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Hi, everybody, welcome to today's design and technology lesson.

My name is Miss Larham and I am so happy that you are able to join us today.

I hope you have a really great lesson.

We've got lots and lots to do today.

We are on lesson seven in our design and technology journey.

And we have become experts in mechanisms and particularly sliders and levers.

And today, we're going to generate design ideas for a congratulations card.

So you're going to be thinking about a design that you could use.

You could choose for your own congratulations card that this lesson today will need quite a lot of equipment.

So let's have a see, let's have a look at what you will need.

In this lesson you will need card, paper, glue and scissors.

You'll need pencil and colouring pencils and you will need some paper fasteners.

And because we're using scissors today you need to make sure that when you're using those you're supervised by a parent or a carer.

So you might need to go off now and collect all of that equipment that you need.

So you are going to pause the video, go and collect all and press play when you are ready off you go.

Brilliant, welcome back, and well done for collecting all of those things we need.

We need lots of equipment today because we're going to do lots of making in our practical activity.

Let's get started.

Let's take a look at what our lesson is going to look like today.

So first, altogether, we're going to do our start of lesson quiz and then we're going to have a go at doing our star words and then we're going to be designing sliders and levers today.

Then we're going to generate our design ideas.

And finally, we will finish all together with an end of lesson quiz.

Who is ready for the start of lesson quiz? I'm definitely ready and let's get started straight away.

Now, last lesson, we knew three different types of mechanisms. We now know slider, we know lever, but what was the mechanism called that we learned last lesson? I've got a clue if you're not sure, here's the card that we used.

You remember? So we know slider, we know lever and what is this one called? A mechanism? Have a few moments to think.

Are you ready to tell me the type of mechanism? Brilliant off you go.

Fantastic! Well done! It is a pop up mechanism.

Well done, spinner, slider, lever and we know pop up.

Great style everybody.

My next question is last lesson.

We had a go at making two types of pop-up mechanism.

I've got one of them here.

Do you remember this one? Now do you remember is this a box pop-up mechanism or is it a V fold mechanism? Have a thing is it a box or is it a V fold? Have a moment to think box or the V fold.

Do you tell me now? Excellent! Well done, it's a box pop up mechanism.

The clue is this looks like a box, doesn't it? And a V we cut it and fold it like a V.

Well done on your start of lesson quiz.

You are all superstars.

Now, it is time for our star words So let's get started.

We're going to do my turn, your turn.

And we're going to add in some actions as well today for a few of our star words.

Our first word is slider.

Your turn.

Excellent, this time were going to do the action and then it'll be your turn.

Slider, your turn.

Brilliant, let's see what's next.

Lever, your turn.

Excellent, add in the action.

Lever, your turn.

Good, were showing the motion, the movement aren't we? Let's see what's next.

Pop up, your turn.

Remember, pop up takes us by surprise, your turn.

Fantastic, well done! Our next style word design, your turn.


These are our drawings our ideas for our congratulations card and our last star word is generate, your turn.


Great copying! Generate means we're going to create our ideas today.

This means we are going to make them, make our ideas.

Well done everybody for joining in.

So now it is time for our practical activity.

And I'm really excited about this part and I hope you are too.

We are going to be designing some sliders and levers.

So we're going to practise putting ideas and pictures onto sliders and levers.

And I'm going to use my birthday card that I created a couple of lessons ago.

Do you remember when I made the rocket card for the young boy, for his birthday who loves rockets and who loves space? And do you remember I did the flowery card for my grandmother who loves gardening and loves flowers.

Now I'm going to use those as my examples today.

You might like to use yours from that lesson, or you might like to choose them brand new ideas today.

And that's absolutely fine.

So I'm going to show you, I'm going to model how we decorate sliders and leavers and then it'll be over to you it'll be your turn, so I'm going to show you now.

Okay, so first I'm going to model an example of designing a pop up mechanism.

So we'll need our knowledge from last lesson to help us with this.

So I'm going to move all of my equipment to the side and I have got my decoration that I'm going to put onto my pop up mechanism already.

So I'm going to pop that to the side as well.

So I'm going to use a box pop up mechanism for this.

So I'm making sure the fold is closest to me.

And that is where I'm going to draw my lines.

Do you remember anything about the lines that we draw? Do you remember that a really important rule? Excellent! We have to make sure our lines are the same length.

So that is why we need our ruler.

So I'm going to make a box in the middle of my card.

And I'm going to do my five centimetres today.

And I'm going to make it quite a wide box.

So you'll remember how to do this.

