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Hey everybody, welcome to your design and technology lesson today.

My name is Ms. Larham and I'm going to be your D and T teacher.

I hope you're looking forward to today's lesson.

We have gotten lots of practical activities to do.

So you're going to have lots of fun using your arts and design skills.

So let's get started.

So this is lesson eight in our design and technology journey.

We have become experts in mechanisms. We know lots about sliders and levers.

And today, we're going to use skills our skills from art and design to decorate a congratulations card.

So we're going to be thinking about our learning from last week and add some of those skills we have from art and design, into our D and T lesson today.

So let's have a look at what equipment you will need.

In this lesson you will need some card, you will need some glue and some scissors.

And because I'm asking you to use scissors today, make sure you're supervised by a parent or a carer.

And you're going to need a pencil and some decorating equipment.

As we move through the lesson, you'll decide, on what decorating equipment that it is you'll need.

And don't worry, I'll give you some time to collect those, but for now can you go and find me some card, some glue, some scissors, and a pencil.

So off you go, get everything you need and press play when you are ready.

Fantastic, well done for collecting everything you need.

Let's get started with our lesson.

Let's have a look at our lesson journey for today.

So first, altogether we're going to do our start of lesson quiz.

Then we will do our star words.

After, we're going to look at some art and design techniques.

Then you're going to do your practical activity, designing your images for your card.

And finally, to finish our lesson all together, we will do an end of lesson quiz.

Let's get started with our start of the lesson quiz.

Now I have started to make a congratulations card but I haven't finished it yet.

I've got a couple of questions about my card.

Here it is.

It is a congratulations card, it says "Congratulations" in the middle.

But I was wondering if you would be able to tell me, what type of mechanism, have I used, in my card? Have I used a slider, a lever, or a pop-up mechanism? Can you think, what type of mechanism is this? Can you tell me now? Fantastic, it is a pop-up mechanism.

When I opened the card, something stands out and takes me by surprise.

My next question is, have I used a box, pop-up mechanism or a V-fold, pop-up mechanism? Is it a box or is it a V-fold? I think Can you tell me now? Fantastic, it is a box, pop-up mechanism.

You can see 'cause they look just like boxes.

Well done, if you knew both of those answers.

What a great start to your learning! Who is ready for our star words.


Shake your hands, get them ready.

Fantastic, let's make sure our voices are ready.

I'm going to say star words and then it's going to be your turn.

Star words, star words, your turn.

Fantastic, it sounds like your voices are ready.

Let's get started with our first star word.

My turn, decorate, your turn.

My turn, decorate.

Fantastic, and decorate means, what will we add to our card to make it more attractive, to look at.

Our next star word is components, your turn.


Fantastic, well done, you might remember the word components, when we were talking about mechanisms. Components are the smaller parts, that we join together to make the whole product.

Our next star word, oh, it's a long one, finishing techniques, your turn.

Finishing techniques.

Excellent, well done.

And that just means what are we going to add? That's images, craft materials, to finish off our product to make it really great, to look at.

Our last star word is, images.

Your turn.



And that just means pictures and photographs.

Well done on your star words and thank you for joining in.

Now, we're going to look at different art and design techniques.

And you might have done some art and design at your school.

So you might have done some sketching, some painting, some printing some clay modelling.

So we're going to see what art and design techniques we can use in our lesson today.

I am going to show you some different art and design techniques, that you might like to choose to finish off your decorating of your card, today.

So I'm going to show you a picture and I want you to shout out, when you think you know what it is the picture of.

Are you ready? Excellent.

The first picture is, You know what these are, excellent, paint.

So you could choose to paint, on your card today.

Let's see what's next.

Different coloured paper and cards.

So you might like to choose some colours, that match your theme really well.

Let's see what's next.

Oh, bit of a tricky one.

Do you know what this one is? This is fabric and fabric will give us different textures on our card.

Let's see what's next.

Do you know this one? Excellent, these is, computer images.

So you might like to find some images that match your theme for your card and print them off and use those.

Let's see what's next.

Do you know what these are called? They're felt tips, excellent.

And they give us bright, bold colours.

Let's see what's next.

Do you know these? Colouring pencils, well done.

These help us to shade, when we're colouring in and let's see what's next.

Do you know what these are called? Sequins well done.

