Welcome, my name is Steve.
And I'm your competing teacher.
This is IT project management.
And in today's lesson, we're going to be carrying out a sample project.
Make sure you've got your resources from the past few lessons with you, and also make sure that you remove all distractions so that you can focus on today's lesson fully.
Let's get going.
In this lesson, we're going to be defining some key terms, following a design plan, creating some visual media and then assessing the effectiveness of the visual elements.
Let's get started by matching the definition, task one.
Go to the worksheet and complete task one, matching the definitions to the key terms. Pause the video to complete your task.
Let's see how you got on.
Audience should have matched to a group of people for whom the prepared media is intended.
Your audience are the people who are going to be looking at what you're doing.
The user isn't necessarily the audience, the customer might be the audience.
So getting the audience right is really important.
The purpose, this is what the media is being created for.
For example, is it there entertain? Is it there to access something really easily? What is it actually being used for? Interactive, this is defined as allowing a two way flow of information between a user and a computer.
If I'm watching something, that's a passive activity, I want an active activity to be doing something, but also to interact, to go one step further and to be able to choose what's going on and to have responses come back to me.
Dependent task, a dependent task is one that relies on the previous task being completed before it can begin.
It's really important to get the previous task done before you start the next one.
A concurrent task however, is a task that is being completed at the same time as another one.
That means that two tasks can happen at the same time.
Multitasking, something that I've got to admit, I'm not that good at myself.
And the house style, this is the company's preferred manner of presentation.
For example, in the bottom of each of the screens that you see on the Oak National Academy is a small graphic.
That is on every single one.
There's consistency in the fonts, consistency in the style, there is consistency in the approach that we're using the entire time and the colours that you see, that is the Oak National Academy house style.
Let's follow a design plan.
So we're going to be creating the visual products for Delicious Desserts, starting with the interactive dessert selector.
We're going to be talking through the idea of this today, rather than actually creating the real thing, to give an example and a feel for how running a project might look.
We're going to have hyperlinked slides that will take customers to a final dessert option, based on their answers to questions about their preferences.
For example, do you prefer chocolate or fruit? By answering the question, it will lead the customer to the next stage of their choices.
Although I've got to be honest, the perfect answer to do you prefer chocolate or fruit is both, and eat a chocolate raisin.
So here's an example of a path.
At the top, do you prefer chocolate or fruit? If they choose fruit, you follow down that path.
Do you prefer cheesecake or waffles? Follow down the waffle path.
And then recommend a strawberry waffle at the end.
It's looked at what the customer would like, and it's given a recommendation.
So before you start building the dessert selector, you would need to plan the structure of the slides and you would do this by completing a hierarchy diagram, Like the one which I showed on the screen.
These boxes represent the first screen the customer will see, followed by the first option box.
As you can see, an extra box is now at the top.
That is your first screen.
The remaining boxes have more either or questions that continue until the suggested dessert is presented.
Before you build your dessert selector tool, you need to plan the questions you will ask as the customer moves through, this task two.
Your first question could ask the client when they need help choosing their dessert.
To complete this task, use the template in task two.
Here's some ideas to keep you going.
Your questions should each have only two possible answers.
For example, do you need help? Yes or no.
Do you prefer chocolate or strawberries? It's one or the other.
And do you prefer cheesecake or waffles? Again, it's one or the other, these are closed questions.
Pause the video to complete your task.
Brilliant, let's apply the house style.
We are going to build or create a hypothetical slides document.
Each slide needs to have consistency in the design.
We need to ensure that the colours, font style and sizes that are chosen remain consistent.
You may have noticed that all the slides in the National Academy follow their own house style, even down to the logo in the bottom corner.
This screen, the front screen asks the customer if they need help choosing a dessert.
Graphics and colours show consistency.
Can you support something that doesn't look right? Hint, something's been reversed.
Yeah, if you spotted it, top corner, if you look at the graphic, the question marks are now the wrong way round.
The graphic has been flipped, in evaluations stage, you might argue that that needs to be corrected.
That the individual question marks should be corrected, else it looks a little bit odd on the screen.
What about setting up the buttons? So if we were going to set up this software, we would click on the button we were going to link.
We make sure we selected from the slide from this presentation, finding the correct number, and that creates the hyperlink.
Then we would test the links.
It's really important that we always check that links work as intended.
And even if it's frustrating, we need to follow every single possible path to ensure that there are no glitches.
We have to check that the graphics stay in the same place.
If on a different slide all of a sudden, one picture has moved slightly to the right or moved slightly to the left, even if it's only by one pixel, it shows up when you change slides.
Consistency is incredibly important.
People notice small details.
So it'd be great if you could share your work from today with Oak National, by tagging @OakNational or #LearnWithOak, make sure you ask your parent or carer first.