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Hello, everybody.

I'm Miss Larham, your design and technology teacher.

I am so happy and so pleased that you are able to join us on our design and technology lesson today.

I hope you really enjoy it because we've got some great practical activities for you to do today.

So this is lesson five of our design and technology journey.

A journey where we have been learning lots about mechanisms. And in particular, we have built a lot of knowledge about sliders and levers.

Today, we're going to explore a range of users and purposes and this is really important on a design and technology journey.

So let's have a look at what equipment you will need for today's lesson.

In this lesson, you will need some card, you will need a pen or a pencil and you will need some colouring pencils.

If you prefer to use felt tips, that's absolutely fine.

So if you want to pause the video and make sure you've got some card, a pen or a pencil, and some colouring equipment, now's the time to do it.

So pause your video and press play when you are ready.


Thank you so much for collecting everything that you need.

We can get started now.

Let's have a look at what our lesson journey is going to look like today.

At first, all together, we're going to do our start of lesson quiz.

And then we are going to use and learn our star words.

And then we're going to have a think about introducing congratulations card.

And you might recognise that from last time where we talked about congratulations cards.

And then we're going to have a go our practical activity.

And before you all leave, we're going to do our end of lesson quiz all together.

It is time for our "start of lesson quiz" and you are always amazing at my quizzes.

So let's see if you can do some superstar thinking today as well.

My first question is, can you name the property? So I'm going to show you an action and you're going to tell me what property it is.

So this is our learning from the last couple of lessons.

Are you ready? Excellent.

I'm going to show you the action now.

Are you ready? I'm going to show you again.


Can you shout out what the action is? Tell me now.


It was bend.

Because you were so good at that, I'm going to test you on another one.


Can you remember the property of that material? That action.

Tell me now.

You're right.

It was stiff.

Excellent remembering.

Ready for the next question.

My next question is a true or a false question.

So true means, "Yes, Miss Larham" and false means, "No, Miss.

Larham." Are you ready? True or false? A congratulations card needs to be able to stand up by itself.

True or false? Stand up by itself.

Tell me after three.

One, two, three.


It does.

When we make a card for somebody we need them to stand up by itself.

Because like we said last time, we like to put up our cards that our friends and our families give to us.

Well done.

What a great start.

Ready for my last question? It's a true or false question again.

I have got some paper towels.

This is some kitchen towel.

I might mop up the spillage that I have made in the kitchen.

This is a paper kitchen roll towel.

True or false? This would be good for a congratulations card, true or false? What do you think is good for a congratulations card? What do you think? Your mind says that's false and I think you're right.

Although we can bend our paper kitchen towel when it stands up by itself, it falls over way too easily.

So it doesn't stand up by itself.

So this is not good for a congratulations card because although it bends, which is good, it does not stand up by itself.

So if you said false, you are absolutely right.

Well done on completing the start of lesson quiz.

Now it is time for our star words.

So let's make sure our voices are ready for our star words.

I'm going to say star words in my deep voice.

You ready? Star words, star words.

Your turn.

Brilliant deep voice.

I'm going to say star words in my high pitched voice.

Star words, star words Your turn.


It sounds like our voices are ready to hear and to say what our star words are for today's lessons.

So our first one is, congratulate.

Your turn.


My turn.


Your turn.

Excellent start.

Our next one.

A really long word.


Your turn.

Gosh, that is a long word.

Isn't it? My turn.



Our next word is, celebrate.

Your turn.



Our next one is, celebration.

Your turn.



And our last star word for today is, user.



User means, who are we going to make something for? So could it be for your brother or your sister? Could it be for your best friend or could it be for your teacher? They will different users for something that you might make.

Well done.

Let's get started with our lesson.

So now we're going to be thinking about congratulations cards.

And you might remember last lesson when we mentioned congratulations cards where we would give somebody a card to celebrate something.

So we're going to be thinking about that as from now.

Then we're going to think, when might we congratulate somebody? When might we say, "Brilliant.

Well done." When might we celebrate something with somebody? So have a few seconds to think now.

When might we congratulate somebody? Have a second to think.


Well done for having a think.

Now to extend our thinking even further, I'm going to show you some pictures of the reasons why we might congratulate someone to celebrate with them.

So I'm going to show you and see if you can have a think about what those pictures are showing.

Can you tell me anything that you can see on the screen? A reason why we might celebrate or congratulate someone? Can you tell me now, tell me about one of the pictures? Excellent.

