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Hello, and welcome to your design and technology lesson.

I'm Mrs. Mee and I am your design and technology teacher, and I'm really excited to be working with you again today.

So today is lesson eight and we're exploring something called, the eat well guide in today's lesson.

And we're going to explore how we might create a smoothie.

Today, we are going be exploring the eat well guide and we're going to investigate how to make a smoothie.

So during today's lesson, you are going to need some paper and a pencil.

So if you pause the video now, make sure you've got a paper and pencil to hand.

Make sure you are ready and comfortable to start today's lesson and then we'll begin.

When you're ready, press play.

Fantastic, are you ready to start today's lesson, fabulous.

So as with all of our lessons, please follow the rules, have fun, explore and experiment but make sure you are confident and make sure more importantly, you play safe.

So in today's lesson, we're going to do a quick intro quiz altogether just to check what we already know.

We're then going to recap what we've done in the previous lesson.

We're then going to look at our star words for today's lesson, and we're then going to begin looking at something called the eat well guide.

We're then going to look at and investigate how to make a smoothie, and how that reflects our eat well guide.

Once we've completed that, we'll do a quick end of lesson quiz, just to check what information we have knocked into our heads today.

Okay, are you ready for your intro quiz? So, Mrs. Mee's got some questions for you.

The first question, I'm going to show you some images.

The fruits and vegetables in our savoury salad, do they come from a shop? Are they grown, are they caught out of the ocean or do they come from animals? What is your answer? The foods that we eat in our savoury salad, the fruits and vegetables, do they come from a shop? Are they grown, caught or do they come from an animal? Well done if you've got it correct, we can buy them from a shop, but that's not where they come from.

We don't get them from the ocean and we don't get them from animals.

All of the fruits and vegetables in a savoury salad are grown.

So well done if you got that correct.

Now my next question relates to some of the fruits and vegetables we used in our savoury salad.

Now last lesson we explored, what part of the plant our fruit and vegetables come from.

So what part of the plant is a strawberry from, is it the leaf? Is it the fruit, the roots or the stem? What part of the plant? Well done, it is the fruit.

Now let's have a look at the lettuce.

What part of the plant does the lettuce come from? Is it the root, is it the bulb, is it the stem? Is it the fruit or is it the leaf? Is it the leaves on the plant, which part of the plant? Well done if you've got that correct, it is indeed the leaves.

Now let's look at the tomato.

What part of the plant do we eat when we eat a tomato? Is it the root, the stem, the leaf, the fruit, what part, can you remember? Well done, it is indeed the fruit.

So well done if you've got all of those questions correct.

Hopefully you've learned lots in the previous lesson.

So if you remember in the previous lesson, we explored where our fruits and vegetables come from and we explored and found out that our fruits and vegetables all come from plants don't they? And they are grown in the ground and farmed.

And the parts of the plant that we eat depends on the fruit or vegetables.

If it's a fruit, that part of the plant is the flowered part of the plant and the fruits contain seeds.

So some foods might confuse us whether they are a fruit or vegetable, but we explored what part of the plant each of our fruit and vegetables came from.

So we looked at the lettuce and that comes from a leaf.

We looked at a carrot and we looked at the carrot and that comes from the root of the plant, didn't it? And we also looked at the pepper, which came from a fruit as well, and so did the cucumber.

So hopefully you learnt and explored lots last lesson.

Let's start today's lesson.

Well done, you remembered quite a lot, didn't you? So let's have a look at what our star words are today.

So remember when Mrs. Mee says a star word, I'd like you to repeat after me.

So I say, you say, are you ready for our first star word? The first star word is ingredients, ingredients, well done.

Our second star word is fruits.

Excellent, you can say these really well.

Our third star word is vegetables.

Excellent, and the next star word today we're going to use, is blend.

And the final star word for today's lesson is healthy.

Fantastic, so could you do me a favour and if we spot these star words during our lesson, can you shout them out to me? Just to remind me when we're using them.

Now I'm only going to hear you if you really shout at me.

So the first thing we're going to look at in today's lesson, is we're going to explore the eat well guide.

Now, this is something that's probably very new to you.

So it's something you haven't necessarily learnt before.

Now the eat well guide is a piece of advice and guidance that tells us what we should eat to stay fit and healthy.

So here is the eat well guide.

So this is advice that's given to us, to tell us what we should have and include in our diet to make sure we're fit and healthy.

