B, the purpose of the conclusion is to give final detailed facts.

Pause the video now.

That's right.

It is A, that is a really detailed fact and specific fact about whole grains.

So that would've come earlier in the section about diet.

Well done.

So the conclusion includes the following features, a formal fronted adverbial, which we'll look at in a minute.

A summary sentence.

That's how you're gonna open your conclusion.

A reference to the reader's own action so what the reader can be doing to make healthy food choices.

An outline of what the reader has learned and a suggestion to the reader to find out more information about this really important topic.

So let's start by looking at formal fronted adverbial.

A formal fronted adverbial is used to signal that your writing is coming to an end.

It opens your summary sentence and this summarises the main points of a text and gives the reader a sense of closure.

So for example, in conclusion, to summarise, to conclude.

Formal fronted adverbial, start your conclusion and you'll notice, just say any formal fronted adverbial, they're followed by a comma.

Now your summary sentence opens your conclusion.

It summarises the key point of the text.

For example, to summarise, it's important that we lead a healthy lifestyle or our physical and mental health will suffer.

Or to conclude, a balanced diet, regular exercise and enough sleep are essential aspects of a healthy lifestyle.

Or, in conclusion, eating healthily and regularly exercising, are crucial to leading long healthy lives.

So these have all summarised the key points of the text, which was that it's really important to eat healthily, exercise regularly and sleep well.

So let's check for understanding.

Which formal fronted adverbial would be found in a conclusion? A in addition, B, however, C to summarise or D additionally? Pause the video now.

That's right C, to summarise, well done.

The conclusion is also a good opportunity for the reader to reflect upon to think about their own actions about around which foods they eat.

So they've learned all about the importance of healthy eating.

And in the conclusion they can reflect upon this and think about how they might now, make food choices.

I'm just going to explain about what I mean about, why it's really important we're thinking about our food choices.

Many people are eating fruit and vegetables that are produced thousands of miles away and we're eating them because they're available in our supermarkets to buy.

As a result, food has to be flown or shipped from all over the world, which is not good for the planet 'cause aeroplanes and boats release chemicals which are not good for the environment.

This is known as the carbon footprint.

Let's do my turn, your turn.

Carbon footprint.

We want to think about reducing our carbon footprint when we consider our foods choices.

So basically we want to think about buying food that hasn't come from so far away.

There are lots of different things we can do to try and reduce our carbon footprint when it comes to choosing our food.

So we can eat seasonal fruit and vegetables.

So me that means eating fruit and vegetable that is in season when we buy it.

For example, asparagus in spring, berries in the summer, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, pumpkin or squash in autumn and brussel sprouts in winter.

There's loads of other examples of fruit and vegetable that are in season at different points of the year.

But these are just some of the ones I think are really delicious.

You could buy foods that are produced in the UK or Europe so much closer so they don't have to fly so far.

You could eat frozen fruit and vegetables.

Frozen fruit and vegetables are actually really good for us because not only when they freeze the food are the vegetables and fruit at their at their most nutritious, but also it means that we can eat fruit in different points of the year that maybe are not in season.

So for example, I could eat some frozen raspberries in the winter.

Or if you're able to, you could even grow your own fruit and vegetables so they don't have to travel far at all.

So checking for understanding, true or false? We should try to buy foods from all over the world.

Pause the video now.

That is false.

Can you use A or B to justify your answer? A, eating food produced in the UK or Europe helps to reduce the carbon footprint.

B, eating food produced all over the world means we can eat lots of different fruits and vegetables.

Pause the video now.

That's right it is A, we can reduce our carbon footprint by trying to eat food that is produced locally.

Well done.

So it's time for task A.

We need to say the first sentence of our conclusion 'cause we know how important it is to say our sentences out loud.

Make sure you include the following, A formal fronted adverbial.

So to summarise, to conclude, in conclusion.

And then a summary sentence.

So you are summarising the key points from our non chronological report, which is how important it is to eat healthily and how important it's to regularly exercise.

You can use this sentence scaffold to help you.

So blank, your formal fronted adverbial.

It's important to blank and blank in order to blank.

So pause the video now and off you go saying your final summary sentence.

Welcome back everybody.

