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Equipment requiring safe usage.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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Hello, and welcome to your design and technology lesson.

I am Mrs. Mee and I am your design and technology teacher, and I'm really excited to start today's lesson.

So today's lesson is lesson six.

Before we begin, we will recap what we've learnt previously.

So if you join me, I'll go through what we're going to be learning about in today's lesson.

Okay, so in today's lesson, it's lesson six, and we're going to carry on exploring cooking and nutrition, looking at preparing fruits and vegetables, and today we're going to make our savoury salad.

So for the lesson today, you are going to need some specialist equipment.

We're going to need your plan, so that you know how to make your salad.

We are going to need the following equipment.

A chopping board and a knife, a grater, a peeler, a colander, a plate, and a knife and fork, and we are going to need your five ingredients that you are going to use in your salad.

But it's really, really important that in today's lesson, that you are supervised by a parent or carer at all times, because when we're using knives and graters in the kitchen, it can be very, very dangerous.

So can you do me a favour? Go and get all of the equipment that you need, the ingredients, and your adult.

Pause the video, when you're ready, press play and we'll continue to look at today's lesson.

Excellent, have you got everything you need? Fantastic.

So now that you've got all of your equipment and your ingredients, let's remind ourselves what the rules are.

What's the first rule? That's right, we do need to have fun.

It's really important.

Do you remember what the second rule was? Begins with an eh, eh.

Well done if you got it, it is explore and experiment.

So today you might be trying different vegetables or different fruits in a salad that you've never tried before.

That's really good if you are trying something new.

But be confident, and most importantly, play safe.

So you must have an adult with you at all times, and you need to listen and follow the instructions and make sure you are safe at all times.

So we are going to complete the intro quiz all together just to check what we've understood before we start today's lesson.

We're then going to recap what we learnt about in the previous lesson.

Once we've done that, we're going to look at your star words.

Then when we've looked at your star words, we're actually going to start preparing our ingredients for our savoury salad.

Once our ingredients are all prepared, we'll start making our savoury salad, and once we've made our savoury salad, we'll do a quick end of lesson quiz all together just to check what we've learned in today's lesson.

So let's start our intro quiz.

Mrs. Mee is going to give you a few questions just to check what you already know about cooking and nutrition.

Okay, are you ready for your intro quiz? So question number one, can you name one ingredient that we are going to use today in our savoury salad? One ingredient.

Fantastic, what did you say? Excellent.

So if you said lettuce, well done, you got a point.

If you said tomato or cucumber or even carrot, so whatever you said, as long as it was one of the ingredients of your savoury salad, well done, you've got a point.

So before we start our savoury salad today, what should we do to our kitchen area before we begin preparing our savoury salad? Question number two, what should we do before we begin preparing? That's right, well done if you got it correct.

We need to clean our area.

It's really, really important, isn't it? So, final question then.

Today we are going to use a technique to prepare our ingredients to turn them from a big fruit or vegetable into small parts.

What are we going to do to our fruits and vegetables today to prepare them? Have a think, this is me trying to give you a clue then.

Well done, we're going to cut or chop our ingredients.

Well done.

So, let's just recap what we learned previously.

So in the previous lesson, if you remember, we looked at and explored different savoury salads, didn't we? We investigated the key ingredients and we actually created a plan.

Do you remember what was in our plan? That's right, on our plan we listed and selected how many ingredients was it? Five, wasn't it? Five ingredients to go on our savoury salad.

We identified the equipment and we identified the method.

So today in the lesson, your job is to make your savoury salad following your plan, so selecting your ingredients and your equipment and following your instructions that you created last lesson.

So let's have a look at what we're going to do in today's lesson.

Well done, excellent.

So, now that we've recapped what we've learned previously, let's have a look at the star words that we're going to use in today's lesson.

So when I say a star word, you repeat after me.

So I say, you say.

Are you ready for our first word? Let's take a look.


This is a word we've used before.


You say.




Fantastic, well done.

Next one, drain.

This is a new one, isn't it? Drain.

Well done, we are going to drain our fruit and vegetables today after we've prepared them.


Mm, grate, grate.

Now this is where we're going to grate part of our ingredients.

So one of our ingredients, we are going to grate today, and that is a method of preparing.

Cut, cut.

Cut, well done, excellent.

So can you do me a favour? If you hear these star words being said in the lesson, will you shout them out to me? Fabulous.

