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Hello, and a massive welcome to your design and technology lesson.

My name is Mrs. Mee I'm going to be your design and technology teacher, and I'm so excited to be teaching you.

Are you excited about exploring your design and technology lessons? Fantastic, it's really lovely to have you.

Do you know what sort of things we might be exploring when we do design and technology? Any ideas, what we might be doing? That's right, we are going to be making lots of products.

We're going to design them, make them and we're going to do lots of exploring.

Now Mrs. Mee is going to be exploring with you cooking and nutrition.

So what we're going to be exploring during this unit, is delicious fruits and vegetables.

Now, does that sound exciting? Brilliant, okay, so Mrs. Mee's going to go through what we're going to explore in today's lesson.

So I'll explain what to do during the lesson.

All you need to do is have fun and listen to Mrs. Mee when she's talking.

So your first lesson of cooking and nutrition, we're going to be looking at exploring delicious fruits and vegetables.

So that's what we're going to be looking at today.

Shall I tell you what you need for today's lesson? Okay, so you are going to need some paper, a pencil.

And what you are going to need, is if you can ask your parent or carer if they can help you to prepare a selection of fruit or vegetables, that's what we're going to need in today's lesson.

So there's Mrs. Mee's plate of fruit and vegetables.

You only need about three items. It's entirely up to you how much you have, but Mrs. Mee has prepared lots of different fruits and vegetables, I wonder what we might be doing with them in today's lesson? So pause the video, make sure you've got all of those materials, when you've got them, press resume and we'll start today's lesson.

Fantastic, so have you got lots of fruits and vegetables? I wonder which ones are you've got? So Mrs. Mee has got her plate there, just behind her, so when we start looking at exploring fruits and vegetables today, they're there to hand.

Okay, now Mrs. Mee has some very important rules that you need to follow in her lessons.

Shall we take a look? Now these are called my rules of play because when we do a design and technology lesson, for me, it's all about having fun.

So the first rule is to have fun.

Do you think you could that? Brilliant, now Mrs. Mee sometimes has too much fun and I get a little bit silly.

So if I get silly, will you tell me? Thank you, so the first rule is to have fun.

I also want you to explore.

So today we're going to explore lots of fruits and vegetables.

I also want you to experiment.

So when we start making our food products, I want you to experiment with lots of new ideas and explore and experiment with those ideas.

I want you to be confident, okay? So don't worry if you're struggling to do something, you will need an adults or the parent or carer, to help you when you are making your food product.

So always ask for help and be safe.

So every time we do something that practical, we must make sure we've got an adult, but don't worry, Mrs. Mee will remind you when you need an adult nearby.

And obviously, follow instructions from Mrs. Mee and we'll all be safe.

Okay, so hopefully you've done the intro quiz.

The first thing that we're going to look at today is our star words.

So we've got some star words that I want you to use during the lesson and you're going to repeat them with me.

We're then going to look at different fruits and vegetables and you're going to investigate those fruits and vegetables.

We're then going to investigate and evaluate further.

And then, we're going to do an end of lesson quiz, to just identify what you've learnt.

So are you ready for our intro quiz? So the intro quiz is just to find out what you already know.

Okay then, all together now we're going to do an intro quiz.

So our topic is learning about cooking and nutrition and identifying fruits and vegetables.

So, can you tell me a name of a fruit? Any fruit you like, have a little think, think about it, can you name a fruit? Fantastic, tell me what name of fruit you've got.

Excellent, great idea.

Do you know what fruit Mrs, Mee was thinking of, a strawberry.

So you might have told me your favourite fruit.

Now, have a little think, can you think of a vegetable, a vegetable? Have you had a think? Can you tell me, fantastic.

Do you know what Mrs. Mee was thinking of, broccoli.

I was thinking of Broccoli.

Now Mrs. Mee, that's one of her favourite vegetables.

So that's two questions, you've named a fruit, you've named a vegetable.

Brilliant, that's what we're going to look at in today's lesson.

Now, can you answer my next question? What is the difference between a fruit and a vegetable? Can you give me a difference? What's different about a fruit and a vegetable? Have a little think, what would be different to a strawberry and a broccoli? Yeah, you may have said, one is sweet and one isn't.

You may have said, I might have fruit for my dessert, but a vegetable I might have part of my dinner.

So we're going to be learning lots about fruits and vegetables during this topic.

So let's start today's lesson and let's have a look at our star words.

Okay, so let's have a look at our star words.

Now Mrs. Mee's going to say the word and then you are going to repeat.

So shall we have a look at first word? So the first word we're going to use today is investigate.

Can you say that with me, investigate.

That is our first star word that we're going to use in today's lesson.

Shall we have a look at the next word? Fruit, say it with me, fruit.

Investigate and fruit, well done.

Let's take a look at the next star word.

Vegetable, vegetable, can you say that too? Fantastic, and our final word, evaluate, evaluate.

Say it with me, evaluate.

So those are the words that I need you to spot during today's lesson.

So if I say that word, will you shout out that word to me, to see if I can hear you? So let's see if we can spot those words in today's lesson.