Okay, I want you to think about the sentence you've just said and check.

Does it include a formal fronted adverbial? So to conclude or to summarise? And did your summary sentence summarise the key points of the text? I'm gonna say my summary sentence out loud you can say it along with me as I read and we, you can help me check if I've included everything I need to do.

To summarise, it's important to eat a balanced diet and take part in regular exercise in order to lead a healthy lifestyle.

So to summarise, was my formal fronted adverbial and my summary sentence sums up the key points from the non-chronological report.

Okay, if you need to pause the video and have another go at saying your find your opening sentence to your conclusion, you can pause the video and do that now.

Otherwise well done.

And let's move on to the second section of our learning where we are writing our conclusion.

This is the success criteria that we are going to use to write today.

So let's go through it, I have written a formal fronted adverbial.

I have written a summary sentence.

I have referred to the reader's own actions and I have advised the reader to find out more information.

So first I'm going to show you how to write the conclusion, and you are going to help me check that I've used the success criteria.

Okay, so the first thing I've done is stick in my success criteria and I'm gonna keep referring back to that so I know what I need to include in my conclusion.

So I've already written my first sentence.

I have my subheading, conclusion, which I've underlined with a ruler.

And then my first word, which I left an indent before was my formal front of adverbial to summarise.

So I'm just going to read my sentence out loud to check it makes sense.

To summarise, eating healthily and regularly exercising are crucial to leading long, healthy lives.

So I can actually give the first two points of my success criteria a tick already.

'cause I've written a formal fronted adverbial to summarise.

And I've summarised the main points of my non-chronological report in my summary sentence.

I've said how important it is to eat healthily and regularly exercise.

So I can give myself a tick for I have written a summary sentence.

Now I need a bit of help with writing the rest of my conclusion.

So my next sentence was begins, as well as eating a balanced diet.

So I have my subordinate clause here.

I now need to my add a main clause so we can have a complex sentence.

We just learned about how important it is to be thinking not just about eating really healthy and nutritious foods, but also thinking about foods that are better for eating foods that are better for the planet.

So I'm going to complete the sentence.

As well as eating a balanced diet we also need, or we need, to make, food choices that are good for the planet, better for the planet.

I'm thinking about a more precise adjective choice I could use, I think I'm going to say sustainable, that are more sustainable, for our planet.

It is the end of my complex sentence.

Complex sentence.

So what do I need everybody? I need a full stop, well done.

Okay, so the problem is, it's that food is coming from all around the world.

It's being flown and shipped from everywhere.

And why is that? Because people are not eating food that has grown locally.

I think that's a really important point.

So I'm going to say that next.

Now this is quite unfortunate, this is a problem.

So I'm actually going to start this sentence with a fronted adverbial, I'm going to say, unfortunately, now this is a fronted adverbial so what do I need after it everybody? I need a comma, well done.

So unfortunately foods, are being flown and shipped.

Not, they don't just come on aeroplanes , flown and shipped, from all around the world.

And I want to build on this using a conjunction and explain why this happens.

So I'm going to say, because, many people, and it's not everybody, but many people, are eating.

Yeah, I'm going to say are eating, that's in the present progressive tense, are eating 'cause it's happening at the moment.

Are eating food that is not grown locally.

Are eating food that is, that's actually, I've said that's using an apostrophe, but this is a non-chronological report.

We use really formal language in a non-chronological report.

So that means we shouldn't really be using apostrophes for contraction.

So I'm going to rewrite that as that is, not grown locally.

It's the end of my sentence.

How do I finish it? I need a full stop.

I'm just going to read it back, to check it makes sense.

Unfortunately, foods are being flown and shipped from all around the world because many people are eating food that is not grown locally.

Ooh, I've just spotted a spelling mistake.

I wonder if anyone else can see that.

The verb I'm using is grown, like it is produced.

This spelling of groan is that noisy make when you're not happy, you let out a groan.

So I'm going to change that and correct my spelling to being O-W-N.

Okay, what do we need to try and do then? And we want to tell the reader this because we need to be thinking about making sure we're referring to the reader's own actions, so what they should be doing.

We should try to, we should, try to eat seasonal.

So foods that fruit and vegetables that are produced in season.

