Hello, my name's Miss Ikomi and I'm a teacher from London.
I'm going to be guiding you through today's lesson.
We've got lots to get through, so we're going to get started.
Hello, welcome to today's lesson.
The title of our lesson today is, How Is Global Communities Connected? It is part of the wider unit all about What are our identities and our communities.
By the end of today's lesson, you will be able to explain how the global community is connected.
Let's get started.
First of all, we're going to go through the keywords that are going to come up in today's lesson.
The first of those keywords is connected.
To be connected is to be joined or linked together.
You've probably heard this in other contexts.
Our next keyword is global.
Global means relating to the whole world.
Our third is collaborate.
To collaborate is to work with others, to create or achieve something, and last, we have community.
This means a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
Keep an eye out for these keywords throughout today's lesson.
First, we're going to start by thinking about what is globalisation? So what is globalisation? As we've just seen from our keywords, the word global refers to anything involving the whole world.
Globalisation is the way in which countries and nations around the world work together with each other.
This includes working together on issues such as the economy, so how we share money or how we trade with other countries, trade, technology, health, politics or culture.
All of these things might be shared between different countries, so therefore they fall under this idea of globalisation.
Over time, the way different countries and nations have interacted and the way that we're connected across the world has become more important.
There's lots of reasons for this, mostly thinking about how and why we are connected to people.
We can travel more easily between places, maybe on a plane, maybe on a ferry.
Even if we don't actually move, we can still interact with people more easily, and that means that we can collaborate on projects through advancements in technology.
The fact that we have mobile phones that can connect us with someone on the other side of the world contributes to this idea of globalisation.
Let's check what we've understood so far.
What is the word global connected with the most? Is it A, the area you live in, B, the country you live in, C, the world you live in, or D, the street you live in? Pause the video now and choose an answer.
Okay, let's see, which was correct.
The correct answer was C.
Well done if you got that one right.
Laura says, "I talk to some family members in Australia on social media and watch videos about where they live.
Do you get to travel Andeep?" Andeep responds, "I've been to a few different countries already and love learning about different cultures.
Have you thought about travelling when you're older, Laura?" Both of these examples show us how globalisation can have an impact on our everyday lives.
We are part of a global community.
We might share common identity traits with people all over the world, even if we're from completely different countries.
For example, we might share interests.
It doesn't matter what part of the world we're from, we might all still enjoy the same things or even have the same hobbies.
Alex tells us, "I have friends from all over the world that have migrated to live in my community in London.
We enjoy the same sports, food, hobbies, and activities.
We also collaborate on class projects in school." Migration is where you move from one place to another.
So Alex has showed us in our example of why migration also links to our idea of global community.
Okay, let's do another check.
True or false? We can have things in common with people from all over the world.
Pause the video and choose.
Okay, let's see what we got.
The correct answer was true.
Let's have a think about why.
We might share interests and hobbies with people from different countries.
So it does not matter where we are from, we can still like the same things and have the same interests.
We're all connected globally because we are all entitled to the same human rights.
These are our basic freedoms and rights that all people are entitled to.
For example, freedom of opinion and expression, meaning nobody can tell us what our opinions should be.
Everybody is equal no matter their race, colour, gender, language, religion, politics, or birthplace.
That means that it's not okay for anyone to be discriminated against for any of those different characteristics.
We can see here a picture of Eleanor Roosevelt with the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
This is one of our most important documents that sets out our human rights.
Eleanor Roosevelt was previously a first lady in America, and she was really important in the writing of this document that set all of this, these rights out for us.
Lucas says, "I have the right to an education.
This is why most schools in the UK are free, and it is a legal requirement to attend." Jun says, "I have the right not to be discriminated against because of my race or religion." Two examples of human rights that young people are entitled to.
If we look around us, we can see how we're connected to the rest of the world.
Trade is a vital part of globalisation.
This is because we get lots of our goods and services from other countries.
