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Hello everybody, my name is Miss Larham, and I am your Design and Technology teacher.

I am so pleased that you were able to join us on our lesson today.

And I hope you have a really great lesson.

We've got lots of practical things to do today.

So this is lesson six of our Design and Technology journey, where we'll be learning all about mechanisms and we are becoming experts in sliders and levers.

But today we're going to investigate and evaluate cards that include a variety of mechanisms and moving parts.

So let's see what equipment you will need for today's lesson.

In this lesson, you will need paper and card.

We're going to do paper recording and we need the card for our practical part of the lesson.

You also need a pencil and a ruler and you need scissors.

And because we're using scissors today, you must be supervised by a parent or a carer.

So if you need to pause the video now and collect all the things you need, now's the time to do that.

So press pause and then join us when you're ready.

Off you go.


Well done for collecting everything you need.

Let's get started.

Let's see what our lesson is going to look like today.

First, all together we're going to do our start of lesson quiz.

Then we will do our star words.

And then we're going to investigate different cards.

Then we're going to be creating a research page.

And at this point, we're going to do our practical activity as well.

And finally, all together again, we will do our end of lesson quiz.

Now let's get started.

I'm really excited.

Are you? Excellent.

Right, are you ready for our start of lesson quiz? Excellent, me, too.

Now all of our quiz questions today are from our last lessons.

So we need to remember what we did last time.

So you might remember last time we talked about things we would congratulate people for.

So we might say, brilliant, well done for getting a new job.

That's a reason we would congratulate somebody.

So my first question for you today is, can you remember, can you think of a reason, a time where we would congratulate somebody? So put an idea into your hat.

Are you ready? You need to tell me, tell your screen what did you think of.

Great ideas.

So you might have said birthday, a new baby, a new home.

You might have said Christmas.

Excellent, star.

Well remembered.

My next question is, do you remember we thought about birthday cards last time? And we thought about who might we give a card to? So my challenge is can you think of three people that you might send a birthday card to? So you might send a birthday card to your grandmother.

That's an example.

Can you think of three? Three people you might send a birthday card to.

Off you go.

Have you got your three ready to share? Brilliant.

Can you tell me three of them? Brilliant, well done.

SO you might have said a mom, a dad, an auntie, an uncle, a brother, a sister, a best friend, a teacher, a neighbour.

There was lots of people we could give a birthday card to.

Well done on your start of lesson quiz.

Who is ready for our star words? I'm ready.

Let's get started.

We're going to do my turn, your turn.

Let's practise that by saying star words.

My turn, star words, star words.

Your turn.

Brilliant, I can definitely see you're ready.

Let's get started.

Our first star word is user.

Your turn.



So that is who.

Who is going to use it.

Our next one.


Your turn.



And that tells us if something works and how it works.

Our next one, purpose.

Your turn.


Good, and that's why.

Why are we making something? Our next one is appearance.

Your turn.



And that's the way that something looks And our last star word today is pop up.

Your turn.


Pop up.

Your turn.


If you're not sure what pop up means, not to worry, because they're going to be talking about that throughout our lesson.

Great star words everybody.

So the first part of our lesson today we're going to be investigating different cards and cards that have mechanisms in them, and especially pop up mechanisms. So I've got a little quiz for you to start.

I'm going to see if you can identify which one of my pictures is a pop up card.

Are you ready? Excellent.

So here I've got two pictures of a card.

I've got option one, which has the rockets on it.

I've got option two that says happy birthday.

I want you to choose which one do you think is a pop up card? Can you point on your screen after three? One, two, three.

Have you got your finger on an answer? Excellent, let's see if you're right.

Did you have your finger on option one? I thought you did.

Well done, that's brilliant.

So you can already tell which one of these is a pop up card.

The one that stands up off of the page I think you're going to be amazing in today's lesson.

If you knew that already, great job.

On your screen now are some photographs of some pop up cards.

Now I wonder if you would be able to explain to somebody already what you think a pop up card, a popup mechanism is.

I bet you could.

Now, pop means when we open it, it takes us by surprise.

It suddenly appears.

So when we open up a card, something appears suddenly.

It stands up off of the page and it takes us by surprise.

I'm going to show you just a few examples of some pop up cards now.

So now I'm going to show you some examples of pop up card.

Are you ready for the first one? So this is a pop up birthday card.

So when the card is closed I've got a beautiful decoration on the front.

And when I open it.

It's a pop up card.

It's going to take us by surprise.

Something's going to appear.

Something is going to stand up off of the page.

Let's see what's hiding inside.

You ready? Wow, look at that.

So when I open up my birthday card, inside, it is standing out.

It is popping off of the page.

You see how the card has been folded and cut, and when I open it, it pops out like a birthday cake.

It's amazing design, isn't it? Let's have a look.

I've got another birthday card to show you.

And this one's a very small birthday card.

So when I have my card closed I have beautiful flowers on the front, but when I open it up, something is going to pop out.

