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Hello, everybody.

Welcome to your Design and Technology lesson.

My name is Miss Larham, and I am your Design and Technology teacher.

I am so pleased you are able to join us on our lesson today.

We've got a busy lesson ahead of us, creating the best of our congratulations card.

So I hope you have great fun in our lesson today.

We are on lesson nine of our design and technology journey.

We are experts now at sliders and levers.

We have learned a lot about mechanisms and today we're going to apply a chosen mechanism to our congratulations card.

So last lesson we made to the components, the images that we need for our congratulations card, and today we're going to put them onto a working mechanism.

So you're going to turn them into a slider, a lever or into a pop-up mechanism.

So let's have a look at what equipment you will need for today's lesson.

In this lesson, you will need card and scissors.

And because I'm asking you to use this is to make sure you're being supervised by a parent or a carer.

You'll also need glue, pencil and a ruler.

A ruler is really important today.

And you might need a paper fastener if you've decided to do a lever for your card.

You will also need things to decorate your card with, but we can have time to get those later on in the lesson.

Let's take a look at our learning journey for today.

So first, , we're going to do our start of lesson quiz and we're going to do have a star words.

After that, we're going to recap and remember how to make the three types of mechanism.

It will then be your turn to make a functional card.

And we will finish all together with our end of lesson quiz.

So let's get started.

Here is for our start of lesson quiz.


I'm ready to.

I've got two questions for you to get us started today and I bet you'll know the answer straight away.

My first question is, well, we know three different types of mechanism.

Can you tell me the three types of mechanism that we know? Have a few seconds to think and then I'll tell you when to tell me.

Okay, tell me after three.

One, two, three.


Did you say we know slider, lever and pop-up? I thought you did.

Well done.

They're the three types of mechanism that we know.

My next question is, I wonder, can you tell me, what movement does a slider make? And you might like to use your hands to show me the action of the movement.

So, how does a slider move? Have a few seconds to think and then I'll tell you when to tell me.

Okay, can you tell me or show me now? How does a slider move? Excellent.

Did you tell me it moves side to side in a straight line? Well done.

You might have also said that you can move it up and down in a straight line.

Well done on a fantastic start lesson quiz everybody.

It's time for our star words.

Like give those hands a shake.

Make sure they're ready.


Let's make sure our voices are already.

I'm going to say star words in my quiet voice.

Star words, star words.

Your time.


I'm going to say star words in my loud voice this time and then I'll be your time.

Star words, star words.

Your time.

Oh, wow.

That was super loud.

Well done.

Let's see what our star words are for today.

And you might recognise lots of these.

Our first one is mechanism.

Your turn.



You might remember mechanism is when our components are joined together to make movements.

Let's see the next one.




Remember pivot, we used our paper fastener.

The pivot holds the components together so we can make movement.

The next one is slot.

Your turn.



We need a slot when we are making a slider so our construct can move side to side or up and down.

And our next star word is card strip.

Your turn.

Card strip.


We need that card strip that holds out image.

So when we're having a lever, the card strip has the image on the top, making a slider, the card strip has the image on the top and that's what helps us to make that movement.

Our next star word is function.

Your turn.

Well done.



And I'm going to come forward now with my next star word which is functional.

Your turn.



Functional means, does our product work effectively? So when we finish making our card today, does it actually work? Does our lever move? Does our slider move? So we're going to check that our product is functional.

Well done for joining on star words today.

I'm going to challenge you to a quick fire quiz.

Because we have experts in mechanisms, in sliders, levers and pop-ups, I'm going to show you some pictures and then you're going to tell me super quick what type of mechanism it is.

So here are my pictures.

I've got option one, option two and option three.

I'm going to give you five seconds to have a look at my pictures.

One, two, three, four, five.

I'm going to say the option and you're going to shout out to me, is it a slider, a lever or a pop-up? Are you ready 'cause I'm going to be super quick? Excellent.

Option one, tell me.