So sometimes we have to trade across those national borders.
Aisha is going to give us a bit more of an explanation of what trade means.
"Trade means the action of buying and selling goods and services." We're often wearing clothes, eating food, and using items which were made in different countries from around the world without even knowing it.
Keep an eye out.
Okay, let's check.
Something is the action of buying and selling goods and services.
Is it A, connections, B, globalisation, C, trade, or D, human rights? Pause your video and see if you can fill in the gap.
Okay, let's see what the correct answer was.
It was C, trade.
Well done if you got that right.
Now we have some examples of things that we might use, wear or eat on a daily basis that are from different countries.
Lots of our clothes are made in India or in Bangladesh.
Some bananas were grown in Costa Rica.
Other clothes and shoes might have been made in Vietnam.
Our coffee might have been grown in Brazil.
All of these goods are traded with the UK and travel big distances for us to have access to them.
It really shows why globalisation is important.
Globalisation can also help people be connected.
It can create jobs and also improve facilities in particular countries.
Countries collaborate, work together, and call on each other to provide workers, particularly if there are gaps in the job markets within a certain country.
This can be a really positive thing, meaning that we have people who go and work in places where they're needed.
However, it can sometimes cause issues if it's not managed very well.
For example, it could lead to a skills gap in the countries that workers are migrating from.
Let's think about an example of this.
This is Florence.
She came to England two years ago.
She's a health worker from Zimbabwe in Africa.
Let's see what she says.
"I love being in England.
I'm glad I have the opportunity to come and live here.
Although the work is really hard and it is expensive." The situation with health workers is a good example for us to think about globalisation and why it's important to be managed.
This is because we don't want to have shortages in certain countries.
The UK government knows how important health and care workers are from other countries and is committed to hiring them in a fair and responsible way.
Zimbabwe, where Florence was from has now been placed on a red list of countries.
This means that the UK is not actively recruiting healthcare workers from there.
This is one example of why globalisation needs carefully managing because Zimbabwe may not necessarily have enough healthcare workers to work there.
We need to be careful that we are not taking people and causing a skills gap in that other country.
Okay, let's fill in the missing word.
Countries can call on other countries to provide to help perform particular jobs that are needed.
Pause the video and try and fill in the missing word.
Okay, let's see what was missing.
Workers, did you get that right? Let's put this into practise.
Sofia needs someone to explain what globalisation means.
I would like you to write one paragraph explaining globalisation and how it affects you.
Sofia is asking, "I wonder what community it has to do with?" Maybe you can make reference to different communities in your answer.
Pause the video and have a go at this now.
Okay, let's check our answer.
I asked you to write a paragraph explaining globalisation and how it affects you.
Your answer might have included things like this.
Globalisation is when countries around the world become connected through trade, technology, culture, and communication, making it easier for people and goods to move across the worldwide global community.
Globalisation affects me by giving the access to things from around the world, like technology, music, food, and fashion.
It also makes it easier to connect with and learn from people from different countries through social media and the internet.
I can also collaborate on school projects with friends from other countries who have migrated to the UK.
We can see a few of our key words from our lesson in that answer.
Why don't you check your answer and see if you managed to get any of those keywords in.
Let's carry on practising this.
Sofia is thinking about what life would be like without globalisation.
What do you think she would say? I'd like you to explain your answer in a paragraph.
Jacob says, "I know my life would be different, Sofia.
I love listening to all sorts of music from around the world, and I play games with people all around the world.
I also wear.
." What else could we add? He's helping too much now.
Have a go at writing your paragraph.
Pause the video now.
We were writing a paragraph thinking about what life would be like without globalisation.
Your answer might have looked something like this.
Sofia might have said that without globalisation, life would be much more limited in terms of what we can access.
We wouldn't have the same variety of foods, technology and entertainment from other countries because we would not be as connected.
Travel would be harder and more expensive, and we'd probably know less about other cultures and languages.
