Hello, my name is Miss Wyatt, and I'm so grateful that you can join us here today for our lesson in citizenship.
Today's lesson is about what do charities, NGOs, and groups do in our local community, from the unit, how can we make a difference in our communities? By the end of today's lesson, you will be able to explain the contribution charities, NGOs, and groups make in our community.
The following keywords is what we will be using in today's lesson.
So we have charities, NGO, and community groups.
These are our key words today.
Charities means local, national, or international organisations, which are set up to help those in need or to raise awareness of an issue.
NGO stands for non-governmental organisation.
They're non-profit, voluntary groups of citizens who work on a local, national, or international level to achieve an aim.
And community groups are an organised collective of people with similar interests or aims, including NGOs, charities, and other organisations within the community.
I know some of these definitions are fairly long, but don't worry.
We will be referring to these keywords throughout our lesson.
Our lesson is split into three parts today.
We will be starting with what issues in the community do charities address? So when you're ready, let's go.
Community organisations are structures that allow individuals to build a better society.
By working with other organisations, community organisations can help to maximise resources and influence changemakers.
Community organisations can be successful when everyone takes part or supports the group's work.
Now there are three main types of community organisations, so let's have a look at these.
The first type are charities.
So you might know what charities are, but if not, don't worry, 'cause it is one of our keywords.
We'll be looking at this quite a lot today.
NGOs, do you remember what it stands for? Don't worry if you don't.
It stands for non-governmental organisations.
And community groups.
So let's check our understanding so far.
Do you remember what the three main types of community organisations are? So what are the three main types of community organisations? Is it A, charities, NGOs, and community volunteering? Is it B, NGOs, community groups, and volunteering? Is it C, charities, NGOs, and community groups? Or is it D, charities, volunteering, and community groups? Pause the video here and make your choice.
Hopefully we said C.
If you got that correct, give yourself a pat on the back.
Well done, everybody.
So charities, NGOs, and community groups are the three main types of community organisations.
So we're gonna carry on looking at what issues in the community do charities address? Laura says, "Can you remind me what a charity is, Andeep? I know they help people, but I've forgotten what it's all about." Andeep replies, "Sure, Laura, a charity is a local, national, or international organisation which is set up to help those in need or to raise awareness of an issue." I think it's important to remember that charities can be in your local area, so around you and the surrounding area around you, or it could be national, or it could be international and worldwide.
True or false? A charity only helps those in need.
True or false? Hopefully we're all saying it's false.
It's false, because charities also raise awareness of issues relevant to the local, national, or global community.
Charities help those in need, but this isn't the only thing that they do.
You might know some charities that are local or you might know some charities that are national or international as well.
And you might think, "Well, I know that they raise awareness of issues rather than just simply helping those in need." A charity is an organisation that exists for public benefit.
Any money raised has to be used for the charity's work and not treated as profit.
Charities must not be party political.
So this means that they cannot show any political beliefs or opinion within their work.
Most people would have a political belief or opinion, but this means if they were to volunteer for this charity, they wouldn't be allowed to necessarily put it across in the charity's name because it mustn't be party political.
So you're allowed to volunteer for charities if you are, I don't know, you have an opinion that's very political or you have lots of political opinions, but charities aren't allowed to be party political.
The charity must be governed by volunteers.
So if we don't know what volunteers means, it means that you give up your own time and you work for the sake of the charity.
You don't work for profit.
By raising money and creating programmes, charities work to make communities safer, healthier, and more equal for everyone.
Charities help solve problems in the community like poverty, hunger, and homelessness.
Charities provide support for things such as people in need, the environment, and animals.
So you might know some charities that provide for people, or you might know some charities that provide for animals, and you also might know some charities that provide for the environment.
Charities help people by providing food, medical care, education, and support during crises, while also offering shelter and mental health services.
So depending on what charity it is, it can give different help in different ways.
Environmental charities plant trees, clean rivers, protect wildlife habitats, and promote renewable energy.
