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Hello, my name is Miss Wyatt and you have made a great choice to choose to study citizenship with me today.

Welcome to today's lesson from the unit, "Citizenship - What's it all about?" This lesson today is titled, "How Can We Be Active Citizens?" In this lesson, you are going to be able to explain what active citizenship is and what skills are needed to bring about positive change.

We are going to work really hard together today and I am here to help us.

There are the key words on your screen, which we are going to be using in our lesson today.

Our key words are, "Community," "Active citizenship," and, "Active citizen." A community is, "A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common." Active citizenship is, "The process of learning how to take part in democracy and using citizenship knowledge, skills, and understanding to try and make a positive difference in the world." An active citizen is, "A person who actively takes responsibility, becomes involved in areas of public concern and tries to make a positive difference in their community." Our lesson is split into three parts today and we are going to start by learning about what an active citizen is.

So when you are ready, let's go.

"Active citizenship is the process of learning how to take part in democracy and using citizenship knowledge, skills, and understanding to try and make positive difference in the world." It is one of our key words today.

Jacob says, "Remember, a democracy is a system of government in which citizens vote in regular fair elections for representatives who then make laws and decisions on their behalf." "An active citizen is a person who actively takes responsibility.

They become involved in areas of public concern and they try to make a positive difference in their community." "An active citizen is someone who cares about their community enough to change it.

They take an active role in their community and society in order to bring about positive change." So let's check our understanding so far, "Which three of the following are characteristics of an active citizen?" Is it, "Knows how to take part in democracy," "Strives to make positive difference," "Cares about their community," or, "Has lots of followers on social media." So which three of those following choices? Pause the video and make your decision.

Hopefully we have worked out that the three characteristics of an active citizen are, "Knowing how to take part in democracy," "Striving to make a positive difference," and they, "Care about their community." Having lots of followers on social media isn't part of being an active citizen.

"Bayard Rustin and Rosa parts are examples of active citizens from history.

Both were involved in the civil rights movement in America in the 1950s.

This movement aims to give African Americans the same rights as white Americans and to end segregation, a system where many public services, like transport, were divided on racial lines." "In 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.

At the time, Montgomery buses had discriminatory laws.

The front seats were reserved for white people and the black people had to sit at the back." So this is an example of segregation here on the buses.

"Parks was arrested for her protest and her actions inspired the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

This was a civil rights protest in which African Americans refused to use Montgomery's buses until segregated bus seating was brought to an end." Think if lots of people are refusing to use a service, what do you think is going to happen to that service? The use of it is going to go down.

So, "Bayard Rustin was a key organiser of the 1963 March on Washington.

This was one of the largest nonviolent political demonstrations against racial discrimination in America.

Over 250,000 people attended the protest to show their support for changes to civil rights laws." You might have heard about this protest.

So let's check where we are up to so far.

Which image best represents what Bayard Rustin and Rosa Parks were campaigning for? Pause the video and make your choice.

Hopefully you manage to see that picture A fits more what Bayard Rustin and Rosa Parks were campaigning for.

Picture B and C, if you can see, they look like it's to do with the climate or to do with pollution, so well done if you've got A.

Now, Bayard Rustin said, "We need, in every community, a group of angelic troublemakers." What I would like you to do is discuss what you think Bayard Rustin meant when he said this and write one paragraph explaining why Bayard Rustin and Rosa Parks are good examples of active citizens.

So when you are ready, pause the video and have a go at the two tasks, good luck.

Okay, so if we look at the first task, we needed to discuss what we think Bayard Rustin meant by the top quote.

He said, "We need, in every community, a group of angelic troublemakers." Now, "I think Rustin meant that society needs people who are not afraid to question things that are not fair and who are actually brave enough to stand up for things that they believe in.

He's suggesting that communities need to be active citizens.

I think he uses the words, 'Angelic troublemakers,' because although their actions may cause problems or disruption, they are doing these things in order to improve society for the better." I wonder if any of you had some of the similar ideas as I did.

Now, our next task was to write a paragraph explaining why Bayard Rustin and Rosa Parks are good examples of active citizens.

So again, I wrote, "An active citizen is a person who takes responsibility.

They become involved in areas of public concern and try to make a positive difference in their community.

Rustin is an example of an active citizen because he spoke out about something he felt was wrong.

He is best known for being the leader of the March on Washington, one of the largest nonviolent protests in US history.

Rosa Parks is also an example of an active citizen because she stood up for what she believed in.

She showed great courage when she refused to give up her bus seat to a white person in 1955.

Her actions helped start the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which aimed for equal rights for African-Americans." We have now looked at the first part of our lesson on what is an active citizen.

Well done guys.

We are now gonna start to look at how we can bring about social change.