It's going to stand up from the page.

Let's see.

Wow, look at that standing out from the card.

Got beautiful birds on this one.

And this card has been folded and cut in these special shapes.

So when we fold it down we can't see it.

It's hidden.

And when we open it up, it is 3D, standing off the page.

It's got a a special fold and a special cut for this to have happened.

Let's have a look at my last card.

Well, I wonder if this one's going to be a birthday card.

I wonder if the picture on the front gives us any clues.

And it's a pop up card.

So something is going to stand up and appear when I open it.


When I open this card, the word love stands out, pops out from the card.

Look at this amazing heart design that they've added on there.

So this card, this yellowy card here, has been folded and special cuts have been made into this, so when I open it the word love and this tree stands out.

It pops out.

All been done by special folding and special cutting.

They're amazing, aren't they? I wonder, do you have any pop up cards in your house? You might even have a special storybook that have pop up mechanisms as well.

So if you'd like to go around your house and see if you have any of them, now's the time to do it.

If you don't, though, we'll carry on with the lesson.


I wonder if he found any around your house.

That's absolutely great if you did.

Now, you might like to look into pop up mechanisms a little bit more.

So down the bottom here, I've written the name of someone who is very famous for making amazing pop up books, and his name is Robert Sabuda.

So if you'd like to take some time after this lesson to look up some of the amazing books that he makes, you are more than welcome to do that.

So now we're going to be creating our research page.

And for this, if you manage to find a pop up card around your home, you're going to use that.

But if you don't have one at your home, that's absolutely fine.

What I would like you to do with the help of an adult, I would like you to search online for a photograph of a pop up card that you really like the look of.

And if you print that off we can use that for our research page.

So either you're going to use the one that you found in your home, or you're going to ask an adult to help you to find a photo of one.

So I'd like you to pause the video now and get yourself ready for our research page and press the play when you're ready.

Well done for collecting everything you need for our research page.

So now we're going to evaluate the card that we've found, and to make sure we evaluate it thoroughly we're going to follow some questions, and I'm going to show you those questions now.

First question, what is this product? So what is it that you found? Who is this product for? So who might you give that pop up card to? How does the product work? So have a really good look at your pop up card.

And how has it been made? And how does it work? How is it used? So look carefully at that mechanism, that pop up mechanism again.

When might this product be used? So is it like one of my birthday cards that I showed you? And finally, I want you to have a look at what material the product has been made from.

So I'm going to show you how to get started with your research page and then it'll be over to you.

Okay, so I'm going to start by putting the pop up card, or the photo of the pop up card, in the middle of the page.

And then 'round the outside I'm going to answer all the questions that we saw on the slide before.

So I might start with the first question that says, what is this product? So I know that this is a pop up birthday card.

So that's what I would write.

So this is a pop up birthday card.

I answered the first question there.

And then I might answer one of our other questions, for example when might this be used? So I'm going to put that it would be used to celebrate someone's birthday.

'Cause that's when we would use it.

When it was someone's birthday, we could give it to them.

And then I'm going to answer the rest of the questions and mind map them around the outside.

So you're going to get started with your research page now.

So start by putting your pop up card in the middle and answering all the questions around the outside.

And then you're going to press play on your screen when you're ready to join back in.

Okay, so good luck, and I'll see you soon.

Welcome back and thank you for working so hard on your research page.

I managed to get mine finished.

I've got got a photograph here of my finished research page.

You might like to compare yours with mine to see how we both got on, making sure you've answered all of those questions about your product.

So now it's time for the practical part of our lesson, and this is where you will need your card.

And you might like to have a few pieces of card to investigate with.

You will also need your pencil and your ruler and your scissors for this part as well, because we're now going to be making some pop up mechanisms. So if you need to pause the video and collect any equipment you need for the practical activity, now's the time to do it, and press play when you're ready to start.

Thank you for collecting everything you need for our practical activity.

So what we're going to do now is we're going to have a go at making our own pop up mechanisms. And we're going to focus on making two special types of pop up mechanism.

So here's the first one.

The first one we're going to concentrate on is a box pop up mechanism.

Have you noticed that it looks just like a box? Excellent.

I'll show you a different type of box.

This one's a bit trickier.

Can you see, it's got two thin boxes this time and they pop up into different parts? Add we're also going to be making a V mechanism.

Can you see that we're folding it in the shape of a V? I like this one.

'Cause sometimes it looks like a beak.

So we're going to have a go at making these, and I'm going to model it first, and then you're going to have a go.

First, I'm going to model how to make a box pop up mechanism.

So I'm just going to put all of my equipment to the side and bring in one piece of my card.

And I've already folded it in half.

And I'd like you to turn it up the other way and make sure the fold line is pointing towards you so it opens up like that.

It's important that the fold is facing you.

So for a box mechanism, we need to draw two straight lines, and we're going to use our ruler for this because we need to make sure that each line is exactly the same length.