So what we're going to look at in the first part of today's lesson, is whether we can identify fruits and vegetables.

So your first task for today's lesson is to take all of these fruits and vegetables.

Now, Mrs. Mee has picked lots of different types, I've picked lots of different coloured fruits and vegetables for you.

Could you separate them? Could you tell me which ones are fruits? That's right, we used the star word, and which ones are vegetables.

Well done, another star word, thank you for pointing those out.

Now we need to separate them, so what does that mean? Now Mrs. Mee has created a table for you so you could write down the word fruits, our star word, or vegetables and you could put those fruits into the two separate boxes.

So you could ask an adult to help you download the sheet and print it.

Or you can draw this table on your piece of paper and record the fruits and vegetables.

And Mrs. Mee has put those pictures into the downloadable worksheets, so you could print the pictures off and cut them out and separate them.

So what I'd like you to do, is I'd like you to pause the video.

I'd like you to complete this task and I would like you to separate, so have one pile of fruits and one pile of vegetables.

Pause the video, complete that task.

When you've completed it, press resume and we will continue today's lesson.

Okay, so have you had a go, have you had a go at separating all of those fruits and vegetables? Should we have a look at those together, should we have a look at the answer? So you should've separated the fruits and the vegetables, both our star words, fruits and vegetables.

So let's take a look at the answers.

Now, one of my fruits has literally just popped up on my screen.

So the first fruit, hopefully you got that correct, is a banana, a strawberry, did you get that correct? Well done if you did.

What other fruit have you put in your fruit pile? Did you, I wonder if you put this fruit in there.

Did you know that that was a fruit? That's right, that is a fruit that is called a dragon fruit.

And then we've got another fruit.

Can you tell me what other image was a fruit? Well done if you got it, that is a mango.

And then we've got one final fruit.

So there should be five fruits and five vegetables.

We've got this one, did you get that one right? Maybe you pop that in a different pile.

That is a tomato and tomatoes are a fruit.

Did you know that? Now let's take a look at the vegetables.

Let's see if you got this correct.

We've got lettuce, sweet potatoes, broccoli.

One of Mrs. Mee's favourites if you remember.

A carrot and an onion, so well done if you've identified your fruits and vegetables.

Now Mrs. Mee has just helped you a little with the next task.

What I'd like you to do, is looking at those fruits and looking at the names, can you tell me the names of those fruits? Pause the video, see if you can match the fruits to the name.

When you've finished, press resume and we'll continue today's lesson.

Have you had to go? Have you matched the fruit with the correct name? Have you identified the mango and the banana and the dragon fruit? Shall we have a little look? So this fruit here, what is it called? Tell me, well done, excellent, you said banana.

Well done, what about this fruit? It's a tricky one isn't it? Do you know what fruit that is? Well done if you've got it correct, it's a mango, a juicy mango.

You see Mrs. Mee used a descriptive word.

What about this fruit? Now Mrs. Mee did give this one away, didn't she? Can you remember what this fruit is called? That's right, it's a dragon fruit.

It's very unusual that fruit.

I don't eat dragon fruits all of the time.

And what about this fruit here? What's that called? That's right, it's a strawberry.

And if you said it's Mrs. Mee's favourite fruit.

And then we've got one final fruit.

Do you remember what it's called? That's right, it's a tomato.

So well done if you've named all of the fruits correctly.

Now let's take a look at the vegetables.

Can you have a go at telling me what the names are of those vegetables? Can you say those words? Onion, broccoli, carrot, lettuce, sweet potatoes.

Can you match the image with the word? Pause the video, have a little go.

When you're finished, press resume and I will go through the answers with you.

Okay, so have you had a go at naming the vegetables? Shall we have a look at those answers? So our first vegetable is what? What is it called? Tell me, that's right, it's an onion.

Well done if you've got it correct.

What about the second one? What's this one? Starts with a b, well done it is broccoli, Mrs. Mee's favourite isn't it, if you remember.

And the third one is a c, carrot.

Well done, and what about the fourth one? What vegetable is this? That's right, it's a lettuce.

Well done if you got it correct.

And have you got the final one correct? What are these called? It's a tricky one isn't it? I really like this vegetable as well.

Sweet potatoes, well done if you've got that correct.

Fantastic, so what we're going to do now, is we're going to look at investigating and evaluating fruits and vegetables.

So we're going to investigate and evaluate different fruits and vegetables.

How might we investigate, what might we do? We're going to collect information about the fruit, really important job to investigate.

We might look at them, what else might we do? When we look at fruit and vegetables, what else might we do? That's right, we might eat them and taste them.

So we are going to investigate.

We're going to look at some fruits and vegetables.

We're going to taste them and we're also going to evaluate, remember that as our other star word.

Evaluate means we're going to judge what we like about it and what we dislike about it.

So are you ready to investigate and evaluate different fruits and vegetables? Fantastic, so your task is to investigate and evaluate fruits and vegetables.

But what you need to do is ask a parent or carer if they can prepare some fruits or vegetables for you to investigate and evaluate, maybe about three items. So Mrs. Mee here has got a plate of fruits and vegetables.

