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Hello, everyone.

My name's Mrs. Hastings, and I'm really excited to be teaching you today.

I'm looking forward to taking you through our learning together.

So welcome to today's lesson.

It's from the unit Why was the struggle for the vote important to today? And today, we are going to be learning how did the Chartists affect the political rights we have today.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is that you will be able to describe how the Chartists campaigned and explain their impact on political rights.

The keywords that we are going to be coming across in today's lesson are campaign.

These are actions or events organised by an individual or a group of people to achieve an aim.

Protest, a public demonstration or action expressing disapproval or objection to a policy, decision, or situation, often aimed at raising awareness or demanding change.

And petition, a collection of signatures calling for an action or change in regard to a particular issue.

This can be on paper or online.

Here is the learning cycle that we are going to be going through today.

Firstly, we're going to be looking at who were the Chartists? Then how did the Chartists campaign? And lastly, we're going to consider what was the impact of their campaign? So let's start with who were the Chartists? So starting with our first learning cycle, who were the Chartists? In the 1800s after the Great Reform Act of 1832, only 20% of men had the right to vote in England and Wales.

These voters were mainly wealthy land owners.

Many working class people remained disenfranchised.

That means that they didn't have the right to vote.

The Chartists were a group of working class people who felt strongly that this was very unfair.

They wanted to see voting reformed and advocated for suffrage, that means the right to vote, for all men over the age of 21.

Here we have two of our key leaders of the Chartist movement, William Lovett and Feargus O'Connor.

The Chartist movement was led by these two men.

They campaigned to change the political system in England and Wales.

Their aim was to gain rights and political influence for the working classes.

So let's check our understanding of our learning so far.

Firstly, what percentage of men could vote in England and Wales after the Great Reform Act of 1832.

Was it A, 20%, B, 10%, or C, 40%? What percentage of men can vote after the Great Reform Act, A, B, or C? The answer is A.

Well done to those of you who got that right.

Second question.

True or false, the Chartists were a group of people who set about to change the unfair political system? Is that true or false? It is true.

Well done to those of you who got that correct.

Why? Because they thought the political system after 1832 was still unfair as only wealthy and middle class landowners could vote.

Their aim was to gain rights and political influence for the working classes.

In 1838, the Chartists created the People's Charter.

It describes six changes they wanted to see in the political system.

So this People's Charter called for all men over 21 to have suffrage, voting to be held by secret ballot because before they wrote this charter, when you went to vote, you did it in the open in public at something called a hustings, and it was by a show of hands so it was open to corruption.

Parliamentary elections to be held every year.

Constituencies to be of equal size.

So at the time that they were writing, you could have constituencies of thousands of people or tens of thousands of people, and then much smaller constituencies as well, so it meant that you could have some places where there was small representation and other places where there was great representation.

No property qualification to become a member of parliament, and MPs to be paid.

Do you think these demands are reasonable? Have a quick discussion with the person sat next to you as to whether you think these are reasonable demands.

So why did the Chartists demand these changes? Public voting by show of hands led to intimidation, bribery, and corruption.

They wanted universal male suffrage and a secret ballot to ensure fairer and freer elections.

They suggested splitting the UK into 300 districts, each with an equal population to ensure fair value of votes that will create more equal constituencies.

And elections only every seven years made it hard to remove unpopular governments.

So by having annual elections, that would mean that you had your say in whether or not you agreed with how the country is being run by the government.

So let's check our understanding of what we learned so far about the Chartists.

Which of the following points was not included in the People's Charter? A, secret ballot, B, payment of MPs, or C, female suffrage? So which of those was not included in the People's Charter, A, B, or C? It is female suffrage.

Well done if you got that right.

They only called for universal male suffrage, so women were not included in this charter.

So we're going to go onto our practise task now.

What I would like you to do is to write an explanation of who the Chartists were.

You should include the aims of the Chartists, the six points of the People's Charter, and why they were demanding these changes.

Pause the video to complete the task.

Well done on completing that task.

I asked you to write an explanation of who the Chartists were.

And you may have said, The Chartists were a political movement in the 19th-century Britain, advocating for reforms to address the unjust political system.

They demanded universal male suffrage to allow working-class men the right to vote.

They sought secret ballots to end bribery and corruption.

They called for annual parliaments as they believed that seven years was too long for a government to run in power without challenge.

They also demanded that MPs be paid so that working men could afford to stand for election.