Social change is changes which occur over time.

There are different types of social change.

For example, changes in behavioural patterns, cultural values, and social structures.

Social change can occur on different levels, from local communities to global societies.

"There are lots of different methods that active citizens can use to bring about social change," for example, petitioning.

Now, petitioning may happen online or in person, on paper, and it's where you try and gather as many signatures as you can to try and bring about change.

Protesting can come in forms of demonstrations or marches.

Boycotting, it's like the example that we saw with Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Lobbying and involving experts are also methods that active citizens can use to bring about social change.

So let's check our understanding of petitioning.

Is petitioning, "Joining together as a group and taking to the streets to campaign?" Is it, "Meeting with a person who represents you either locally or nationally?" Is it, "Gathering signatures to show support for a cause?" Or, "Refusing to buy a product or use a service as a protest?" Pause the video and make your decision.

If we said, "Gathering signatures to show support for a cause," is petitioning, that would be correct.

Well done guys.

What is protesting? Is it, "Joining together as a group and taking to the streets to campaign?" "Meeting with a person who represents you either locally or nationally?" "Gathering signatures to show support for a cause?" Or, "Refusing to buy a product or use a service as a protest?" Pause the video and make your decision.

Okay, we should have said, "Joining together as a group and taking to the streets to campaign," that's what protesting is.

If you got that right, well done, you.

Okay, lobbying, do we know what lobbying is? Is it, "Joining together as a group and taking to the streets to campaign?" "Meeting with a person who represents you either locally or nationally?" "Gathering signatures to show support for a cause?" Or, "Refusing to buy a product or use a service as a protest?" Remember what we've already answered and what was correct so far, so pause the video and try and work out what lobbying is.

Okay, we should have said, B, "Meeting with a person who represents you, either locally or nationally," is lobbying.

And finally, boycotting, what is boycotting? Read through the options A to D and make your decision.

Okay, boycotting is, "Refusing to buy a product or use a service as a protest," just like Rosa Parks did and everybody else that joined the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Well done guys.

We might have heard of Jamie Oliver, "Jamie Oliver is a celebrity chef who campaigns on issues regarding healthy eating.

He is an example of a modern day active citizen.

In 2004, he led a successful campaign to ban junk food and processed food from school canteens, 'How did he do it?" Well, he petitioned, "271,677 people signed an online petition on the, 'Feed Me Better,' website.

In 2005, it was then delivered to the Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street." He also involved experts.

"Jamie Oliver spoke with nutritionists and doctors who he knew the government would listen to," as their trusted sources.

He also raised awareness.

"He used his celebrity status in an appropriate way to get media coverage and was regularly interviewed on TV and featured in newspapers.

He also had a TV show on Channel 4 Called, "After School Dinners," where he promoted these ideas.

"The campaign was a huge success.

In 2005, the then Prime Minister Tony Blair, committed £280 million to improve school dinners.

In 2006, the Department for Children, Schools and Families invested £240 million to help keep the cost of school dinners low.

And in 2008, basic nutrition standards for school dinners were introduced for the first time." So school dinners were very, very different back then.

Let's check our understandings so far.

"Jamie Oliver used lots of different methods to make his campaign a success, but which method is missing from the list below?" So we know he petitioned, and we know he raised awareness, but what else did he do to bring about that social change? Pause the video and have a good hard think.

Hopefully we remembered that Jamie Oliver also involved experts.

He spoke with nutritionists and doctors as he knew these were the people that the government is going to listen to.

They are trusted sources and they know what they are talking about.

Well done guys if you remembered that.

There is another person we might know of which is Marcus Rashford.

Now, "Marcus Rashford," if you don't know, "Is a famous footballer and another example of a modern day active citizen.

We are gonna read the information below and also on the next slide and then we are gonna describe three different methods he used to create social change." Don't worry, I will repeat these instructions once have read the information.

So, "In 2020 during the global coronavirus pandemic, Marcus Rashford campaigned to extend the provision of free school meals.

He did not think it was fair that children who were eligible for free school meals during term time didn't receive them during the school holidays." "Rashford took to social media.

He shared messages from organisations that were promising free meals to vulnerable children to highlight the problem.

Rashford then wrote a letter to the government asking them to change their policy around free school meals.

He also started a petition that was signed by more than 1 million people.

The campaign was a success and the government agreed to extend free school meals during the holidays.

Rashford also partnered with major food brands to form the Child Food Poverty Task Force, which aims to tackle child food poverty".

Okay, so I'm just gonna bring us back to the task.

Once we have read the information, which we just have, we need to describe three different methods Marcus Rashford used to create social change.

So pause the video now and try and see the three different methods he used to create that change, good luck! Okay, hopefully we've had a go at trying to find the three different methods that Rashford used to try and create that social change.