Okay, so the first thing we're going to look at is preparing our ingredients, it's really important.

So you should have your plan.

Now here is Mrs. Mee's plan of making.

So just make sure you've got your plan, you know what ingredients you need, you know what equipment you need, and you know what steps you need to follow in today's lesson.

So if you've not already got your plan, pause the video, go and get your plan and all the equipment and ingredients you need.

When you're ready, press play.

Okay, before we begin, we need to go and wash our ingredients, so pause the video, wash your ingredients.

When you've washed your ingredients, press play, and we will continue today's lesson.

Fantastic, so you've washed your ingredients.

Now there's one ingredient that maybe you didn't wash just yet.

Which ingredient did you not wash? The lettuce, I think we need to cut that first before we wash it, well done.

Now that you've washed your ingredients, what do we need to do next, do you know? That's right, we need to think about peeling.

Now, which ingredient are we going to peel? That's right, the carrot.

So if you look at the other ingredients, they don't need peeling.

Do you know why they don't need peeling? That's right, we're going to eat the skin on those ingredients.

So we do need to peel the carrot.

Now, before we peel, what piece of equipment are we going to use to peel the carrot? Can you tell me? Fantastic.

If you said peeler, well done, you are correct.

So that's the first thing that we need to do.

So those are the first bits of equipment that you are going to need.

Your chopping board, your peeler, and your ingredient that you need to peel.

So Mrs. Mee is going to just do a short video that explains how to peel your key ingredient.

So I'm pointing to all of the others.

Now, we don't need to peel these, do we? Because we're going to eat the skin on these particular fruits and vegetables, but with a carrot, we are going to peel it.

So Mrs. Mee is demonstrating to you how to safely hold your ingredient, and remember, we're using the claw mechanism to grab hold of the ingredient.

And when we peel, we're always trying to peel away from our hands.

Do you know why Mrs. Mee's peeling away from her hand? That's right, it's to keep you safe, and I'm turning the vegetable around to make sure every time I start peeling, I am comfortable.

And I've turned the way I'm holding it around so you can see how I'm peeling it, so you can see I'm peeling it away from my hands.

It's not always possible to do that, depending on the shape of the vegetable, but where possible, make sure your hands are well away from the peeler.

Now, all of this obviously is being done with an adult, sorry, a parent or carer supervising.

So pause the video, have a go at peeling the vegetables and the fruits that you need to peel.

When you've finished doing that, press play, and we'll continue today's lesson.

Fantastic, have you finished peeling your vegetables? Excellent.

So, let's move on.

The next thing we need to consider, so that is a perfectly peeled carrot, all of those shreddings I'm going to put in a compostable bin so that nothing is wasted.

So once we've peeled the ingredients, what do we need to do next? Once we've peeled our carrot and once the other ingredients have been washed, what do we need to do? That's right, we need to cut and prepare the ingredients, don't we? What equipment are we going to need then next? Fantastic, you are going to need a chopping board and a knife.

Now remember, all of this practical activity must be done with an adult supervising at all times, so do not do any of this until your adult is with you supervising, because it's very, very dangerous.

So Mrs. Me is going to demonstrate how to cut safely, and how to use a grater to grate the carrot.

Now, Mrs. Mee is going to grate her carrot.

You might not be using a grater, but Mrs. Mee is going to demonstrate how to use these safely and we are going to need a colander to drain our vegetables afterwards, so let's just look at how to cut and prepare.

So Mrs. Mee's got her demonstration video.

Now before I went into the kitchen, what did Mrs. Mee do to her surfaces? That's right, she cleaned her surfaces.

She cleaned her equipment.

Mrs. Mee was wearing an apron.

Mrs. Mee washed her hands.

So before you start, here are the ingredients.

We've got our chopping board and our key ingredients, we've got a grater, we've get a colander, and we've got a knife and a chopping board.

Now, to chop and cut the lettuce, we need to make sure that we take off the parts that we're not going to eat.

That is the root of the lettuce, so Mrs. Me is demonstrating how to point the knife down so you don't hurt yourself, and then you can see I've removed the part that we can't eat.

So now we can cut the lettuce and we can put the lettuce so it's flat onto the surface, so it doesn't move when we're cutting it.

Flat on the surface, that's it, on its flat bottom, so it doesn't wobble, and I'm going to cut it in half and I'm going to use the claw technique to hold on tight to it.

