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Hello, and welcome to your design and technology lesson.

I am Mrs. Mee, and I am your design and technology teacher.

Today is lesson nine, and we are going to continue exploring preparing fruits and vegetables.

So I'm really excited that you've joined me in today's lesson.

Let's see what we're going to explore during the lesson today.

So during today's lesson, we're going to be looking at exploring ideas for our own fruit or vegetable smoothie.

So in the lesson today, you are going to need some paper and a pencil.

So pause the video, make sure you've got a paper and a pencil and you're ready to start today's lesson.

When you're ready, press Play and we'll continue.

Fabulous, have you got everything you need? Fantastic.

Now, really important today that we revisit our rules.

Do you remember what our rules are? That's right.

Our first rule is to have fun.

Now the second rule, if you remember, is to explore and experiment.

Now this is really important in today's lesson because you are going to develop your own idea for your own fruit or vegetable smoothie and I want you to experiment with those ingredients.

Be confident.

Don't worry if you think it might not taste very nice.

Give it a go and try out new ideas.

But before we start making a smoothie, we do need to think about how we're going to do this safely.

So you always must follow instructions and have an adult when you are taking part in any practical activity.

So in the lesson, altogether we're going to do a quick intro quiz to check what you know already before we begin today.

We're going to recap what we learnt last lesson.

And then we are going to look at our Star Words.

Once we've looked at our Star Words, we're then going to start making a plan for a fruit or vegetable smoothie.

We are then going to communicate our design decisions.

So we're going to look at giving reasons for our choices.

Once we've done all of that today, we'll then do a quick end-of-lesson quiz just to check what we have learnt during this lesson.

So are you ready for our intro quiz? Fabulous.

Okay, are you ready for your intro quiz? So my first question is, last lesson we looked at the Eat Well guide, do you remember what was recommended in terms of how many fruits and vegetables should we eat every day? How many portions of fruits and vegetables should we eat each day? That's right, well done if you got it.

We should eat five fruits and vegetables each day.

Now, when we looked at the Eat Well guide, it also told us how much water we should drink every day.

So how many glasses of water does it recommend that you should drink every single day? Have a little think.

Have you got it? Brilliant.

So if you said six, well done.

Because six to eight is recommended.

Six to eight glasses of water we should drink every day.

So why do we have this advice? What is it trying to make us be? What is Eat Well guide? What is the purpose of it? It's trying to keep us healthy, well done.

So the Eat Well guide we looked at last lesson, and we looked at what foods we should include every day in our diet to make us fit and healthy.

And we looked at that is should include vegetables, carbohydrates, dairy, proteins, and we looked at water.

What food wasn't on our Eat Well guide that me and you both like to eat probably most days? Hmm, yeah, sweets or chocolates or cakes.

I am naughty and I do like cakes.

But we need to be careful not to eat too many.

So it's okay to eat them, but try not to eat too many each day.

And I know that's tough isn't it some days.

So well done for completing the intro quiz.

So we've recapped a lot of what we've learnt last lesson in the intro quiz but let's just remind ourselves of the other things that we explored.

So we explored the Eat Well guide and we learnt what we should have on our plate, didn't we? And you looked at what you ate the previous day and you recorded that on your Eat Well plate.

Did that help you understand how healthy you are? I hope so.

Have you improved what you eat since you completed that task? Mm, me too.

I've made sure I'm eating more carbohydrates and drinking more water.

It's really helped Mrs. Mee improve what she eats.

Now if you remember, we also explored how to create a smoothie, and we explored what ingredients were in a smoothie that were on our Eat Well guide.

So we explored that we're including fruits and vegetables, we can include grains and dairy products all in a smoothie to create a nutritious snack.

So we learnt lots last lesson and we're going to use what we've learnt today to plan how to make our very own smoothie.

Well done, you've remembered so much, I'm really, really impressed.

Now let's have a look at the Star Words that we're going to use during today's lesson.