You might've said, "We might congratulate someone when it is their birthday." You might have said, "We might congratulate someone when they have a new baby." We might congratulate somebody when they have graduated from a preschool or a primary school or even when you graduate university.

You might also celebrate historical events such as Independence day in America.

Or you might congratulate someone when they pass their driving test.

And you might celebrate events such as Diwali.

So well done if you thought about any of those reasons we might celebrate or congratulate someone.

That's excellent thinking.

You might remember, in one of our previous lessons, when we made a mind map together.

A mind map all about different materials.

We're going to have another go at creating a mind map today looked to "congratulations." So remember, mind map is the perfect way to record down all of our ideas, all of our thinking.

So I'm going to get you started with your mind map and then you're going to finish of all by yourself.

So let's get started with our mind map.

And remember we write down in the middle, the things that we are mind mapping about.

So we're going to mind map all of the reasons we might congratulate somebody.

So in the middle, we're going to write, "congratulations." And "congratulations" is a really long word.

So be careful when you're writing it.

I'm going to put a bubble around the outside.

Pause the video and write down "congratulations" inside a bubble in the middle of your page and press play when you are ready.

Off you go.


Well done.

Now, we're going to think of some ideas together of reasons you would congratulate and celebrate with somebody.

So the first thing you might congratulate somebody on is, if they got a new job.

I'm going to write down "new job." So someone gets a new job, it's really nice to send them a card to say, "congratulations." You might also congratulate somebody on their birthday.

You might celebrate.

You might send them a card to say, "Happy birthday." You might also celebrate with somebody perhaps when they're getting married.

So on their wedding day, you would congratulate somebody on their wedding.

So I've got you started here with three examples.

I would like you to feel your whole page with ideas of when we might congratulate somebody.

And then you're going to press play when you have filled up your page, okay? So off you go.

Press play when you are ready.

Good luck.

Well done for completing your mind map.

I took some time to finish off my mind map as well.

And now you might like to compare my ideas with your ideas.

And if you've missed any off, you might like to add them to your mind map now.

So did you remember that you might congratulate somebody when they pass in exams. It might been a written test, or even a music exam.

Did you remember that you might congratulate somebody for their confirmation for example? Did you remember to write down that you might congratulate somebody when they have a newborn baby.

It's lovely to send a congratulations card to a new family.

So you might like to take a few seconds to add down any that you might've forgotten.

Okay, just do that now.


Well done.

I think we have got loads of ideas of reasons why we might send somebody a congratulations card.

Well done.

Now, one of the reasons we might congratulate somebody is because it is their birthday.

And now we're going to think about that star word from the beginning of the lesson.


And that means, who might we make one for? So the question is, who might we send a birthday card to? Can you think of anybody you might send a birthday card to? I can think of a few people.

Can you think? Great.

Can you tell me one of them? Excellent idea.

I was thinking that I might send a birthday card to my friend.

Did you think a friend as well? Excellent.

Well done.

So let's have a look at how we can add to our mind map thinking about the user of the congratulations card.


So here is my mind map from earlier.

And I've changed my coloured pen.

And I'm going to record around some of my congratulations ideas and adding in a user.

So let's think about birthday.

So I might send a birthday card to my auntie.

I might send a birthday card to a friend.

I might send a birthday card to my neighbour to the person who lives next door to me.

I might send a birthday card to my teacher or I might send one to a mom or a dad or a stepmom or a stepdad.

So I started to record down here some people who I could send this to.

So you might like to focus on birthday to start and then if you want to do some extra bits to your mind map you might write down some users of these as well.

So you might send a new job card to a family member or a friend, or again it might be a neighbour that you send a new job card to.

So you can add to as many of these as you like.

Don't forget to definitely do birthday for me though because we're going to need that in a little while.

Okay, so pause the video, add to your mind map, off you go.

So now it is time for our practical activity.

So we're going to focus on birthdays.

And what we're going to do is think about birthdays and users.

So who might we give a birthday card to? So you're going to choose two of the users for your birthday card.

So I am going to choose a small young boy and I'm going to choose my grandmother.

So I'm going to make two birthday cards for two different people.

One for the young, small boy, and one for my grandmother.

And my small young boy that I know and my grandmother, they both like very different things.

The small young boy that I know, he loves rockets and planets and anything to do with space.

But my grandmother, that's not her favourite thing.

She loves gardening and planting flowers.

So I'm going to use that knowledge that I have of my two users to make sure the birthday cards that I make for them fit the things that they love to do.

So you're going to have to think carefully about that as well.

So your first job, think about the two people you're going to make a birthday card for.

Take a second to think the two people.