Communication would also be slower, and many of the connections we take for granted, like chatting with friends online or watching shows from different parts of the world would be impossible.
Overall, life would feel more isolated with fewer opportunities for learning about the world and for trade.
Have a look at your answer.
Do you have some similarities? Okay, next, we're going to think about how the world works together.
The global community works together by cooperating on common issues like trade, the environment, health and maintaining peace.
They also collaborate during crisis, like natural disasters or pandemics to provide aid and support.
This is because things like that aren't necessarily going to be limited to country boundaries, so we need to have these connections to deal with when emergencies come up.
This cooperation helps create a more connected and ultimately a more stable world.
Countries collaborate through different organisations.
They make agreements to solve global problems and also share resources, knowledge and technology.
Lucas is telling us that there are some examples of organisations that do this.
One of which is the United Nations, and another is the World Health Organisation.
The UN is a really important organisation in maintaining our human rights that we mentioned earlier.
The World Health Organisation helps to look after people's health across the world and is really important in keeping people healthy across borders and in different contexts.
Izzy is asking, "What is the United Nations?" Let's see if we can find out.
Lucas says, "It's an international organisation comprising of 193 countries, which aims to promote peace, security, and international cooperation." That is almost all the countries in the world that are part of the United Nations, so it's clearly a very important organisation.
Let's see what we can remember.
What does the United Nations promote? Is it A, peace, B, conflict, C, security, or D, harm? Pause the video now and choose all the answers that you think are correct.
Okay, let's check our answers.
The United Nations promotes peace and also security.
Well done if you got those right.
Izzy has asked, "When and why did the United Nations start?" Lucas is telling us, "The UN was set up in 1945 after World War II to prevent future conflicts, promote peace, and encourage cooperation between countries on global issues like human rights and development.
It aims to create a more peaceful world by resolving disputes without war." Okay, let's check.
True or false? The United Nations was formed after World War I.
Pause the video and choose.
Okay, let's see which is correct.
The correct answer is false.
Let's see why.
The United Nations was formed after World War II in 1945.
Well done if you got that right.
Izzy has asked, "What does the World Health Organisation, WHO, do for the global community?" Let's see if we can find out.
Lucas says, "The WHO is part of the United Nations.
It was founded in 1948 and focuses on global public health.
It collaborates to combat diseases and improve health systems. The WHO coordinates international health responses, provides guidelines and helps countries manage pandemics." I can see a couple of our key words there in Lucas' answer.
Okay, let's see what we can remember.
Which organisation works to combat diseases and improve health systems? Is it A, the United Nations, B, the World Health Organisation, or C, the Houses of Parliament? Pause your video and choose your answer.
Okay, let's check the answer.
The correct answer was B, the World Health Organisation.
The UN and WHO work to build connections across the global community to improve people's lives.
They're excellent examples of how countries can become better connected and make a global community through collaboration that ultimately improves things for everyone.
Alex has asked, "Is there anything that brings the global community together on a regular basis?" Let's see if we can find out the answer.
Sofia says, "The Olympic and Paralympic Games bring the global community together by having athletes from different countries compete.
It's a time when nations focus on unity, sports talent, and celebrating human achievement.
The games help people feel connected by promoting values like excellence, friendship, and respect across the world." Can you remember the last time we had an Olympic or Paralympic Games? How did you feel at that time? I know that I found it really exciting.
Okay, let's try and fill in the missing word.
The Olympics and Paralympics connect people by promoting like excellence, friendship and respect.
Pause the video and see if you can fill in the missing word.
Okay, let's see what that word was.
Values, fantastic.
So the Olympics and Paralympics are connecting people by promoting these similar values.
Aisha has told us some values that she thinks are important.
"Values I think are important are kindness, honesty, and fairness." I definitely agree with Aisha.
Okay, let's see what we can remember from what we've done so far.
I have some key terms on the left, and I have some definitions on the right.