And you can decide if you want it to be narrower, wider, longer, shorter totally up to you.

So this is where you will cut down your lines and don't forget you'll need adult supervision for this.

And then if you remember, we fold it up, turn it the other way, hold it and then we open up our card and pull it through, give it a little pinch.

So it stands up by itself, squashing everything down.

Okay, so I've now made my simple box mechanism.

And what I'm going to do is I'm going to stick my flowers on the box mechanism.

So when I open the card, that is what pops up.

So I'm going to put some glue on the back of there.

I'm going to stick that, I'm going to stick on nice and tight get nice and straight and neat.

There we go so lets place up the card, so now my flowers are hiding on the inside and when I opened them up I have made a pop-up watering can.

So I've made by 2D card into a 3D pop up mechanism.

I also had a little go playing around with box mechanisms. So I had to go up putting two box mechanisms. I open it up, there are two watering cans hiding inside using two box mechanisms. So I've got two designs here.

That I have had a go at, so you could make a pop up mechanism.

And you're going to think about what could you put on those pop up mechanisms to decorate them? Okay, so now we're going to to move on to a slider design.

So I am going to turn my rocket into a slider.

So I have a picture of my rocket.

I have my card strip for my slider, and I have also got a slot for it to go underneath for it to move.

Now I'm going to do this in a bit of a different way.

I'm going to put my slider on a diagonal as before we practised it, going straight along the bottom.

I'm going to make it a little bit different and put my slot on a diagonal.

I'm going to put some glue on each of those ends.

And stick that down on my card.

A few seconds it should be stuck nice and tight.

And then I'm going to stick my card strip on the back of the rocket, some glue on there.

Stick that on nice and tight.

And let's see if it works.

So I'm going to put my card, strip my slider in my slot and I have the fire coming over the slot.

And then I can move my rocket up and down moving in a straight line.

Can you see? I've made a slider.

What! The birthday card now has a moving part.

You can move the rocket.

I've also had a go at making a slider for my grandma's card as well.

So I have put a slider, so the flowers move up and down.

So it's like the grandmother can take the flowers in and out of the watering can.

So I made a slot here, put the flowers on a card strip, placed the watering can in the right place.

I can put it in.

That's a slide.

So I've got a diagonal slider for my rocket and I have got a slider that moves up and down in a straight line as well.

So there some examples that would be able to get you started for a slider.

So we've done a popup mechanism, now we've done a slider.

So let's have a little look at making a lever.

So I'm going to be turning my rocket into a lever.

And for this we need to make sure we've got the paper fastener because it needs a pivot.

So it can move around the pivot.

So let's have a look at how I'm going to turn that into a lever.

So I'm going to start by sticking my rocket onto my card strip.

And instead of facing up this time, I'm going to have it facing the side.

A bit of glue on that, stick that down nice and tight.

And then we need to attach the card strip onto the front of our card.

So we're going to put our pivot, our paper fastener through the card strip on the front of our card.

So I'm going to open up my card because I don't want it to go all the way through.

If it goes all the way through I won't be able to open my card.

So I'm going to use my blue tack and I put that underneath, and use my pencil to make a hole through the blue tack.

There we go.

The paper fastener through.

Remember you need to be really careful for this bit as well when you open the paper fastener at the back.

Remember just give it a few twists and a few turns to make sure it moves really, really smoothly.

So we now have a rocket that moves on a pivot.

So I'm going to add a little extra design to it.

I'm going to add on a picture of the earth.

So it hides my pivot underneath.

Now what I want with this.

I only want to teeny-tiny bit of glue on each side, if I glue down the whole thing, I won't be able to move my lever.

So just a little bit of glue on either side, will make sure that my lever can still move successfully.

Just a little bit on the sides.

So now I have a rocket on a lever that looks like it's flying over the earth.

So I have made this into a card with moving parts of the mechanism.

You see that? So now we've done pop up.

We've done slider and now we've done lever.

Are you ready for your turn? Excellent! Off you go, go and get started decorating a pop-up mechanism, a slider and a lever.

And then you're going to press play when you're ready because I would love to see what you have made.

See you soon.

Welcome back everybody.

I hope you had an amazing time designing your sliders and leavers.

I was wondering if you would be able to hold up to your screen, your favourite mechanism that you have made.

So this one is my favourite the lever with the rocket moving in a curved motion.

Can you show me yours? Show me now your favourite one.

Wow! That design is amazing.

Well done for decorating a pop-up mechanism, a slider or a lever.

We have just built lots of knowledge ready to make our very own congratulations card.