So what sort of foods can you spot on the eat well guide? Yeah, I can spot fruits and vegetables as well.

I can see bread and potatoes, milk and fish.

So the eat well guide is split up into different sections to tell us what types of food we should have and how many quantities.

So looking at the eat well guide, which section has the largest amount of that type of food, what colour? That's right, the green is probably slightly bigger than the yellow section.

What sort of foods and ingredients are in the green section? That's right, fruits and vegetables, something we've been exploring.

So it's telling us we have to eat more of those.

And then in the yellow section, we've got things like bread and potato.

We're going to go through the eat well guide together.

And as we go through the eat well guide, we're going to look at what we eat on a normal day.

So I want you to start thinking about what did you eat yesterday? Because I want you to tell me what you've eaten and we're going to reflect on this as we progress through the lesson.

So the first section of the eat well guide is fruits and vegetables.

We are advised to eat at least five portions of a variety of fruits and vegetables every single day.

So what I'd like you to do now, is I'd like you to get an adult to help you and download the blank plate.

So on the blank plate, I would like you to draw or write it depending on what you want to do, or you could stick pictures.

And I would like you to tell me, looking back at yesterday, what fruits and vegetables did you eat? And pop those fruits and vegetables on the appropriate section of your plate.

So what fruits and vegetables did you eat yesterday? Have a think, pause the video, when you're ready press play.

And if you're not sure, you can wait for Mrs. Mee to show you.

Brilliant, have you had a think? Now, Mrs. Mee has popped on all of the fruits and vegetables she had yesterday.

I'm just going to show you.

So Mrs. Mee had a banana, some cauliflower, broccoli.

I wonder if you can think what I had yesterday and what day it was, a carrot, cucumber, tomato, lettuce leaves and pepper.

So those are all the fruits and vegetables.

has Mrs. Mee eaten the recommended five portions? Feel very proud of myself.

Can you think what Mrs. Mee had for her lunch and dinner yesterday? I had a savoury salad and they also had a roast dinner.

So those are the vegetables and fruits that I ate yesterday.

Which ones did you eat? Have a go at popping them on your plate in the appropriate section.

Once you've done that, press play and we will continue.

Brilliant, now that you've done that, now that you've popped all of the fruits and vegetables that you enjoyed yesterday onto your plate, let's have a look at the next section of the plate.

So the next section of the plate is what we call a very big word.

They are called carbohydrates, very big word that one.

But these are foods like potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, all of those things are classed as carbohydrates.

And we're actually advised to have lots of those on our plate.

It doesn't tell us how many, but it does advise us.

So as you've done previously on your plate, I would like you to add, either write down or stick pictures or draw pictures of the carbohydrates that you may have had yesterday.

So did you have potatoes yesterday? Did you have bread or pasta or rice? Any of those things that you've had yesterday, add to your plate and Mrs. Mee's going to show you what she's had added to hers.

potatoes and porridge, that's all I ate.

So Mrs. Mee doesn't eat much bread or pasta because she can't eat gluten.

So I don't eat much of that.

So I didn't have many carbohydrates yesterday.

So maybe I need to think about including more in my diet.

So what carbohydrates did you have yesterday? Pop those on your plate.

Pause the video while you do that.

Once you're finished, press play and we'll continue.

Fantastic, well done.

So now that you've put all your fruits and vegetables, you've got all your carbohydrates, let's have a look at the next part of our eat well guide.

What things are on this part? So we're expected to eat a smaller quantity of these types of food.

These are dairy products, so that's things like milk, cheese or dairy alternatives.

So you might drink soya milk rather than cows milk.

So we are expected to have dairy in our diets.

That could be yoghourts, milk, things like cheese.

Now this is one of Mrs. Mee's favourite types of food.

So I hope I have to be careful not to eat too much, but my real favourite is cheese.

So what I'd like you to do, is on your plate, in the section, I would like you to add all of the dairy items that you had yesterday or you can choose another day.

So Mrs. Mee yesterday, had milk in her porridge.

And then I had cheese because for lunch, I had a jacket potato with cheese on top.

Delicious, so pause the video, have a go at adding the dairy items onto your eat well guide.

When you're finished press play.

Excellent, so hopefully now you've got a good healthy plate.

Should we have a look at the final sections? So the next section is proteins.