I would like you to try and match up the term with the description.
Pause the video and see if you can do that now.
Okay, let's see what the correct answers were.
Global community means the people or nations of the world.
The United Nations helps to maintain peace.
The World Health Organisation promotes wellbeing, and the Olympic and Paralympic games celebrate different cultures.
Well done if you got those right.
Next, we're going to have a think about how the following organisations and events can help the world to collaborate and ultimately improve lives globally.
I'd like you to discuss with a partner how each of these organisations can do that.
Thinking about the United Nations, the World Health Organisation, and the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Pause the video and have your discussion.
Okay, you might have discussed some of the following things.
Organisations like the UN and WHO collaborate with countries all over the world to help support and tackle global problems. The UN works to promote peace across the world and encourage countries to become better connected.
The WHO focuses on fighting diseases and promoting health.
The Olympic and Paralympic Games unite athletes from around the world and celebrate different cultures.
Together, these efforts show how the global community can collaborate to improve people's lives globally.
Lots of key words from the beginning of our lesson there.
Okay, lastly, we are going to think about why is working together globally important? Thinking about some of the examples we've seen so far.
So, why is working together so important? Working together globally is important because many challenges like environmental issues affect everybody, no matter where we live.
Andeep asked Sofia, "Sofia, what did you tell me about Paris in 2015, which was to do with the environment and the global community?" Sofia is going to tell us that, "The 2015 Paris Agreement is a great example of what the world can achieve if we collaborate." Let's find out a little bit more about this agreement.
The 2015 Paris Agreement is an international agreement aimed at addressing the urgent challenge of rising global temperatures and the impact of this.
It was adopted by nearly 200 countries and connected everyone.
All of those countries signed this agreement saying that they were going to do certain things to support reducing climate change.
The Paris Agreement emphasises the importance of international collaboration, encouraging nations and governments to work together to tackle this global issue.
It's called the Paris Agreement because it took the name of the city where it was finalised.
This is quite common, and you see that happen in lots of other different international agreements.
Okay, true or false? The Paris Agreement took place in 2014 as an example of global collaboration.
Pause your video and choose your answer.
The correct answer was false.
Let's have a think about why.
The Paris Agreement is an example of global collaboration as it is an agreement adopted by many countries.
However, it took place in 2015, not 2014.
Well done if you got that right.
When the global community works together, it promotes peace, understanding, and unity.
This helps us to create a better future, not just for us, but for generations after us.
Collaboration allows countries to share ideas, resources, and solutions.
When you work with your partners or with your friends, you might come up with ideas that you never would have on your own.
It's the same idea on a global scale.
That's why global community is so important.
Jun asks, "Why is sharing ideas, resources, and solutions between countries so important?" Laura is responding.
"It can literally save lives.
This is a good example, Jun.
The Global Health Security Agency was launched in 2014 and is a partnership of countries and international organisations.
They are connected with the aim of strengthening our global capacity to prevent and respond to infectious disease threats.
That sounds important to me, Jun!" This is a fantastic example that we are putting into practise of global connections.
Having this agency is going to help us, not just now, but in generations and in the future to come.
Okay, let's see what we can remember.
The Global Health Security Agency was set up as a collaborative project to prevent what? A, hereditary diseases, B, all diseases, or C, infectious diseases.
Pause the video and choose your answer.
Okay, let's check our answer.
C was the correct answer, infectious diseases.
Well done if you got that right.
So, let's have a think about what we can gain by working together globally.
We as a global community, share resources.
It allows us to have more creative ideas.
It also gives us greater productivity.
That means that we can get things done faster and more efficiently.
It allows us to learn new cultures.
It helps us manage disasters or emergencies that we weren't expecting.
It also helps us to think about our shared goals.
The global community is so important.
Without all of these different things, it might be a little bit more tricky.
When different countries cooperate, it means that they can share information and make progress more quickly than on their own.
Just like we were thinking about how we might be more efficient when we're working with our partners or come up with new ideas.