One, two, three.


It's a lever.

Well done.

Ready for option two.

Tell me after three.

One, two, three.


It's a pop-up mechanism.

Have a look at option number three.

Getting ready to tell me.

One, two, three.


It's a slider.

Oh, I knew you'd be amazing at my quickfire quiz.

Well done everybody.

Okay, so remember our job for today is to add our images to working mechanisms. So what we're going to quickly do is just recap how to make the three types of mechanisms. I'm going to show you to remind you and then we'll get started with your turn.

So let's just do some remembering.

First, let's remind ourselves of how to make a slider mechanism.

So, I've got all of my equipment here in front of me and I'm just going to move that to the side.

So here is the piece of card that I'm going to add my slider to.

So, do you remember for a slider, we need to have a slot? And there's two ways that you can do that.

So the first way you can do that is cutting out a card strip to make your slot.

I'm going to draw with my ruler a nice straight line.

I would cut that out, check it fits.

I'm going to cut a little bit shorter.

I've made a slot from a strip of card and you'd need to put a little bit of glue or tape at the ends to hold it in place.

So you should be able to get when that's dry your finger underneath.

So that's one way you can make a slot.

Another way you can make a slot is using your scissors and your pencil and your blue tack.

So what you need to do is draw a straight line on your card.

And then you need to make a hole at each end of your line.

Use your blue tack for that remember.

There's a hole at the end and there's a hole at the end.

And that just helps me to get started with my scissors.

Okay? So I now have two different slots.

One I've used with card and one I've used for.

Of course it's up to you what type you make.

This one's a little bit more challenging than this one.

You can also make them different lengths, different positions.

So you might have a diagonal line.

You might have a small slot here if you're moving something up and down.

And then you would obviously make your card strip to go underneath.

But you need to decide, if you're using a slider, where are you going to position the slot? How big, how small, which direction? It depends on the function that you would like to get out of your card.

So that's how we make a slider.

Okay, so let's have a look, let's remind ourselves of now how we make a lever.

So definitely you will need your paper fastener for this bit.

So here is the background card that I'm going to attach my lever to.

So the first thing I need to do is draw myself a card strip.

And it's really important that you draw this nice and straight with your ruler.

And then you can cut this out.

Okay? And then do you remember, we need to attach our card strip to our background card, putting in a pivot so can move it in that curved motion? So remember we need our something squashy for this, okay? It's underneath.

We can decide where you want your card strip to sit.

So is it going to sit in the middle, to the side, at the diagonal? It's totally up to you.

hole in there, my pivot through my paper fastener.

And be careful when you open the back of the paper fastener.

Give it a few twists and turns to make sure it moves smoothly.

So you can move in that curved motion.

Now you might want something coming off the top of your card.

That means you might want this bit here to move.

So when you move it at the bottom, you might like to put it all the way over here.

You might like to turn your card and have it this way.

You might need your pivot right near the bottom or more in the middle or more to this end of the card.

You will need to make those design decisions yourself depending on what you want the card to do.

What its function is.

So remember, lever, card strip, pivot moving in that curved motion.

So let's remind ourselves of our third mechanism, our pop-up.

So with a pop-up card, you need to have folded your card in half ready.

And we're going to first of all have a look at a box popup mechanism.

So remember, you need to draw the lines so they go into the fold.

To use my ruler and let's do some careful measuring.

So I'm going to do each line three centimetres long.

I am marking out my lines and measuring with my ruler to make sure I have amazing accuracy.

And I cut up the lines, following them carefully, okay? And fold it forwards and backwards.

Open up the card and give it a little pinch, fold it in and open it up.

And I've made a box mechanism.

So you will have to decide, if you're making a pop-up card today, how big do you want this box to be? Do you want it to come right out in the card? Do you want it to be quite small? Would you like it to be a taller box? Would you like two or three boxes in your card? There are the design decisions that you're going to have to make, okay? Let's have a look of the fold.

