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Hello, and welcome to your design and technology lesson.

I am Mrs. Mee, and I am your design and technology teacher.

I'm really excited to get started in today's lesson.

Today is lesson seven, and we are going to be exploring where our food has come from, today.

So join me and we'll explore what we're going to learn about in today's lesson.

So today's lesson, we're going to be exploring, where is our fruit and vegetables come from? So we're going to be looking and reflecting on where it comes from.

Now, in today's lesson, you are going to need paper and a pencil.

So if you pause the video now, make sure you've got paper and a pencil, and a quiet space to work, when you're ready, press play, and we'll continue today's lesson.


Have you got your paper and pencil ready? Brilliant.

So, remember the rules of play.

When we're exploring in design and technology, we need to have fun, we need to explore and experiment, and we need to be confident with our ideas.

So, if you think you know something, shout out to me and don't be afraid if you get it wrong, because we're learning, remember, but above all, we do need to play safe.

So, in today's lesson, we're going to do a quick intro quiz altogether, just to check what we already know, we're then going to recap what we learned about last lesson, and we're then going to explore our star words for today.

So we're going to look at what words we're going to do in today's lesson, and then we're going to look at, where does our food come from? We're then going to look at, where the food comes from in our savoury salad.

So we're going to explore the ingredients in our savoury salad.

Once we've explored all the ingredients in our savoury salad, we're going to do a quick end of lesson quiz, just to check what information you have locked into your head.

Okay, are you ready for our quick intro quiz? So the first question is, what ingredients did you use in your savoury salad? Did you use fruits or vegetables? What ingredients did you use? Do you know if you got an answer for me? Well done.

Now, a bit of a trick question, wasn't it? You actually used fruits and vegetables in your savoury salad.

Well done.

Now, Mrs. Mee is going to.

And she's got a little ingredient.

She's going to show you.

And I'd like you to identify whether this is a fruit or vegetable.

So this is one of our ingredients that we used in our savoury salad.

Is it a fruit or is it a vegetable? Well done, it is indeed a fruit.

Well done.

And that was one of the ingredients in our favourite salad.

Next ingredient, a carrot.

Well done.

Is it a fruit or is it a vegetable? Well done, you're absolutely right.

It is a vegetable.

And we're going to explore this a little bit more in today's lesson.

So you have answered both of my questions.

Now, last lesson, we learned a lot, didn't we? We learn how to prepare a savoury salad.

We learned what to do with that ingredients before we use them.

What did we do with ingredients? We cleaned our ingredients to make it safe.

We learn how to prepare.

So we learn how to cuts our ingredients correctly.

We learned about a clore method to hold on to our ingredients.

We learnt how to grate our ingredients, and then we learn how to present our ingredients on a plate.

So last lesson you made a tasty, crunchy, colourful, delicious savoury salad.

And I really hope you enjoyed tasting it at the end as well.

So today we're going to explore where our food comes from.

So let's continue today's lesson.

Well done.

You remembered so much.


So now let's have a look at the star words that we're going to use in today's lesson.

So, remember, when I say, you say.

So repeat after me, plants.

Well done.

Our next star word is animals.

You say, well done.

That's fantastic.

The next word is farmed.

You say.

Our next word that we're going to use is grown.

Well done.

Absolutely excellent.

And the final word we're going to look at today is caught.

Well done.

And remember, as always, if you spot the star words in the lesson today, can you shout out, star word.

And then Mrs. Mee will know that we've used it.

So the first part of the lesson, we're going to look at, where does our food come from? So we're going to look at all of the different fruits and vegetables that we've been exploring, and we're going to explore where it comes from.

So do you want to take a little moment to think about all of the foods that we've been using during our unit of work? Remember, we're looking at preparing fruits and vegetables, where do they come from? Now, Mrs. Mee is going to show you some pictures.

So do our fruits and vegetables come from the shop? Do the fruits and vegetables come from a plant? Are they grown? Well done.

That is one of our star words, if you spotted it.

Or do our fruits and vegetables, are they caught from the ocean? Well done.

You spotted another star word, caught, grown and caught, or do our fruits and vegetables come from animals? Well done, another star word.

So where do our fruits and vegetables come from? Have a little thing and points to the option that you think is correct.

Do they come from the shop? Are they grown? Are they caught, or do they come from an animal? Hmm, have a little think.

Have you got an answer? Well done.

Now, the correct answer is, they are all grown.

You can buy fruits and vegetables from a shop, but they don't originally come from a shop, do they? They are grown.

So let's explore that in a little bit more detail.

So, here is a strawberry, one of Mrs. Mee's favourite types of.

Is it a fruit or is it a vegetable? That's right, it's that fruit.

This is Mrs. Mee favourite fruit.

And that started its life off as a small seed, and it grew and grew and grew, until it was a plant.

All of the fruits and vegetables that grow, all grow from seeds into large plans.

Once the plant has grown large enough, and that fruit or vegetable is nice and ripe, and the right colour to eat, we can pick it and we can eat it.