It also means that they can support each other and collaborate on any particular issues that might need solving.
Sam asks, "Can the global community actually solve anything together?" Jacob says, "Of course we can.
We just need to cooperate." This idea of cooperation isn't something that we just do with our friends or with our families.
It's something that we also have to do on a global scale.
Let's see if we can see some examples.
Jacob has another example for us.
"The development of the malaria vaccine is a great example of global collaboration.
Scientists, governments, and organisations connected from around the world to research and test the vaccine over many years.
This teamwork was crucial because malaria affects millions of people, especially in Africa." What a fantastic example from Jacob.
Why is this important? By sharing knowledge, resources, and funding, the collaborative projects successfully created a safe and effective vaccine.
This shows how important it's for countries to unite against global health challenges.
There have been 18 million doses of the malaria vaccine allocated to 12 African countries between 2023 and 2025.
That could save millions of lives.
Thanks for explaining that to ask Jacob.
Okay, let's see what we can remember.
What has changed the future of malaria in Africa? A, medication, the result of a global collaborative project.
B, a vaccine, the result of a global collaborative project, or C, exercise, the result of a global collaborative project.
Pause your video and choose now.
Okay, let's check which was correct.
The correct answer was B, the vaccine.
Let's do a task now to check what we've done so far.
I would like you to complete each of Aisha's statements about why working together as a global community is important.
We have the beginning of the sentence in the bubble, and you are going to add on to that sentence.
Pause your video and have a go at that now.
Okay, before, I asked you to complete Aisha's statements about why working together as a global community is important.
I'm going to read through my answers.
Yours might have looked similar to this.
In 2015, the Paris Agreement showed that we can work together as a global community to help the environment.
By working together globally, we can share resources, manage natural disasters, learn about new cultures, and be more productive.
The United Nations is a good example of why it's important that we collaborate, because countries help each other in times of conflict.
We can support each other globally when, we create new scientific discoveries like new vaccines or during global health challenges like pandemics.
Next, we're going to think about what issues you think are important for the world to work on together.
So we've seen some examples come up thinking about the World Health Organisation and climate change.
Is there anything else that you think is important? I would like you to write one paragraph explaining the issue and why it's important to have a global response.
Lucas is giving us a little bit of help.
We could think of an issue in our community that is also a problem for the world, or we might choose a bigger issue that only the world together can fix.
Pause the video and have a go at that now.
Okay, I asked you to write a paragraph explaining an issue that you think it's important that the world collaborates on.
Your answer might have looked a little bit like mine.
I think one of the most important issues for the world to work together on is protecting the environment.
Things like pollution and the destruction of natural habitats affect everyone no matter where they live.
No single country can fix these problems by itself.
We need to become more globally connected and collaborate as a global community so that we can share ideas and technology to come up with better solutions and make sure the planet stays healthy for future generations.
Have a look at your answer.
Did you manage to get some of our keywords in there? I've got another example, which is thinking about a different issue that hasn't come up today in our lesson.
I'm going to read it out for you.
I believe access to clean water is a significant issue that the world needs to work on.
Millions of people globally don't have safe drinking water, and this can affect their health and quality of life.
We need to become more globally connected and collaborate together as countries cannot solve this problem alone.
By working together, countries can share resources, technology, and ideas to ensure everyone has clean water, which is essential for survival and a better future.
That's the end of today's lesson.
In summary, we have been thinking about how is the global community connected.
We have learned that globalisation is the way in which countries connected through collaborating with one another.
The global community works together on issues like trade, the economy, technology and health.
This can help create jobs and improve services.
Countries support each other in times of crisis like natural disasters, war and pandemics.
The UN and WHO are great examples of the global community working together to keep people safe.
Global collaboration is important because we can share resources, ideas, and people can learn from each other by being educated about different cultures.
Thank you so much for joining me in our lesson today.
I'll see you next time.