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Equipment requiring safe usage.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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Hello, and welcome to your design and technology lesson.

I am Mrs. Mee and I am going to be your design and technology teacher and I'm really excited.

Today's lesson three and if you were with us previously you'll know we are exploring cooking and nutrition.

And we're looking at learning how to prepare fruits and vegetables.

So I'm really glad you've joined me today because today is a really exciting lesson.

Do you know why today is really exciting? That's right, we're going to start making fruit salad.

So Mrs. Mee is wearing something different today.

That's right, I've got my apron on because I am ready to start preparing and making my fruit salad.

Would you like to join me and find out what we're going to do in today's lesson? Fantastic.

So today's lesson we're going to make a fruit salad.

How exciting is that? So there are lots of things you're going to need for today's lesson.

Now, we are going to be making a food product today.

So we do need to make sure you have an adult supervising you at all times.

As that adult might help you as you are learning how to use the equipment today.

So please make sure the first thing you do is go and get an adult, it's really important.

And the other things we need, which your adult can help you prepare, you are going to need a chopping board and a knife.

We're going to need a bowl and a spoon and a peeler.

And you are going to need a selection of fruit.

Now those fruits on the screen are the fruits that Mrs. Mee is using.

You can choose which every fruit you like.

So if you remember last lesson we decided what fruits to use.

So go and get all of your equipment ready.

Pause the video while you go and do that.

When you're ready, press play and we'll continue to look at what we're going to explore today.

Fantastic, have you got everything ready? Yes so has Mrs. Mee.

So Mrs. Mee has been to the kitchen and got everything ready for today's lesson.

So the rules of play.

You know what the rules are, don't you? What's Mrs. Mee's first rule? That's right, we need to have fun, don't we? Then, when we're exploring and making food products what's the other things Mrs. Mee likes you to do? That's right, I like you to explore and experiment.

So today you're making a fruit salad.

But I don't want you to copy what Mrs. Mee does.

Why don't you try a different fruit? Why don't you experiment with a more exotic fruit in your fruit salad? Try new ideas.

If you don't think it will work that doesn't matter.

That's what we do when we design new products.

But be confident.

But make sure really, really important today that you play safe, you must have an adult.

When we're using knives they are really, really, really dangerous.

So we need to have an adult helping and supervising at all times during today's lesson.

Okay, so you should, altogether we're going to do a quick intro quiz just to be sure that we understand what we're doing today.

So quick quiz at the start.

Then we're going to recap what we learned last lesson.

So altogether, we're going to recap the previous lesson.

Then we're going to look at beginning to make our fruit salad.

So we're going to look at our star words for today.

Lots of words that we're going to be using in today's lesson.

Once we've looked at our star words we're going to look how to prepare our ingredients.

Once we've prepared our ingredients we're then going to look at combining them to make our food products.

And then all together at the end of the lesson we're going to do an end of lesson quiz.

Does that sound like a fun lesson? Fantastic.

So let's just do our intro quiz all together and recap our previous lesson.

Okay, are you ready for your intro quiz? Right, Mrs. Mee's first question for you.

What food products are we designing in today's, what food products are we make it in today's lesson? Can you tell me? Excellent, well done, if you said fruit salad, that's right.

So that was what.

Okay, next question.

Who are you designing your food product for, who? See if you can use a star word.

Well done.

If you said it user well done that's correct.

You're making it for a user.

So that could be yourself or somebody else.

Okay, what is the purpose, purpose of our fruit salad? Can you tell me? Excellent, so if you said snack or healthy, well done that is the purpose of our fruit salad.

Well done.

If you've got all those questions correct you've just got yourself three points, well done.

So let's recap what we did last lesson.

Last lesson, we created some sentences, didn't we? We described what our food product would be, who it will be for, and what was the purpose.

So can you remember? Why did we create those sentences? Those sentences were to describe what our food product was, who it was for, and what's the purpose.

What did we call those sentences? Can you remember it was a? Well done, if you've got it you are awesome, criteria.

We developed criteria, didn't we? And then if you remember, as part of that criteria, we said we're making a fruit salad.

