Hi, everybody.
It is so lovely to see you.
Thank you so much for opening up your design and technology lesson today.
My name is Miss Larham, and I'm your design and technology teacher.
We have got another busy lesson ahead of us today.
We've still got lots of making to do.
So shall we get started? Fantastic.
So we are on lesson three of our structures unit where we're learning all about free standing structures.
Now, last lesson, we were helping out our friend Humpty Dumpty weren't we? And we were finding the strongest wall for him.
But today we're going to have a go at designing a structure.
So let's see what equipment you would need for today's lesson.
In this lesson, you will need some paper, a pencil, some tape, some straws, and some scissors.
And remember because I'm asking you to use scissors today, Make sure they are used under the supervision of a parent or a carer.
So what I would like you to do now is pause the video go and collect all your equipment.
So paper, pencil, tape, straws, and scissors, and then press play when you're ready.
Off you go.
Welcome back.
Thank you for collecting everything we need for today's lesson.
Let's see what our lesson actually going to look like today.
So first, all together, we're going to do the intro quiz.
Then it will be star words time.
Then we're going to be looking at a special type of structure today, frame structures.
Then we'll do our talk task, then we're going to look at joins and we'll do some independent learning and to finish all together, we will do our exit quiz.
Another busy, lesson, don't you think? It is time for our intro quiz.
Now, do you remember last lesson we were building a big, strong, stable wall for Humpty Dumpty.
And we tried out two different brick patterns, didn't we? So we tried this staggered joint.
And we tried the single file column.
This one is the staggered.
And this one was a single file column.
Now, do you remember which one of these brick patterns was the strongest? The one where we couldn't knock any bricks down.
Staggered? Or single filed? Have five seconds to think.
Okay, are you ready to tell me staggered or single-file, tell me now.
The strongest was the staggered brick pattern, wasn't it? Because when we pushed it.
We couldn't push any over.
But when we pushed the single file, it fell down really easily, didn't it? Well then, everybody.
It is time to our star words.
Can you give your hands a flash? Fantastic, remember star words we do my turn then your turn and I want you to join them with your big, loud voice.
Are you ready for the first word? Let's see, my turn, structure.
Well done, structure.
Super, next star word.
Free standing.
Free standing.
Excellent, next one.
My turn.
Well done.
Good job, next one.
Super, and our last one is? Frame.
Amazing, well done for joining in on your star words today.
You might think, hm, Miss Larham, I've heard of some of those words in this unit already.
And that's amazing because I think I'm not sure what some of those mean and that's okay, because in our lesson today we're going to be covering all of those star words.
So by the end of the lesson, you will know what all of them means.
So today we are learning about a special type of structure called a frame structure.
I wonder if you know, what a frame structure is already.
I wonder.
Now, did you know, frame structures are made up of some thin components? We might call them poles.
If we're using our DNT language, we're going to call them components.
And they are joined together to make a structure.
So it's made up of thin components.
Thin poles, thin bits of material that we can join together to make a structure.
So this is a little bit like a teepee tent shape.
Isn't it? So a tent frame is a frame structure.
So remember, frame structures are made from thin components that are joined together to make the frame structure.
Let's see what we're going to do all about frame structures today.
Now did you know, you can find frame structures at the playground at the park? Have a really good look at the two photographs below me.
The picture of the slide and the picture of the swings.
Both of those are frame structures.
I wonder, can you notice what makes them a frame structure? Have a good look at the photograph of the swings below me here.
What do you notice? What makes it a frame structure? Did you notice how the different components, they're thin bits of material.
The thin poles, the thin cylinders are joined together.
So this is one side that we have.
And then we have the pole along the top and we have this on the other side as well, don't we? So it's made up of thin components that are joined together to make a frame where we can use the swing.
The same with the slide.
Can you see all of those metal cylinders all of those metal poles, they're metal components.
They have all been joined together to make a frame structure.
So the structure that you use to walk across that bridge ready to go down your slide are strong and stable.
They've been made up of different thin components.
They're a frame structure.
Now it is time for our talk task.
So let's see what we're going to do.
Now we're going to be having a look at some different shapes.
So on your screen in a moment I'm going to show you some shapes and I'm going to challenge you to see if you can name that shape for me.
So you're going to have to use your maths thinking to see if you can name it.
Are you ready for the first one? Let's see.
Do you know the name of this shape? Five seconds to think, five.
If you think you know tell me now.
Well done for giving it a try.
It's a triangle.
Well done if you knew that.
Watch my triangle.
Now, no matter which way my triangle is facing, whether it's this way or the point is down, to the side, this side, it is still a triangle.
