
Lesson video

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Hi everybody, it's Miss.


Welcome to your next lesson from our unit, "Healthy Lifestyle, Non Chronological Report".

Thank you so much for joining in on today's lesson.

I'm really excited 'cause we are going to get started with writing our non chronological report.

So let's get going.

In today's lesson from our unit, "Healthy Lifestyle, Non Chronological Report" we are going to be writing the introduction.

So your learning outcome is, I can write the introduction of a non chronological report about healthy lifestyle.

Let's start with looking at the key words.

We'll do my turn, your turn, introduction, general facts, outline, command.

Let's have a look at what these mean.

The introduction is the opening paragraph of a nonfiction text and it encourages the reader to read on.

General facts, the most basic or necessary facts a reader needs to know.

And an outline tells the reader what the rest of the report is about.

And a command is a type of simple sentence that tells someone to do something.

So there are two sections for our lesson today.

In the first we'll be preparing to write and in the second section, we're going to be writing the introduction.

So let's start with preparing to write.

Our oncological report can be structured into four sections.

An introduction, section one, a first themed section, which is all about healthy diet.

Our second theme section, section two, which is all about the importance of exercise and sleep.

And finally our conclusion.

In today's lesson we are writing the introduction of the first section of our non chronological report.

The purpose is the aim of something, why do we do it? The purpose of the introduction is to do all of these things, to engage the reader, to make them interested in the text, to make them want to read on and to give them some general facts, the most basic and necessary facts that they need to know in order to be able to engage with the rest of the text.

So in our introduction, our facts are going to be really general, as we continue and as we write more and as we start to write the theme sections, our facts will become a lot more specific and detailed.

So checking for understanding, true or false, information in the introduction should be general.

Pause the video now.

That's right, it's true.

Can you use A or B to justify your answer? A, the writer should only include general facts in the introduction.

Specific facts will only be given later in the report or B, the writer should include very specific facts in the introduction.

Pause the video now.

That's right, it is A, our introduction needs to include just general, basic facts about the subject.

Well done.

When we write, we always try to do these things.

Plan and say each sentence before we write it.

Use punctuation where we know the rules.

So thinking about comma rules that we know.

For example, showcase each sentence type we know, simple, compound and complex.

Write letters neatly on the line in joined handwriting.

Use spelling strategies to spell words accurately and check and improve our writing when we think we have finished.

So let's start by planning our sentences so that we know what we are going to write.

There are some general facts that the reader needs to know about healthy lifestyle and we'll include these general facts in our introduction.

So these include a healthy lifestyle enables long, healthy lives.

Educating people, teaching people about healthy lifestyles is crucial.

A balanced diet includes eating a wide range of food types to ensure we have a variety of nutrients and exercise and sleep are crucial for a healthy lifestyle.

We're going to talk about these facts in a lot more detail in the later sections, but these are the general facts, the most basic facts to include in our introduction.

So checking for understanding, which of these are true about a healthy lifestyle? A, eating a wide variety of food types is important for a balanced diet.

B, exercise is not important when leading a healthy lifestyle.

C, it is important to be educated about healthy lifestyles.

D, sleep is not an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle.

Pause the video now.

A is correct.

Eating a wide variety of food types is really important and C, it's important to be educated about healthy lifestyles.

We can't expect people to just know how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

They need to be taught and given the right information.

Well done everyone.

So the title is the name of the report and the title is really important.

It should stand out from the rest of the text and it should be underlined and centrally aligned.

Meaning it should be in the middle or the centre of your page.

So for example, healthy lifestyle would be a good title choice or leading a healthy lifestyle or how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Any of those would work really well.

Then you have your introduction.

The purpose of the introduction is to give the reader the most basic information about the subject.

Subject to tell the reader what they're going to read about and inspire and encourage the reader to read on.

The first sentence of the introduction must be general, it must contain a general fact.

So true or false, this sentence would open an introduction.

Protein is important because it supports the growth and repair of muscles.

Pause the video now.

That is false.

Can you use A or B to justify your answer? A, specific and detailed facts about the subject come later in the report or B, the introduction opens with a specific fact.

Pause the video now.

