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Hello, everybody, I hope you are all okay.

Thank you for joining us on our D and T lesson today.

My name is Miss Larham, I'm your design and technology teacher.

We are on lesson 10, our final lesson in our mechanisms journey.

So I'm pleased that you are here to finish off our unit of work together.

I hope you have a great lesson.

So like I said, this is lesson 10 of our mechanisms journey, and I'm so proud of all of the things you have learned about sliders and leavers.

Today, we're going to evaluate our congratulations card.

So we're going to be thinking about how well we did when we made our congratulations card last lesson.

So let's have a look at what you will need for today's lesson.

In this lesson, you will need an exercise book or some papers to do your recording, you can also do your recording if you print off the worksheet, and then you will need a pencil to write with.

So if you need to pause the video now, and collect everything you need now's the time to do that and press play when you're ready, off you go.

Excellent, welcome back, thank you for collecting everything you need for today's lesson.

Let's see what our learning is going to look like today.

First, altogether, we're going to do our start of lesson quiz.

Then we're going to do our star words, and then we're going to be thinking about evaluative questions.

And then you're going to write up your evaluation of your congratulations card.

And we will finish with our final, end of lesson quiz all together.

Our start of lesson quiz is going to be a little bit different today.

We're going to have the questions come up on the screen with some different options for the answers and you're going to choose your answer that way.

So I'm going to show you the questions now.

So our start of lesson quiz today is all about vocabulary.

So do you remember what our key words mean? So let's see if we can have a go.

Don't worry if you're not sure, we can try our best and see what the answer is together.

So let's see, our first one says, where material or components are connected to make movement, is that a slider, a lever, a pop-up or does that describe a mechanism? So materials and components are connected to make movement, what definition is that for? Is it slider, lever, pop-up or mechanism? Can you point, points on your screen, which one you think the answer is? You point now.

Excellent, what was your thing around mechanism? Well done, and mechanism is where materials or components are connected to make movement.

We learnt that all the way back in lesson one, so well done if you have remember that.

Let's do our next vocabulary check.

Ready, it moves side to side in a straight line, it could also move up and down in a straight line, is that a slider, a lever, a pop-up, or does that describe a mechanism? Side to side in a straight line, up and down in a straight line, put your finger on the word that you think that is, off you go.

Let's check, did you put your finger on slider? Well done, I knew you'd get that one right, we have talked about that a lot, so a slider move side to side in a straight line, and up and down in a straight line, you are a superstar.

Let's see what's next.

No, you remember this one? It appears suddenly, it takes you by surprise.

It stands up off of the page, is that a slider, a lever, a pop-up, or does that describe a mechanism? It appears suddenly, it takes you by surprise, and stands up off of the page? Put your finger on the answer, off you go, let's check to see if you're right.

Did you have your finger on, pop-up? Brilliant, I knew you'd remember that one, the one that stands up off of the page, you are amazing at this, one more to go.

It moves around a pivot, it can move in a curved motion, and it can rotate.

Which one is that? Slider, lever, pop-up, or mechanism.

Put your finger on the one that you think that it is curved motion.

The one way that pivot.

You got your finger on? Excellent, let's see if you're right.

Did you have your finger on lever? I knew you would, we have talked about this a lot so that I knew you would be able to do some amazing remembering.

Well done on our vocabulary check, everybody you are amazing.

It is time for our star words, give your hands a flush, make sure they're ready.

I'm going to stay star words, and then it will be your turn, check our voices are ready.

Start words, star words, excellent it definitely sounds like our voices are ready.

Our first star word is, criteria, your turn, criteria, well done.

And they were the things we had to check, the things that we had to include on our congratulations card.

Our next word is evaluate, your turn, excellent, evaluate, well done, we're going to make some decisions of how well we made our products, so what did we do well and what did we need to improve on? Our next star word is judgments, it's your turn, brilliant, judgments, excellent, and they're decisions that we're going to make of how well we did, can we judge it? How well did we do? Our final star word is, vocabulary, your turn, super, vocabulary, excellent, and they're the design and technology words that we have been learning.