So , here's my card folded in half.

The fold is closest to me.

So at this point, I just draw one line.

I'm going to do this one, three centimetres again.

So I'm using my ruler to mark out and to measure.

And I cut off the line.

And then remember, you fold it to make that V-shape.

Fold it forwards and backwards.

And it's quite tricky this bit to pull it forwards and fold in, get everything pushed down.

So you've made a V-fold there.

Do you remember I showed you my card last lesson? So you can do a double V-fold.

You've done that side, but you also might like to do the other side as well.

So forwards and backwards.

Again, this bit's quite tricky.

So be patient pulling it forward, folding it into the card.

So you've made that beak motion.

So when you open and close it, it looks like a beak opening and closing.


here's your reminder, there's your box pop-up and your V-fold popup as well.

So that's been our reminder of how to make our slider, lever and pop-up mechanism.

Well, then everybody so carefully to that.

If you open up your worksheet, I've put some examples and some reminders of how to make all of those as well.

So if you need that at any point during the lesson, you can always access that to support you, okay? Now's the time to get our card finished.

Get our card functional and ready to get to the person that we have made it for.

So for this part, you will need the images that you decorated last lesson.

Do you remember making those? So make sure you have got those in front of you.

So if you need to pause the video and go and collect them, now is the time and press play when you're ready.


Well done for finding your images that you made.

We are now going to put these onto some mechanisms. Making decisions of how we want our card to work with the functional mechanism.

So I'm going to quickly show you mine and then it will be your turn.

So I have got that quick sketch that I did last lesson to help me.

This is what I want my card to look like, and this is going to be the front of my card.

So what I've got is my folded card.

And I've chosen blue to go with the theme.

So you might need to choose a special colour that works really well with your design.

And I fold it in half.

So I'm going to write my message on the inside and have my decoration, my mechanism on the front.

So I'm actually going to unfold that for a minute 'cause I don't want to accidentally paper-fasten my card together.

So I'm going to keep looking at my design to help me.

So I know that I need to make a lever with my rocket on the end.

So the first thing I'm going to do is stick my rocket onto my card strip down nice and tight.

And then I'm going to make this into a lever.

So I need to make my paper fastener go through to act as a pivot.

So using my blue tack and my pencil to make a hole, put in that through.

Okay, bring up the paper fastener like that giving it a few twists and turns and make sure that it moves really well.

So all the time, I'm just going to keep checking that my product, my card, my mechanism is functional.

Is it working? I can see that this moves really smoothly.

So I'm happy so far.

Let's have a look at the rest of my decorations.

And I'm going to add in the earth.

And this is a design decision to cover up the pivots so the user can't see it.

So what I'm going to do is going to put a little bit of glue each.

And I don't want to cover the whole thing in glue, otherwise the card strip won't be able to move.

, hold it tight until it stop.

Let's do a check.

Is my product functional? Does it move? Yes, it does.

I'm always checking if it's working.

It's really important that we do that.

Now what I'm going to do, remember I printed off my moon, I'm going to add that in as well.

I'm going to cut off some of the sides.

I'm going to put some glue on it.

I'm not going to have a full circle moon.

I going to have it off of the card, okay? So, I might decide to leave it coming off the card like this, or I might decide to cut around it so it's off the card.

These are the decisions you're going to have to make as you come to them, okay? So you can see the front of my card has been completed for my happy birthday rocket mechanism.

Here I'm checking it works.

Does it look good? Can I add anything else? Maybe in a moment, I might add some star.

Some of these special gems from my rocket onto the background to add some more finishing techniques.

So I am getting my card finished today.

I am working on my mechanisms, making sure they're functional, ready to give to the user.

I'm going to quickly show you my flower card and then it will be your turn.

So now I'm going to turn this one, the happy birthday card for my grandmother into a pop-up card.

And I've got two different coloured pieces of card here.

And you'll be able to see the effect that two different coloured card makes in just a moment.