That's right, talking about protein in so much detail is going to come later in the report.

It can't open your whole text about healthy lifestyle.

It's too specific, well done.

So an introduction should include the following features.

An opening sentence about the subject.

So our subject is healthy lifestyle, a general fact, brief explanation of a healthy lifestyle.

An outline of what will be learnt through reading the text.

So basically what is the text going to be about and a command to the reader to continue reading, we know we need to include general facts to open the introduction.

So we looked about how a healthy lifestyle enables long, healthy lives.

Educating people about healthy lives is crucial.

A balanced diet includes a wide range of food types to ensure we have a variety of nutrients and exercise and sleep are crucial for our healthy lifestyle.

So these are the general facts we can think about in our introduction.

We are going to use the first two facts to open our introduction.

So let's check for understanding.

We need to say our first sentences out loud 'cause we know how helpful it is to say our sentences and check and hear that they make sense.

These sentences must give general facts.

So we're going to use these two general facts that a healthy lifestyle enables along healthy lives and that it's really important to educate people about these healthy lives, about a healthy lifestyle.

So you can use these sentence scaffolds to help you.

A healthy lifestyle is very important to enable both in children and adults too.

And you can complete that sentence and then educating people about is blank, to ensure we are all as healthy as can be.

So use these sentence scaffolds to help you and try to include those general facts.

Pause the video now.

Okay, welcome back.

Let's go through these sentences.

If you want to say them out loud with me, you can.

A healthy lifestyle is very important for both children and adults to live long healthy lives.

Educating children about how to improve our lifestyle is vital to ensure we are all as healthy as can be.

Well done everybody, we know how important it is to plan our sentences.

So let's plan what we're going to write next.

Here are all our general facts, we've already said of the first two.

So now let's explain what a balanced diet is.

These two sentences are both simple sentences.

A balanced diet means eating a wide variety of food groups.

That's one main clause.

So it's a simple sentence.

This ensures we have a range of nutrients to keep our bodies healthy.

This is another main clause.

So if we have two simple sentences here, main clause, coordinating conjunction, main clause makes a compound sentence.

So checking for understanding true or false, a compound sentence is formed of one main clause.

Pause the video now.

Now that is false, can you use A or B to justify your answer? A, compound sentences have at least two main clauses or B, simple sentences have one main clause.

Pause the video now.

That's right, let's use A to justify our answer.

Compound sentences have at least two main clauses, well done.

So I'm gonna stretch the first main clause with and, and a second main clause.

I'm gonna say this compound sentence out loud.

A balanced diet means eating a wide variety of food groups and this ensures we have a range of nutrients to keep our bodies healthy.

So I've just said my compound sentence out loud, now it's your turn.

You need to stretch the main clause with and, and a second main clause.

Use this sentence scaffold to help you.

A balanced diet includes a wide range of food groups and, and now you need to pause the video and continue saying this compound sentence.

Off you go.

Okay, well done everyone.

I wonder if you can say this compound sentence with me.

A balanced diet includes a range of different food groups and this provides lots of different nutrients to keep our bodies healthy.

Great job everybody.

So the introduction must also inform the reader what the rest of the report will be about.

In our non chronological report, we are writing about what is important to lead a healthy lifestyle.

So we are going to focus on these aspects.

Diet, a balanced diet, exercise and sleep.

So we can explain this to the reader in our introduction that this is what they're going to learn about.

Let's check for understanding, which three of these will the report inform the reader about? A, sleep, B jobs, C diet or D exercise.

Pause the video now.

That's right, it is A, C and D.

Great job everyone.

Also in our introduction we need a command and a command comes at the end of the introduction and it encourages the reader to continue reading.

A command starts with an imperative verb.

Let's do my turn, your turn with that, imperative verb.

You might know this as a bossy verb.

So for example, read on to find out more about how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Read is the imperative verb.

Continue reading to learn more about this complex, important topic.

Continue is our imperative verb.

Read on to find out more about this important, relevant topic that is a widely discussed issue around the world.

Read on is your imperative verb.

The command motivates the reader to continue reading.

Let's check for understanding.

What does a command begin with? A, a subordinate clause.

B, a fronted a proverbial, C, an imperative verb or D, an adjective.

