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Lesson video

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Hi, I'm Dharini.

Welcome to lesson three of Data Representation going audio-visual.

For this lesson, you will be using a free image editing software, GIMP.

So be sure to ask your parent or carer's permission before installing GIMP software on your device.

You will also need pen and paper to make notes.

Remove as many distractions as you can and when you're ready, we can begin.

In this lesson, you will perform basic image editing tasks using GIMP software.

You'll be able to explain how the manipulation of digital images amounts to arithmetic operations on the digital representation.

You'll be able to describe and assess the creative benefits and ethical drawbacks of digital manipulation.

Task one for this lesson is Image Manipulation.

For your task one, you will be editing images on GIMP environment.

So before you start editing images on the GIMP software, you've got to set up the GIMP environment.

So what do we mean by setting up GIMP environment? You might need to activate or enable the windows like layers, toolbox, something that you will be frequently using within the GIMP software.

So use the setup guide for GIMP on your worksheet before you start editing images on GIMP environment.

For your practise task, we will be enhancing the lighthouse image.

So look at the two pictures of lighthouse.

The first one is the original or the starting point of lighthouse image.

And the second picture is slightly an improved version from the original image, okay? So what improvements can you see from the original image? Brightness? Yes correct.

Brightness has increased in the second picture.

Yes, we have selected just the lighthouse so we can keep a focus on the subject, correct.

And the last one is; we have removed the wires on the sand, you can see in the original image.

So, we're going to use GIMP software to enhance the picture, the quality of an image, to select just the image, just the object within that image and to remove any unnecessary objects from the image.

I'll be doing a quick demonstration of GIMP software using some of the tools needed to enhance the lighthouse image.

Okay? The first tool we will be using is the Colours, Auto and White Balance.

Okay, so the White Balance will in increase the brightness whereas the Auto Colour Enhance tool will enhance the other colours within that image.

So we will see how to use the colours or to White Balance and Colours Auto Colour Enhance with your lighthouse image.

Before you edit the image, you got to download the image first.

So make sure you download the lighthouse image and open the image in the GIMP environment.

This is what the GIMP software looks like.

You got the menu at the top and underneath the menu you can see the toolbox.

The main tools we'll be using for our lighthouse image are Crop Tool, we'll be using the Rotate Tool, we'll be using the Clone Tool and we'll be using the Zoom Tool.

Okay, so we'll be using all those tools.

If you can't see the toolbox, go to the Windows Menu and then click on the Toolbox.

Okay? So first, let's open the image of lighthouse.

So you go to File, Open, make sure you choose the folder where you have saved your file, okay? So my lighthouse image has loaded.

So first we're going to increase the brightness of this image.

So you go to Colours, Colours Menu and go to the Auto, Auto means it is automatically done for you.

Okay, so Auto, and click on the White Balance So first to improve the brightness, its Colours, Auto and White Balance.

Look how bright the image is.

Now, we can do the optional one for this image as we'll enhance the other colours within the image.

So we go to Colours again, Auto, but this time it's Colour Enhance.

Okay? So this has increased the other colours within that image as well.

Part two of this task is to Rotate and Crop the image.

In order to rotate the image in GIMP, you will be using the Rotate Tool.

You can also specify angle of rotation in GIMP but once you're happy with the image rotation and you are happy with the positioning of the image, you must press Enter to save your actions.

To crop the image, there's a Crop Tool similar to the Crop in Microsoft Word.

So you use that to select a particular part of your image to save it and make sure to press Enter so your actions are saved.

Okay, the second tool we will be using is the Rotate Tool.

So click on the Rotate Tool, to click on that picture and then move.

So click, hold the mouse and drag it wherever you want to, so either to right or to the left, okay? I'm going to move it slightly left so I can see the horizon being horizontal slightly.

Yeah, just about to or slightly.

I think that looks okay.

So you leave the mouse and then press Enter so your action is saved.

You can see also the angle is minus 3.

59 okay? So either use the Angle to rotate the image or use the Rotate Tool, hold the mouse and then drag it left or right to make the image move left or right.

And the next tool we're going to to look at is the Crop Tool.

So using the Crop Tool, we are just going to focus on the lighthouse.