So whichever way it's facing it is still a triangle.
Let's see the next shape.
Hm, tricky one.
Do you know the name of this shape? Five seconds to think, five.
If you know tell me now If you said square, well done.
We know it's a square because all the sides are the same length.
Have a look at my square.
Now, it doesn't matter which way my square is facing.
Whichever way it is facing.
It is still a square.
Let's have a look at the next shape.
Do you know what this one is called? Have five seconds to think, five.
Tell me if you know.
Fantastic, it is a rectangle.
Well done, let's see the rectangle.
And remember, just like my other shapes, no matter which way this rectangle is facing, it is still a rectangle.
Let's see the last shape.
Five seconds to think.
What's this one called? Five.
All right tell me the name of the shape.
It is a circle, well done.
So we have a triangle, a square, a rectangle and a circle.
And remember, whichever way they're facing they still remain that main shape.
Well done for joining in.
We're going to make some of these shapes now.
But for this activity you will need your straw.
So make sure you've got some straws in front of you.
Now, my first challenge is I would like you, using your straws, to make me a triangle.
Pause the video.
Make me a triangle, and press play when you've done it.
Off you go.
Well done, welcome back.
Now, let's check.
So for our triangle, we need three straws.
Did you manage to make a triangle using your straws, that looks just like this? Well done.
Next one I would like you to make.
Can you make me a square? Now, remember a square, all the sides are the same length.
So that's really important.
Pause the video and make me a square.
Off you go.
Fantastic, did you manage to make me a square? Did you make sure that all of your straws were exactly the same length? That's really important.
I've got one on the top, two on the sides, and one along the bottom.
Does your square like this? Amazing.
Well done.
Next one.
Can you make me a rectangle? Now remember, what's the difference between a square and a rectangle? Make sure you show me that, off you go.
Fantastic, well done for making a rectangle.
So I need to make sure I have two longer straws and two shorter straws.
My longer ones on the top and the bottom and join the ends with my shorter ones.
Can you see? Two long sides and two short sides.
I could even do it this way around, and that would be fine because it doesn't matter which way it's facing.
It is still a rectangle.
Well done.
Now I've got a challenge for you.
Can you can make me a circle using your paper straws? Pause the video and make me a circle.
Well done.
How did you get on making a circle? I'm going to use one of my longer straws guys trying to bend it round.
That's really tricky isn't it? We can't make that perfect circle shape.
I'm going to try flattening it.
Doing it that way.
That's a really tricky one, isn't it? Well done, everybody, for making those shapes for me.
Now, let's have another look at the frame structures that we would see at the playground.
What I want you to do is take another good look at the slide and the swing frame structures and see if you can spot any of the shapes we have just looked at.
So can you see any triangles? Can you see any squares? Can you see any rectangles? And can you see any circles? So pause the video now.
Have a good look at the frame structures and tell me what shapes you spot.
Off you go.
Welcome back.
Did you manage to spot any shapes in those frame structures that you would see at the playground? I did too.
Let's have a closer look at the swing.
I can see two really clear, obvious shapes.
Can you see them as well? Let's have a look.
There's a triangle.
Now we'll start on the other side.
There is another triangle.
So this frame structure uses triangles to help it to hold it really strong and really stable.
So it can stand up by itself.
And it's really strong when people use the swings.
Now, should I tell you a secret about triangles? Do you want to hear it? Come closer.
Triangles are the strongest shape in the whole world.
Did you know that? If you want to make something really strong and really stable so it doesn't fall over.
If you put in triangles you have made it really, really stable.
And that's the secret.
Remember, a secret about triangles.
Now really soon you're going to make me a frame structure that you would find at the playground.
But before we get started with that we're going to learn how to join straws together.
And this will help us with our activity.
Now, to be able to join straws successfully together you will need your straws and you will need some tape and you will quite possibly need your scissors.
And remember when you're using your scissors today make sure you're being supervised by a parent or a carer.
So let me show you a nice, easy way to join these two straws together.
Okay? Now what you're going to do is you're going to scrunch the end together to make it nice and narrow because what we can do now is poke that inside the other straw, look, joining them together.
Okay? So let's just see what I did.
I scrunched in to make it into a point a thinner piece of straw.
And then I push it inside the other one.
Then what I do to make sure they're nice and securely joined together, I take some of my tape and I only need a little bit and I put a tiny bit of tape around the join.
Nice and neatly.
You see that? Look how neatly I have joined those two straws together.
So you could make longer straws or what you could do, if you bend it now.
You could start to make that square shape.
So I could put another one in here and another one there.
So that's one way you can join them together.
Another way.