The words like, mechanism, slider, lever, pop-up, components, finishing techniques, all those D and T words we have been learning, we're going to use those today.

Great star words, everyone.

Now we're going to think about the evaluation and thinking about those evaluation questions.

Evaluating a project in design and technology is really, really important because we need to check, whether our product works like we wanted it to, so does our card have a successful moving part on it? We need to check that it all works and if it doesn't, we need to fix it.

So it's a really important process in D and T, to make sure our final product is totally ready.

Let's just quickly remind ourselves of the congratulations design ideas criteria.

I'm sure you know these already.

So there had to be a congratulatory card, so they had to congratulate someone or celebrate something.

It also had to include a mechanism, so it needed to have a slider, a lever, or a pop-up mechanism.

And it also had to fold and stand up by itself.

So these are the things we're going to be thinking about, when we evaluate our cards.

So is it a celebration card? Does it have a working mechanism? Did it fold and stand up by itself? Then the things we're going to be thinking about.

Let's see if we can do some super staff thinking, let's put on our thinking caps, do it with me, tie them up, turn them on, 'cause I've got some thinking for you to do.

Now I wonder, can you think of some questions that we could ask? So the first criteria I want you to think about, is that it had to be a congratulations card, a celebration card.

So I wonder what questions could you ask to check to see if it was a congratulations card? What I would like you to do, is pause the video, have a little think if you can come up with at least one question you could ask, to check it was a congratulations card.

Then you're going to press play when you've got your question and we'll share some ideas together.

So, press pause, have a think, press play, off you go.

Welcome back everybody, well done for having having a think.

I wonder, can you share your evaluation question with me? So what could you ask to check if it was a congratulations card, tell me now, I think that's a really good question, well done.

So you might have come up with, what did your card congratulate somebody for? What did your card celebrate? You might also have said, how did theme of the card match? The thing you were congratulating.

So if you were making a congratulations card for somebody for their new home, and you drew a picture of a banana on the front, will that match the theme of the congratulations card? Or was a nice house put on your card to match the theme? Another question you might have asked is, how did your finishing techniques add to the theme of your congratulations card? So mine, I put sparkly stars because they were up in space.

Well done, everybody, let's see if we can look on next criteria.

The next one said, it had to have a mechanism, a moving part, so can you think of a set of questions that you could ask to check that the card has a moving part? You're going to press pause, have a think and then press play when you are ready.

Go and think of your question, off you go.

Fantastic, welcome back, and well done for having a think, these are challenge questions, aren't they everybody? I wonder what you came up with, would you be able to tell me your question? Yeah, that's a brilliant question, great thinking.

So you might say, what mechanism did you decide to choose? Why did you choose that mechanism? So why did I choose the lever for my card? Because I wanted it to look like it was flying over the air, so a lever would have been perfect for that.

You might also say, did your mechanism work? Was it functional, when you move the cards strip? Or open your card, was it successful? Let's have a look at our final criteria.

Where our card had to fold and stand up by itself.

So I wonder what question you could come up for, for this criteria.

Pause the video, have a think, and press play when you are ready, off you go.

Brilliant, welcome back, and thank you for having a think.

Did you come up with a question you could ask, about it being folded and standing up by itself? Brilliant, can you quickly tell me it? I think that's an excellent question, so you might say, what material did you decide to choose? Why did you choose that material? Because we've done lots of testing of materials, haven't we? So we thought that card was stiff enough to stand up by itself.

Okay, so one question you could ask, does it stand up by itself? Well done, for taking part, well done for thinking about those evaluation questions all by yourself, that's amazing thinking.

So I have put all of your evaluative questions ideas together to come up with a few that we're going to use.

So the first one says, what did you like about your products? So have a look at your card and decide what do you really like about it? What did you do well? The next one says, what mechanisms did you use? Did you use a slider, a lever, or a pop-up? Or you might've used two different ones, I don't know.

The next question says, why did you choose that material for your card? So if you chose card as your material, why did you choose that? Think about what you know about properties of materials.

The next one says, how do your decorations much the user and the purpose? So that the images that you put on there, how do they match what the person, that you're going to give it to, what they like.