And animal charities rescue and shelter abandoned pets.
They advocate for better treatment of animals.
They offer veterinary care and fight against extinction, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of animals worldwide.
So you might already know some people charities, some environmental charities, and some animal charities.
So let's check our understanding of this.
Charities provide support for.
Is it animals? Is it B, people, or is it C, political parties? Pause the video and make your choice.
Well done, everybody.
Hopefully we said A, animals and B, people.
They don't provide support for political parties.
I'm hoping you can remember what I said about political parties and that they must not show political opinion and belief.
Well done, everybody.
So what sort of issues do charities address? Well, on the screen there is a long list of people charities, environmental charities, and animal charities.
And we're gonna have a look at some of these later on in the lesson, but for now, we'll have a look at the list of people charities.
So on people charities, you have things like British Heart Foundation, Stonewall, who stand for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning, and ace people everywhere.
Liberty, Cancer Research, Help for Heroes, Age UK, and the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund or UNICEF for short.
I wonder if you know of any of those people charities or maybe you've raised money and you've worked with these charities before in the past, maybe at your school or with your friends and family.
We also have environmental charities.
So we have Greenpeace.
We have the Woodland Trust.
We have Marine Stewardship Council.
We have Friends of the Earth.
We have Canal & River Trust, who look after, very evidently, your canals and your rivers and the wildlife within it.
We have the Wildlife Trusts, and we have Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, or RSPB for short.
Then we have the animal charities.
So we have things like Born Free Foundation, Cats Protection, the WWF, which stands for World Wildlife Fund, The Donkey Sanctuary, Dogs Trust, World Animal Protection, and the RSPCA, or the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
So they promote animal welfare, those charities.
Can you finish this sentence? RSPCA is a charity that helps support what? What is it? It's a charity that helps support what? Pause the video and have a think about this sentence, and try to finish it.
So RSPCA is a charity that helps support animals.
Well done if you got that correct.
So this charity protects animals from cruelty.
RSPCA stands for Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Thank you, Jacob.
So the next task I would like us to look at is remembering what sort of issues the charities address.
So I'd like you to have a go at writing one short paragraph to explain the three areas, the three areas that charities work on and work for, with two examples of the charities for each one.
So we have three areas that charities work for, and give me two examples for each of the areas.
Now, I should say, so you might need to be reminded of the examples back on slide 16.
So these were the examples that I gave you.
I would like you to have a go at trying to include these in your paragraph.
So I'm gonna put us back on the task.
You might need to go back to slide 16 to be reminded of the examples, but when you are ready, pause the video and have a go at writing one short paragraph to explain the three areas that charities address.
Good luck, everyone.
Tremendous efforts, everybody.
Well done.
So charities address many different issues in the local, national, and international communities.
The main three areas charity support are humans, for example, UNICEF and Health for Heroes, the environment, for example, Greenpeace and the Wildlife Trust, and Animals, for example, RSPCA and Cats Protection.
So you might not have named the exact same examples as me, and that's okay, but as long as we remember that the three main areas that charities support are humans, environment, and animals.
If we remember that, well done, us.
We have now looked at what issues in the community do charities address? I hope you got a lot from that.
We are now gonna look at why are NGOs important in a community? So Alex says, "What is an NGO, Sofia? I've heard they help in the community, but I don't know what they are." Now Sofia says, "It's a non-government organisation, Alex.
It runs on no profit and is a voluntary group of citizens who work on a local, national, or international level to achieve an aim.
This aim is to help and support people, the environment, or animals that need it.
There are lots of NGOs in different communities around the world." Maybe we know of some NGOs already.
So we know NGOs are non-government organisations.
This means they work independently of governments, but they often have to work closely with them to make changes happen.
They're often humanitarian or provide a service.
Now, humanitarian means that they're concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare.
So they try to make the lives of humans better.
Sam says, "Humanitarian means a belief in improving people's lives and reducing suffering." Thanks, Sam.
