Hello, I'm Mr. Ballum.
Thanks everyone so much for choosing this lesson today.
And we're going to be making veggie snacks.
We're gonna be learning lots of different things, particularly focusing on your different food skills, so the skills you use to make different delicious recipes.
So let's have a look at what we're going to learn.
So this lesson is all about making veggie snacks.
Let's read this together, shall we? This is what we're gonna be able to do by the end.
I can make veggie snacks.
Well done.
Let's have a look at some key words that we're going to be using today.
And we've got three key words.
The first one is cutting.
That's right, cutting.
And this is divide food into pieces.
So we're going to be cutting food.
The next one is, that's right, mixing.
This is where we stir the food together.
And the last one is cleaning.
And that's to remove dirt and food.
So we're going to be cutting, mixing, and we're gonna make sure we do our cleaning as well, aren't we? Let's have a look at the lesson.
So here we go.
And we're gonna start off looking at the important food skills to start with of cutting and mixing.
So to make our veggie snacks, we're going to be cutting peppers and we're going to be mixing ingredients together.
So they're all blended.
They all became one.
And here's the veggie snacks.
They look delicious, don't they? They look like little boats, don't they? Little red pepper boats with a delicious filling and mm, I wonder that's on top.
Hmm? That's chives.
Some lovely fresh chives chopped up on top for decoration.
When we make the veggie snacks, we're going to use kitchen scissors for cutting.
You can see in the photo here, can't you? That the person has got the scissors and they're cutting through the pepper.
Now this is a much safer way of cutting food using kitchen scissors.
So we're going to cut the peppers.
Now, really important that we only use kitchen scissors for food.
So you don't want to be using scissors that you've been cutting up paper and all sorts of other things, do you? No.
'Cause that wouldn't be very clean or very hygienic.
So we need to make sure we only use kitchen scissors for cutting food.
So that's the first food skill we're going to be doing.
So here are the kitchen scissors that we're gonna be using carefully for cutting.
Now the scissors are sharp, so we need to use them carefully.
And we need to make sure that the sharp blades on the scissors are kept away from your fingers.
Because we don't want any accidents, do we? So we need to cut safely and slowly.
Now, have you been listening? Now, what piece of equipment here are we gonna be using for cutting today? A, B, or C? That's right, it's C.
We're going to be using kitchen scissors for cutting.
We're going to be using the scissors for cutting the red peppers.
Another piece of equipment we're going to be using is a spoon and a spoon we're gonna be using for mixing.
It will stir two different foods together so that they become one.
We're going to be mixing together hummus and yoghourt.
Mm, two of my favourite foods.
So what piece of equipment are we gonna be using for mixing? Is it A, B, or C? That's right.
It's B.
Well done if you got that correct.
You're doing really well so far.
I'm really pleased with your progress.
So we've got a little task here for you.
Now, what equipment should Sophia and Alex use? Let's read what they're saying together, shall we? So Sophia is saying, I want to cut the red peppers.
Now, what should she use? What should Andeep say? What could she use to cut the red peppers? And then what's Alex saying? Alex is saying, I want to mix the hummus and yoghourt.
He wants to mix them together.
What equipment could he use? Now pause the video and come back when you're ready.
Good luck.
Okay, so how did you get on? Should we have look together? So they're going to be using kitchen scissors to cut the red peppers.
Well done if you got that correct.
And to mix the food, they're going to be using a spoon.
Well done.
Well done for listening.
You're doing really well.
Now let's move on to the next part of the lesson.
This is making our veggie snacks.
Now, before we start making our veggie snacks, we need to get ourselves ready.
So we need to tie back any long hair you might have.
We need to remove any watches or wristbands.
We also need to remove a jumper or a sweatshirt 'cause we don't really want the sleeves to get dirty, do we? We also need to roll up long sleeves if we've got them.
We need to wash our hands and we need to wear an apron.
We need to wear a clean apron.
So those are really important things we need to do each time we start to cook.
So true or false, we only wash our hands after we cook.
Is that true or false? That's false, isn't it? And why? Because we also wash our hands before we cook so that we make sure they're clean.
So we wash our hands before we cook.
And we also wash 'em after too.
Now after cooking, we also need to start cleaning.
So we might wash up the equipment and we might clean and tidy our work surfaces where we've been making and preparing our delicious food.
Okay, so have you've been listening? So what is this photo showing here? Is it A, washing the work surface? B, washing up, or C, washing hands? How'd you get on? That's right.
It's B, isn't it? It's washing up.
They're washing up the equipment that they've used to make the veggie snacks and they're washing it up to make it clean and ready to use next time.
Well done.
So now we're going to follow the recipe and make our veggie snacks.
And before we cook, we need to make sure we are ready to cook.
So do you remember we need to tie back our long hair, remove jumpers, wash hands, and wear a clean apron, don't we? And also, we need to make sure we've got our ingredients ready and our equipment ready.
So we're all ready to cook, ready to go.
And while you're cooking, I want you to think about being safe and hygienic.
So make sure you're clean when you cook.
And also I want you to think about the food skills that you are using, all those important things that you're going to be doing today.
For example, like cutting, using kitchen scissors and stirring using a spoon.
Let's have a look at the recipe.
So here's the recipe for veggie snacks.
Here's the ingredients you need.
Here's the equipment and the method.
So good luck.
Pause the video and come back when you've made your delicious veggie snacks.
I'll see you very soon.
Okay, so how did you get on? I bet you did brilliantly, didn't you? I'm sure you did.
Let's have a look together how you got on.
So I made my veggie snacks by following these steps.
So first of all, we cut the pepper into four, didn't we? And we used the kitchen scissors.
That's right.
We use kitchen scissors to cut the pepper into four.
Next we cut the chives using our kitchen scissors into lovely little small parts.
Then we mixed everything together.
So we mix the hummus, yoghourt and chives together.
And we used a spoon to mix and everything was in a bowl to keep it all together.
So we used a spoon.
And lastly, we spooned the mixture into the peppers.
Bop, bop, bop, well done.
And you can see in this photo, we also decorated it with a few extra chopped chives just on the top, just to make it look pretty.
I bet you did well, didn't you? And I really hope you've enjoyed this lesson.
So do remember these important things that we've learned today.
So kitchen scissors can be used for cutting different types of food.
A spoon can be used for mixing.
It's a really versatile piece of equipment.
We can do lots of different things with a spoon.
And before cooking, do you remember there were important things we needed to do.
So for example, we needed to wash our hands and wear a clean apron.
And lastly, after cooking, we need to start cleaning, don't we? We need to start cleaning the equipment and our work surfaces.
Now, I really hope you enjoy eating your veggie snacks.
And why not be creative and try different things in the future.
You could try different coloured peppers, couldn't you? You could try different ingredients, perhaps different herbs in the mix.
Well, thanks ever so much for joining me, and I hope you join me again for another cooking and nutrition lesson.
Thanks ever so much.
Bye, see you soon.