But how many fruits did we actually choose to use in our fruit salad? Can you remember how many? That's right.

Five, five fruits.

Now we used five fruits, didn't we? Because that's recommended that we eat five fruits a day or vegetables to keep us healthy.

So last lesson, we developed our ideas for what our food product was going to be, who it was going to be for, and what the purpose was.

So today, we're going to start making it.

Are you excited? Yes, me too.

So let's start the first part of today's lesson.


I'm glad you've locked in all that information and you remembered all that from that lesson.

You are a super star.

Talking of star shall we look at our star words for today? So each time I say a word, I say then you say.

Are you ready to look at our first word? So our first star word is prepare.

Prepare, you say.

Well done, you said that really well.

The next one, cut.

Well done, you've got this.

The next word we're going to use is combine.

Well done, let's look at the next word then, peel.

Peel, you say.


And our final star word for today is chop.

Chop, you say it.

Fantastic, you've got these words.

So remember, like our previous lesson if you see a star word will you just shout out to me, star word? So I know that we're using our words really well in today's lesson.

Okay, so the first part of the lesson is preparing ingredients.

Did you spot part of the star word there, prepare? Yes, we're going to look at preparing our ingredients today.

So before we prepare all of our ingredients there's a lot that we need to consider, lots that we need to think about.

So this is Mrs. Mee's set of ingredients that she's going to use in today's lesson.

So we need to think about food safety and hygiene.

It's really, really, really important.

And we also need to think about what parts of the fruit can we actually eat.

Now remember, this is a practical lesson.

So it must be carried out under the supervision of a parent or carer.

So hopefully you're adult's there now.

If your adults not there, please don't start this lesson until your adult is supervising.

So we need to think about food safety and hygiene.

So here is an apple.

We need to wash our ingredients.

So there are certain fruits and vegetables that we have to wash and we'll go through that.

Mrs. Mee will demonstrate.

So anything that you're going to eat.

Before you eat that apple, what parts the apple might you eat? Yes, you might eat the skin and you're not going to eat the stalk, but you might leave the stalk on eat apple like that, but you must make sure you wash apple first.

You need to clean your surfaces.

So get your adult or carer to help you and show you you need to clean all of those surfaces.

You need to clean the equipment.

So when it comes to cleaning the knife your adult helper must do that for you.

It's really dangerous, knives are, so you need to be very careful.

And you do need to wash your hands.

So we'll do that before we begin.

So you need to wash your hands.

And you need to tie your long hair back.

So if like Mrs. Mee you've got long hair, you need to tie it back.

So Mrs. Mee going to do that now so she's ready for today's lesson.

So Mrs. Mee before she starts making, what must she do? I've got my apron on.

If you've got an apron, it's always good to wear an apron.

So you protect all of your clothes and it's nice and clean.

But what else should Mrs. Mee do? Before she goes into the kitchen she needs to wash her hands.

Okay, so let's have a look then at how we might prepare our ingredients.

So we need to work out as well what part of the fruit we can eat.

So looking at all these fruits, what part can we eat? So the apple we've already worked out, we won't eat the stalk, will we? We can eat the skin, but you might not want to eat the skin.

So Mrs. Mee will talk about how we can remove the skin if you want to.

What about the second fruit, what fruit is that? That's right, it's a kiwi.

Can we eat the skin on a kiwi? Hmm, I'm not sure it will really harm you, but it's not very tasty.

It's a bit furry isn't it? The skin.

So we're going to remove the ends of the kiwi and the skin before we eat it.

And what about the banana? Could you just eat the banana like that? No, we're going to peel the banana out and we're going to take both of the ends off.

So we'll look at which bits we can eat.

And the grapes, are you going to eat the actual grape? That's right, but we're going to pick it off the stalk, aren't we? And then the strawberry, should we eat the leaf of the strawberry? Again, I don't think it will really hurt us, but I'm not sure it's very tasty.

So we're just going to look at how to prepare safely and what parts of the fruit we can and can't eat.

Now what fruits need to be washed before we prepare them? Do we need to wash the banana? No, we don't do because the banana's got a skin on.