It's good to know.
There are many NGOs that work with local, national, and international communities.
Now, you might have heard of some of these.
So we have ShelterBox, which is an international disaster relief charity.
We have Oxfam, which fight inequality to end poverty and injustice.
We have the British Red Cross, which are a humanitarian organisation which help people internationally in crisis.
We have Amnesty International, which we're gonna look at in some more detail in a little bit.
We've got Save the Children, who are an international NGO, and they try to improve the lives of children.
We've got the Refugee Council, we've got Doctors Without Borders, Animal Equality, BeeLife, which is a global environmental charity facilitating the reconnection between humanity and nature through the wisdom and consciousness of the bee, if you didn't know.
And then we have Slow Food.
Now, Slow Food are an NGO who believe in good, clean, and fair food for all.
But we are gonna look at some of these NGOs in some greater detail in the lesson.
So can we remember what NGO stands for? So what does NGO stand for? You have options A, B, C, and D.
I would like to pause the video, read through the options, and try and remember what NGO stands for.
Good luck.
Well done, everybody.
Hopefully we've remembered that non-governmental organisation is what NGO stands for.
Well done if you got that correct.
NGOs are important in communities because they provide support for vulnerable groups.
When it says provide support for vulnerable groups, this means that they will try to provide special care and support and protection for someone who might be at risk.
ShelterBox, who I introduced to you on the previous slide, is an NGO that delivers aid to families devastated by conflict or natural disaster, to give them shelter and the tools to rebuild communities.
Their global network of supporters, staff, and volunteers make it possible for NGOs to deliver aid to some of the most remote communities in the world.
NGOs are important to all communities because they promote social change.
NGOs help raise awareness about important issues, like human rights or environmental protection, and work to create positive changes.
Amnesty International, who I also introduced on the previous slide, is an NGO that works to protect human rights, fighting against injustice, supporting free speech, and helping people who are unfairly imprisoned or mistreated across the world.
So true or false? Amnesty International helps to protect people's human rights.
True or false? What do we think? It's true.
Well done, everybody.
It's true because Amnesty International protects people's rights.
They fight against injustice, they support free speech, and help people who are unfairly imprisoned or mistreated across the world.
Excellent if you got that correct.
NGOs are important because when government resources are limited, NGOs then step in to offer help and address problems that might be overlooked.
Doctors Without Borders is a great example of an NGO that fills gaps in government services.
They provide medical care in areas affected by conflict, natural disasters, or epidemics where local healthcare systems are unable to meet the needs of people.
So for example, if there is a war-torn area, Doctors Without Borders would go over there and try and fill that gap of the government services and help people.
So does Doctors Without Borders provide A, medical care, B, legal advice, or C, technology support? Pause the video and make your choice.
Hopefully you remembered that Doctors Without Borders provides medical care.
It doesn't provide legal advice, and they don't support with technology.
There are other people to support with these issues.
I would like us to have a go at trying to match the NGO with its main purpose.
So you can either draw lines to the purpose from the NGO or you could write these out.
It's up to you how you do this, but pause the video and have a go at matching the NGO to its main purpose.
Hopefully we've had a good go at this.
So ShelterBox should be matched with delivering aid to people in natural disasters who have lost their homes.
Amnesty International should go to works to protect human rights fighting against injustice, and that leaves Doctors Without Borders, providing medical care in times of disaster or conflict.
Well done, everyone, if you got that correct.
So what I would like us to do now is discuss the role of NGOs in a community and include two to three examples in your discussion.
So I would like us to focus on the following points.
So can we focus on support for vulnerable groups, promote social change, and fill gaps in government services.
Can you try and include these three points in your discussion? So maybe just write it down if you are on your own, or if you are with somebody else, turn to them, and try and discuss the role of NGOs in a community and try and include two to three examples within it.
Good luck, everyone.
Your answer might include some of the following.
If it doesn't, please don't worry, but I hope you had a good discussion about the role of NGOs within the community.