Pause the video now.

That's right, it is an imperative verb, that bossy verb.

Great job.

It's time to talk for task A.

You need to first say the first sentences of the introduction and you need to make sure you are including the following, a general fact about the subject to open the report and a compound sentence.

So using a coordinating conjunction, and, but or or.

So pause the video now and have a go at saying the first two sentences of your introduction.

Welcome back everybody.

Okay, think about the sentences you just said and have a think.

Does the first sentence include a general fact? Have you included a compound sentence? If you need to say them again, pause the video and have another go.

Otherwise, I'm going to say my sentences out loud and I want you to help me check if I've included what I need to include.

A healthy lifestyle is very important for both children and adults to live long, healthy lives.

Educating children about how to improve our lifestyle is vital to ensure we are all as healthy as we can be.

A balanced diet includes a range of different food groups and this provides lots of different nutrients to keep our bodies healthy.

So does my first sentence include a general fact? It does, I've explained that a healthy lifestyle is really important to live long lives.

That's very general, I'm not giving too much specific details there.

Have I included a compound sentence? My final sentence is a compound sentence, you can see and is my coordinating conjunction.

I've got two main clauses.

Okay, thanks for helping me check that.

Really well done everybody.

It is now time for the second section of our learning where we are writing the introduction.

This is your success criteria.

This is what we need to be using to help us make sure we've included everything we need to in our introduction to make it a really successful piece of writing.

So let's go through it.

I have opened the introduction with general facts.

I've written a compound sentence.

I have outlined what the report is about and I have written a command to encourage the reader to continue reading.

We are going to use these general facts to include in our introduction.

A healthy lifestyle enables long, healthy lives.

Educating people about healthy lifestyles is crucial.

A balanced diet includes a wide range of food types to ensure we have a variety of nutrients and exercise and sleep are crucial for a healthy lifestyle.

We are not going to give any more detailed facts than that.

So let's look at a model introduction.

I'm going to read it out loud and I want you to be thinking about the success criteria and checking.

I've included everything.

Introduction, a healthy lifestyle is very important for both children and adults to live long, healthy lives.

Educating children about how to improve our lifestyle is vital to ensure we are all as healthy as we can be.

A balanced diet includes a range of different food groups and this provides lots of different nutrients to keep our bodies healthy.

Throughout this report, you will understand what it means to have a healthy diet and why exercise and sleep are so important.

Read on to find out more about this is all important topic that is widely discussed around the world.

So let's go through it, my first sentence is my general fact, so I can tick that off my success criteria.

Then I have a compound sentence so I can also tick that off my success criteria.

Then I have an outline of the report.

I've told the reader what the report is going to be about, so I can tick that off my success criteria.

And then finally, my final sentence is that command to encourage the reader to continue reading.

So I can also tick that off my success criteria.

So you can see here I've got my success criteria with all the ticks 'cause I've included everything I needed to include.

So it's time for task B.

You are now writing the introduction of your non chronological report about healthy lifestyle.

Use your success criteria to help you structure your paragraph.

So in a minute we're going to pause the video.

You're gonna stick in your success criteria as neatly as you can, and then you're going to write your title and then your subheading introduction.

And then you can start writing your introduction.

So pause the video now and off you go.

Welcome back everybody.

I'm sure you've all worked really hard.

In a minute you're going to pause the video and you're going to read back through the introduction that you've just written and you need to go through and check your success criteria.

So if you have opened the introduction with general facts, you can give yourself a tick.

If you have written a compound sentence, you can give yourself a tick.

If you have outlined what the report is about, give yourself a tick.

And if you have finished your introduction with a command, then you can also give yourself a tick.

So now you need to pause the video, read back through your introduction and check.

You can tick off everything you need to include from the success criteria.

Off you go.

Okay, here is a summary of everything we've learned in today's lesson.

The purpose of the introduction is to give a general fact about the subject, inform the reader of the outline of the text, and encourage the reader to continue reading.

A compound sentence is formed of two main clauses and a coordinating conjunction.

A command motivates the reader to carry on reading the report and the introduction gives brief, general information about the subject.

Well done everybody for working so hard today, great job.