What about the kiwi, do we need to wash that? No, because we're going to take the skin, aren't we? But we do need to wash some of the others, don't we? Which ones do we need to wash? That's right.

We need to wash the grapes, the strawberry, and the apple if you intend to eat the skin.

So these are the fruits that we need to wash.

So let's have a look at Mrs. Mee's video where she's going to show you how to prepare your work area.

So this is Mrs. Mee in the kitchen.

I'm washing my hands.

So I'm using antibacterial wash.

And Mrs. Mee prepared her fruit earlier so I could stay here with you now and watch what you're doing.

So Mrs. Mee washing our hands thoroughly and remember we need to wash our hands for 20 seconds.

It's really important, isn't it? And can you identify what pieces of equipment Mrs. Mee's got there? That's for I've got my equipment ready.

So I'm washing my hands.

And then what I need to think about now is cleaning my surfaces and Mrs. Mee has already cleaned her services, which is keeping on top.

Got all of her fruits.

How many fruits should we have? That's right, we should have five fruit, shouldn't we? Fantastic.

So what you need to do is you need to wash these fruits.

So we're not washing the banana, but we are washing the grapes.

So you literally just running the fruit under some cold water, giving them a wash.

Mrs. Mee is just shaking off the excess water.

Do we wash the banana? Nope.

Not the kiwi.

We don't need to wash that, but the apple if you're going to eat the skin you must wash the apple as well.

And Mrs. Mee is washing the apple.

And she's also then going to wash the strawberries.


Fantastic, so I'm all ready.

Once I've washed all of my ingredients I'm ready to start the lesson.

I've washed my hands, got my hair tied up, got all my equipment clean.

I'm ready to go.

So pause your video.

Make sure you prepare your work area.

Clean all your surfaces, clean your equipment, make sure your adult is there at all times and clean your fruits that needs to be washed.

And I'll see you in a moment for the next part.

So pause the video.

Make sure you're ready to go and all your ingredients are prepared.

And then we'll look at the next part of this lesson.

Press play when you're ready to resume.

Excellent, have you prepared your work area? Is it clean? Fantastic, shall we carry on? Okay, so what equipment do we need to peel our fruit? Let's have a look at the equipment that we need.

Do we need a chopping board and a knife to peel? Do we need a bowl? Do we need a peeler? Which ones do we need? Well done.

We don't need the bowl at the minute, but we are going to need the peeler and actually we are going to need a knife.

So Mrs. Mee is going to show you how to safely use this equipment to peel your fruit.

Remember, you must have an adult with you at all times.

Okay, so these are the fruits that I'm going to peel.

Now I'm going to peel the apple, the kiwi, and the banana.

Now, do I need the peeler or the knife to peel the banana? How do I peel a banana? I don't need the equipment to peel my banana, do I? Hopefully you peel the banana before, but what you do is you break the top, look and you peel it by hand.

And there's other fruit that you can peel by hand, isn't there? Yeah, what other fruits can you peel with your hands? That's right, oranges, or nectarines, satsumas.

You can peel those with your hands, can't you? So Mrs. Mee is just breaking off and then putting that skin to the side.

And I'll dispose of that later.

So I've peeled my banana.

How may I peel the apple? There are different ways, but I'm going to show you how to peel an apple with a peeler.

Now it's important that you hold the apple really tightly and the peeler you slowly drag it over the apple, but you've got to be really careful that your fingers are out of the way.

Now I'm peeling the apple, but you don't need to peel the apple.

You might want to leave some of the skin on the apple.

So Mrs. Mee is just going to peel a little bit more of the apple.

And then she's going to leave it because actually I like leaving the skin on apple because it will provide lots of colour in my fruit salad.

But some people don't like to use eating the skin.

And if it's for a small child you might not want the skin on them because you want to make it safe to eat.

So there's how you might peel your apples.

So have a go at peeling.

Now let's take a look at the kiwi fruit.

Would we use the peeler for the kiwi fruit? Probably not, we're going to use the knife.

Now Mrs. Mee is me demonstrating the claw and that's how you hold on to a piece of fruit or vegetable.

