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Hello and welcome to your design and technology lesson.

I am Mrs. Mee, and I am your design and technology teacher.

And I'm really looking forward to teaching you in today's lesson.

Today's lesson is lesson five and we are going to plan how to make a savoury salad.

Hopefully, you've been with us previously, if not, don't worry, we'll recap what we've learned to help you understand what we're going to be doing in today's lesson.

So follow me as I take you through what we're going to learn in today's lesson.

Okay, so today we're going to look at planning how to make a savoury salad.

So for this lesson, you're going to need some paper and a pencil to make your plans.

So will you make sure that you've got those materials ready? Pause the video when you're ready, press play, and we'll continue to explore what we're going to look at in today's lesson.


Have you got everything that you need? Okay, let's carry on today's lesson then.

Now, you know Mrs. Mee's rules by now, don't you? You do need to have fun.

You do need to explore and experiment, and I really want you to explore and experiment with your savoury salad ideas.

We have designed our salad previously, but if you want to change them since today, please do, try out new ideas, be confident, but play safe.

So if today, when you're planning, you want to try out anything in the kitchen, you need to make sure you've got an adult present at all times.

So, first of all, altogether, we are going to do an intro quiz just to check what you already know.

We'll then recap what we looked at last lesson.

Then we're going to start looking at our star words for today.

So what words are we going to use in today's lesson? We're then going to be looking at selecting our ingredients and equipment, because you are going to make your own plan on how to make your salad.

We are then going to write that plan formally on how to make your savoury salad.

Because next lesson you're going make your savoury salad all by yourself, following your plan.

Once we've done all of this, we'll do a quick end of lesson quiz, just to check what we've.

What knowledge we have after today's lesson.

So let's start at intro quiz.

Let's just check what you already know.

Okay, so in today's lesson, we are going to plan how to make a savoury salad.

Now, what ingredient might we use in a savoury salad? Now, remember we looked at savoury salad last lesson.

What is one of the main ingredients we might use? Have a think.

Well done, excellent.

So if you said lettuce or some form of leaf, like rocket salad, well done.

We are going to use leaves as one of our main ingredient in our salad, well done.

Now, last lesson, if you remember, we actually looked at designing our salad.

Can you tell me what we created to describe what our salad would include? Can you tell me we created three sentences, and it was a list, and we called it our cri.

Can you remember? Criteria, well done.

Now we used sentences to develop criteria, didn't we? What was that criteria that we came up with? Do you remember the keywords that we used? We used a sentence to describe the.

What did we look? We used a word to describe the way in which the salad would look.

That's right, we used the word appearance.

So well done if you said look or appearance.

What other criteria did we use? We used a sentence to describe the way the salad was going to.

That's right, we used the sentence to describe the taste, didn't we? And if you remember, Mrs. Mee's salad was going to be colourful, and the taste I wanted it to be crunchy and tasty.

So you see the words I've used.

Now, there was one other sentence that we created.

So you remember, we used a sentence to describe the.

And it begins with an U.

Well done, user.

Excellent, well done for remembering.

So we've got a sentence that describes our salad, the appearance, the taste, and the user.

So those are just some of the things that we looked at last lesson, aren't they? Okay, so we learnt quite a lot last lesson, didn't we? We created our set of criteria to describe the appearance, the tastes, and the user.

But what did we do first to investigate savoury salads? We didn't just pluck those ideas of in air.

We actually did something first, didn't we? We investigated.

Do you remember how we investigated savoury salads? That's right, we looked at some savoury salads, didn't we? We looked at some pictures of savoury salads.

We looked at the ingredients, didn't we? We looked at what was the same.

We looked and discussed what was different.

And we also spoke about how else we could investigate.

And we spoke about as a designer of a food product.

It's really good to test ideas, isn't it? So we spoke about how we could taste the ingredients before we start designing savoury salad.

So we looked at designing savoury salads, and today we're going to actually start planning how are we going to make it.

So that's just a quick recap of what we've learned previously.

Excellent, well done.

You are a superstar.

So let's have a look at the star words that we're going to use in today's lesson.

There's some big words that we're using in today's lesson.

So remember what I say a word, I say, you say.

Shall we look at our first word.

Our first word we've used this word before, ingredients.

Well done, excellent.

We've used this word as well before, haven't we, equipment.

Excellent, well done.