Well done everyone! So now we have lots of knowledge about using our art and design skills to design and decorate sliders and leavers.

We're going to think about designing, our congratulations card.

So I'm going to show you how you might come up with some design ideas and then it'll be your turn to get started.

So there are a couple of things we need to think about before we get started with our congratulations cards design ideas.

The first thing we need to think about is which events will you celebrate? What will you congratulate somebody for? So will you make a birthday card? Will you make a, maybe an Easter card or will you make a card to say congratulations on your new job or your new home or your new baby.

So you need to think and decide which event will you celebrate? Remember we did a big mind map about that.

A couple of lessons ago.

The other thing we need to think about is your card will need to have a moving part just like we practised a little while ago in our lesson.

So are you going to put a slider on your card? Are you going to have a lever or is it going to be a pop up card? So that is something you'll need to think about as well.

What you might like to do is with the help of an adult you might like to do some research.

You might try like to find some images that are related to your event.

So in a moment I'm going to show you my design ideas for Easter card.

So what I have done is I have researched images and pictures that are linked to Easter.

So I found some chicks, some bunnies, some Easter eggs.

So there are some things that I have printed off and I'm going to use for my design ideas.

So if you might like to do that, but don't forget you'll need an adult to help you.

So I have decided to make some design ideas for an Easter card, so to celebrate Easter.

So I have been online and I have found some images related to Easter.

So I'm going to stick some of those on my page because these helped me with my design ideas.

So I know things like Easter eggs, Easter bunnies, chocolate are all linked to Easter.

So it helps me to know what decorations are best to put on a card that celebrates Easter.

So I'm going to put these onto my design ideas.

And I might fill all of this side of the page with pictures that will help me with my design ideas.

So now I'm going to move on to thinking about what mechanism, what moving part could I put onto my Easter card? So I have made a mini version of a V fold pop up mechanism, just like a prototype.

So I think, "Ooh I'm going to stick this onto my design ideas." Now I might turn this into a chick for example.

So I'm just going to do really quick sketch.

These are just some design ideas that I could use and this would be its beak.

So I could make a pop up card, and when I open it and that I could have a chick's beak opening and closing with the card.

So I have decided to start using some of the mechanisms on my design ideas page.

I might also think of another way that I could use a pop up mechanism in my card.

So I might draw a bunny for example, and he might be sat on a box pop up card.

This could be the back of the card.

So I'm just doing some rough sketches a few rough ideas of what I could include on my card.

So when I open up my card I have a bunny that is on a pop up mechanism.

And I might add in some, perhaps some Easter eggs as well put some patterns on those.

I might just I might put those on a pop up box mechanism as well.

So when I open it I have a bunny that pop's up and some Easter eggs.

And I would carry on with my design ideas page.

And I think of a way, "How could I put something related to Easter on a lever, "for example, or a slider?" So I would carry on filling my page with all of the ideas that I could use for my Easter card.

This is how I would get started.

And now it's your turn to get started.

So don't forget, choose what are you going to celebrate? What could you congratulate somebody for? What pictures could you include, that's the link to your theme? And then writing down, drawing, sketching some mechanism ideas as well.

And your page will be full of things that you can choose from.

Okay, so you're going to to pause the video now, fill out your design ideas page and press play when you're ready.

Good luck, see you soon.

Well done everybody for competing your design ideas page.

Now I wonder out of all of those design ideas that you have written down today.

Which one do you think you're going to choose? Which one are you going to make in our next lesson? I wonder if you would be able to choose, but don't worry.

You don't have to do that now, keep this piece of paper space have a little think until the next lesson.

And then you can decide which one you're going to make.

Don't lose this piece of paper.

That's really important that we have it for the next lesson.

Wow, we have completed so much work in today's lessons.

So thank you so much for working so hard and getting everything done but before you go let's do a little end of lesson quiz all together.

So we now know the three types of mechanism a slider, a lever and a pop up mechanism.

And we've been talking about including those mechanisms in our congratulations card to add movement.

And I'm going to show you one of the cards that I made earlier and you're going to tell me, is it a slider, a lever or is it a pop up? Are you ready? Excellent, my favourite one.

Does this card have a slider, a lever or a pop up mechanism? Have a look at its movement and its motion to help with your answer.

This is a slider, a lever or a pop up.

Can you tell me, tell me now? Fantastic! This card has a lever hiding under the earth there is its pivot to help it to move in a curved motion.

Well done everybody.

If you knew that answer, fantastic knowledge.

Now we are going to make an art congratulations card in our next lesson.

So I can't wait to see you then, see you soon, everybody.