And you see how Mrs. Mee is cutting down like this.

Yeah, yeah, that's one of our star words, isn't it? Cut and peel.

So I'm holding it and now my knife is down, the sharp end is down at all times.

It's really important that your knife is straight as well.

And you see Mrs. Mee's fingers are really far away from that knife.

You see why it's important to have an adult supervising you? So now that I've chopped the two ends off the kiwi, the kiwi can sit flat so it's safe for me to cut.

Now it's safer when peeling a kiwi to use a knife than it is a peeler.

So I'm turning it, look, use my claw to hold it and I'm peeling off the skin.

It's quite satisfying, peeling, star word.

That's it I'm peeling gently all of the skin.

You se Mrs. Mee is doing it nice and slowly and she's turning and keeping our fingers out of the way.

There you go.

So once all the skin's been removed that is your peeling done.

So, at this point, I'd like you to pause the video.

I'd like you to peel your fruits that need peeling.

When you finish peeling, press resume and then we'll look at what we need to do next to prepare our fruit salad.

So pause the video.

When you're finished, press play and we'll continue today's lesson.

Fantastic, so have you peeled all your fruits? Well done, that's a good job.

Let's move on then.

Now what equipment do we need to chop and, to cut and chop? Yes, that's right star words, well done.

Cut and chop the fruit.

What equipment? Chopping board and knife, bowl, or peeler? That's right, we don't need the peeler anymore.

And we don't need the bowl.

We just need a chopping board and a knife.

Well done if you've got that correctly.

So what Mrs. Mee is going to do now is demonstrate to you how to cut your fruits.

So let's have a look at this video.

It's really important that you have an adult supervising you.

So remember Mrs. Mee is using the claw method and I'm holding on tight to the kiwi.

Now you need to think about what shapes you would like to cut your kiwi into.

And Mrs. Mee is making slices.

So you see my fingers, I'm moving them.

And I'm making slices.

And it's quite easy to cut kiwi.

So there's my slices of kiwi.

What I could also do is cut it into cubes.

And Mrs. Mee is going to show you now how you could cut a kiwi differently.

So it's entirely up to you what shapes you cut your fruit into.

So that's the kiwi done.

So now I'm going to show you how to cut banana.

Now, it's always best that when you cut a banana you just chop the ends off.

We don't tend to eat the ends of a banana.

It's not as tasty.

So Mrs. Mee is just chopping the ends off.

And then, yeah, that's right.

I used the star word, didn't I? chop.

So Mrs. Mee is using the claw again and she is going to chop.

There we go, I am chopping the banana.

So that is my banana all prepared.

And once I've chopped my banana I then need to think about how I'm going to cut or chop my apple, and then my grapes, and then my strawberry.

And you can see how Mrs. Mee is moving her hands along the banana.

So if you feel happy now that you know how to cut and chop your fruit, you can pause the video or keep playing the video, go off and cut and chop your fruit.

And when you're done, press play.

But all of your fruit should be ready to make your fruit salad and it should all be on your chopping board.

So Mrs. Mee is now demonstrating how to cut the apple holding it nice and firmly and cutting down.

Now the part of the apple that we don't want to eat is the core because the seed is in the apple, isn't there? So we're not going to eat the core.

So Mrs. Mee is turned around the apple.

And cutting it this way, we might waste a bit of apple.

Hopefully not too much.

So Mrs. Mee is chopping it all the way around nice and slowly.

There you go.

And you can see there's the core.

I don't really want the core or the stalk so I'm going to put that to the side.

I'm just chopping off the skin.

So you can cut the apple into cubes or you might want to cut them into slices.

It's entirely up to you.

You will think about what shapes you want to see in your fruit salad.

So here I've demonstrated how to cut safely using the claw technique.

And I've demonstrated how to cut and how to chop your fruit.

So pause the video now.

Have a go at cutting and preparing your fruits.

When you're finished, press play.

Fantastic, have you managed to finish cutting and chopping all of your fruits? Ready for your fruit salad? Well done.

So what we need to think about now is how we're going to combine all of those ingredients.

