Hello, my name is Mrs. Holborow.
I'm so pleased you decided to join me for the lesson today.
We are going to use our knowledge of Scratch to combine code blocks in a programme in this lesson.
Welcome to today's lesson from the unit, Programming Sequence Using Sound.
This lesson is called Combining Code Blocks in a Sequence, and by the end of today's lesson, you'll be able to design a programme that will combine different types of code block to control multiple sprites.
You'll need to have access to Scratch during the lesson, and it would be helpful if you had your worksheet ready.
We will be exploring these keywords during today's lesson.
Sequence, sequence, the order of commands in a programme.
Stage, stage, the background of a project.
Backdrop, backdrop, an image shown on the stage.
We will be using these keywords throughout today's lesson.
Okay, let's make a start on the first part of today's lesson by combining different types of block in a sequence.
So far, you have seen three different types of code blocks: motion, the blue blocks, sounds, the pink blocks, and events, the yellow blocks.
You have also combined blocks to make sequences of motion and sounds, but notice that all the blocks, apart from the events, have been of the same type.
What is the difference between this sequence and the ones that you have seen previously? Pause your video here and have a think.
That's correct.
This sequence combines different types of code block.
In this example, sound and motion blocks have been combined.
The stage is where the sprites perform the actions of the blocks.
The stage is this section on the right-hand side of the Scratch software.
It's useful to test your project here, and see if your project does what you expected it to do.
You can change the appearance of your stage by adding a backdrop to your project.
Let's watch this animation to see how we can add a backdrop.
You can also use a simple code sequence to change the backdrop in your project.
Fantastic listening so far.
Well done.
Let's check your understanding.
Which of these code blocks would change the backdrop each time the sprite is clicked? A, B, or C? Pause your video here and have a think.
Well done.
The correct answer is C.
Okay, it's now time for you to have a go at an activity.
First, make a prediction about what you think will happen when this code is run.
Pause the video here and record your answer on your worksheet.
Now, let's try out the code and see if your predictions were correct.
(dog barking) Were your predictions correct? Here is a sample answer.
I predict that when the green flag is clicked, the dog will make a bark sound, move 100 steps, bark again, and then turn clockwise 90 degrees.
This prediction was correct.
Now, create a new Scratch project, and add a musical instrument and a backdrop of your choice.
Then, create some code that makes your instrument make a sound and change the backdrop at the same time when the sprite is clicked.
Pause your video here whilst you have a go at the task.
Did you manage to create your project? Well done.
This animation shows how the task could have been completed.
We have used the when this sprite is clicked event, and then added a code block to play the sound Low Tom until done.
We've also used the next backdrop code block to change the backdrop each time the sprite is clicked.
You are doing so well.
It's now time for the second part of today's lesson.
We are now going to create a design for a project that will use multiple sprites.
By combining different types of code block, you can alter the appearance of a sprite and play a sound at the same time.
This Scratch project shows how we are changing the sprite's costume and playing a sound each time the sprite is clicked.
Time for a check.
A sprite can only use one type of code block in a sequence.
Is this statement true or false? Pause your video here whilst you have a think.
Did you say false? Well done.
A sprite can have sequences made up from multiple types of code block.
For example, sound and motion blocks can be combined.
Let's do another.
A Scratch project can have more than one sprite.
Is this statement true or false? Pause your video whilst you have a think.
Did you say true? Well done.
A Scratch project can contain multiple sprites.
Each sprite can be controlled with its own set of code blocks.
You are now going to create a design for your own project.
You are going to create a concert.
Your project should: have multiple instrument sprites, swap between different backdrops during the programme, use different costumes for the sprites, combine different code blocks in a sequence.
Let's recap.
Your project should: have multiple instrument sprites, swap between different backdrops during the programme, use different costumes for the sprites, and combine different code blocks in a sequence.
A design is a plan to show how something will look or work.
It's always a good idea to design your project before you start creating it.
This is because you can think about all the things you want your project to do, and then you can follow your design to make them happen.
Use this table on your worksheet to plan your concert project.
It includes the three sprites you plan to use and the code blocks you plan to use to control them.
Pause the video here whilst you complete the task on your worksheet.
Now, explain which backdrops you will use during your project, and how they will change during your programme.
Pause the video here and answer the question.
Finally, check your design meets the requirements by putting a tick or cross next to each item on the table on your worksheet.
If you have put any crosses, it may be a good idea to go back to your design and make some changes.
How did you get on with your design? Here is an example of a completed design.
This design uses three sprites: the drum, the saxophone, and the guitar.
Each sprite is started with a different event, and the design shows what sounds and movements the sprites will make.
Do you think you could create the project using this design? You were asked to explain which backdrops you will use during your project, and how they will change during your programme.
Here is a sample answer.
I plan to use the concert and spotlight backdrops because they are suitable for the concert theme of my project.
The backdrop will switch between the concert and spotlight backdrops when the b key is pressed.
You have worked so hard today, and I hope you've enjoyed the lesson.
Let's summarise what we have learned today.
Motion and sound blocks can be combined in a sequence.
You don't just have to use the same type of code block.
The appearance of a stage can be changed by changing the backdrop.
A project can combine multiple sprites, each with separate sequences of code block.
Thank you so much for joining me today, and I hope to see you again soon.