Now, Mrs. Mee has got some different fruits and vegetables on here to test out.

So pause the video, make sure you've got your fruits and vegetables ready for investigating and evaluating.

Remember this is a really important job.

And then when you've got them, resume the video and we'll continue.

Fantastic, have you got your fruits and vegetables? Well done.

So shall we have a go at investigating our fruits and vegetables? Fabulous, okay, so now we're going to investigate different fruits and vegetables.

Now remember what Mrs. Mee said.

So here is an example of a fruit that we're going to investigate.

Now you might have a different fruit to me and you might have different vegetables but remember what Mrs Mee said when you investigate.

Now we can look at our fruits, I can smell it, can you smell it? And you can taste it.

So what I'd like you to do is investigate and tell me what you like dislike.

So you might want to eat it and taste it.

Can you tell me what word you're using? So when Mrs. Mee was tasting that strawberry, Mrs. Mee likes it because it's crunchy.

It smells sweet, it tastes delicious.

So what words might you use? Now there are parts of that that I can't eat.

I'm not sure it will hurt me, but the leaves on that strawberry, I'm not going to eat.

Very nice, so this is a really, really important job testing food.

Now I've also got a raspberry.

Now the raspberry, what I also like, I like the colour.

It's the same as the strawberry in it? A light, bright colour.

I've also got some peppers, I've got mango, I've also got this vegetable, actually it's treated as a vegetable but did you know that a pepper is actually a fruit? Just gets treated like a vegetable.

So I've got a pepper, a tomato, and as you know, tomato is a fruit.

I've got a carrot and I've also got a cucumber.

So your job is to taste them, to look at them, to tell me what you like and dislike.

So let's go for the pepper.

Really crunchy, what other words might you use? Juicy, very juicy, yep.

So I like that pepper it's little bit sweet but not as sweet as the strawberry.

I like the colour, it's bright.

What other words might you use? Let's try the carrot.

What would you say you like and dislike about a vegetable such as a carrot.

I like the colour, chewy, crunchy.

What other words might you use? Tasty, very good.

Now my mango, I've got some skin on it.

Can I eat the skin on the mango? Not sure it will hurt me, but I'm not sure it tastes very nice.

So let me try the mango.

Soft, really tasty, very nice.

So what I'd like you to do, is I'd like you to pause the video, taste your fruits and vegetables.

And tell me, what do you like and dislike about those fruits and vegetables? When you've finished tasting them and you've finished looking at them and maybe had a sniff of them and you smell what they smelt like, could you use some really good descriptive words for me, to tell me what you think? So pause the video, go off and taste your fruits and vegetables.

When you finished press resume and we'll continue today's lesson.

Fabulous, did you have a go? And what words did you use? Oh, squishy, very good word.

Crunchy again, well done.

Tasty, oh, excellent, colourful, I like it.

So you've got lots of really good words to describe.

Now being a good designer is about using really good words to describe what we produce.

Then we're going to be producing in a food product in the next couple of lessons.

So it's really good that you use your words, so well done.

Okay, so Mrs. Mee's got a couple of questions for you.

Couple of statements.

So we investigated by talking about what parts of the fruit and vegetables we like.

Is this true or is this false? Did we investigate by talking about what parts of the fruit and vegetables we liked? Is it true or is it false? Point to the screen, tell me what you think.

That's right, it's true.

We did talk about it, didn't we? And we spoke about the different fruits and vegetables and which ones we liked and disliked.

So well done, next statement, to evaluate it, we tested our fruits and vegetables to describe what we liked and disliked.

Did we describe it, is that true or is that false? Well done, that is indeed true.

We did describe it and we use lots of key words didn't we? So for your end of lesson quiz, let's just recap what we've learnt today.

So we have looked at different fruits and vegetables.

Can you tell me if I hold up a fruit or a vegetable? Can you tell me what it is called? So what is this fruit here called, can you tell me? What is it, well done, it is a strawberry.

First question, well done.

Now your second question, we separated our fruits and vegetables didn't we? To identify what is a fruit and what is a vegetable.

Now that's a tricky one when you start looking at more fruits and vegetables.

This here is a tomato.

Can you tell me, is this a fruit or is it a vegetable? Do you want to tell me, excellent, well done if you said this was a fruit, a tomato is a fruit.

Although we do treat it a lot as a vegetable but it is a fruit.

Okay, one more question for you then.

When we investigated and evaluated our fruits and vegetables, what did we do to investigate? What did we do? That's right, we tasted them didn't we? So we tasted the fruits and vegetables and we described them didn't we? And we said what we liked and disliked, so well done.

I hope you enjoyed today's lesson.

So we have covered a lot in today's lesson.

You've completed tour intro quiz, well done.

We looked at the star words and we use those for out the lesson didn't we? You've looked at identifying fruits and vegetables.

We have investigated and evaluated fruits and vegetables and we have completed that end of lesson quiz.

So I really hope you enjoyed your first lesson of cooking and nutrition, where we're looking at preparing fruits and vegetables.

And I look forward to working with you next lesson where we're going to explore fruits and vegetables in a little bit more detail.

Thank you for joining me today, goodbye.