Now, where on the plant, our fruit or vegetable comes from is different, depending on the fruit and vegetable.

So we're going to explore the different parts of the plant.

So here is a picture of a strawberry plant.

I want you to think about really carefully, where is the stem? Where is the stem on the plant? Then I want you to think about, where is the fruit on the plant? Where are the seeds? Where is the bulb? Tricky one, isn't it? And then, where are the roots? So what I'd like you to do, you can sketch this plant if you like, or you can point to the screen.

I would like you to have a go at labelling the strawberry plant.

So have a go at pointing, where is the stem? Where is the fruit? Where are the seeds? Where is the bulb? And where are the roots of that plant? Pause the video, while you have a go at this.

When you've done it, press resume and play, and we'll carry on.


Did you have a game? Did you spot where the stem is? That's right, the stem is the part that goes from the root to the top of the strawberries, isn't? Well done.

Mrs. Mee will show you a label drawing in a moment.

Did you spot the fruit? Yes.

Hopefully that was an easy one.

The fruit is the flowered part of the plant.

And you can actually see the strawberry on this plant on here.

Did you spot the seeds? Yes.

So Mrs. Mee on this, there's an enlarged drawing of the seeds, isn't there? So the seeds are within the strawberry plant.

Did you spot the bulb? Tricky one, isn't it? Now, the bulb is at the bottom of the plant.

And did you spot the roots? Well done, excellent.

The roots are what anchor the plant into the ground.

So shall we have a look at our label drawing? Oh, Mrs. Mee forgot one.

Can you do me a quick favour, and just spot why the leaves are on that plant? Silly Mrs. Mee.

Where are the leaves? Excellent.

Well done for pointing to the leaves.

Now, Mrs. Mee is going to show you her label drawing to see if you've got it right.

So if you compare that drawing to your drawing, did you get them all right? If you did, you are a superstar, but if you didn't, don't worry, because this is the first time you've probably learned about the parts of the plant, unless you've already explored it in science.

So it's really important that we think about all of the different parts of the plants, because each fruit and vegetable comes from a different part.

And that's something we're going to explore in a little bit more detail.

But all of the food that is grown is actually farmed.

It is farmed on land.

Did you get that star word? well done.

Farm is one of our star words.

So here is a field of strawberries, and on the right hand side is a greenhouse of strawberries, because strawberries are only really grown best in the summertime when it's nice and warm and toasty.

Now you've probably been strawberry picking, haven't you? So you've probably walked through the field, and pick the strawberries and collected them to eat.

Now, because in the UK, the weather's not always nice and toasty and warm, different parts of the year, people can farm strawberries in greenhouses, and create that nice, warm, and toasty conditions for you to have juicy strawberries for longer, other than just the times of the year when they grow best, which is the summer.

So, here's an example of where our strawberries come from.

It's exciting, isn't it? So what we're going to do now, is we're going to explore the ingredients in our savoury salad.

So we are going to look at those ingredients in a bit more detail.

So, the ingredient in our savoury salad, do they come from the shop? Are they grown? Do they come from the ocean? Are they caught? Well done, keyword.

Or do they come from animals? Another keyword.

So you've got three keywords.

They're grown, caught, animals.

Where does that fruit and vegetables from our savoury salad come from? Point to the screen when you know.

Well done, if you got it right.

All of our ingredients are grown, and they start off as a seed and they grow into a plant.

But the part of the plant that we eat will be different.

And that's something we're going to be exploring.

Now, if you said shop, you're not completely wrong, because we do buy our fruits and vegetables from the shop, but they don't grow in the shop, do they? We can buy them from the shop, but they're actually grown and farmed in fields.

So let's explore some of our ingredients.

Do you remember the ingredients that we used in the salad? Can you have a little think, what ingredients we used? That's right.

What's this ingredient? A lettuce.

Yeah, Mrs. Mee use a lettuce.

What we've got here? A tomato, a carrot, well done.

Can you spot these? Peppers, well done if you got that correct.

And then our final ingredient was cucumber.

Well done.

So we are going to explore each of these ingredients and find out, what part of the plant that ingredient comes from.

So let's look at our first ingredient.

Here is a field of lettuces growing, and here is the lettuce that has been picked, ready for Mrs. Mee to eat.

Can you identify what part of the plant am I eating, when I'm eating a lettuce.

Am I eating the stem, the stick? Am I eating the fruit, which is the flower on the end? Am I eating seeds? Am I eating the bulb, which is at the bottom where it starts to grow? I may eat in the roots, the part that goes underground? Or am I eating the leaves? Pause the video and have a little go.

What part of the plant am I eating when I eat a lettuce? Have a think.

Have you got me an answer? What did you say? Excellent, well done.

If you said leaves, we are eating the leaves of the plant.

Now we can't eat leaves on every plant, but the lettuce plant, we eat the leaves of the lettuce.

Now let's take a look at the tomato plant.

So when eat a tomato.

Here is a field of tomatoes.