So these are foods like beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other proteins.

So some of you might not eat meat but you will get protein from other types of food.

So have a little think and if you're not sure, ask your adult, what did you eat yesterday that were proteins? Have a little think.

So what I'd like you to do is look at that picture and you could have the eat well guide in front of you and then add that to your plate.

So next to the dairies, let's add the protein.

So yesterday, Mrs. Mee had eggs, because I had probably naughty, had Yorkshire puddings which were made from eggs and I had chicken.

Mrs. Mee's just realised as well, she's missed a carbohydrate 'cause if I had Yorkshire puddings, I had flour yesterday which is a carbohydrate.

So I had more carbohydrates that I originally thought.

So pause the video, add your proteins to your plate.

And you see Mrs. Mee's plate's looking quite healthy now.

I've got a good proportion of the things that I should be eating.

I'm learning aren't I, I'm learning in my old age, how to eat healthily.

So pause the video, add your proteins to your plate.

And then when you've done that, press play and we'll continue.

Well done, have you had a go? So now let's have a look at the next section of your plate.

So the next section is, you should have a small amount of saturated fats like butter and spreads and oil.

We should only have a little bit of those in our diet.

So Mrs. Mee has added those, she's used that image there.

I've added those to my plate.

Now I couldn't squeeze that picture in that little sliver, but Mrs. Mee did have oil yesterday because we used oil to roast the meat.

And I also had a little bit of butter on my jacket potato.

So pause the video and add any of those oils or spreads that you may have had yesterday.

And now remember, we're only expected to have a little bit of those oils and spreads in our diet.

So hopefully now you've got a really good, healthy-looking plate.

If you haven't, we need to have a think about what you had that wasn't on the eat well guide and we'll have a little chat about that in a moment.

Press play when you've had a go.

Fantastic, so is your plate looking really healthy or a little bit not so healthy? Now don't worry if it's not looking so healthy, let's have a think about how you can make it healthier.

So the other thing that is advised on the eat well guide, is that you drink six to eight cups or glasses of water a day.

Now, if Mrs. Mee is to add that to hers, yesterday, I don't think I had eight glasses.

I'm not very good at remembering.

I have to keep saying to myself, drink water.

So this is water, not fizzy drinks, not squash, water.

That's how much water we're expected to drink a day.

So it's really good to keep us fit and healthy.

So here is the eat well guide.

Now what's missing, what have I missed off the page? What did you maybe ate yesterday that's not on the eat well guide? What did you eat? Mrs. Mee had some of these foods as well.

Did you eat biscuits? Did you eat cakes maybe or chocolate or sweets? They're not on the eat well guide.

We are allowed some of those treats but they are known as treats.

And as you can see, these are outside the eat well guide.

So all of those things that are a little bit naughty, they're there for treats.

Once we've got a full plate, we can eat those as treats.

So hopefully now, you know a little bit more about how to create a healthy diet, so that plate will help you to make sure that what you're eating each day is really healthy.

So you could print that plate off and you could draw and plan your meals, couldn't you? Fantastic, I hope you've learned lots and I hope you've got a full plate that looks healthy and delicious, just like Mrs. Mee has.

So now we're going to investigate how to make a smoothie and we're going to reflect on the eat well guide to make sure our smoothie includes as many of those ingredients as possible.

So we're going to look at the eat well guide.

And we're going to look at what ingredients we might have in a smoothie.

So it says to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables, would we include these in our smoothie? We would, a smoothie is made up of fruits and vegetables.

So definitely, smoothie's a perfect snack or treat that is delicious that you can include lots of fruits and vegetables.

What about potatoes and bread and cereal? Could you include these in your smoothie? You can include some things like cereals in your smoothie.

So you might put oats in your smoothie and it might make your smoothie thicker and more filling for you.

Would you include dairy in your smoothie? Now I'm not sure I'd put cheese in my smoothie, but milk definitely.

You'd put milk in a smoothie and you'd also put yoghourts in a smoothie, so we can include dairy, some carbohydrates and fruits and vegetables in our smoothie.

Can you see our smoothie's almost becoming a big meal.

Can we include things like proteins in our smoothies? Would we put fish and eggs and meat in our smoothie? We could, but would it tastes very nice? Not so sure, so you can put some proteins in but we might not get the proteins from things like fish and meat and pulses.

We might not put those in our smoothie because it might not go very well.

