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Hello and welcome to your design and technology lesson.

I am Mrs. Mee, and I'm going to be your teacher.

This is lesson 10 of our cooking and nutrition topic where we've been exploring how to prepare fruits and vegetables and today's lesson, we're going to look at how to make our fruit or vegetable smoothie that you have planned how to make in the previous lesson.

So join me and we'll look at what we're going to explore in today's lesson.

So in today's lesson, we're going to make a fruit or vegetable smoothie.

So you are going to need lots of things for today's lesson.

The first thing you're going to need is the plan that you made previously.

You are going to need to collect all of the equipment off that plan and all of the fruits and vegetables that you've decided to use in your fruit or vegetable smoothie.

But what you must do is you must have an adult supervising you throughout the whole of this lesson because we are going to be using knives and blenders.

And these are very, very, very dangerous.

You must have an adult supervising you.

So Mrs. Mee is going to show you her plan so you can see what your plan looks like as a reminder.

And if you haven't previously prepared a plan, you can use Mrs. Mee's plan and follow my plan of making using my key ingredients and equipment and the method to actually make your smoothie.

So get your plan, pause the video while you go and do that, make sure you've got your ingredients and your equipment.

So Mrs. Mee needs a cook, a chopping board and a knife, a blender, and she needs a glass.

So she needs a strawberry bananas and orange juice.

If you need the same, go and get those things.

And when you're ready, press play.


So have you got everything you need? So we need to think about what we need to do before we prepare.

So you should have your plan with all of the key ingredients, all of your equipment ready to start today's lesson.

Now in today's lesson, we're going to be exploring a lot.

So the rules are really important.

Of course you need to have fun but we also need to be careful to be safe.

We need to explore and experiment.

So today you might be trying a totally different fruit or a totally different vegetable.

And if you are, I am super excited to see what it turns out like, but we do want you and design technology to explore and experiment with your ideas.

Be confident.

Have you tried putting peas in a smoothie? Neither have I, but could we try? Would it taste nice? Who knows? So be confident trying out new ideas, but what's important when we're making that we play safe, so you need to follow instructions and always make sure you have an adult supervising you at all times.

Now, first off this lesson, we're going to do a short intro quiz to just check what we know already.

We're going to recap what we've done in the previous lesson.

And then we're going to look at our star words that we're going to use in today's lesson.

Once we've looked at the star words, we're going to look at preparing our ingredients.

Once we've prepared our ingredients, we're going to make a smoothie.

And then the best part of the lesson, we're going to test it.

And once we've done this, we're going to do a short end of lesson quiz to just check what you've learned this lesson.

So are you ready to do the intro quiz? Brilliant.


Are you ready for your intro quiz? Brilliant.

So first question, last lesson, we created something to help us make us maybe today.

Can you tell me what we created? Well done if you said plan.

We created a plan of how to make.

Now, can you tell me what was included on that plan? What did we include on our plan so that we know how to make us maybe today? Well, then there's a couple of things you could have said.

Did you say ingredients? If you did well done, did you say equipment? If you did, well done, you only need one and you may have said method, instructions, well done.

So we included those three things.

Now the final question to communicate our design ideas.

Last lesson, what did we do to communicate our ideas? That's right.

We described them and we spoke about our ideas and that's the way a designer can actually communicate.

We can speak about our ideas.


So well done for completing the questions on our intro quiz.

Now last lesson, we learned a lot.

We learned how to plan, how to make a smoothie.

So if you remember, we included some key ingredients.

Can you give me one of your ingredients that you included in your plan? Well done.

So if you gave me an example of a fruit or vegetable, well done.

Mrs. Mee included, if you remember a strawberry and a banana what else did we include on our plan as one of the ingredients? That's right.

We included equipment, didn't we? So we included our ingredients, our fruits and vegetables and juice.

We included equipment.

And then we included the method in which we're going to follow.

So we're going to use that plan today to make a super tasty smoothie.

We also in the last lesson explained the reasons behind our idea.

So we gave reasons if you'll remember to why you use those key ingredients, so you can make your smoothie today, and then you can see if your decision you've made good decisions.

And if there weren't good decisions that's fine because that's what we do as designers, we can change our ideas and change our key ingredients that we use.

Well done.

You remembered so much from the previous lesson.


So today's lesson, we've got some star words to look at.

So as we've done previously, I say you say, so let's look at the star words that we're going to look at.

We are going to be using today, ingredients.

So you say that word.


We're also going to be testing.

So test, excellent.

We're also going to take the ingredients and combine the ingredients.

Combine, combine.

Well done.

We are going to take the ingredients and prepare them by.

Got it.