Oh, sorry, I've forgotten an S.

So I'm just going to rewrite that quickly.

Seasonal local, foods from, local producers.

And why is that? So, I'm going to use the subordinating conjunction.

So we can reduce, can anyone remember what it's called when we're trying to eat food that doesn't travel as far? Our carbon footprint, well remembered.

So we can reduce, our carbon foot print.

This is the end of our sentence.

So we need a full stop.

Before we move on let's just read back and check it makes sense.

Oh dear.

First thing I noticed, the start of my sentence needs to start with a capital letter.

Just remembering it doesn't matter at all if we make us mistakes, that's why we read back and check.

'cause we can spot the mistakes.

We should try to eat seasonal local foods, from local producers.

I've now used local twice in one sentence.

So I'm going to remove this local.

So I just have, we should try to eat seasonal foods from local producers so we're not repeating ourself.

So we can reduce carbon footprint.

I've just said that out loud and I can hear that there is a missing word.

So we can reduce, carbon footprint.

Our carbon footprint.

So I could hear the missing word because I said it out loud.

So our final sentence, we need to advise the reader to find out more information.

And why do they need to find out more information? So that we can be protecting our planet as much as possible through our food choices.

So in order to, in order to protect the planet, as best as we can, as much as possible, I think I'm gonna say as best as we can 'cause we're going to be trying our best to make these food choices as these sustainable food choices as best as we can.

It is and I'm remembering that we are not using an apostrophe for contraction.

So not it's, it is.

Important to do, further research.

Okay because we're encouraging the reader to find out more information.

So to do further research about this, it is important topic we could see as an important topic.

But we've already said important.

So I want to use a synonym for important.

It's really relevant to our modern world.

'cause we're, as we know, protecting our planet and climate change is really, current and we read about it all the time.

So I'm going to say we can, it's important to do further research about this highly relevant topic, highly relevant topic.

Full stop.

Highly and relevant are actually going to become a compound adjective.

So I'm going to use a hyphen to join them together.

Let's just read back the sentence to check it makes sense.

In order to protect the planet as best as we can.

Ooh, that's a subordinate clause it doesn't make sense by itself.

So what do I need at the end of it, before my main clause? I need a, comma well done.

It is important to do further research about this highly relevant topic.

Okay, let's just check the final two points in our success criteria.

I have referred to the reader's own actions.

I have, I spoke about how we should try to eat seasonal foods so that we can reduce our carbon footprint.

I have advised the reader to find out more information.

I said at the end that in order to protect the planet as best as we can, we should do further research.

So I've advised the reader so I can give myself a tick from there as on my final point as well.

Okay, now it's your turn.

It's time for task B and you are going to write your conclusion.

So the first thing you need to do is write and underline your subheading, which is conclusion.

You'll need to indent the first sentence.

So leaving a space between the margin and your first word and then you'll use your success criteria to help you structure your conclusion.

Once you have finished, read your writing back to check that it makes sense so by saying it out loud and looking for any punctuation errors.

So pause the video now and off you go.

Okay, welcome back everybody, well done for working so hard.

Here is a model conclusion and it's a model conclusion because it meets the success criteria.

So I'm going to read it out loud and as I'm reading, you can be following along with me.


To conclude, it is important to eat a balanced diet and take part in regular exercise in order to eat a healthy lifestyle.

It's also crucial that we choose to eat foods that are both nutritious for us and sustainable for the planet.

Many people are eating fruit and vegetables that are not grown locally to them.

As a result, these foods have to be flown and shipped around the world, and this is damaging to the planet.

When we buy our food, we should consider eating seasonal foods from local producers.

It's important to do further research about this topic so that we know how to reduce our carbon footprint.

So now check your conclusion for a final time to check it makes sense and any punctuation errors and then you can go through your success criteria to check it includes everything you need it to do.

Well done everybody for working so hard.

Here is a summary of our learning today.

The purpose of the conclusion is to summarise the key information from the text.

A subheading introduces a section of a text, a formal fronted adverbial begins the conclusion to signal the writing is coming to an end.

A summary sentence summarises the key information from the text and the conclusion is an opportunity for the reader to reflect on their actions.

Well done everybody, great job.