So we've said NGOs play a vital role in communities by supporting vulnerable groups, such as the homeless, refugees, and those in poverty, offering essential aid like food, shelter, and education.
For instance, ShelterBox delivers aid to people in natural disasters who have lost their homes.
NGOs also promote social change by raising awareness of important issues like climate action or human rights, and encourage people to take action.
Amnesty International is an NGO that works to protect human rights and fights against injustice.
Finally, NGOs like Doctors Without Borders fill gaps in government services, stepping in during crises or emergencies when government resources are limited or unavailable.
So in this paragraph, I managed to get the points about supporting vulnerable groups, promoting social change, and filling gaps in government services, but I also referred to the three NGOs that we have looked at, Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International, and ShelterBox.
I wonder if you managed to do the same.
Well done, anyway.
Great effort.
We have now finished looking at why are NGOs important in a community.
The last part of our lesson, we're gonna explore the question, how do community groups improve the community? So there are community groups that are not charities or NGOs but are still run by volunteers on a not for profit basis.
So they don't do it to gain wealth.
They might do it for the good of the community.
So volunteers work to benefit their group members, improve their neighbourhoods, or run campaigns.
Alex says, "Volunteers give up their time for free and you can learn new skills and get excellent work experience." I wonder if any of you have ever volunteered before? I really enjoy volunteering.
It's something that I think you get a lot out of and you can put a lot of good into something.
I'd agree with Alex and say that you can learn new skills and get excellent work experience.
Charities and NGOs often work in national and international communities as well as local ones, whereas community groups are based in the local area and focus on local needs.
Jun says, "I go to the local youth club which is community group that gives young people something to do in the evenings." You might have around your local area these community groups or a local youth club, and you might go there to have something to do within the evening.
So true or false? Volunteers get paid a small wage for their work.
Is that true or is it false? Pause the video and make your decision.
It's false.
Volunteers don't get paid a small wage for their work.
To be a volunteer, you have to give up your time and work for free.
You can gain many skills and get excellent work experience whilst volunteering for a community group.
So you might think, "I'm not sure if I want to do something for free," but the people that you would meet and the experiences that you have through volunteering does make up for it.
Community groups help improve the local community by organising activities and events that support health, education, and social connections, making local communities safer and friendlier.
By speaking up for the residents' needs, community groups help create better services locally, like parks or youth programmes, and create a sense of belonging and cooperation among members.
My community group in the local area that I live in, they look after the park near us and they make sure it's nice and tidy and that children have equipment to play on and that there are areas to play tennis and other sports like that.
Jun says, "Do you know of any community groups that improve things locally, Laura?" Laura says, "We have a Neighbourhood Watch scheme, which helps to reduce crime by encouraging residents to look out for each other and report suspicious activity.
We also have a group that run a support centre, which allows people to make phone calls to find jobs, and also runs a food bank, which provides free groceries and meals to families struggling financially." So they do a lot.
Can we remember what a Neighbourhood Watch scheme helps? So we need to finish the sentence.
A Neighbourhood Watch scheme helps.
Is it A, protect communities from health problems, B, protect communities from crime, C, protect communities from environmental issues, or D, protect communities from traffic.
Pause the video and finish the sentence.
Hopefully we said it protects communities from crime.
The Neighbourhood Watch tries to help protect our communities from crime taking place.
Jun says, "Have you got the same sort of groups in your local community, Izzy?" Izzy says, "We don't have many groups in our community and it's really difficult to get help.
People go to national charities here because the local community isn't very active or cohesive." So that means we don't work together.
"Hopefully we will be able to change things in the future because at the moment, without groups, there is a lack of things to do, especially for young people." So I wonder if any of us are in the position where we don't have these local community groups, and therefore there isn't a lot of things to do in our local community, and when we finish school, there isn't much for us to do.
Community groups work with the local council, local schools, and local community to find out what the needs in that area are.