Now remember, when Mrs. Mee introduces you to the Star Words, I want you to repeat after me.

So I say, you say.

Let's look at our first Star Word.



Next word, equipment.

Brilliant, well done, you've really nailed these words.

Method, method is what we're going to look at today.

Well done.

So we're going to be using ingredients, planning what equipment we're going to use, and planning our method.

So some of these words you've used previously.

Plan, well done, plan.

We are going to make a plan.

And we're going to plan our own design.


So let's explore where all of these Star Words exist in our lesson today.

So if you spot a Star Word, just shout Star Word to me so I know that we're using our Star Words.

So the first thing we're going to look at is making a plan for a fruit or vegetable smoothie.

Now, Mrs. Mee's going to talk you through how to plan to make your vegetable smoothie.

Can you remember what the key ingredients are for the smoothie? What must we have in our smoothie as our basic ingredients? Have a think back to last lesson.

That's right, fruits, vegetables and some form of a liquid, a base for our smoothie.

So that is the absolute minimum ingredients we need.

Now, we can choose either fruits or vegetables, or we can use both.

But you do need some solid ingredients and you need a liquid.

Now the optional ingredients, if you remember, were grains such as cereals like porridge oats, yoghourt is optional, and you could add sweeteners to it as well.

So let's just explore some of the fruits and vegetables that we may use in our fruit or vegetable smoothie.

Could we use one of these? What's this called? Does anybody know? Tricky one, begins with an A.

Avocado, yes, we could put avocado in there.

We could use berries, couldn't we? Tomatoes, strawberries, kiwis.

Ooh, do you remember what that one was? That's right, that's a mango.

So all of these fruits and vegetables are fruits and vegetables we could use in our smoothie.

What about an apple? Pineapple, orange, could we put spinach in our smoothie? Yes we could.

So all of these ingredients are just some of the ingredients you might consider putting in your smoothie.

But before you decide to put it in your smoothie, why might you choose one of those fruits or vegetables? You will choose them for lots of reasons.

What's the most important reason do you think? That's right, taste.

We need to make sure it tastes delicious.

So I want you to think about what fruits and vegetables are your favourite that you'd like to include in your smoothie? You could add a banana in there as well.

So here is Mrs. Mee's shortlist.

So Mrs. Mee has thought about including strawberry, avocado and banana.

But Mrs. Mee has already tried mixing avocado and strawberry and I'm not sure it was sweet enough for Mrs. Mee's taste.

So I'm going to take away my avocado and I am going to include strawberries and bananas in my smoothie.

So mine will be a fruit smoothie.

Pause the video and think about and make a decision on what fruits you're going to include in your smoothie.

Once you've had a think, press Play and we'll continue.


So one thing we are going to need to make our smoothie and to measure our smoothie is a cup.

We are going to use a cup to measure today.

So we need to make sure that there's not too much fruit and there's not too much liquid.

So we are going to need a cup when we plan how to make our smoothie.

So what I'd like you to do is I'd like you to access this plan, and on this plan I'd like you to list ingredients that you are going to include.

Now you can either write the ingredients or you can add pictures like we did in our previous plan, and add what equipment we're going to need so far.

So pause the video, add your ingredients and equipment.

You can download this sheet from the worksheets.

When you've completed that, press Play and we'll continue.

Fantastic, so have you had a go? Mrs. Mee's has had a go as well.

So Mrs. Mee has added her key ingredients and her first piece of equipment.

So now that you've decided on the key ingredients, now I've used two fruits and I've got a cup to measure, we now need to think about what liquid we're going to us as our base.

So Mrs. Mee's just going to explore some choices.

We could use orange juice, we could use milk, or we could use water.

So think about what liquid you would like to use.

Now if you prefer a different juice such as apple juice or pineapple juice, you could use a different milk.

So pause the video, have a think about what liquid you'd like to include in your smoothie.

When you've decided, press Play and we will continue to plan our smoothie.