The charter sought equal-sized constituencies to ensure fair representation and called for the abolition of property qualifications for MPs so that workers could have the opportunity to become MPs too." So onto the second part of our learning cycle today, how did the Chartists campaign? The Chartists did not always agree on how to campaign, and this weakened the movement.

William Lovett believed in peaceful protests and petitions, which was called Moral Force Chartism, whereas Feargus O'Connor thought that violence was needed for the Chartists to be taken seriously.

This was called Physical Force Chartism.

In June 1839, a Chartist petition with 1.

3 million signatures was submitted to the House of Commons.

For the time, this was an absolutely massive petition.

Remember that we're talking about the late 1830s here.

They didn't have emails, they didn't have cars that they could get around to all the different towns and villages to get support.

Even the railways weren't really in existence at this time.

So to get around and organise a petition with that many signatures was absolutely huge.

But when they presented it to parliament, the MPs refused to meet the petitioners to even discuss it despite the fact that it had that many people signing it.

This caused outrage and unrest, which was quickly stopped by the government.

After the failed petition, an uprising was planned in Newport, Wales.

On the November the 4th, 1839, three Chartist leaders led about 10,000 people to Newport in an attempt to free Chartists who were being held in the Westgate Hotel.

The police successfully defended the hotel.

And after half an hour of fighting, 22 Chartists were killed and around 50 were wounded.

A further 200 Chartists were arrested, and three Chartists leaders were found guilty of treason and sentenced to death.

Let's check our understanding so far.

How many signatures did the June 1839 petition have? Was it A, 1.

1 million, B, 1.

3 million, or C, 2.

2 million? How many signatures did the June 1839 Chartist petition have, A, B, or C? The answer is B.

Well done if you got that right.

Approximately how many Chartist supporters took part in the Newport Uprising? Was it A, 2,000, B, 5,000, or, C 10,000? So how many Chartist supporters took part in the Newport Uprising? The answer is C, 10,000.

Well done.

Here's a photograph of a Chartist demonstration on Kennington Common in London on the 10th of April, 1842, and you can see how many people there are supporting the Chartist movement.

Absolutely huge.

So a second petition with 3 million signatures was submitted to Parliament in May 1842.

It was rejected again and they were further unrest and arrests.

So 3 million signatures on this petition.

That's more than double of the first petition that we saw in June 1839.

And yet again, the MPs refused to even talk to the petitioners.

In 1848, Feargus O'Connor presented the final, the third and final Chartists petition with a claimed 5.

75 million signatures.

However, parliament weren't convinced by this, so they decided to count the signatures for themselves and found that there were only fewer than 2 million and only 15 MPs actually supported it.

The government feared that there was going to be mass unrest following this petition, particularly as Feargus O'Connor had claimed that there was these 5.

75 million signatures on it, but actually no major unrest followed the petition's rejection.

So how many signatures did the second Chartists' petition have? Was it A, 2 million signatures, B, 3 million signatures, or C, 4 million signatures? So the second Chartist's petition, how many signatures did that have, A, B, or C? It was 3 million signatures, more than double the first petition.

So onto our practise task for the learning cycle, how did the Chartists campaign? I'd like you to write an explanation of the different campaign methods used by the Chartists and why these methods differed.

So why were they different? Try to mention the following in your answer: Moral Force Chartists led by William Lovett, Physical Force Chartists led by Feargus O'Connor and those two leaders, William Lovett and Feargus O'Connor.

Pause the video whilst you write your answer to this task.

Okay, well done for completing that task.

I asked you to write an explanation of the different campaign methods used by the Chartists and why these methods differed.

Your answer might have included, "The Chartist movement used different methods to campaign for political reforms, with two main factions: the Moral Force Chartists and the Physical Force Chartists.

William Lovett, leader of the Moral Force Chartists, believed in peaceful campaign methods like petitions and public meetings to gain political reforms. He hoped that by showing widespread support, the government would be compelled to listen.

In June 1839, a petition with 1.

3 million signatures was submitted, but it was rejected by Parliament without discussion." You might also have said, "In contrast, Feargus O'Connor, leader of the Physical Force Chartists, believed that only through violent campaign methods would the government take the movement seriously.

After the rejection of the first Chartist petition, there was an uprising in Newport, Wales in November 1839, during which 22 Chartists were killed and 200 were arrested.

Later petitions in 1842 and 1848 were also rejected with no major unrest following the final petition, despite the Physical Force Chartism faction.

Overall, the disagreement between the peaceful and violent factions weakened the Chartist movement." Great, and now we are onto our third and final part of our learning cycle, what was the impact of their campaign? After 1848, the Chartist movement declined.