Some of our answers may have included, "Raising awareness, He used his great, large, social media following to generate awareness for his campaign." He petitioned, which was, "Signed by more than one million people," and he took part in lobbying, "Rashford wrote to the government to try and convince them to change their policy on free school meals." Hopefully, you managed to detect these three methods to bring about social change, it's very similar to how Jamie Oliver did it too.

We have now looked at the first parts of our lesson.

So we've looked at what is an active citizen, and we have also explored the idea of how we can bring about social change.

The last part of our lesson is about what skills do we need to be active citizens? "Citizenship education develops the knowledge, skills, and understanding that you need, so that you can play a full part in society as responsible and active citizens.

In order to be an active citizen, you need lots of different skills like effective communication, critical thinking, analytical skills, and research skills." Now, these are just a few examples.

There are many more skills that you will develop on your active citizenship journey, which is really, really exciting.

Now, which of the following skills are not needed in order to be an active citizen? So what isn't needed? Is it A, "Listening?" Is it B, "Communication?" Or is it C, "Leadership?" Pause the video here and make your decision.

Okay, is it A, "Listening?" Is it B, "Communication?" Or is it C, "Leadership?" It's leadership, well done guys.

Why is leadership not needed in order to be an active citizen? Well Jun says, "Some people think that only natural leaders can make a difference and be active citizens.

Whilst leadership skills might help in some situations, many active citizens work behind the scenes, you don't need to be a leader to be an active citizen." Which is really good to know.

Active citizens like Rosa Parks, Bayard Rustin, Jamie Oliver, and Marcus Rashford have skills in common.

These include communication skills, they wrote letters to government and certain representatives, they delivered speeches, they planned, perhaps they organised protests or marches or petitions.

They came together as a team with other people and joined forces with all other organisations and charities with similar purpose.

They also showed confidence and resilience.

They found the courage to stand up for their communities and beliefs.

"Which of the following set of actions best demonstrates active citizenship skills?" Is it A, "Volunteering at food banks, organising a community cleanup, writing to a counsellor about more street lighting," or B, "Watching the news, reading about historical events, having opinions on social issues?" or C, "Travelling internationally, learning new languages, and exploring different foods?" Pause the video, read back through the options and make your choice.

Okay, we should know that A describes active citizenship skills in the best way.

B and C, they sound great, however, A, volunteering at a food bank, organising community cleanups, writing to a counsellor, they best demonstrate active citizenship skills, so well done if you got that correct.

Okay, this task, I would like you to create a mind map of the skills needed to be an active citizen.

So similar to what I have done, but hopefully a lot larger, in the middle, we have put, "Skills needed to be an active citizen," and then we have got different points branching off them saying, well, "Research," research skills are really important to be an active citizen and actually communication skills are really important as you need to get your point across and know who to speak to, et cetera.

Can you think of any more skills needed to be an active citizen? Because there are lots.

What I would like you to do is pause this video and have a go at creating a mind map.

Good luck guys.

Okay, hopefully we have found that there are lots of different skills needed to be an active citizen.

So we might have communication, teamwork, critical thinking, decision making, resilience, persuasion, planning, research, evaluating, there are so many.

Hopefully you've got some of the similar answers as I did, if not, add these onto your mind map.

The next task, we need to, "Choose an issue that we think is important in our own local community." With that in mind, "Design a slogan or image to be displayed on a poster to raise awareness of the chosen issue." This is our time now to start to be an active citizen.

So what issues are important in our local community? Think about it.

It might be your local community where your school is or perhaps where you live, but have a go at designing a slogan or an image which would be displayed on a post to try and raise awareness of your chosen issue.

Pause the video and have a go.

Okay, so your answer might look something like this.

For instance, "The issue that I would like to tackle is littering in my local park, it really spoils the area and it can be dangerous." My slogan would be, "Trash belongs in the bin, keeping space as clean as a win!" I like it, it's quite catchy.

"My image is a picture of someone littering with a line through to suggest it is not allowed." Perhaps your issue was similar to mine, which was littering, it might be littering, perhaps, in your local area rather than your local park.

I'd be really interested to know what you have done and what your slogans are, well done on your efforts.

This brings us to the end of our lesson.

So to summarise, "An active citizen is someone who cares about their community enough to change it.

They take an active role in order to bring about positive change.

There are lots of different methods that active citizens can use to bring about social change.

For example, petitioning, protesting, boycotting, and lobbying." Hopefully we can remember what these methods are.

To create change, "Active citizens need to develop lots of different skills, such as effective communication, critical thinking, decision making, and analysis, and research skills." I have loved learning with you today, I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have.

Well done on all of your efforts and see you soon.