You said that really well.

Method, method.

safety, safety.


Hygiene, hygiene.

Well done, you've got these words.

Really well done.

Okay, so the first thing we're going to do during today's lesson is we're going to look at selecting ingredients and equipment that we'll need to make and plan how to make our savoury salad.

So we're going to make a plan on how we're going to make our savoury salad.

So we need to select from the ingredients below which ones have you decided to use.

So did you make a decision after last week's lesson? Have you decided which ingredients you're going to use? Have a little think now.

And let's select from the ingredients below which ones you decided to use.

Fantastic, now Mrs. Mee is going to reveal which one she decided.

Here we go.

So here are all Mrs. Mee's ingredients.

So how many ingredients have I selected? That's right, I've selected five.

Why has Mrs. Mee selected five ingredients? I wonder? That's right because we are supposed to try and eat five fruits and vegetables a day, aren't we? So this is going to help Mrs. Mee be really super healthy by making sure she's got five fruits and vegetables, because we do use fruits and vegetables, don't we, in our salad.

So this is the plan.

What I'd like you to do.

You can access this worksheet from the worksheet downloads, and you can put all of your ingredients in your plan.

So I would like you to either write down all of your ingredients or like Mrs. Mee has done, you could print the pictures and cut them out, or you could create this on the computer and you can drag the different fruits into your plan.

So pause the video.

I would like you to plan what ingredients you are going to use in your savoury salad.

Pause the video, write down or create images.

You could sketch them and list all of your ingredients.

When you're finished, press play, and we will continue.

Fantastic, so have you decided on your five ingredients? Brilliant, so your plan has started.

So this is our plan to make a savoury salad.

We've got our ingredients.

What else do we need to think about? That's right, we need to think about what equipment we're going to be using.

So let's have a look and let's select from the equipment below which equipment will we need to make our salad.

Have a little think.

How are we going to prepare our ingredients? Now, remember, we might need to peel.

We might need to cook or chop our ingredients to make our savoury salad.

We might do other things to our savoury salad as well.

So are we going to need a chopping board and a knife? Are we're going to need a peeler? Are we going to need a knife and fork? I'm going to need a greater.

Are we going to need a sieve, a bowl, actually call the colander, not a sieve.

Are we going to need a spoon, a plate? Are we going to need weighing scales or an oven? Have a little think.

Okay, so let's have a look then.

So we're not going to need an oven, are we? We don't need to cook a salad, no.

We're not going to need weighing scales.

We could weigh our ingredients, but we're not going to weigh our ingredients today.

We're not going to use a spoon to eat our salad, are we? We're going to use a knife and fork.

And although I've taken a bowl away, you could use a bowl to present your salad.

So these are the pieces of equipment that Mrs. Mee has decided we're going to need for preparing our salad.

So I need you to choose your equipment and put your equipments on your plan.

Now, the grater, you might not need a grater, because you might not be grating your ingredients, but Mrs. Mee has decided she's going to grate her carrot because I think it looks really good.

So what I'd like you to do now is add your equipment to your plan of making.

So you can either write down the equipment that you need, or you can use pictures to illustrate what equipment you are going to need.

So here is Mrs. Mee's plan.

Here's all of the images on her plan of making.

Okay, so pause the video, complete the next part of your plan to include your equipment.

And when you've completed that, press play, and then we'll start thinking about the next word, method.

Well, done, have you had a go? So now you've got all of your ingredients, your five ingredients, you've got the list of equipment.

Oh, you are super organised.

What do we need to do now? What does the word method mean? That's right, we have got to decide how we are going to prepare our ingredients.

So we need to think about deciding on which things we need to do first.

So shall we zip back to lesson three where we made our fruit salad, and just think, what did we do first? We need to plan how to make our savoury salad.

So we need to think about the method that we're going to use.

Okay, so we've got our equipment, and we've got our ingredients, and I don't know why Mrs. Mee's ingredients were missing, but there we go, they're back again.

We need to think now, how.

How are we going to do this? So let's identify, first of all, what parts of the ingredients we can eat? So on a lettuce, what parts can we eat? That's right, we can eat the leaves, but we won't eat the roots.

We need to remove that.

What about tomato? We're going to remove the stalk on the tomato, but the rest of the tomato, we can eat.

The carrots, you can eat the skin, but we are going to look at removing the skin today.

