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Hello, and welcome to your design and technology lesson.

My name is Mrs. Mee and I am your design and technology teacher really pleased that you've joined me for today's lesson.

If you remember, our topic is cooking and nutrition.

So we are going to be learning about how to prepare fruits and vegetables.

So I'm really glad that you've joined me in today's lesson.

Are you ready to find out what we're going to be looking at in our lesson two? Fantastic.

Are you excited about today's lesson? Brilliant, so am I.

So today we're going to look at developing ideas for a fruit salad.

So you are going to design your own fruit salad.

Now, in this lesson, all you're going to need is paper and a pencil.

So can you go off and make sure you've got the materials for today's lesson.

When you've got your materials, press play and we'll carry on, exploring what we're going to look at today, in the lesson.

So pause the video, make sure you've got paper and pencil, and press play when you're ready.


So hopefully now you've got your paper and pencil and you're ready to go.

So remember Mrs. Mee's rules of play.

You really do have to have fun in my lessons.

You need to explore and experiment.

Make sure you're confident.

And today we're designing a product, I really do want you to explore and experiment.

I want you to try out new ideas.

So don't just choose the fruits that Mrs. Mee chooses.

Try out your own ideas today in the lesson.

Now in the lesson, we're going to, first of all, do a quick intro quiz just a recap what we learned in the last lesson.

We're then going to recap what we did in the first lesson.

And we are then going to look at our star words.

So we have some really special words that we're going to use in today's lesson.

So remember to spot those star words when we use them.

We're then going to looking at exploring what food products are.

And then you're going to have a go at exploring ideas for your own fruit salad.

And once we've explored ideas, we're then going to do an end of lesson quiz just to check what we've learned in today's lesson.

So let's have a look at finding out, what you learned last lesson.

So we've got a short intro quiz and then we're going to recap what you learned from the previous lesson.


So, today's lesson, we're going to design our own fruit salad.

So let's just ask ourselves a few questions.

So Mrs. Mee has got some items that she would like you to name.

So this first item, could you tell me whether it is a fruit or a vegetable? Is that a fruit or a vegetable? That's right.

It's a fruit.


The next item, could you tell me if it is a fruit or vegetable? It's a done at the same word.

Is it a fruit or is a vegetable? Can you tell me? That's right.

It is a vegetable.

Now the next one might be a bit trickier.

Is a fruit or is a vegetable? Do you know? Shall I show you inside? Is a fruit or is a vegetable? Can you tell me? That's right.

It is a fruit.

Now, if you remember, last lesson, we were looking at identifying fruits and vegetables.

And we also investigated and evaluated different fruits and vegetables.

So you've identified this is a fruit but can you tell me what the name of this fruit is? Well done.

Is that banana.

Well done if you've got that correct.

You identified this correctly as a vegetable, Look, can you tell me what the name of this vegetable is? It's a carrot, well done.

And then you have correctly identified this as a fruit.

Do you know what this fruit is called? That's right.

It's a mango, well done.

Now last lesson we used a star word, investigate and evaluate.

How did we investigate our fruits and vegetables.

Mrs. Mee has got a strawberry to hand here.

What did we do? That's right.

We tasted it.

And when we tasted it, that was part of our investigation.

And we also maybe smelt it as well.

But what did we then describe? We describe what we liked and we described what we disliked, well done.


So last lesson we learned to develop what we like and dislike about fruits and vegetables and how to identify them.

We're going to use that knowledge today and we are going to design a fruit salad.

Are you excited? Me too.

Okay, are you ready for your star words today? Now some of you are used to doing this with your hands.

So Mrs. Mee is going to say the star word, and then can you repeat that word with me? So the first word that we're going to use in today's lesson is food products.

Can you repeat that.

Excellent, well done.

That was really well said.

The next word we're going to use is criteria.

Can you say criteria.

Well done.

And the next word we're going to use is ideas.

My turn, your turn.


Well done.

We're also going to think about the word purpose.

My turn, purpose.

Your turn.


And the next word we're going to look at is user.

My turn.


Your turn.


Well done.


So can you do me a favour.

Wen you stop the star words can you shout star word, star word.

So today we're going to look at exploring food products.

Star word, star word.

Well done for spotting the star word.

We're going to look at what food products are.

So, we're going to explore what a food product is.

So here's some pictures of a food product.

Can you tell me what a food product is.

Now we know that a vegetable is a food and we know that a fruit is a food.

What is a food product? Well done doesn't good ideas, excellent.

A food product is a combination of different foods maybe fruits and vegetables that are combined to create a product that is then given to somebody.

So what products do we have on screen? What's the left image of? It is a, that's right a fruit salad which is what we're going to design today.

And the one on the right, is a picture of a salad.

So, we are going to explore food products.

So you are going to design your very own fruit salad, which is a food product.

Now we're also going to explore who the food product is for.

So when I say, who.

What am I talking about? Now, could we use one of our star words? That's right.

The user.

Who is going to be the user for my food product? Who's going to eat it? So, I could think about the people that are going to eat my food product.

Adults, children, families, who will eat my food product.

User is a star word, isn't it? Well done.

Then let's have a look.

Before we have a look at exploring what a food product is for.

So what is the purpose? Well done.

if you spotted the star word, what is the purpose of the food product? Why do we need to eat food products? That's right.

It is to keep us fit and healthy.

So food products are developed to give us energy, keep us fit and healthy.

So we've looked at what a food product is, who it is for and what the purpose of a food product is.

Let's have a look at some of these products.

What are they designed for, who they are designed for and the purpose of the food product.

So let's just have a look at these pictures.

The first picture is a fruit salad.

Think about what the food product is.

It's a fruit salad.

Who is it for? A fruit salad could be eaten by lots of people, couldn't it? Adults, children, young children, but we do need to think about the user, don't we? They're really teeny-tiny.