Well done.

Have you decided? Excellent.

Mrs. Mee has decided as well, and I have chosen to go with orange juice.

So once you've made a decision, think about how you're going to measure it and add your ingredients to your plan.

So here's Mrs. Mee's juice that she's added to her plan and she's already got a picture of a cup on there.

So add your next key ingredient.

So you should have your fruits and vegetables, you should have your choice of juice, and you should have how you're going to measure your ingredients.

So once you've done that, press Play and we'll continue to explore the next stages of making our smoothie.


So next, we need to think about do we want to include any other ingredients? Do we want to include yoghourt or grains? Now, if you do want to include these ingredients, you would need to measure half of a cup.

So if you would like to add yoghourt or grains, cereal grains, to your smoothie, you can add those to your plan now.

But remember, you will need to measure half a cup.

Whereas the juice and the fruit, we are going to measure a full cup.

So pause the video if you want to add these.

Add them to your plan.

When you've done that, press Play.

Now Mrs. Mee didn't want to add yoghourt or grains because she's tried them before and she prefers to try without the yoghourt.

So now that we've planned what ingredients we will use, what equipment we need to measure, now we need to think about how to prepare the ingredients.

So what will we do to prepare our ingredients? That's right, we do need to wash our ingredients first.

But what do we need to do with some of our ingredients? What do we need to do to our banana? That's right, we do need to peel.

Do we need any equipment to peel the banana? No we don't, we can peel the banana ourselves using the skin.

So what equipment do we need to prepare our next stage? What do we need to do to the ingredients before we add them to the smoothie? That's right, we need to cut the ingredients.

So to cut the ingredients, what equipment will you need? Well done.

You're going to need a chopping board and a knife.

So I want you to select your equipment that you will need to prepare your ingredients, and when you've selected your equipment, add that to your plan.

But what I'd like you to do now is add the first method.

So what do you need to do first? Method one, peel and cut fruit using knife.

So if you're using vegetables that need peeling with a peeler, you will include a peeler, but that is my first set of instructions on my method.

So this is what I'm going to follow.

Pause the video, add your first instruction to your method and make sure, once you've done that, you press Play and we'll continue.


So so far, we've got our ingredients, we've got our key equipment, and we've given ourselves our first instruction.

Now what we need to think about next, once we've cut and prepared our ingredients, we need to think about how we're going to measure.

So how do we measure the ingredients? Now Mrs. Mee's already explained we are going to use a cup but how much are we going to fill that cup? That's right, we're going to include one cup.

So on your plan of making, I'd like you to write down the instruction for measuring.

Measure one cup of fruit.

So once you've chopped up your fruit, you're placing it into the cup and making sure it's full.

Because if we put too much fruit in, the smoothie will be too thick.

So have a go at adding that to your plan.

Press Play when you're ready.

Well done.

So you've added measure one cup of fruit.

Now we need to think about how we're going to measure the liquid.

So what are we going to use to measure the liquid to make it really simple? That's right, we're going to use a cup again, or you could use a glass.

So what you need to do now is you need to add to your plan measure one cup of juice.

Now remember, if you're using milk, you would change that to measure one cup of milk.

You can choose what liquid you use and what key ingredients.

Add that to your plan, press Play when you're ready.

Fantastic, right let's move on.

How are we now, now we've got our ingredients and we've measured them, how are we going to combine those ingredients? What are we going to use? Do you know? We're going to use a blender.

So now we need to add that to our method sheet.

So let's look at our plan.

We now need to add the ingredients to the blender and blend.

Then we need to pour it into a glass.

So Mrs. Mee has forget one piece of equipment there.

You do need a glass.

So add your final pieces of equipment to your plan of making, your final method.

Once you've added that, press Play and we'll continue to explore how we're going to make our fruit or vegetable smoothie.

Excellent, so now you've got your full plan of making.

What I want you to think about now is communicating these design decisions.