What about cucumber? Yeah, you can eat all parts of the cucumber, can't you? We might just chop off the ends where it started to grow.

And then the pepper, what part might we eat? We're going to eat the main part of the pepper, but the stalk we'll called takeaway.

So before you start to plan, how, think about identifying what parts of the ingredients we're going to be able to eat and what parts we need to get rid of.

So what do we need to do first? Have a little think.

What do we need to do first? That's right, we need to wash our ingredients.

So I would like you to put down on your plan of make the first part of your method.

So Mrs. Mee has used the number one, wash the ingredients.

So have a go at adding that to your plan.

Pause the video when you've completed it, press play.

Well done, so you've planned what you're going to do first.

Once we've washed our ingredients, what do we need to do next? What do we need to do next? Do you remember what we did when we made our fruit salad? What did we do after we washed our ingredients? That's right, we did something with a few of the ingredients.

What I've got to do with the carrot then if Mrs. Mee doesn't want the skin.

What equipment will we need? We need to peel it, don't we? So what we're going to need.

That's right, we're going to need a peeler.

So I would like you now to plan the next part of making your salad.

So Mrs. Mee has added hers, and she's put, peel the carrot using the peeler.

So that's my second task.

So pause the video, add your next stage in, press play when you're done.

Fantastic, so we've got wash the ingredients, peel the ingredients.

Once repealed the ingredients, what do we need to do next? Hmm, that's right, we need to cut and prepare the ingredients.

What equipment will you need to cut and prepare your ingredients? Hmm, have a think.

Well done, if you said chopping board and knife, well done.

I'll need a grater, so if you're grating carrot as well, you'll need a grater.

And I'll need a colander, and I'll need a colander to drain the ingredients after I've washed them again.

Okay, so I would like you now to write the final stages of your plan.

So Mrs. Mee has written three sentences, using the chopping board and knife, cut and prepare the vegetables.

Using the grater, grate the carrot.

Add the ingredients to the colander and wash.

So I would like you to add your final stages to your plan of make.

So your part of make is just like Mrs. Mee's, and it's ready to start making your savoury salad.

So pause the video, finish your plan.

When you're finished, press play.

Fantastic, so have you got a finished plan of make? Brilliant, so we're ready to start making our savoury salad.

Well done, yay.

Now, once we've cooked and prepared all of our ingredients, what do we do next? Once we've cut and washed and prepared all of our ingredients, what is the next thing that we do? That's right, we've got to present the ingredients for the user.

So what pieces of equipment might we need to do this? A plate and a knife and fork, well done.

So we are going to think about how we are going present our ingredients.

So the final stage on my plan is to present on a plate and serve.

Excellent, so add your final stage onto your plan when you're finished, press play, and we'll conclude today's lesson.

Okay, so are you ready for a quick end of lesson quiz, just to check what we've learned today.

So in the lesson today, we have created a plan of how to make our savoury salad.

Can you tell me what was the first thing that you included on your plan? What was the first thing? Well done, excellent.

You include on your plan ingredients, well done.

Now, tell me what ingredients did you include on your plan? What were those ingredients? Well done if you got it correct.

Fruits and vegetables, because we can include both fruits and vegetables in a salad, well done.

So you've included ingredients, fruits, and vegetables.

And then what was the next thing on your plan of making that you included that we would need? So we've got our ingredients, we've selected fruit and vegetables.

And what else did you include on your plan? Have a little think.

What was in your second column on your plan? Well done, you selected the equipment, didn't you? Well done.

And then one final question then to conclude our end of lesson quiz, what was the final thing that you included on your plan? What did you put in your final column? That's right, well done.

You included how.

So you wrote a list, didn't you, of how to make your savoury salad.

So do you feel ready to make your savoury salad next lesson? Fantastic, I really look forward to welcoming you to the next lesson where we're going to make our savoury salad.

Well done, give yourself a round of applause for doing so well on our end of lesson quiz.

We have done a lot this lesson, haven't we? You've done an intro quiz.

We've recapped what we did previously.

We've used our star words today.

We've looked at selected ingredients and equipment.

We've planned how to make a savoury salad.

And we just finished our end of lesson quiz.

You should be really super proud of yourselves after today's lesson.

Make sure you keep that plan of making really safe because next lesson, we're going to make our savoury salad.

Thank you for joining me in today's lesson.