So I'm cutting down, making sure the knife is well away from my hand, and I'm cutting all the way through the lettuce.

And I don't need both sides of that lettuce, so the other half I can save for later.

Now you could peel the leaves, and I'm placing it in the colander because what am I going to do afterwards? Now, the lettuce hasn't been washed yet, so I'm placing the lettuce leaves into the colander so I can wash them afterwards again with the other fruits and vegetables to make sure they are clean and hygienic to eat.

So you can either use the leaves or you can use a knife to cut strips and shred your lettuce.

It really depends on how you want to present your lettuce leaf.

So Mrs. Mee is cutting it in strips, and as you can see, I've turned it around to cut the other side so my fingers are not close to that knife, and as you can see now, I've got shredded pieces of lettuce which I'm going to place in the colander, and afterwards I can wash all of those lettuce leaves, and I've wiped my surface, and now I'm moving on to the next vegetable.

No, this isn't a vegetable, is it? This me made a mistake, a pepper's actually from the fruit family, but we do treat it a lot as a vegetable, so lots of people refer to it as a vegetable, but it is actually a fruit, a pepper is.

So Mrs. Mee is holding on tight to the pepper, and I'm turning it so it's comfortable, and I'm cutting down with my knife.

Really important that my hands are well away.

Now, I've cut two slices off the pepper.

I'm now going to turn those peppers over so they are flat on the surface to allow me to safely cut the strips of pepper.

So as you can see, I'm using the claw again.

I'm cutting down in straight strips, and I could serve the pepper like that.

I could serve it as strips, it's entirely up to you.

So I could cut strips, or I could cut chunks of pepper.

So after I've cut the strips, what I can do is bunch those together and cut again in the other direction so then I've got pieces of pepper, can you see? So that is the pepper created.

Now, although we have washed the pepper, it's good practise to then pop that in the colander and we can give all of the salad ingredients a wash before we serve.

So place all of your pieces into the colander, and then move on to your next item.

So the next item would be a different coloured pepper, maybe, but Mrs. Mee won't demonstrate that to you, because I've shown you how to cut a pepper.

Now, to cut a tomato, you see there I've turned the tomato upside down so it doesn't wobble.

It's a round shape, so it's tricky to cut.

What technique is Mrs. Mee using now? Yeah, that's called the bridge.

And why does Mrs. Mee use the bridge? That's right, to protect my fingers.

So I've used the bridge because it's a circular shape, and I've cut down, and now I can cut the halves by putting them flat on the bottom so they're not moving about, and cutting them, and then I can place those into the colander.

With the small tomatoes, I could leave the tomato as it is, or I could take the small tomato and I could cut it in half.

So all that's left to prepare now is the other two ingredients.

So the cucumber, I don't need all of that cucumber in my salad, do I? So I'm just going to cut down to take off a piece of the cucumber, I can use that another time.

And Mrs. Mee is going to start by cutting slices.

How you cut your vegetables and fruits up is entirely up to you, so here I'm using the cucumber and I'm cutting slices, and I could then cut them, leave them like that, like slices, or I could cut them in half and then quarters, and I could create small chunks of cucumber.

So how you prepare your fruits and vegetables is entirely up to you.

Now with this leftover bit of cucumber, I'm going to show you a different technique.

Using the claw again, I'm cutting it in half.

Remember, cutting it on its flat bottom all of the time, and them I'm cutting strips.

So I'm cutting sticks of cucumber, so you might want that instead.

So once you've cut all of your cucumber, pop that into the colander, and then we can start by preparing the carrot.

So do you remember how Mrs. Mee is preparing the carrot? That's right, I'm using the grater, aren't I? So make sure you choose the appropriate grater.

You either want a grater with big cutters or small, it depends on the texture of your grated carrot, and it's really important when you're grating that your fingers are not touching the sharp grated edge.

So I'm using the grater, look, to create grated carrots, and as you can see, I'm laying the carrot down so I can get longer strips of carrot, and that's what you should have.

And once you've got that grated, I am going to leave the carrot to the side and add it to the salad once I've washed all of the other ingredients.

So once you've prepared, pop all of your ingredients in your colander, place your carrot on a pile, and then you're done.

So pause the video, make sure that you've got your adult with you, you need to cut and prepare all of your ingredients and pop your ingredients into a colander.

When you've done that, press play, and I'll demonstrate what to do with those ingredients.

Fantastic, have you finished? Well done.