I think we've got a problem with some of those food products on there like the grapes might be a bit too big for a tiny child to actually eat them.

So we do need to think about who and the purpose obviously is a healthy snack, isn't it? Fruit salad.

What's the next image.

It's a drink.

It's a smoothie, a fruit smoothie.

So that product is a fruits smoothie.

Who is it for? Who could it be for? And what is the purpose of a fruit smoothie? Is it to keep us filled up and healthy and nutritious? And the next food product.

Can you tell me what the next food product is? That's right.

It's a sandwich.


So the food product is a sandwich.

Who might it be for? What is the purpose of the sandwich? So the sandwich could be eaten for our lunch.

You could have a sandwich for breakfast or dinner.

It could be for children, it could be for adults.

And what is the next food product? That's right.

It's another salad, isn't it? It's a different type of salad this time.

It's a savoury salad.

So we've got a salad.

When might you, who might you give a salad to? When might you and what might the salad be designed for? So a salad might be given at lunchtime for an adult or a salad might be enjoyed by a family.

Now, who the product is for is really important because if the product is for a particular group of people we need to think about the ingredients.

So here are lots of food products.

So we're going to explore making free of those free products.

Okay, so let's start exploring ideas for our fruit salad.

Let's begin designing our fruit salad.

Let's consider, what our free product will be.

Who it will be designed for.

And what the purpose of our food product will be.

Have a little think.

Let's start by looking at what our food product will be.

So, my food product will be a fruit salad and will include, so have a little think, what might you include in your fruit salad? How many fruits would be ideal in your fruit salad? Did you know that the recommendation is that we eat five fruits and vegetables a day.


So Mrs. Mee we'd like you to choose five fruits to include in your fruit salad.

So have a little think.

You might use Mrs. Mee's pictures to help you, or you might come up with your own different types of fruits.

So choose five that you might want to include in your fruit salad.

Pause the video, have a think and press play when you're ready.

Did you have a think? Mrs. Mee has decided, she's decided on these fruits.

So what you might want to think about is, write in a sentence.

So my fruit product will be a fruit salad and we'll include strawberries, banana, apples, kiwi and grapes.

So that's Mrs. Mee deciding what type of food product will be.

And I could write because couldn't I? I could think about giving myself a reason.

So I could go back to the first lesson and think about what I liked and disliked about these fruits.

So my food product will be a fruit salad I will include.

Have a think about what yours will include.

Now we've got to think about who will it be designed for? So my fruit salad will be designed for, who could choose before? Have a think.

Could it be you.

Could it be another user.

Could it be a group of people.

What are their ages? What do they like? Who is it going to be designed for? It's really important that you find out what they like.

So have a little think, pause the video.

Think who could it be for? Have you had a think? Brilliant, so have I.

And this Mrs. Mee's idea.

So my fruit salad will be designed for young children so why I need to consider the size of the fruit pieces, because they're young and I do not want any young child to choke on my fruit pieces.

So that is my aim.

So I'm designing a fruit salad with five items of fruit for young children.

Now, what I'd like you to do is come up with three short sentences, what you are designing? So remember Mrs. Mee, I am designing a fruit salad to include, and I've listed my fruits.

And Mrs. Mee, put for the who, I am designed in a fruit salad for young children.

And then I need you to come up with a sentence for the purpose.

Think about what's the purpose of your fruit salad.

Is it to provide the user with a snack? Is it to help them be healthy? What is the purpose? What is the reason? So pause the video, write down three sentences to describe what, who and the purpose.

Pause the video.

When you're finished, press play and we'll continue Fantastic.

So shall I show you my sentences? So Mrs. Mee has presented yours.

Now, what we have developed here is our key criteria.

There's another star word, isn't it? For our fruit salad.

We've said what our food product is.

So my food product will be a fruit salad and we'll include strawberries, bananas, apples, kiwi and grapes.

Who, my fruit salad will be designed for young children Purpose.

The purpose of my fruit salad is to provide the user with a healthy snack.

So you have produced a set of criteria which is the first process of designing a food product.

So you've got a set of criteria and you've decided on what fruits you're going to include in your fruit salad.

And we're going to need those fruits for next lesson.

So today you have done the intro quests, well done.

We've recapped what we've learned previously.

We've looked at our star words today.

We've looked at exploring what food products are.

And we've started to develop our own ideas for our fruit salad, haven't we? So before you go today, all together we're just going to complete an end of lesson quiz, to see what you have learned.

So join me for your end of lesson quiz where we're just going to recap what we've learned today.

So end of lesson quiz, can you think of what questions Mrs. Mee is going to ask you about today.

First question, what is a food product? What is a food product? Can you give me an example of a food product? Have a think.

Well done a food product is a combination of foods that's presented for user to eat.

So an example, can you tell me an example? Well done a fruit salad, of course.

We are designing a fruit salad, okay.

Can you tell me who the product is for? Who, what star word would I use to describe who? Nice think.

It begins with an O or you might say it, U.

That's right.

It's the user, well done.

So you've told me what the food product is.

You've told me who that person is for, suits for the user.

And then there's one other question that I've got for you.

What is the purpose of our food products? Who could be the purpose of our food product? That's right.

It could be to provide the user with a snack, a healthy one.

So it's the reason we create a food product.

Now Mrs. Mee tells some tales because I have got one more question for you.

Now we developed free sentences.

Those sentences are called what it is our list of what begins with a curly, cur.

Well done, criteria.

That was a tricky question.

So we've learned lots in today's lesson.

I hope you've enjoyed it.

And I look forward to seeing you next lesson where we're going to be exploring how to make a fruit salad.

So I'll see you next week in next week's lesson.

Thank you for joining me today.