Would we put oils and spreads in our smoothie? Not sure we would, no.

Would we put water in our smoothie, is that a good way of having water? Yes, we would, now a smoothie is made up of key ingredients.

the key ingredients that makes a smoothie are fruit, vegetables and a liquid.

So those are the three things that we'd put together to make a smoothie.

Now the optional things to pop in a smoothie are things like grains, cereals, yoghourt.

Yoghourt will, although it's a dairy, it does have lots of protein in it.

So that will be a good addition to your smoothie.

And we might put a naughty treat, like some flavours in our smoothie.

So we might put honey in our smoothie.

So here are the key ingredients.

Now, Mrs. Mee is going to demonstrate to you how we might combine ingredients to make a smoothie.

Have a look at what the ingredients she uses.

Now this is a demonstration, We don't expect you to make your own smoothie but during the next two lessons, we're going to learn about how to make your own smoothie.

So this is Mrs. Mee just showing you, so we're not advising you to use a smoothie, because knives and blenders must be used under the close supervision of an adult.

Now, Mrs. Mee is showing you how to make a smoothie.

Watch the video and tell me what foods I've put in my smoothie.

What are those? I've got fruits, that's right.

Strawberries, do you know what that other ingredient is? It's a tricky one isn't it 'cause Mrs. Mee's chopped it all up.

It is an avocado, yes, interesting.

An avocado, I'm wondering what part of the plant and avocado is.

Does it have a seed? Is it the flowered part of the plant? Interesting to think about whether that is a fruit.

So I'm adding my key ingredients and then I'm adding my liquid.

What's my liquid? I'm adding milk, that's right.

So I've got my fruits and vegetables.

I've got my milk, which is my liquid.

And then I'm adding yoghourt, to give me that extra texture.

And also, it will give me some extra protein in my smoothie.

Now because I've added strawberries which are quite sweet and avocado, which is not as sweet, I am going to add a naughty little bit of honey.

So really with a smoothie, you can add whatever you like, you pop it all in a blender.

It has to be chopped up into small pieces.

You add all of your ingredients.

Now because we're using a blender, we're using electricity.

So an adult must do this for you and plug this in, an adult must help you put the lid on and under close supervision, the adult might actually allow you then to blend your smoothie.

And that is one of our star words for today isn't it? So you can see there, I'm blending the smoothie and once this movie is blended, I can then take it from the blender, get myself a glass and pour my smoothie into the glass.

So a smoothie is a really good way of making sure you have a healthy and varied diet isn't it? So that looks delicious doesn't it? And Mrs. Mee is going to add one ingredient to the top and Mrs. Mee added a strawberry to the top of her smoothie.

So what is the purpose of a smoothie do you think? What is its purpose? Have a think.

Well done, it could be to offer a tasty, healthy, nutritious snack, so well done.

So we're going to look at designing our own smoothie in the next lesson but I hope you've enjoyed exploring the eat well guide and investigating how to make a smoothie.

Now, what we're going to do next is a quick end of lesson quiz, just check what you've learnt this lesson.

Okay, let's ask you some questions about today's lesson to see what you remembered.

So in today's lesson, we explored the eat well guide.

What is the eat well guide there to do, what is its purpose? That's right, well done.

It's a tell us what foods that we should eat to keep us fit and healthy.

So, the eat well guide is split into sections isn't it? Which is the largest section on the eat well guide? Well done if you've got it correct.

It is the fruits and vegetables.

Now, final question for you.

How many fruits and vegetables does it advise that we should eat per day? How many vegetables, is it one, two, three? How many, can you remember? Well done, it is five portions of fruit and vegetables that we should eat each day.

So hopefully now you've got a better understanding of what should go on your plate each day, to make you fit and healthy.

And you can use that to help you review what you eat on a daily basis.

Well done, we've done so much this lesson, you've completed an intro quiz.

We've recapped what we learnt previously.

We looked at our star words.

We've looked at the eat well guide and what we should have on our eat well plates to make us fit and healthy.

And we've investigated how to make a smoothie.

And you've just completed your end of lesson quiz.

Well done, I really hope you've enjoyed today's lesson.

And if you've got anything you'd like to share, ask an adult to share on Twitter @Oaknational, using the hashtag, learn with Oak.

I look forward to seeing you next lesson where we're going to plan how to make our very own smoothie.