So you might like to add some sequins.

You could even add some beads or some gems, or some buttons, or some ribbon, onto your card as well.

So these will all add different textures, to improve the way that your card looks.

So we're going to have a look together at how we can use these to decorate our cards today.

Okay, so before we get to signing our images we're just going to quickly remind ourselves all the two things that our card, needed to have.

So our card needed to be a congratulations card.

A reason to celebrate with somebody.

It also had to have a moving part.

So it needed to be a slider, a lever, or a pop up mechanism.

And you might remember in our last lesson.

You made a design ideas page, where you might have put images, sketches, lots of ideas, that you could choose for your card.

So what I would like you to do, is to make sure you've got that design ideas page in front of you.

So if you need to pause the video and go find it, now's the time to do it.

And then you can press play when you have that.

And don't forget, make sure you've got that page ready for me.


Thank you for finding your design ideas page because what we're going to do now, is make a final design decision.

So what images are you going to put on your card? So if you're doing a birthday card for somebody.

What images are you going to put on it? You want to have a look on your page and decide.

Okay, now we've chosen what images.

What you might like to do is to do a really quick sketch of what you want your card to look like.

So I've done a really, really quick sketch to show you.

So this is what, I want my card, to look like.

Because now I know in a moment, I need to make sure, that I have made a rocket.

I have made an earth and I have made a moon.

So I suggest pausing the video.

Now doing a super quick sketch, it'll take you a couple of minutes.

What do you want your car to look like? Because it's important we know what images we want to make.

So pause the video now.

Draw me a quick sketch of your card and press play when you're ready.

Off you go.


Well done for doing that quick sketch for me.

So now what we're going to do is we're going to make sure we have all of these components.

All of these decorative parts to make our card.

And I'm going to show you now, how I'm going to decorate my components and then it will be your turn.

Okay, so let's have a look, how we can add some finishing techniques to the images that we would like to go onto our congratulations card.

So you can see here, that I'm going to be using my rocket.

That I've used in the lessons, before.

Some for the moment I've just coloured it in.

But I'm wondering what can I add to this, to improve, the way that it looks? So what I've done is, I've drawn out my rockets again.

And I'm going to have a look around my house and see what decorative equipment, I have, to use on my card.

So when I think of rocket, I think of the metal shy Venus.

So what time going to do is I've found some tinfoil, in my kitchen.

So I'm going to use this, for my window.

And add some glue on the back and stick it down.

So already, I have improved, the look of my rocket.

I'm going to use some more of my tinfoil.

To add to these bits at the bottom as well.

So I've had, added some shiny metal foil.

To help to add some finishing techniques.

Now, instead of drawing all my stars, I have found some special star gems. So I'm going to stick those on, instead.

So I'm always improving the look of the images on my card by adding special, finishing techniques.

Already you can see, it is starting to look a little bit more fancy.

Now what I'm going to do is add on some reflective tape and again, just to improve the appearance.

This , tape is really special and the light shines on it.

It becomes extra shiny.

I'm going to put some at the top and at the bottom, here.


So before, I just coloured it in using crayons and now I'm using some of my special finishing techniques to improve it's appearance.

Now I've decided to use, felt tip, for the colouring of my rocket, because I want bright, bold, block, colour for this.

So I'm going to colour, the rest of it in using my felt tips.

Okay, so I'm going to finish colouring the rest in, in my bright, bold, felt tips.

One of the things I've done, is I have used my computer and I have printed off, a moon because I'm going to use this as part of decoration on my card.

So I've decided, that I'd like to print, the moon off of my computer.

I'm also going to add, the earth on to my card.

So I found some green card from, from my home.

And I also found this really cool, shiny paper.

So I'm going to use this shiny paper, to represent the ocean.

So it just adds a little bit more, of a finishing technique, onto my card.

Make it a little bit more exciting, to look at.

Okay, so you can start to see the difference in adding on different finishing techniques.

Using lots of ideas, from art and design.

Okay, so I'm going to show you now, how you might use some different art equipment for a different type of congratulations card.

So here are my flowers from my card before.

And instead of using felt tip for the bright, blocks of colours.

This time I'm going to use some paint.

So you might have a paint set, at home, that you might like to use.

I've got some special crayons here which are watercolour crayons.