So I'm going to put this onto a box pop-up mechanism.

So I'm going to draw the lines with my ruler, making it into a box.

And I want to make it quite a wide but narrow box.

I'm going to stick with three centimetres.

I'm going to make it slightly wider because it's quite a big watering can I need to fit on this.

I'm making that decision.

I'm going to cut up those lines.

Fold it forwards and backwards.

Pull it forwards, a little pinch, squash it down.

And then I would stick my watering can onto the box mechanism.

Okay, that's down nice and tight.

Now what I'm going to do to get my card finished off is I'm going to put an outline because we don't want to give somebody a card that's got a big hole in it like that.

So I'm going to cover that over and I would glue that on.

So we might be able to see now different colours coming through on your popup mechanism.

And that's a really special technique that you can use.

And it adds a really exciting finishing technique.

So it might be nice if you're doing popup to decide which colours work really, really well.

And also what I'm going to do is I'm going to decorate the front with some happy birthday messages.

I might write, happy birthday grandma and I'm going to put some flowers all around it.

So I'm getting my card fully finished.

You might come across some problems as you're working, but that's okay.

You will need to fix them.

So I'm looking at my card now and I'm not sure if I like this bit sticking out.

So I'm going to solve my problem.

I might make this smaller or I might make the outside of my card a little bigger.

I just don't think it looks quite right with this bits sticking out.

So if you come across any problems have a little think to yourself, "Hmm, how can I solve that? How can I make it better?" So what you're going to do now, you're going to pause the video and you are going to make your card.

And you're going to get it totally finished.

So you're going to have all of your working mechanisms on there and you're going to do any finishing techniques on the front or on the inside of your card, okay? So you've got lots of special jobs to do, and all the time checking, does it work? And then you're going to press play when you are ready.

Good luck.

Off you go.

Well done everybody.

Welcome back.

I am so pleased you managed to finish off your card.

I managed to finish off my rocket card.

So I have added some sparkly stuff onto the background and I have my message ready on the inside.

So here is a little message to them and who it is from.

So I'm going to check now, I can help you with the way that the card looks.

Does your mechanism work? Is it functional? And have you got your message ready on the inside? So you might like to pause the video now and just add in any little finishing touches or any fixes and things that perhaps don't quite work.

Or your card might be totally ready to give to your user.

So you've got two options now.

You might want to pause the video, do some fixes and then press play, or if your card's totally finished, we will carry on with the lesson.

If you're pausing the video, don't forget to join us after.

Okay, it is time for our end of the lesson quiz.

I'm going to use the card that I made today for our couple of questions.

Now, I want you to tell me for our first question today, which finishing techniques did I decide to use on my card? So what techniques from art and design have I decided to use? So I'll give you an example.

I decided to use felt tips to colour it in.

What else did I choose from art and design to put onto my card to finish it off? Can you see anything that I decided to use? Can you tell me now one of the techniques? Excellent.

Well, I thought you might have said sparkly star gems, a moon printed off from the computer, you might say tinfoil reflective tape, shiny paper.

They're all decisions I made from art and design to put onto my card.

Well done.

My last question is a super easy question.

You'll know this one straight away.

What mechanism did I decide to use on my cards? What the mechanism is this? All right, tell me now.

I know you know that one.

It's a lever.

I want it to look like my rocket was flying over the earth towards the moon.

So I put a pivot on to have that curved motion.

Well done.

Amazing end of lesson quiz.

what a busy lesson we have had today.

I hope you had great fun finishing off your card today by adding your images onto a mechanism.

Now, I would love to see how your cards turned out.

So if you would like your teacher from school or you would like me to see your card, what you could do, you could ask a grown-up to upload a photo of your card onto Twitter, tagging @OakNational using the #LearnwithOak and I'll get to see all of your amazing cards that you have made.

Now we have one more lesson to do in our D&T journey all about mechanisms. So I really hope you can join us for lesson 10.

I'll see you there everybody.
