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- Hello, everybody.

Mrs. Barrasso here again.

Lovely to be back with you for our fifth and, sadly, final lesson together.

We've done and achieved so much.

I've just got one last thing to do, so let's get started.

So before we start, you're going to need the following things.

You're going to need your sketchbook and a pencil and you'll also need a computer or a laptop today.

So today we'll spend some time recapping what we've already done so far in this unit.

Then we'll do a little warmup.

Then we're going to spend some time reflecting in our sketchbook and then we're going to be creating a gallery.

And then at the end, as always, we'll recap what we've learned.

What we've done so far.

We're going to do a little quiz now.

Let's see how you get on.

Good luck.

A monochrome photograph is a photograph in black and white.

Is that true or false? We did that and we learned that word.

Monochrome photograph is a photograph in black and white.

True or false.

It is true.

Did you get that right? Well done.


Next question.

Which of these are sources of artificial light? Fairy lights, the sun, a torch or a bedside lamp? Which of these are sources of artificial light.

Remember, It can be more than one.

Ready? Ah, fantastic.

Did you get that right? The sun is our main, well, is our source of natural light.

Fairy light, torch and bedside lamp.

Those are all artificial lights.

If I removed part of a photograph, what would I have done? Would I have zoomed the photograph, or would I have cropped the photograph? Which would I have? Well done.

Cropped the photograph is the right answer.

That's when we cut part of it away, do you remember? To make it, to improve it, to make it even better? Okay.

So some key words that we're going to come across in today's lesson that you'll need.

The first is the word gallery.

That's what we're going to be doing today.

We're going to be creating a gallery.

And a gallery is a space that displays artwork.

An exhibition.

An exhibition is a collection of artwork on display at an art gallery.

And a portfolio.

A portfolio is a selection of an artist's best work.

So let's start today's lesson with a little bit of a photography warmup.

So the challenge is to take your camera.

Can you find and capture a photograph of three different things that make you smile? So your challenge today is to find and capture three things that make you smile.

This could be people such as your family, your friends.

It might be your pet.

It could be something you own.

Maybe something special or important to you.

This could be a toy, a game, a Teddy.

Or it could be a special place such as your bed.

Who knows? Off you go, come back when you're finished and we'll carry on with the lesson.

Speak soon.

Sketchbook reflections.

We're going to take some time now, to look back through our sketchbook and see how far we've come.

A sketch book to an artist is a really important tool.

It's our journey of learning.

It's lovely to look back and see how much you've developed and changed and grown.

The different things that inspired you.

The different techniques that you've tried, all the learning that you've been on.

And we've been on such a journey of learning together.

So we've got to take some time now to reflect on it.

So grab your sketchbook if you need to, and let's have a little flick through together.

Wow, there is so much good stuff in here.

Let's have a little look now at some of our drawing warm ups that we've done.

Do you remember when we did this one, the single line faces.

When we drew a face with just one line, our face looking in the mirror.

We also tried to start drawing at different parts of the face.

See if that made a difference or made it easier for us.

I really enjoyed that one.

On this one, the no looking challenge when we had to draw something in front of us without looking down at our sketchbook.

Again, really challenging not to look down, but interesting to make us really look at the object that we were drawing.

And we also did this one as well, when we filled little, we filled shapes, with lots of little patterns, doodles and designs.

Do you remember? Which of these was your favourite? Which one did you most enjoy? And which one are you most proud of? Now, we're going to take a look back at some of the photography projects we've been working on over the last few weeks.

Do you remember this one? This is from the first week.

We were looking at the message and the story within a photograph.

How a photograph might say something about somebodies personality.

In this case, that I have really muddy wellies, that I need to tidy up.

In our second lesson, we focused on light.

That light is a photographer's BFF.

We went on a treasure hunt either inside or outside to find either natural or artificial light and see what it was doing that was interesting.

This was from my house and from my local park.

Artificial and natural light.

And we used some everyday items to play and explore photography.

Do you remember my dog Barney and the sandwich bag over the lens? Or the other iPhone or mirror underneath your camera so you could try and take a reflection photograph? And last week we did some mixed media where we drew on an overlay on top of a photograph to completely change the image.

When you look at it like this, you can see just how much we've achieved.

Even though it's only been a short time together, we've done so much and you should be so proud of yourself.

Well done you.

So we're going to take a moment now to reflect on what we've done, on all that we've achieved and on our favourite photographs.

So here are some questions to ask ourselves.

What have I achieved in this unit? Which photograph am I most proud of? Which techniques did I most enjoy? And is there anything I would do differently next time? So our challenge now is reflect on our photography journey in our sketchbook.

So spend some time looking back at all you've achieved so far in this unit.

Reflect on the questions, evaluate your work and record some thoughts in your sketch book.