And the purpose is the reason you were congratulating them for.

And our final question is, how could your product be improved? So if you were going to make this card, all over again what would you do better next time? So what you might like to do now, is print off the worksheets or use your exercise book because we're going to have a look at those questions.

I'm going to show you how to fill them out, and then it will be your turn.

Okay, so let's get started with our evaluation questions, and I have got my finish card in front of me so I can have a really good look at it and I can test out my mechanisms as I answer my questions.

So you might like to have yours in front of you now if you still have it, or if you want to.

So here is the worksheet that you could have downloaded but don't worry if you can't print this off you can just write down the questions and your answers underneath in your exercise book.

So what I'm going to do, is I'm going to write my answer to each question in each box, and I'm sure your teachers at school remind you, when you write your sentence, you start it with a capital letter and you finish it with a piece of punctuation.

So today it's very likely to be a full stop.

And don't forget to add lots of detail into your sentences as well, okay? So the first question here say, what do you like about your products? I'm going to have I look, what do I really like about it? I'm going to put a capital letter, I like how I have used foil to make the window shiny for stock.

It looks like it is made from metal, full stop.

Can you see how I've written a detailed sentence about what I like? I didn't put, I like it, full stop.

Or I like all of it, full stop.

I have found something specific on my card that I really like, and I have written some sentences about that.

You're going to do the same for each box.

So what you're going to do now, is you're going to pause the video, fill out your evaluation questions, and press play when you are ready, off you go.

Welcome back, and thank you everybody for filling in your evaluation.

I managed to get mine finished as well.

We're going to have a quick look at it together.

So the next question I answered was, why did you choose that material for your product? I chose do use card, because it folded and stood up by itself.

I chose shiny materials, cause it made the card more interesting to look at.

What mechanisms did you use? I used a lever.

I wanted my rocket to fly over the earth, so I chose a mechanism that moved in a curved motion.

I wanted my rocket to do that.

So a lever was the perfect mechanism for that movement.

How do your decorations match the user and purpose? The user is going to be five and loves rockets and space, that is why I chose space decorations.

And I put number five on the card as well.

It's going to be a happy birthday card, so I wrote happy birthday on the front.

The last question, how could your project be improved? I would use a stiffer card for my rocket, because sometimes the rocket bends forward when I pick it up.

I would almost say tighten my pivot, because it moves around too much by itself when I pick up the card.

'cause I wanted it to be a little bit stiffer.

I wonder now, if you would pause the video and make sure you have answered all of the evaluation questions with lots and lots of detail.

So to pause, make sure all your sentences are full detail and then press play, when you have added to your work, off you go.

Well done, welcome back, well done for adding more information to your evaluation it's really important to make sure we have added lots of detail.

I've got lots of thought into our evaluation.

Well done everybody.

We have come to the end of our lesson, so let's finish with our end of lesson quiz.

My questions say, are all about your card, or you just tell me about your card.

So, who is the user of your cards? So remember that the user of my card was five-year-old boy.

Who is the user of your card? Tell me now.

Excellent, so you might have said, a mom, a dad, an auntie, an uncle, a neighbour, best friend, a teacher, the person you're giving the card to is your user.

What is the purpose of your card? To the purpose of my card is to celebrate a birthday, a happy birthday card.

So what was the purpose of your card? Can you tell me, Super, so you might have said, birthday, Christmas, Easter, historical event, a new home, a new job, a graduation, passing your driving test, it could have been lots of things to congratulate somebody for.

My last question you is, what mechanism did you use on your card? Did you include a slider, a lever, or a pop-up? Can you tell me what mechanism you used? Excellent, so you might have a slider, a lever, or a pop-up.

Your cards sound amazing, great work, everybody.

So we have come to the end of our final design and technology lesson in our journey, all about mechanisms. So I wanted to say thank you for taking part.

Thank you for joining in on all the work that I have set for you.

I hope you've really enjoyed it, I hope you've learned lots of new information that you can teach your teacher back at school.

I hope to see you guys again soon, bye.