So cut, cut.

And then we're going to combine them by using something we call blend, blend.

Well done.

So as previously, if you spot these star words in the lesson, can you do me a favour and just point them out to me, this assignment is a little bit harder.

There is you might have to say that quite loudly.


So let's have a look then at the first part of our lesson.

So the first part of our lesson is preparing the ingredients.

So Mrs Mee is going to demonstrate this to you.

So what you will need first is your plan with making and you will need to make sure that you're ready and you have all of your key ingredients and your equipment.

So make sure you've got that to hand.

So have you've not quite got it, go and get it.

If you wasn't with us in the previous lesson you can use my planning if you like, I don't mind.

So we need our plan of making.

What do we need to think about doing first? That's right.

We need to start thinking about making sure our work area is ready.

So what do we need to think about in terms of hygiene and safety? Brilliant.

Well done.

Well remembered.

We do need to clean our surfaces and our equipment and we do need to do clean our fruits and vegetables.

So we need to wash the ingredients but once we've washed the ingredients, how can we wash the ingredients? That's right.

We've run the ingredients under a cold tap.

So we don't need to use soap to wash the ingredients.

Some ingredients won't need washing.

Can you think about Mrs. Mee's ingredients, strawberry, banana, juice, which ingredients do I not need to wash? That's right.

I don't need to wash the juice.

That's fine.

That's in a container.

And the banana, what I did, I don't need to wash my banana.

Why not? That's right, because I'm going to peel it.

So we need to think about washing the ingredients that need washing.

We need to think about the ingredients that we need to peel.

That's right.

And then we need to think about cutting the ingredients.

So the first things we need to do, are wash the ingredients, peel ingredients and cut them.

So before you do this, should we just recap that so you know what you are doing? What equipment are we going to need? That's right.

We're going to need a chopping board and a knife.

Now, do we need any specialist equipment to peel? No, we don't do need, because our banana we're going to peel with our hands.

Some ingredients might need peeling with a knife or paler, on Mrs. Mee's plan, we don't need any of those things.

We're going to peel it ourselves.

So Mrs. Mee is going to show you a short video to recap how to prepare our ingredients.

Now, remember, before you start doing this in the kitchen, it's really dangerous when you're using a knife or a blender, you must, must, must have an adult working with you closely.

So let's have a look at this short video which demonstrates what you need to do.

So you can see Mrs. Mee's cleaned her surfaces.

I'm cleaning one of the strawberries by running it under the tap.


Strawberries have been clean previously but do I don't need to clean my banana? Do I? But I do need to clean the work surface, the chopping board and the knife.

So the first thing you need to do is peel your ingredients.

So the banana can be peeled all by itself.

You don't need a knife to peel a banana, quite a clever thing.

Isn't it, a banana.

So once I've peeled the ingredients, I now need to think about cutting it safely.

So let's remember what we've learnt previously, have a look at what Mrs. Mee's doing when she's cutting.

The sharp part of the knife is facing down.

And my fingers.

I am using a technique to hold on to the ingredient.

Do you remember what that is? So claw, and I'm chopping the ingredients, cutting them by making sure my knife is cutting down and what's happening to Mrs. Mee's fingers? They're moving out of the way.

So I'm holding it.

Got to be careful there because the bananas are sticking to my knife and I move an ingredient and move my fingers at the same time.

So there we go, moving my ingredients to the side and the parts of the banana or the ends I'm going to put to the side and then I can use those and put them in my compost bin.

Now, remember with the strawberry, I don't want to eat the leaves.

Do I remember what part of the strawberry I'm eating? I'm eating the fruit, but I don't want to eat the leaves.

So let's take another strawberry just to demonstrate, remember, I'm cutting off the leaves and placing the strawberries.

So the flat part, the strawberry is on the chopping board.

Then I'm cutting.

Why is Mrs. Mee making sure the flat part is strawberry's flat on the chopping board? That's right.

So it doesn't wobble.

So what star words have we used already? Well done.

We've used ingredients.

We've used the word cooked.

That's right.

And we've used some equipment.

Haven't we? So what I'd like you to do now is pause the video, go and prepare your key ingredients, peel them and cut them, when you've done that, come back to me and then we'll look at the next step.


Have you peeled and cut all of your ingredients? Are they ready? So what we need to do now is think about what do we need to do next? Do you know what I'm going to show you how to do next? Now that we've chopped all of the ingredients and we've cooked them and they're on the chopping board, what do we need to do next? That's right.

We need to measure, don't we? So what piece of equipment do we need to measure? Do we need way in scales? Not for this one.


What we do need is we do need a cup.