Now we make design decisions all of the time.

Now hopefully, you've explored and experimented with different ingredients.

Now we need to think about how we're going to communicate our design decisions.

So Mrs. Mee has used a banana, a strawberry and juice.

Just three ingredients for her smoothie.

Think about how we're going to communicate those decisions.

What could we do? Yeah, we could write them down.

We could speak about them.

We could create a sketch if we wanted.

There's lots of ways in which we could communicate our ideas.

What I'd like you to do is I'd like you to either tell me your decisions or you can write your decisions down.

So the first decision, orange juice.

Mrs. Mee's going to give you an example.

I chose to use orange juice because.

So I would like you to tell me what you've used for your base liquid and why.

So I chose to use milk because.

You could change it to I chose to use soya milk because.

So pause the video, create your own sentence and tell your adult in your household, or write it down, and then press resume.


So I chose to use orange juice because I like the taste.

That was why Mrs. Mee chose it.

Now I want you to think about your second ingredient.

I want you to tell me what you chose to use and why.

So my example, I chose to include bananas because.

So tell me why you chose your second ingredient.

So you can tell me now or you can write it down.

Fantastic, have you got a reason why? Brilliant, so you chose it because it's delicious and tasty and filling, hm okay.

Well, Mrs. Mee chose to include bananas because it is one of her favourite fruits.

So finally, you might have more ingredients than me, but for the final ingredient I want you to tell me what you chose and why.

So I chose to include strawberries because.

And you know what Mrs. Mee's going to say, don't you? So I would like you now to pause the video and tell me your next ingredient, why you chose it, what you included and why you chose that particular ingredient.

So you say it to me or you can write it down.

So I chose to include strawberries because, do you know what Mrs. Mee's reason is? That's right, because it's my favourite fruit, isn't it? I'd say bananas are my second favourite.

But also I wanted to use different-colored ingredients to combine them to try and create a really tasty-looking smoothie.

So this is one way we can communicate our ideas.

We can speak to people or we can write our decisions down.

So hopefully now, you've had a chance to communicate to someone in your house why you've chosen your key ingredients.

So next lesson, we're going to put these ingredients together.

But before we conclude the lesson, we're going to do a short end-of-lesson quiz to check what you've learnt today.


Are you ready for your end-of lesson-quiz? Now today, we have created a design for a smoothie, and we've created something to help us make it.

What did we create in today's lesson? What did we complete? And let me give you a small clue.

It begins with the letter P.

We created a.

Well done, we created a plan, didn't we? So we have a plan on how to make our smoothie.

So next lesson, you can follow that plan, can't you? Now, what was included on our plan? What was the first thing that we included on our plan? And if you remember, plan was one of our Star Words, wasn't it? What did we include first? Well done, we included ingredients, excellent.

Another Star Word, well done, we included ingredients.

What is the next thing we included on our plan? That's right, well done, equipment.

So you now have ingredients, the equipment you need, and there was one final thing to conclude today's lesson that we included on our plan.

Well done, we included a method, and that method is how we are going to make our smoothie.

So I'm hoping you feel really confident now and in the next lesson that we explore, you are going to start making that smoothie.

But remember, we are going to be using knives and blenders so you must make sure that your adult is with you at all times.

Fantastic, so today we've learnt so much.

You've completed your intro quiz and we've recapped what we learnt previously.

We looked at our Star Words today, haven't we? We've looked at using those Star Words in the lesson.

We've planned for a fruit or vegetable smoothie.

And we've looked at how we can communicate those design decisions.

So you are ready to start making your smoothie.

And we've also completed an end-of-lesson quiz, and you've shared with me everything that you've learnt this lesson.

So I hope you've enjoyed today's lesson, and I hope you've got an exciting plan for your fruit or vegetable smoothie, and I hope you're going to try out some new ideas.

I look forward to seeing you next lesson where we're going to make our fruit or vegetable smoothie.

Thank you for joining me, good bye.