This is a really important part of being an artist and a photographer.

Press pause, come back when you're done.

Creating a gallery.

So now we're going to move on to the final part of today's lesson, where we're going to be creating our own gallery.

Art galleries are incredible places.

Have you been to an art gallery before? Have you spent some time looking at an artist's work in a gallery, in a show space? It's an amazing opportunity to go and view the final product that an artist has made.

And that's just what it is.

It's the final product.

Before the artist made that painting or that drawing, there was a lot of work that went into it.

Sometimes it could even be years of work, of sketches, of drawings, of trying different things before you see the final finished piece.

You know, an artist, they don't hang all of their work in an art gallery.

They hung the finished piece, the best piece, their favourite pieces, the pieces that they're most proud of and want to show off.

And that's what we've got to remember when we are planning our own art gallery today.

We are going to show off the best of our work, our portfolio, our best pieces.

That's what we're going to put into today's gallery.

Now, incredibly, because of the miracle of the internet, there are also amazing galleries online that we can go and view.

So as well as being a physical place to look at artworks, most galleries also have their art online.

So people all over the world can see it and appreciate it.

This is fantastic because it means that more artwork is available to us no matter where we live in the world.

And so today we're going to be putting together a gallery that could be shared online if it needed to be.

Maybe your teacher might ask to see it, or maybe your grandparents would love to have a look at it and you can email it across to them.

So we're going to be working on that today.

So, my advice to you is to choose the pieces that you are most proud of.

Now, these are not always the best looking pieces at the end, but it might be where you tried something different.

You really put the effort in and the payoff is there.

So, if you're proud of it, include it, 'cause there's a story there, a story to tell.

So, here's some things that you might need to think about as you prepare your gallery today.

First of all, what will you call your work? Will you name your collection? Let's say you have 10 or 12 photographs in your entire collection that you're going to include in your gallery today.

Some artists name that entire set of 12 with a name.

It could be something really plain like Mrs. Barrasso's best photographs, or it could be something really elusive and interesting like Illuminated Moonlight or something like that.

Will you name your collection, and what will you call each photograph? If you've been to an art gallery before, you might remember that there's a little card next to each painting with the name of the piece, and sometimes a few things written about it as well.

So what will you call each photograph? And don't forget to include the artists name.


How will you present your work? So what software will you use to create this? You could use something like Google Slides or PowerPoint, depending on what you've got already on your computer.

What kind of background will you use? You can use something plain or something colourful.

And finally, what will you say about your work? You might want to talk about what inspired you.

You might want to talk about how you went about capturing this image.

Remember when I said in that gallery, often there's a little card.

That's where that kind of goes.

That little piece of writing that explains what you did and how you did it, how you were inspired.

So let me show you what I've done.

So this is one of the photographs that I want to include in my gallery.

It's my monochrome photograph of the bell tower.

I've put it here as big as I can in the middle of my slide with the name of the photograph next to it.

I've called mine "The Abandoned Belltower".

The background that I've chosen is a bright blue background.

And as I look at it now, I'm thinking, oh, that's, that's too bright.

That's too colourful.

Now maybe a colourful background will work for one of your photographs, but I feel that I want people to really focus on my photograph and I don't want anything to distract them.

So I'm going to try another background.

So let's try a white background.


That looks a bit better.

Simpler, yes.

Let me try one more background.

Let's try black, and if I do that, I'm probably going to change the colour of the font.

Yes, that looks much better.

I'm much happier with that.

I feel that that really makes my photograph stand out and look the best.

So now I've got my photograph.

I've got my title.

I just need one more thing.

I just need, maybe a line, maybe even two lines about my photograph.

There we go.

I explored my local area and used some unexpected everyday items to capture this piece of local history.

There we go.

That's that slide finished.


Now I can focus on all the others.

So your task today is to create a digital gallery of your photography.

Look through your work and select your favourite pieces.

Put them together in a slideshow, using software that you have access to, whatever that might be.

And, obviously, we want to think about sharing them with people as a part of an online gallery.

So first of all, you might be able to share them at home with your friends and family.

Show off all of your hard work, maybe put on a little show.

That would be lovely, wouldn't it? You would be the artist at your exhibition, presenting your artwork.

Press pause now and resume when you finished.

How did you get on? Oh, well done you.


We were just talking about sharing your work with friends and with family and how important it is for an artist to get that feedback and to see other people enjoy your work and smile when they see it.

That makes you feel good, like it was all worth it.

Another place that you can share your work is, of course, with the hashtag below on the Twitter so we can all see it.

Please get permission from your adult first.

Well, that's it.

We've come to the end of this unit.

It has been a complete joy and pleasure to be with you for this piece of learning on photography.

I hope you've enjoyed it and I hope to see you again soon.

Lots of love.