So we've prepared our fruit safely, haven't we? And now we need to think about what the word combine means.

Do you know what that word means? That's right, it's one of our style words.

Well done, if you shouted that out.

Combine, is it where you put all the ingredients together? or is it where we prepare and cut? Hmm, which one is it? Point to which one you think is.

Well done if you said option one.

It's where we're going to put all of the ingredients together and we're going to make a food product.

So what equipment will we need to combine and make our fruit salad? Will we need the chopping board or knife? Will we need the bowl and spoon? Will we need the peeler? We won't need the peeler, will we? And we won't need the knife or chopping board.

We might still have the chopping board with our fruit on it, but we are going to need a bowl and a spoon to eat it.

So here's a quick video then of how you might prepare it.

So here's all your fruit nicely prepared on the chopping board.

What you need to do now is place all your fruit into the bowl.

So Mrs. Mee is starting by putting all of her green colours in.

And then she's going to think about which colour she's going to put next.

But in reality, a fruit salad is often just mixed up with lots of different colours.

So Mrs. Mee started by putting them all neatly and then she decided that wasn't working.

So I'm putting all of my fruit in there and then what I can do once all my fruits in there is I can give it a good mix with my hands.

Now, you notice Mrs. Mee is not putting all of the fruit that I've chopped.

No, just enough for a serving.

So there you have it.

That is how you combine all of the ingredients and you might mix all that together.

So pause the video, go and combine all of your ingredients and when you've combined your ingredients, press play, and we'll conclude today's lesson.

Well done, fantastic.

I hope your fruit salad looks as delicious as mine.

So here is Mrs. Mee's fruit salad.

All that you need to do now is test it.

So Mrs. Mee can you spot the difference between Mrs. Mee's fruit salads? Yes, can you look at the one on the right? That's right.

Mrs. Mee added some extra fruit and Mrs. Mee decided to add those at the last minute just to add a little bit more colour.

Do you like it? Yeah, I like it too.

So how are we going to test our fruit salad? That's right, you're going to taste it.

So your job now is to make sure you've got your spoon.

And you need to pause the video and your job is to test and taste your fruit salad and tell me just how yummy it is.

Now Mrs. Mee is going to give her to her children and get them to feedback to her.

So pause the video, press play when you're done.

So we've learned lots today.

We did an intro quiz.

We recapped what we did last lesson.

We've used our star words, haven't we from today? We've looked at preparing ingredients.

And we've looked at combining ingredients.

So all that's left is our end of lesson quiz just to check that we've learned a lot today.

So Mrs. Mee is going to ask you a few questions.

Okay, are you ready for your end lesson quiz? Fantastic, so my first question then, what did we do in the kitchen before we started preparing our ingredients? What did we do? Begin to have a C, curly cut.

That's right, cleaning.

We cleaned the fruit, didn't we? We cleaned the surfaces and the equipment.

That's right, cleaning.

Really important, isn't it? To make sure we're safe.

Okay, my next question then for you all is what part of the fruit did we not eat? So what part of the fruit could we not eat? Let me give you an example fruit the banana.

What part of the banana did we not eat? That's right, we didn't eat the skin, did we? Oooh, it didn't taste very nice.

I've not really tried it actually.

So I can't confirm but yeah, the skin.


Okay, next question for you then.

What equipment did we use to peel the apple? What did we use to peel the apple? Can you tell me? Well done, we uses a peeler, excellent.

Okay, now, one more question.

When we cut and chopped our fruit what method did we use to hold on to that fruit tightly? Let me give you a clue.

That's right, well done.

The claw, we used the claw to hold on to our fruit tightly, didn't we? As we cut and chopped our fruit safely.

Well done.

You have just done a fabulous job at answering Mrs. Mee's end of lesson quiz.

I hope you've enjoyed today's lesson.

I've really enjoyed it.

Could you do me a favour? And could you ask your adults, your parent, or carer to take a picture of your fruit salad and could you get them to share it on Twitter @OakNational using the hashtag #LearnwithOak? Then Mrs. Mee can see what wonderful fruit salad you've produced.

Fantastic, right, I'll see you next lesson.