So I'm going to start just off the middle of the card, and I'm going to draw a line that is six centimetres long.

And then I'm going to leave a gap, and I'm going to draw another line that is exactly six centimetres long as well.

You can see.

Now did you spot that I was drawing these on the fold line? That is really important that you draw these lines where the card is folded.

So two straight lines exactly the same length.

I am then going to use my scissors, so you need your adult to supervise you with this.

I'm going to cut up those straight lines, exactly the length that I've drawn with my pencil.

Okay? And then I'm going to fold it up, push down.

Turn it the other way.

Give it a little fold and a push.

And now I'm going to open up my card, and I'm going to turn it into a pop up box mechanism.

So I'm going to pull it forwards.

Might want to sort of just pinch it together a little bit, and do you want to fold it so it's hidden inside of your card, and give everything a good push down.

And then when I open it up I have created a simple box pop up mechanism.

That's now hiding inside of my card.

Now let's have a look at a different type of box mechanism.

So I'm going to use my card again.

Going to make sure the fold is facing me.

It's really important.

And this time I'm going to draw two lines.

I'm going to make sure each of those lines is the same length.

I'm going to do them a bit longer this time.

I'm going to do them at nine centimetres.

Draw one line, leave a little gap.

Draw nine centimetres.

Again, it's really important they're the same length.

And then I'm going to draw another set of lines, nine centimetres long.

Okay, so can you see, I've got two parts that I'm going to cut now.

So I'm going to use my scissors to cut up the line like we did before.

And on the other one.

Do this carefully and safely.

Just like we did before, we're going to fold these up.

Give 'em a push down.

Turn the card over.

Fold them the other way as well.

This is important to make it sturdy.

And open up the card, and I'm going to pull them through.

Give a little pinch like I showed you before.

And the other one.

Give it a little pinch and close them inside of the card, pushing down these nice clear lines.

When I open it up, I have got two boxes this time.

So I have managed to do one box, and I've done two.

You might like to investigate three or four lines.

And these lines, one might be long, one might be short, and one might be in between.

You might try a wavy line.

You might try a diagonal line.

You would investigate and see what happens when you draw different types of lines.

So that's a box mechanism.

Now I'm going to show you a V fold mechanism.

So again, you'll need your piece of card, folded in half, ready.

We're going to draw the line against the fold.

That's really, really important.

And for a V mechanism, I just need to draw one line.

I'm going to do this line five centimetres in the middle of my card.

Just the one line for a V fold.

Okay, cut up there.

My scissors safely.

And this time what we're going to do is we're going to fold it on a diagonal.

So we make this triangle shape.

I'm going to fold on the other side as well.

All right, open it back up.

And then what we're going to do is trap this V fold inside of the card.

And this can be a little bit fiddly, so be patient and be careful, be gentle on that to fold inside.

Did you see how I managed to do that? And fold it, push everything down, When I open it, I have made a V fold.

It reminds me of a beak, openin' and closing.

So that was just one line and folding it.

You might like to make it look a little bit more like a beak.

So if you draw your line in the middle like you did before, and cut down the middle, and if you fold this bit like we did before, making a diagonal, also do one on the other side so that you've made two triangles this time.

Fold it back on the other side as well.

And you can open up.

Remember this bit can feel like it's quite fiddly to do so be patient with your card.

Fold it in.

Squash everything down.

And then when we open this one.

Open and closes.

Okay, so what you're going to do now is you're going to see if you can make me a V fold.

You might try with one of these, or you might try where there's two.

And you're going to make me some box pop up mechanisms as well, starting with this simple one.

And then you're going to try out other box mechanisms as well.

So you can try out as many as you like, trying out different lengths, different widths, different ways of drawing the lines.

You might do one wavy.

You might do one diagonal.

You're going to have a go now.

Have an investigate of making box and V fold mechanisms. And then you're going to join us on the video again when you've had your try.

Okay, off you go.

Good luck.

Wow, what a busy lesson we have had today.

I wonder how many pop up mechanisms you managed to make.

And I wonder if any of you had time to investigate what different box mechanisms you could make.

But we have come to the end of our lesson now.

We're going to finish with one question, to make sure we've locked in our new knowledge for today.

Let's do this all together.

So my one special question for you today is we now know three different types of mechanism.

One of them, goes like this.

One of them moves like this.

And one of them does this.

Can you remember the name of the three types of mechanisms? This one, this one, and this from today.

Have a think.

Do you think you can tell me any of them? Do you know any of the names of the mechanisms that we now know? Tell me them, tell me as many as you know.

That's amazing.

It's amazing if you've remembered one and well done if you knew all three of them.

So we know slider.

Did you get that one? Excellent.

We know lever, around the pivot.

And today we learned a new one, pop up.

So you know slider, lever, and now we know pop up mechanisms. Well done if you knew any of those.

I can't believe our lessons has come to its end now, but I am so excited to see you next lesson where we're going to be thinking about designing our very own congratulations cards.

So I'll see you then everybody.
