
Lesson video

In progress...


Hello, my name is Mrs. Holbro.

I'm so excited to be learning with you today.

Welcome to today's lesson from the unit Programming sequence using sound.

This lesson is called Programming in a block-based environment, and by the end of today's lesson, you'll be able to use sprites in Scratch and customise them.

Some of the learning and programmes you'll use in today's lesson are brand new, but don't worry because I'm here to help you.

We will be exploring these keywords during the lesson.


Sprite, a graphic object that can be controlled by a programme.


Blocks, ready-made programming commands that carry out actions.



A costume changes the appearance of a sprite.

We are going to be learning all about sprites and how we can control them today.

Okay, let's make a start with the first part of our lesson today by looking at how block commands can be used to control the movement of sprites.

Scratch is a block-based programme that can be used to create projects.

A sprite is a graphical object in Scratch that can be controlled.

Scratch has lots of sprites which you can choose from or you can even draw your own.

Here are some examples.

A ballerina, a ladybird, and a crab.

Have a think.

Where have you seen these blocks being used before? That's right, these are block commands from ScratchJr.

Let's do a quick check.

Which of these is not a sprite? Pause the video here and have a think.

Brilliant, everyone.

B is not a sprite because it is a block command from ScratchJr.

Blocks in Scratch can be used to control the movement of a sprite.

They're like the instructions that tell the sprite what to do.

The block on the left hand side tells the sprite to move forward 10 steps.

The block on the right hand side tells the sprite to turn clockwise by 15 degrees.

Blocks need to be added to a sprite to control it.

This is a screenshot of the Scratch programme.

The left hand side has all of the code blocks we can use.

The middle section is the code area where we place blocks to control sprites.

The right hand section has the stage where the sprites perform the actions of the blocks.

You can use this to check your sprite is doing what you wanted it to do.

To add blocks to a sprite, you first need to make sure you've selected the sprite you want to control as you may have more than one sprite in a project.

You then click and drag the blocks you want to use into the code area, and let go.

You can then click the block to run its command.

Excellent listening.

Well done.

Let's check your understanding of the areas of the Scratch programme.

Which section of the screen do blocks need to be dragged into so that a sprite can be controlled? A, blocks; B, code area; or C, stage? Pause the video and have a think.

That's correct.

Well done.

Blocks need to be dragged into the code area so that a sprite can be controlled.

Different blocks can be used with sprites to control it in different ways.

This ladybird is on the start of the line.

The move 10 steps block moves the ladybird forward 10 steps, so it's now near the end of the line.

The turn clockwise 15 degrees block makes the ladybird turn clockwise and face in a different direction.

The point in direction 180 makes the ladybird face the floor.

But what do these numbers in the code blocks mean? Some blocks in Scratch use degrees to set how far the sprite is turned.

90 degrees makes the sprite face to the right.

180 degrees makes the sprite face the floor.

All sprites start facing 90 degrees, which is facing right.

There are two different turn blocks you can use to turn a sprite.

The one on the left hand side of the screen turns the sprite anti-clockwise.

The one on the right hand side of the screen turns the sprite clockwise.

Great work.

Now it's your turn to have a go.

Open the Scratch project oak.


Run each block and describe how it works on your worksheet.

The first one has been done for you.

Pause the video whilst you complete the task.

Now for the next part of task A, open the Scratch project oak.


Move the sprite from the start to the end of the path using the blocks provided.

When moving, stay on the path and do not step on the grass.

Pause the video here whilst you complete the task.

Excellent work.

Let's now check your answers.

The turn anti-clockwise block turns the sprite anti-clockwise 15 degrees from where it was originally facing.

The point in direction block points the sprite to face right, known as the 90 degree position.

You are doing so well.

It's now time for the second part of today's lesson.

We are now going to identify and change different features of sprites.

The costume of a sprite changes what it looks like.

This dinosaur has two costumes, one with and one without its mouth open.

This makes it look like it's roaring.

Costume of a sprite can be changed by clicking the Costumes tab and selecting a different costume.

The highlighted sprite is the currently selected costume of the sprite.

Take a look at the ladybird sprite's two costumes.

What is different about the two costumes? That's correct, the legs are in different positions.

How might these costumes be used when making the sprite move across the screen? Well done.

By switching between the costumes, it makes it look like the ladybird is walking.

Let's check your understanding of costumes.

What will change about a sprite when its costume is changed? A, how it moves; B, the sound it makes; or C, what it looks like.

Pause the video here and have a think.

That's correct.

The answer is C, the costume will change what the sprite looks like.

The sounds a sprite can make is changed by clicking the Sounds tab.

This is next to the Costumes tab we've just seen.

You are doing great.

Let's check your understanding of the features of sprites that can be changed.

Fill in the blank to complete the sentence.

A sprite has three features that can be changed: code, and sounds.

What word is missing? Pause the video and have a go.

That's correct.

The missing word was costumes.

A sprite has three features which can be changed: code, costumes, and sounds.

Okay, let's quickly recap what we've seen so far.

Sprites can be changed in three ways.

The Code tab is used to select blocks that will control a sprite.

The Costumes tab is used to change what a sprite looks like.

The Sound tab is used to play the sounds added to a sprite.

Projects in Scratch can use lots of different sprites, and they can be added to the stage using the icon with the cat face and the addition sign.

Sprites can also be removed if they are no longer needed by selecting the sprite you want to remove and then selecting the waste paper bin icon.

Excellent work.

Let's check you remember the icons we can use in Scratch.

Which icon is used to add a new sprite to a Scratch project? Pause the video and have a think.

That's right, the answer is B.

The icon with the cat face and the addition sign is used to add a new sprite to a project.

If we use all of the features you've seen so far, Scratch can be used to tell a story.

I want to start this story with: "One day, a hedgehog appeared in front of Dino." In this project, I've added two sprites: the Dino and the hedgehog.

The next line of the story is: "Dino had never seen a hedgehog before, and it gave him a fright." I've changed the Dino's costume to make him look scared.

Now it's your turn to create your own story using Scratch.

Open the Scratch project oak.


Use the Scratch project to tell this story.

"One day, an apple appeared next to a ladybird.

The ladybird wanted a closer look so moved towards the apple." For each part of the story, explain what you did in Scratch and record it on the table on your worksheet.

Pause the video while you have a go.

For the final part of task B, you need to finish the story and complete the table.

There are extra rows on the table for you to add your own parts of the story.

How did you get on? If you can show your story to a partner, do that now, or you can pause the video and tell me all about your story.

You have worked so hard today and have persevered when using a new programme.

Well done.

Let's summarise what we've learned today.

A sprite is a graphic object in Scratch that can be controlled by blocks.

We have seen how a sprite's looks can be changed using different costumes.

We've also seen that sprites can also play sounds.

Great work.

I hope to see you again soon.