This is an illustration, and here is the tomato that we've picked.

And we know it's ripe when it's nice and juicy.

And a tomato do come in different colours, but this is a red tomato.

So we know that that is juicy and ready to pick, and it's ripe and ready to eat.

What part of the plant does a tomato come from? Is it the stem? Is it the fruit? The flower on the end? Is it the seeds? Is it the bulb, the bit that's in the ground at the top of the soil? Is it the roots, the bit that's underneath the soil? Or is it the leaves? What part of the plant is the tomato? Have a think.

Well done if you've got it right, it is indeed a fruit.

So the fruit is the flowered part of the plant, and that is the part that we eat.

We don't eat the leaves, do we? We will leave that bit.

So let's have a look now at a carrot.

Now, hopefully this image might give you some clues.

So the carrot.

That is a picture of carrots growing in the ground.

Is it a stem? Is it the fruit? Is it the flowered part? Is it a seed? Is it a bulb? Does it sit on the ground? Or is it a root? Does it go into the ground? Or is it the leaves? What part of the plant are we eating when we eat a carrot? Have a think.

Now, don't worry if you've got this one wrong, it's a little bit tricky, isn't it? So the correct answer is the root.

When you're eating a carrot, you are eating the root, because a carrot is the part that grows in the ground.

How about that? So, let's have a look now at the pepper.

Now, think back to some of the other plants that we've looked at.

Here is the pepper.

Can you see the pepper growing? It's not quite fully grown, how's it there? It looks quite ripe, though.

What part of the plant are we eating when we eat a pepper? Are we eat in the stem? Are we eat in the fruit on the end? Are we eating the seeds? Are we eating the bulb, the bit that sits on the ground? Are we eating the roots, the part that goes into the soil? Or are we eating the leaves? What part of the plant are we eating, when we're eating the pepper? If you've got this right, you really do need to give yourself a pat on the back.

The part that we're eating is a fruit.

So a pepper is actually a fruit, but it is often treated like a vegetable, but it is a fruit, because it is the flowered part of the plant.

And that's how we define what a fruit is.

Now, let's have a look at our final ingredient.

Here is a plant of a cucumber growing.

So let's have a think about this cucumber.

Now, that is a different type of cucumber to the one that I'm showing you, but it is a cucumber.

Is it the stem? Is it the fruit? Is it the seeds? The bulb? The roots? Or the leaves? What part of the plant are we eating when we eat a cucumber? Have a think and then shout out to me.

Now, if you've got this one right, you are super clever.

If you've got this right, you've thought about what we learned previously.

The cucumber is indeed a fruit.

Now, that's probably the first time you've actually thought that a cucumber was a fruit, because it is the flowered part.

Can you see it's the bit that we pick off the end, and fruits contain seeds.

So there are seeds in the cucumber.

So that is how we define what fruit is.

I wonder if you could spot some other fruit.

We've had a go at exploring all of our ingredients now in our savoury salad, and we've explored what part of the cabins are from.

So let's see what you've remembered.

We're going to do a short end of lesson quiz, and then we'll recap what we've learned today.

Okay, are you ready for your end of lesson quiz? Right, then let quickly quiz you on what you've learned in this lesson.

Okay, first question, where does your fruits and vegetables come from? Do your fruits and vegetables come from a shop? Are they grown? Are they caught? Or do they come from an animal? Where does your fruits and vegetables come from? That's right, they are grown.

So all of our fruits and vegetables are grown, and they grow from seeds into big, large plants, and then we pick them when they're ready.

So the part of the plant that we eat depends on the fruit and vegetables.

So let's have a look and see what you remember.

Let's have a look at our first ingredient, the cucumber.

What part of the plant is the cucumber? Do you remember? Is it the root? The stem? Is it the fruit? Hmm, have a think.

It is the fruit.

So, well done, if you've got that correct.

The cucumber is the fruit, and we know it's the fruit because it comes from the flowered part of the plant, and it contains seeds, if you remember.

Let's have a look at the next ingredient, the carrot.

Where on the plant is the correct? What part of the plant do we eat? Do we eat the leaves? The roots? The stem? And is a bit tricky, this one, but remember, we've looked at this in the lesson.

What part of the plant is the carrots? Well done if you got it correct, it is the root.

Well done.

Final question, peppers.

What parts of the plant are you eating when you're eating a pepper? Are you eating the stem? The roots? The bit that goes in the ground.

Are you eating the flower? The part that grows at the top.

Hmm, does it contain seeds? Hmm, well done, if you've got it right, it is indeed a fruit.

So, well done, if you remembered all of what we've explored in today's lesson.


So you've done a lot this lesson.

You've completed our intro quiz, we've recapped what we've learned previously, we've looked at our star words, and we've looked at where does our food come? We've even explored the ingredients in our savoury salad, and you've done really well to complete the end of lesson quiz.

I really hope you've enjoyed today's lesson.

Thank you for going in me, and I look forward to seeing you next lesson, where I'll explore some more about preparing fruits and vegetables.