Have you got two people that you're going to make a birthday card for? Excellent.

Now think about what those two people like.

Do they like racing cars? Do they like space, like the little boy I know does? Do they like flowers? Do they like golf? Do they like football? Do they like sweets and food? Maybe have a little thing cause you're going to need that knowledge in just a moment.

Now it is time for us to make two birthday cards.

One for one user, and one for the other.

And remember what I said before.

We need to think about what does that user like.

what would be on a card that they would really really love for that birthday? So remember what I said about the young small boy that I know.

He loves anything to do with rockets and space.

So I'm going to draw that on my card.

Now before you get started with that, please can you check that your card opens like a book? So you've got the folded bit on the left-hand side and on the right hand side is the bit that opens.

So check that before you do any drawing at all today.

So the first thing I'm going to draw is a big rocket in the middle.

Cause that's what he loves the most.

Decorations of my rocket.

Just some stars down here.

He'll love this.

He loves anything to do with rockets and space and add in some wings.

And then in the background, I'm going to add in some planets.

Now because it is his birthday, I'm going to write "Happy Birthday" on the rocket.

So we know that it's a birthday card.

So can you say our start is design a birthday card for somebody who loves rockets? I think he's going to really, really like this.

Now, what you're going to do, is choose one of your users, and design the front cover for them.

You're then going to press play because we're going to have a look at the second users together.

So your first job is just to choose one of your users and design the card.

And you're going to press play when you're ready to do the second one, okay? So just on your first card, your first user.

Think, what will they love? How will I know that this person is going to love this birthday card? Good luck.

Off you go.


So well done for designing your first birthday card for your first user.

Now we've joined back together to design our card for our second user.

So I'm sure you remember that I said I was going to design a birthday card for my grandmother.

And my grandmother loves anything to do with gardening and flowers.

So on the front of my card, I'm going to make sure that I do something that I know she will really love.

So I'm going to start with a watering can 'cause she loves watering the plants in her garden.

Here's the spout.

It's handle.

Joining it up, that's the top, the opening, and a little decoration.

Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to fill my watering can with lots of flowers.

She loves flowers.

And we put them coming out nice and tall.

I'll do lots and lots to fill my page on adding some leaves as well.

Let me say, I'm adding decorations that I know that she really, really love 'cause she loves gardening so much.

So I would carry on and finish this off.

And don't forget it's a birthday card so I might write "Happy birthday" on the front.

I'm going to change the way I do that this time.

I'll do some fancier writing.

Happy, then this I'm going to write birthday.

Big fancy writing.

There we go.

So you can see the difference between my two cards.

You can tell they're for different people.

So what I would like you to do now is I'd like you to design your second birthday card for your second user.

We'll be able to see the kinds of things that each user would like.

So pause the video and get started with your second birthday card and press play when you are ready to join us.

Off you go.

Well done everybody for making your two birthday cards for your two different users.

Now if you haven't done so already you might like to start adding some colour to your cards to get them really finished off.

So by the end of the lesson, it will be amazing to have two fully coloured, fully complete birthday card for two different users.

So if you haven't done that already you might have to pause the video, colour them in and then press play so we can finish the lesson together.

Well done.

Okay everybody.

We have come to the end of our lesson.

Well done for all of your hard work that you have put in today.

But before we go, let's see if we can answer a couple of questions all together to make sure everything we've learned today has been locked into our brains.

So my first question is, can you tell me what does user mean? Do you remember it was one of our star words and we've mentioned it quite a few times during our practical activity.

What does user mean? Take a few moments to think, and then when you're ready you can tell me, what does user mean.


Have you told me? If you haven't, tell me now or you can tell me again.

What does user mean? That's fantastic.

Well done.

User is who, who are we going to make something for? Fantastic everybody.

That's really good.

Answered the question one.

Now, can you tell me, who might be a user of a birthday card? We've talked lots about this today.

Who might be a user of a birthday card? See if you can think of an example ready? Tell me now.


You might have said a friend, a brother or a sister, a mum or a dad, a neighbour.


We can make lots of different people a birthday card.

Well done.

We have come to the end of our lesson.

But before you go, I would really love to see some examples of your work.

And to be able to show me some examples of your work you will need a grownup to help you.

You're going to ask a grownup to take a photograph of the two cards that you have made today.

And then your grownup is going to upload it onto Twitter, tagging in, @OakNational.

And that means I get to see all of the amazing work that you have done today.

Don't forget that needs to be done by an adult though.

Okay? I'm really looking forward to seeing you on our next lesson.

See you soon.