I've got a really long straw this time and I'm going to turn this straw into a triangle.
I fold it to make the points.
And I'm going to fold to make the third side.
I've made a triangle.
So what I'm going to do is I'm going to tape these two bits here together, okay? Remember we don't need lots of tape just a little bit of tape.
Join them together.
Nice and neatly.
Wrapping the tape around.
Okay? So remember, you can scrunch up your straw and put it inside another with a little bit of tape.
Or you could bend your straws into shape, and put a bit of tape where you want them to stick together.
What you might like to do now is just practise these two before we get started.
But don't forget the press play when you've had a go.
Well done, everybody, for giving joining straws a go.
Did you manage to make them join super neatly like mine? Do they look really neat? And are they holding together really securely? Because we need to make sure that is the case, as well.
Now what we're going to do, everybody.
We are going to make our own piece of playground equipment using our straws.
I'll show you how to get started and then it will be your turn.
So I'm going to make a frame structure of a swing.
So I'm going to do a really quick sketch to help me.
So I know we have a bar across the top of the swing.
And remember I showed you those triangles.
And then we have the swing in the middle of that.
So I know which components I need to make.
So I need to have this bar across the top and I need to make a triangle shape.
And I'm going to put a bar across the bottom as well, to make it really stable.
I then need to make one exactly the same size on the other side.
So all of these bits here are my straws.
I need to make these shapes.
This shape for my frame structure, for my swing.
So let's get started.
So now I've done my design.
I have started to put those different shapes together.
So I know with a swing there is a triangle shape on both sides.
And remember, that triangle shape is really important because triangles make structures really strong and stable.
So I've got one of these either side.
And what I'm going to do is I'm going to tape it to my piece of paper.
Hold it nice.
So I'm going to put a bit of tape over the straw and unto the paper.
So it's starting to be free standing.
Let's look at the other side, make sure they're in line.
Okay, so you see I've got the triangle side to my swing.
Now I need a bar across the top.
And I need to measure it so it is exactly the same size.
I can see that I need to cut that bit there to make it the right size.
Okay, and I'm going to use some of my tape, remember, only a little bit of tape.
And I'm going to join the top bar.
I need to nap them in it.
And then put this one on the other side.
With my bit of tape to join them together.
Okay, there you see.
I started to make my frame structure for my swing.
I then made a swing with some of my string.
And a building block that I used last lesson.
And I'm going to tie that unto there.
So what you're going to do now, everybody, is you're going to make your frame structure.
Something that you would find at the park.
So you might do a swing.
You might do a slide.
You might do something more creative something unique that we don't often see at the playground.
Okay? And then I'd like you to press play on the video when you have done so that we can finish off the lesson together.
So good luck making your frame structure, everybody, and I'll see you really soon.
Welcome back, everybody.
And well done for completing your frame structure.
I wonder what you decided to make in the end.
I continued with my swing.
So I've got my two triangle shapes at the end the bar across the top and this seat in the middle.
And I have made sure that I have joined my straws really, really neatly.
So I've made sure my tape look super neat.
I've also made sure that it is strong and stable so it doesn't fall over.
When I give it a push, it doesn't fall over and it really helps having these triangle shapes to help that to stand up really strong and not to fall over.
Did you manage to include any triangles in your frame structure today? Well done if you did, because remember triangles are strong and help our frame structures to stand strong and stable.
Well done, everybody.
It is time for our exit quiz.
So before you leave today, I've got two questions for you.
My first question is what type of structure have we been learning about today? So what type of structure is this? A few seconds to think.
It's a tricky question.
So if you think you can tell me, tell me now.
Well done.
If you said frame structure, you are absolutely right.
So a frame structure is where it is made up of thin components to make a strong, stable structure.
Great job.
My last question is who can tell me what the strongest shape in the world is? Which one is the strongest of all of the shapes? A few seconds to think.
Do you think you know the strongest shape in the whole wide world? Amazing, tell me now.
It is the triangle, well done.
So when we're making frame structures it is really important to include some triangles in our frame structure to make sure it's really stable.
That means it doesn't fall over.
Making it nice and strong.
Amazing exit quiz, everybody.
Now, before you go you might like to share your work with Oak National.
If you do that, that means I get to see the amazing frame structures that you have made today.
So if you would like to please ask your parent or carer to share your work with Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, tagging at Oak National and #LearnwithOak.
I can't wait to see your frame structures.
Now, I have a really important thing to tell you before you go.
Will you make sure you keep your frame structure safe for me? See if you can keep it somewhere really safe in your room so we can use it in one of our other lessons.
Okay? I look forward to seeing you next time, everybody, bye.