So now what we need to do is we need to wash our ingredients again.

So here's a short demonstration of how you might wash your ingredients.

So literally running your salad ingredients under a running cold tap, just making sure that you are washing thoroughly.

Mrs. Mee is actually going in there with her hands to make sure they're all clean, and then I am using the keyword, do you remember the star word? Drain, so I'm draining the water off.

So pause the video, wash and drain your key ingredients.

When you've done that, press play and we'll continue the lesson.

Fantastic, have you finished? So you've finished draining your key ingredients.

Now we need to think about how we're going to make the salad, then.

So now we need to think about what we need to do.

So we've cut and prepared our ingredients, what do we need to do next? That's right, we need to present the ingredients, don't we? What do we need, then, to do this? That's right, we need a plate and we need a knife and fork to serve.

So we are now going to look at how to make our savoury salad.

So Mrs. Mee has done a short video just to demonstrate to you how you might present your salad on your plate.

So it's really key that when you present a food product, that you present it in a way that looks appetising, because if it doesn't appetising, your user's not going to enjoy it.

So Mrs. Mee is positioning all of her salad leaves.

She's putting the green salad leaves down first to make sure I've got that good mix of colour.

Now, Mrs. Mee is trying to put large salad leaves, but you'll notice in a moment Mrs. Mee changes her mind, so I take away the large salad leaves and literally just use shredded salad leaves.

So I've decided to take the large leaves away, because I feel like they don't look very good.

So I've literally, organically placed lots of leaves on a plate, spread them out, and then I need to think about my next ingredient, and I'm thinking carefully about colours.

So now I'm adding my cucumbers, and I'm making sure that I place them in different parts.

So we've got lots of green at the moment, haven't we? What do we need, do you think? Yeah, we need more colours.

So what ingredient might I put on next? That's right, I'm now looking for my peppers.

So you can see here I'm using my sticks of pepper, and then I'm going to add my tomato.

So you can see that colour really coming out.

I've got my peppers, I've got my tomatoes.

I'm going to think about adding cubes and my small tomatoes, and I'm distributing it so I've got that colour all the way around my plate.

Once I've got a good distribution of colour, I think can think about adding my final ingredient.

What's my final ingredient that I'm going to add? Mrs. Mee is being a bit fussy now, isn't she? I take that off, and I'm making sure it looks right.

So now I'm going to add my final ingredient, which of course is the grated carrot.

And I'm just going to sprinkle that on top, and then my salad is done.

So, your job now is to pause the video, go and prepare your salad.

Once you finish, press play, and we'll conclude today's lesson.

Well done, have you finished? Does it look delicious? So like me, hopefully you've taken a picture, so here is my salad.

All that's left to do now is test it.

How could I test that that salad is liked by my user? That's right, I can eat it, well done.

So your job will be to taste your salad and just check if it's as delicious as you intended.

Okay, so let's have a go at our end of lesson quiz.

So first question, with your ingredients today, what did you do with your ingredients to make them safe to eat? What did you do? Excellent, you washed your ingredients, that's right, well done.

So second question, today we prepared our ingredients, didn't we, in the kitchen.

What two things did we do to prepare our ingredients? Once we washed them, what did we do to change our ingredients from large ingredients to small parts that we put into our salad? What did we do to the ingredients? There's two options here.

We either.

Or we.

Excellent, well done.

If you said cut, well done, you've got a point.

You may have said grate.

Excellent, you've also got a point.

So we cleaned our ingredients, we cut and grated our ingredients to prepare it to make our salad.

So what can we do, then, to test that our salad is crunchy and colourful and tasty? What can we do? That's right, we can taste it, so well done if you said taste.

So I hope you've enjoyed today's lesson, let's recap what we've looked at in today's lesson.

Okay, so we've had a really fun lesson, haven't we? We've done an intro quiz all together, we recapped what we learned previously, we've looked at our star words, lots of star words today, we've learned how to prepare our ingredients for a salad, we then learned how to make a salad and present it to our end user, and all together we've completed our end of lesson quiz.

I really hope you've enjoyed today's lesson, and can you do me a favour? Could you ask an adult to take a picture of your lovely, delicious salad, and share it on Twitter @OakNational using the hashtag LeanwithOak? If you share your pictures, Mrs. Mee will get to see your salads as well.

So I hope you've enjoyed today's lesson, and I look forward to seeing you next lesson where we'll explore cooking and nutrition some more.
