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Equipment requiring safe usage.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Mrs Enock, and I'm so happy to be your design and technology teacher today for cooking and nutrition.

In today's lesson we've got a fantastic practical activity of making a healthy dip.

Today's focus is making hummus.

Let's go and see exactly what we're covering in today's lesson.

You ready? Let's go and see.

Let's see what we're learning about in today's lesson.

We're first going to recap on our design brief and recap how to make hummus.

Then we'll follow the procedures for safety and hygiene and we'll begin the practical activity of preparing and combining the ingredients, making our hummus.

Equipment you'll need for today, you'll need a cutting knife, a clean table, a teaspoon, and a tablespoon, and a cutting board.

Ideally, a food processor or an electric whisk, something that can be used to blend the ingredients.

You'll also need a small container with a lid.

Now remember, knives and blenders must only be used under the supervision of an adult.

Now, for today's lesson you're going to need the following ingredients, a can of chickpeas, ideally around 200 grammes, which is roughly what one can is equal to.

You need lemon juice, garlic, olive oil, and the spice cumin.

An optional extra, you could add avocado if you'd like to make avocado humus.

Now, please remember, always check for allergies before working with any ingredients.

Let's look at the key words for today.

Our first word is hygiene.

Can you repeat that for me? Excellent.

Hygiene is the procedure to follow to keep healthy by being clean.


Can you repeat that for me? Super.

Ingredients are the individual items of food which will be used in our recipe today.


Can you say blend? Good.

Blend or blending is the process to mix ingredients to a paste.

Claw and bridge, can you say that for me? Can you make the claw? Do you remember from our skills we had the claw and the bridge? Claw, bridge, super.

Claw and bridge are methods we'll use to safely cut vegetables.

Okay, let's recap on our design brief.

Do you remember our design brief? Great, that's right, our design brief was to designed a healthy packed lunch for primary school child.

We wanted it to be super tasty, super colourful, super healthy, and super fun.

Let's just have a recap on our understanding.

We want the packed lunch to be, simple, sugary, tasty or healthy, tasty, fun? That's right, healthy, tasty, and fun.

The design criteria for the packed lunch was to be super tasty, super colourful, super healthy, and super fun.

Well done.

Do you remember that I did an evaluation and we looked at improving our healthy packed lunch? I'm sure you did.

By responding to the feedback about my healthy packed lunch, the feedback was there was nothing to dip the vegetables in and it was missing a healthy treat, which meant I could still be hungry.

And from that I decided to respond to the feedback by making a healthy dip and by designing and making a healthy oat bar.

The oat bar being healthy by adding fruit into it.

Let's recap on how to make hummus.

We explored different dips and ingredients, and we're making hummus with the option of making avocado hummus.

Here's the recipe card for hummus, you need a can of chickpeas, two tablespoons of lemon juice, two garlic cloves crushed, a teaspoon of ground cumin, a tablespoon of water, two tablespoons of olive oil, and the optional extra, avocado, if making avocado hummus.

And the method, step one, drain the chickpeas and rinse.

Step two, combine the chickpeas, the lemon juice, the garlic, the cumin, optional salt, and water into a food processor and blend to a creamy puree or paste.

Step three, add more lemon juice, garlic, cumin, or salt for taste.

Today I won't be adding salt because I want to focus on my recipe being as healthy as possible.

Let's recap, which of these ingredients are in a hummus dip? Lentils, chickpeas, garlic, lemon juice? Well remembered.

Chickpeas are an essential ingredient when making hummus.

Garlic and lemon juice are also important ingredients.

Lentils are not needed when making hummus.

Okay, it's now time to follow the procedures for safety and hygiene to get us ready for practical cooking.

Health and hygiene.

Please follow this advice before you begin working with food, wash hands, tie long hair back, clean work surface.

You can either press pause now to do this and then we'll resume, or you can press pause before the actual cooking begins.

Okay, great.

Here's a safety warning, you will be asked you to use a sharp knife and a food processor for the next activity.

Please go and ask an adult to be present before you start this activity.

Never ever use a knife or food processor unsupervised.

Can you press pause and go and do that for me? Go and ask an adult to be nearby while you do this cooking activity.

Off you go.

Did you find an adult? Great and hello to your lovely adult, I bet you're looking forward to this activity too.

Great, okay.

Choosing the correct knife, we need the knife to be clean with a sharp blade with no rust on.

And remember, only use a sharp knife when supervised by a responsible adult.

Choosing the correct cutting board.

Your cutting board needs to be clean and flat and on a clear surface.

Choosing a suitable food processor.

Now it's okay if your food processor does not look like the picture, it just needs to be something that can blend ingredients together.

A food processor is designed to have sharp blades, it also needs electricity to work.

Only use a food processor when supervised by responsible adult.

Prepare and combine ingredients: hummus.