Then they work together to try find solutions so that these needs can met through the community groups.
So many communities have social media pages where messages can be sent to each other, posts made, and even votes held, to decide both the needs of local residents and solutions for those needs.
So social media can be used in such a brilliant way, can't it? That we can have these social media pages where you can connect with other people in your community.
Votes can be held, so it's very democratic, and therefore you can get across and express the needs of the community and the local residents through social media.
What's the missing gap in this sentence? Community groups try to find, to the needs of their local community.
So Andeep says, "This is often the term for when you have found ways to solve a problem." So Andeep's given us a little clue here.
Pause the video and try and work out what that missing word is in our sentence.
Hopefully we all worked out that the missing word was solutions.
So our sentence says, community groups try to find solutions to the needs of their local community.
Well done, everyone.
A national group which operates on a local level and is categorised as a community group is the Rotary Club.
It works to improve the community by organising local projects like park cleanups, providing school supplies to students, and hosting fundraising events to the community health services.
If you live in an area where the Rotary Club is active, they may have come into your school before.
Rotary is a global network of 1.
2 million members made up of neighbours, friends, and leaders, all working together for positive change.
Rotary believes we all share responsibility for improving communities.
People who join this community group gain skills whilst giving back to both local and global communities.
With over 45,000 clubs worldwide, Rotary highlights the importance of belonging to both local and global communities.
The Rotary Club work together to promote peace, fight disease, provide clean water, hygiene, and sanitation, help mothers and children with healthcare, support education, grow local economies, and protect the environment.
It's quite a long list of things that they try and work together to do.
So let's test our understanding.
The Rotary Club work together to, is it support education, fight disease, promote violence? Do you remember what sort of things that they work together to do? Pause the video and make your decision.
Hopefully we remember that the Rotary Club work together to support education, fight disease, but do they work together to promote violence? No, no, they don't.
Promoting violence isn't a good thing.
It means that you want more violence, you want to stand for violence.
The Rotary Club are quite the opposite of that.
So if we said support education and fight disease, we would be correct.
I would like us to have a go at writing an advert for the Rotary Club to gain more members in our local community.
So within this advert, you've got to include what they do.
So you need to start with a catchy title that people will be encouraged to read your advert and apply to become a member of the Rotary Club.
You should add some more information then about the club.
So it's gotta be eye-catching.
You've got to get the attention of people, okay, because they're gonna be giving up their time to become part of the Rotary Club in order to improve their local community.
So pause the video and have a go at writing an advert.
Good luck.
Well done, everybody.
Great efforts.
So our advert might look something like this, and if it doesn't, please don't worry, because you will have lots of different ideas than what I have.
So I've said, "Where Service and Purpose Align, Making a Difference Every Time!" So it rhymes.
"Rotary Club unites leaders to tackle your local communities' most pressing challenges.
We support local projects in health, education and development, and work to make your local community a great place to live.
Through service and teamwork, over 1.
2 million members in 45,000 Rotary Clubs make a lasting impact.
Join us and be part of a dynamic network dedicated to making your local community a better place." So perhaps you included some statistics the same as me.
Maybe your catch title rhymed.
If not it, it doesn't matter.
It is not a worry.
There's just a few ideas there for you to have a at.
So to summarise our lesson on what do charities, NGOs, and groups do in our local community, I've put some points down.
There are three main types of community organisations that work together to help people create healthier and safer local communities, charities, NGOs, and community groups.
Charities help deliver solutions to the needs of the community.
Charities help people in need, the environment, and animals.
NGOs are often humanitarian or provide a service.
They support vulnerable groups, promote social change, and provide resources when government resources are limited.
Community groups are run by volunteers and provide activities.
They encourage a cohesive, collaborative approach to meeting the needs of everyone living in the local community.
I have really enjoyed this lesson.
I hope you have, too, and have got a lot out of this lesson about charities and NGOs and local community groups.
Well done on your efforts, and I will see you in the next one.