So Mrs. Mee's got a short video just to show you how you're going to measure your ingredients really simply.

So, as you can see, all of my ingredients are there and I'm putting all these ingredients in a cup.

Have you ever used a cup to measure? It doesn't matter the size of your cup but what does matter is that your fruit or vegetables, you only use a cup for now.

Mrs. Mee is trying to squeeze many in that cup can, think I'll get them all in? I think I might.

So that's the first thing that you measure.

You need to measure one cup of fruits and vegetables.

And then what do you need to measure next? That's right.

Your juice or your milk.

One cup.

So measure one cup of ingredients and one cup of the base ingredients which is the juice or the water or the milk.

When you've done that, press play and we'll continue.


Have you measured your ingredients and your juice? Now, Mrs. Mee's only got one cup, so she will need to empty the ingredients first before she can measure her juice.

So let's look at what we need to do next.

So next, we're going to look at making the smoothing.

We've prepared all of our ingredients.

We've measured them.

Now we're going to make it.

And we're going to look at testing it.

So we combine our ingredients.

How are we going to combine the ingredients? Do you know what we're going to use? As Mrs. Mee, give me a really big clue? That's right.

We're going to combine.

That's one of our star words.

Isn't it? And ingredients is we're going to combine the ingredients and we will need, A, well done, a blender to blend the ingredients together.

Now, blenders come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

You can use whatever blender you like but there's an absolute must here because a blender is very, very dangerous.

Now, very sharp blade.

You must have an adult helping you.

So Mrs Mee is going to demonstrate how to blend.

Now, on this demonstration, Mrs. Mee's going to show you using the hand blender and hand blenders were a little bit more dangerous than standard worktop blenders.

Mrs. Mee finds it easy, but Mrs. Mee is an adult.

So please make sure if you've got hand blender that the adult is in charge of using that blender.

So I'm just going to show you how to blend all of your ingredients.

So as you can see, I have got my container which comes with my hand blender.

I'm emptying my ingredients into the hand blender giving it a tap.

And then I'm using that same cup because Mrs. Mee doesn't like washing up.

She's just going to use one cup to measure my juice.

So here is my juice.

I'm going to measure my juice using that cup, using a hand blender.

I'm just removing the lid off the juice.

And I'm going to fill that cup, looks really tasty, Isn't it? See all those colours filled up cup with juice and I'm going to pour in.

Now when we use a hand blender the end of the blend was really dangerous.

What else is dangerous? That's right.

It's plugged into your electricity, isn't it? So that is really dangerous.

That's why we need an adult to help do this part.

So I've put my cup straight into the washing up bowl and then I'm using my blender.

Now I must not switch it on before the blender is inside the cup.

Once it's inside the cup, you've got to be really careful.

You see what's happening now, that's created a voltage.

The liquid is swirling around.


I've got to be careful.

If I lift that hand blender up too much, it might actually come out of the cup.

So hand blenders are a little bit more dangerous.

So, but they are useful.

But remember to use, get an adult to help you who's got a hand blender.

So Mrs. Mee switched it off and she's just tapping it.

And as you can see that hand blender needs a good old wash afterwards.

Once you've blended all of your ingredients, all that's left to do is pour the ingredients into a glass.

And there you have it.

There is just smoothie.

This is me.

He's got a little bit left as well.

So the ingredients that we use for us maybe we should give you a one glass full of smoothie.

So pause the video, have a go at blending your ingredients making sure you've got your adults to help you, press play when you've completed that task.


Now, Mrs. Mee's going to show you an alternative blender.

She's also going to show you an alternative ingredient because Mrs. Mee decided to taste that smoothie straightaway.

I couldn't resist.

And I thought, Hmm, I wonder if I use a different liquid, will it taste different? So Mrs. Mee replaced the orange juice with another ingredient.

Can you tell me what ingredient I might've changed it to? Well done.

I've used milk.

So here in this demonstration, I'm using a different type of blender, which is a lot safer because it's got a lead and it's got a fixed base and all I need to do once the lid is shut, is turn it on.

But remember you always need an adult supervising.

So let's have a look at this one.

Now, as you can see the key ingredient I've changed this time, I'm using strawberries and bananas again, keeping the same, but this time, I'm measuring milk instead of orange juice.

So my orange juice tastes a little bit sour.

So I'm going to use milk to see if that changes the taste.

So I'm putting milk in my blender.

Now you will need someone to help Mrs. Mee have quite high up to reach The top of the blender, now before, What if I switched on that blender, could you imagine what might happen? So I'm putting the lid down making sure it's fixed and you can get an adult to help you.

And then I'll turn it on.