So when I colour in with them and put some water, over the top.

It turns, into watercolour and these are really great for adding tone onto your pictures.

You might have heard your teachers from school in your art lessons.

Use the word tone and tone just helps us to show where things might be light or dark in the picture.

So adding a different finishing technique, now.

I'm using my water colour paint, to make it more attractive to look at And I might do the same for, the flowers as well.

So I want the petal, want it to be darker tone nearer the middle and then for it to get lighter, as the petal goes out.

So I'm going to put some, press hard with my crayon in the middle and I'm going to use the water, to pull that out.

And I want it lighter, on the outside.

Adding tone to my card.

But I might also add things like, a sequin.

In the middle, just to add a little bit of sparkle.

A slightly different, finishing technique, on my card.

So what you're going to do now, is you're going to draw, the images that you want for, your card.

Okay? So here's my rocket from earlier on and I've got my flowers.

You're going to draw this.

Make sure you draw it the right size.

You want your images to be quite big.

Any super small images will be hard to cut out and stick on.

But can you see how I've made my moon the right size compared to the rocket.

This will be in the distance and the rocket will be flying towards it.

And then what you're going to do, is you're going to decorate it using your finishing techniques.

So what will you choose around your homes? Are you going to use paints? Are you going to use gems, sequins, felt tips, colouring crayons.

Could you add some fabric, onto it.

To add some different techniques and some different textures as well.

Okay, so what you guys do now, is you're going to pause the video.

You need to collect all the decorating equipment that you need.

And then you're going to get started, you're going to decorate your, images.

And then press play, when you have finished.

So we can have a look all together.

Good luck off you go.

Welcome back from your task, everybody.

I hope you had fun, creating the components for your card.

So I managed to get mine finished as well.

Say here is my finished rocket.

And I added on a number five because this is for a fifth, birthday card.

And I went over my writing with a silver pen because I found out, that when I coloured it in grey my black writing disappeared.

So to make it stand out, to solve my problem.

I use my sparkly silver pen and I've got my printed moon.

I finished off my earth and I finished off painting, my flowers.

And you can see, the water colours have helped with that tone.

Showing the light and the dark.

So I was wondering, would you be able to hold up your components, your images that you've made ? I would have, love to have a look at them.

Can you show me now? They look fantastic.

You have added, some brilliant finishing techniques to your images, to make them look amazing for your card.

Well done everybody.

Now, next lesson, make sure you join us.

Because what we're going to do is we're going to turn these into mechanisms. So I'm going to put this onto a lever.

So it moves side to side in like a curved motion.

And I'm going to put this one in a pop-up card.

So make sure you do join us next time because we're going to put these, into a functional card that has a special moving part.

Okay? Well done all of your hard work today everybody.

Let's just do our end of lesson quiz before you go.

So before we leave our lesson today, I want to see if you can tell me, which mechanism I am showing you.

Is it a slider, a lever or a popup? So slider, lever, or pop-up.

Are you ready? Excellent.

Here's my first mechanism.

What this one called? Slider, lever, pop up.

You're going to tell me after three, one, two, three.

Excellent, it's a lever.

It's got a pivot hidden, hidden under the earth and we can move it side to side in a curved motion.

Well done.

Are you ready for the next one? Okay, what about this one.

Slider, lever, or pop up.

Ready to tell me after three.

One, two, three.

Oh good job it is a slider.

I can move it, side to side in a straight line.

Well done.

I'm going to show you, a pop up mechanism next.

And you're going to tell me, is it a box pop up? Or is it a V fold? Are you ready? Is this a box or a V fold? Tell me.

Brilliant, it's a box popup mechanism.

I'm going to show you another pop up mechanism.

You're going to tell me again, is it a box or is it a V? Oh, look what I've found here.

Now I wonder, can you tell me, is this a box, or is it a V fold.

Do you think, tell me now.


It's a V fold.

And it's a double V fold.

I don't know if you remember that, from, the other lesson that we have done together.

So it's cut the line and fold it out, into a V shape.

And when I open and close it.

It looks like the frog here is trying to eat all of those flies.

Well done on our end of the lesson quiz everybody.

I cannot wait to see you in our next lesson.

I am so excited, to put our images onto mechanisms. But until then, I hope you have a lovely time and I will see you soon.