So use the Crop Tool, click on the Crop Tool, select the area you want to preserve, that is you want to keep.

So I want to keep this one.

So I have drawn a rectangle around just the lighthouse, a bit of sand and water, okay? Once you're happy with that selection, make sure to press Enter, okay? So now whatever part of the image you have selected has been saved.

Part three of the Image Editing Task is to remove the unwanted objects.

So in order to remove the pieces of wire in the sand, we will use the Clone Tool.

So how use the Clone Tool.

You got to select a part of the sandy region with no wires.

So when you click on Control plus click, mouse click will allow you to select the region with no wires.

It will allow you to copy that region which is called a source and all you do is you copy the source onto the wires so you just paste it over the wires and it looks a clear sand.

Before you use the Clone Tool on your image, make sure to zoom into your work at the appropriate level of detail so this allows you to make no mistakes and makes your picture quality even better.

The first we will use this Zoom Tool.

So click on the Zoom Tool, and then click on the image where you want to zoom in, okay? I want to zoom in even further so you can clearly see the image.

Okay, so now I can see the image clearly.

The next tool I'm going to use is the Clone Tool.

So using the Clone Tool, I'm going to select the clear sand.

So hold on to the Control key and press that click.

So we have selected a new source.

It tells you at the bottom as well.

Okay, so you have selected a new source that is the area we want to copy.

Okay, now we're going to paste it over the wires, all the way through the wires.

So, click and drag it so you can clear all the wires.

So we are pasting over the wires all the clear sand.

Okay? I will do it again.

So I will choose another part of the sand, hold the Control and then click to select the region and then just click, paste it over where you want to paste it, okay? Okay.

So I'm going to choose another part of the sand.

So Control and then click to select the region.

Now drag it on top of the wires so you don't see any more wires.

Okay? Okay, I'm going to select one more for the final time so it's Control and then click to select the source.

That is where to copy.

Okay, so now my sand looks absolutely clear.

I hope you're happy with the picture now, okay? So, make sure you click on the zoom and then Control + minus will zoom it out.

So this is your clear picture with improved brightness, wires have been removed and colour has been enhanced, we have cropped to focus on our subject lighthouse.

The final part of your image editing task is exporting your file with a suitable name.

So export the image as lighthouse-correct or any suitable file name would do.

So in order to export your file, you've got to click on the File Menu and choose Export As.

Type in a suitable file name and extension like JPEG, bitmap, PNG, whatever extension you would prefer it to be and once you're happy with that, just click on Export.

Accept the default values.

If there are any other values, you don't need to change it.

Accept the default values and click on Export.

Okay, we have to click on File, Export As, make sure you chose the folder that you want to save it.

I'm saving it in the same folder but with a different name, the lighthouse-corrected.

Okay, once you're happy with that, click on Export.

And accept all the default values set by the system so just click on Export.

Now pause the video to complete your task.

Using the worksheet, you will create a collage by placing an image of an emperor penguin in image of a desert.

Once you have completed your collage, resume the speech here.

Task two for this lesson is Reflection.

The main reason why it is so easy to manipulate images are because they're represented as sequence of binary digits.

From your lesson one and two, you already know this.

In order to manipulate the images, all we need to do is perform arithmetic operations on these sequence of digits.

Look on the right hand side, there's a picture where some effects have nothing applied.

Okay, part of the picture you can see is slightly blurry and part of the picture the colours have been changed to black and white.

You got a glimpse of how easy it is to use software to manipulate images.

Name one positive effect that this has on our lives.

Name one negative effect editing images has on our lives.

Now pause this video to write down one positive and one negative effect that editing images has on our lives.

Once you have completed, resume this video.

Welcome back.

Did you manage to recall one positive effect and one negative effect of editing images on our lives? Brilliant! Well done.

What is the positive effect if you think about digital development and manipulating images is that it's very creative and it's empowering people.

But if you think about the negative effect, it leads to some ethical implication that raises the reliability concerns over the edited images.

I would love to see your edited images and collages.

So if you would like to share your work with Oak National, please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, tagging @OakNational and #LearnwithOak.

I hope you enjoyed this lesson.

See you in lesson four.