You can see all those ingredients are blended in inside.

There's a knife in there chopping all of those ingredients up and now we have it.

So here is a different type of smoothie.

You have changed the ingredient and I wanted to show you that and the different type of blender.

So what you can do now is take a glass, remove the blender from the main unit, take the lid off, be really careful.

And then you can see how different it is.

So can you see how different the smoothie looks by changing that liquid? And this time I've used milk and it looks a little bit like a strawberry milkshake, doesn't it? So you can experiment or look this is me adding a strawberry.

You can experiment with different quantities of ingredients and different ingredients.

Mrs. Mee's popped the strawberry on the side.

So if haven't already started making your smoothie, pause the video now, come blend your smoothie.

And then I want you to meet me back here where we're going to look at testing our smoothie.


Have you had a go? So now we're going to look at testing our smoothie.

So Mrs. Mee made three different smoothies.

So my first smoothie is made out of orange juice, strawberries and bananas.

My second smoothie is made out of strawberries, bananas and milk.

And as you can see, I've presented my smoothie by putting a fresh strawberry on top.

My third smoothie is the smoothie that I made in the previous lesson.

It is strawberry, avocado, milk, yoghourt, and honey.

So there was lots of ingredients in there.

Mrs. Mee did have a favourite.

And how did I know which one was my favourite? That's right.

I tested it.

So now we're going to test your smoothies.

So now we're going to need to test it.

So you do need to make sure your ingredients are in a glass ready for testing.

And what I would like you to do is I'd like you to think about describing the appearance and the taste.

I'd like you to think about what you like and what you dislike.

So it's really important that before you test that you look at it because you need to describe the appearance.

So my first smoothie looked textured, it looked very orange.

And did it look appetising or not? My second smoothie looked like a milkshake.

It looked really milking creamy.

You see Mrs. Mee's using different words to describe the appearance.

Want you to describe the appearance and then I want you to describe the taste.

So what have you got to do? That's right.

You've got to taste it.

So I'd like you to taste your smoothie.

And if like me you've tried a different one, taste the first one, describe it, then taste the second one and describe it.

And if like me, you've probably had a really full tummy by the end of it.

I would like you to give me two sentences and I would like you to tell me what you like and dislike about each of your smoothies.

So I like, I dislike.

So pause the video, speak out loud telling me what you like and dislike or you can write it down, when you're finished, press play and we'll complete the lesson.


So tell me, what did you like about your smoothie? Alrighty.

I liked that my smoothie was super creamy, and I like it.

What did you dislike about it? I disliked that my smoothie was a little bit sour.

That was what Mrs. Mee disliked about her first one.

It was a little bit sour and Mrs. Mee then changed it to improve it.

Didn't she? So that is what we do when we design and make products.

I really hope you've enjoyed making and testing your smoothie today.

It's a skill now that you have to be able to make lots of healthy smoothies at home with your adult helper.

So we're now going to complete today's lesson and we're going to do a short end of lesson quiz.


So are you ready for your end of lesson quiz? So the first question is, how did we prepare your ingredients ready to make your smoothie? What did we do to the ingredients to prepare them? There's two answers that you might have, you might even have three.


So hopefully you've said, cut, you may have said peel.

So if you said peel, you're also right.

Some of you may have said wash the ingredients.

That's also right.

We did three things to prepare, wash, peel and cut.

Well done.

Once we've prepared the ingredients, how did we combine ingredients? What did we do to mix all of those ingredients together, begins with B what did we do? That's right.

We blended the ingredients.

We used a blender to blend the ingredients, well done if you told me that.

So we prepared the ingredients, we blended the ingredients and then we had a really important job to do.

How did we test your smoothies at the end of the lesson? What did we do? That's right.

We did look at it.

Didn't we? But the best job of all was to taste the ingredients.

So hopefully now you've tasted your smoothie, and you've described what you liked and disliked, so well done for completing your end of lesson quiz.

Well done.

So we've learned so much today.

You've completed an intro quiz.

We've recapped what we've learned previously.

We looked at our star words.

We looked at how to prepare ingredients to go into a smoothie.

And we looked at how to make a smoothie and how to test it.

Now we've completed our end of lesson quiz.

So all that's left today is for me to say a massive thank you for joining me for my design and technology lesson.

I've really enjoyed working with you.

And what I'd absolutely love to see is pictures of your smoothies.

So if you want to, could you ask an adult to take a picture of your smoothie creations and share them @OakNnational, using the Learn withOak, I really like to see your creations and compare them with mine.

I really hope you've enjoyed learning all of these new skills in your design and technology lesson, and I really hope to see you sometime soon, thank you, goodbye.