In the short-term, Chartism failed.

The six points of the People's Charter were not adopted in the whole time that the Chartist movement was in action.

However, its legacy did live on.

By the 1850s, MPs recognised the need for political reform, leading to Reform Acts of 1867 and 1884, which included key Chartist demands.

So even though it was nearly 20 years after the end of Chartism that that the first Reform Act following Chartism was introduced, it did actually include some of those key Chartist reforms and it kept open the debate for wider reform throughout that time.

By 1918, five out of the six points, the only one being that wasn't adopted was annual parliaments, and we still don't have annual parliaments today.

So all but one of those six points have been implemented, which actually transformed Britain's democracy.

Women also played a key role in the Chartist campaign, despite the fact that they weren't actually included in the idea of suffrage, there was no call for female suffrage.

The Chartists had actually thought about it, but decided that that was probably one demand too far, given that at the time women were seen as not capable of being in the political arena, in the political sphere.

But despite that, women did play a really important role in the Chartists' campaign.

As I said, while the People's Charter didn't include female suffrage, as it was seen as too radical, female Chartists believed that if they got involved in this campaign, it would pave the way for future campaigns for women's rights to vote.

So thinking about the impact of their campaign, which of the following statements are correct about the Chartist movement? A, in the short-term, the Chartists' demands were rejected by Parliament, B, female suffrage was included in the People's Charter, or C, by 1918, five out of the six points on the People's Charter had been introduced.

So which of the following statements are correct about the Chartist movement, A, B, or C? Well done if you selected A and C, you are correct because it did say which of the following statements are correct, so there was two answers.

A and C were both correct.

So Chartism was also successful as it got more people interested in politics, including the working classes.

Many of the campaign methods used by the Chartists, like petitions and protests, are still used today.

They inspired many future movements and proved that when people come together, change can happen.

True or false, campaigning methods used by the Chartists are still used today? Is that true or false? It is true.

Well done to those of you who got that right.

Why? Campaigning methods used by the Chartists, like petitions and protests, are still used today because they show the power of collective action in bringing about change.

So the task that I'd like you to complete now is having a think about whether or not you agree or disagree with this statement.

The statement is, "The Chartists campaign had very little impact." So what I would like you to do is draw out the judgement line with agree at one end and disagree at the other end and mark an X on the judgement line which best fits your viewpoint of that statement.

So to what extent do you agree or disagree with that statement? The Chartists campaign have very little impact.

And then when you have marked your X on the judgement line, I would like you to explain why you have put your X where you have put it.

So the second task is to explain your judgement.

Why have you put it where you have? Pause the video whilst you complete that task.

Well done for completing that task.

So asked you to draw out the judgement line with agree and disagree at either end and to mark an X on the judgement line which best fitted your viewpoint for the statement, "The Chartists campaign have very little impact." To what extent do you agree or disagree? You may have put your X where you can see that it is on the judgement line.

I then also asked you to explain why you put it there.

Explain your judgement.

So if you put the X near the disagree end, you might have said, "Even though in the short-term the Chartists failed to achieve their aims, they still had a significant long-term impact on the political rights we have today.

For example, by 1918, five out of the six demands on the People's Charter had been achieved, showing the importance of their legacy.

Furthermore, even at the time of their campaign, they demonstrated a huge demand for reform as their second petition in 1842 achieved 3 million signatures, which suggests their campaign had significant support behind it." So if you put your X in the disagree end, that's the sort of thing that you might have written.

Alternatively, you may have put an X near the agree end.

And if you did, then you might have said, "The Chartist campaign failed to achieve any of their aims at the time.

Whilst it is true that five out of the six points of the People's Charter had been implemented by 1918, this was a very long time after the Chartists were active.

In addition, they didn't advocate for female suffrage, which meant they were not radical enough in their approach to political reform.

Finally, none of their petitions were taken seriously by MPs and all were rejected by Parliament.

For instance, the third petition only had 15 MPs support it." So in summary, how did the Chartists affect the political rights we have today? The Chartists were a group of working class men and women who campaigned to improve political rights in England and Wales.

They had six demands for political reform on their People's Charter.

They campaigned through petitions and protests and had a mixed impact on political rights.

At the time, their campaign failed as Parliament refused to adopt the six points of the charter.

However, in the long-term, they paved the way for reform and by 1918, five out of the six points have been achieved.

Thank you so much for learning with me today, and I look forward to seeing you again soon.