If you haven't done so already, now is the great time to pause the video, to tidy your worktop and wash your hands before we begin.

Tie long hair back if necessary, and gather all the equipment and ingredients you need.

When you've done, press resume, and we'll make the hummus together.

Remember, you can pause the video whenever you want to and press resume so we can work together.

Okay, off you go, and I'll see you in the kitchen soon.

Hello, have you tied your hair back and washed your hands? Fantastic if you have.

I'm all ready to go, so let's make some hummus.

I'm going to check the equipment.

We have a food blender, a plastic box to help us prepare the garlic, a tablespoon, a teaspoon, and a sharp knife, a clear and clean cutting board.

Okay, I think that's all our equipment.

Let's double check the ingredients that we need.

We needed around 200 grammes of chickpeas, I've already drained my in the sink, that means I've washed them.

And I got them from just one can of chickpeas is around 200 grammes.

I've also got a garlic ball, and we're going to take the two cloves out of that.

I have the spice cumin, we're going to need a teaspoon of that.

I have some olive oil, we're going to need two tablespoons of that.

And I have some lemon juice, already squeezed, two tablespoons of that.

And finally, I have some water, and we're going to need four tablespoons of water.

And finally, I've got my cut-up vegetables ready to dip into the hummus.

Okay, are you ready to get started? Fantastic.

Okay, step one, if you haven't done so already, you need to have 200 grammes of chickpeas that have been drained and washed.

That means the liquid's been taken out of it that was in the tin and you've washed them and they're all ready to go.

What I'm going to do, I'm going to take the lid off my food processor, just use the bottom part at the moment.

You'll notice this blade's very sharp, so we must make sure we don't have our hands near there.


So, I'm going to tip all the chickpeas into the pot, oh my goodness, they look absolutely delicious.

Chickpeas area a fantastic source of protein and fibre as well.

In fact, they count as one of your fruits and vegetables to have each day.

So this is a fantastic way of making a packed lunch not only more exciting, but more healthy as well.

Okay, now I've added the chickpeas, I'm just going to pop those to the side out the way, going to pop them over here.

And now I'd like to show you how to prepare the garlic.

So we have a garlic ball here, and this is the bottom of the root.

And what we need to do is you need to break it apart, oh, it's quite tough, to get the cloves.

Going to pull off the outer skin here, you can see this is a garlic clove.

And here is another garlic clove, okay.

Now, I'm going to take my knife and using the claw method, I'm just going to cut off the end of the garlic, just like so.

Pop that to one side out of the way.

Here we go, and on this one, I'm going to also cut off the end of the garlic, and then pop my knife safety over there.

Okay, so now we have our two garlic cloves with the end cutoff, and I've got a really good way for actually taking the skin off the garlic without having to get your fingers too smelly.

So you just hold the lid and you shake it as much as you can and the idea is that you're shaking the garlic skins off the garlic.

Let's see, hope it works.

Fantastic, so, as you can see, the garlic has come off with the skins, and that means it is now ready to add to the chickpeas.


I'll just pop that to one side.

So we've added the chickpeas and the two garlic cloves, and now we need to add the other ingredients.

So, the first ingredient I'm going to add is the cumin, and you need one teaspoon.

So we're going to get a lovely scoop of cumin and add it into the chickpeas.

We pop that over there.

Okay, we also need to add olive oil.

Do you remember how much? It was two tablespoons.

So I'm actually going to measure it out to show you, I'm going to hold my spoon over the food processor, so I'm not dribbling, and I'm going to carefully measure out one, and here we go, two.

Excellent, little extra dripple there, pop that over there.

Fantastic, oh my goodness, getting exciting now isn't it? Okay, now we also need to add some lemon juice.

So, going to tip out some lemon juice here, I'm just going to fill up one tablespoon, again, you can choose how much lemon juice to add to your hummus, based on your taste.

Okay, hmm, one more ingredient we need, we need water, four tablespoons of water.

One, two, three, and four.


So we'll just double check we've got all the ingredients in, we've got the chickpeas, the garlic, the cumin, the lemon juice, the water, and the olive oil.

Once they're all into your food processor we can then blitz it up.

So, I'm going to carefully pop my lid on, and give it a turn to make sure it is secure, right, so I've locked it in place, and it's going to be quite loud, okay? So if you don't like loud noise, put your fingers in your ears right now.

Okay? Here we go, blending it all the way round.

As you can see, it's turning it into a nice, creamy paste.

The blades are rotating around, making our delicious hummus.

I think, nice and creamy.

Shall we have a look and see? Carefully pop the lid off.

Oh my goodness, we've just made hummus, isn't that fantastic? Okay, what I'm going to do now, I'm going to get a spoon and spoon the mixture out, I'm going to leave the blade in there for the moment, so I don't want to be touching it.

Going to spoon out.

Oh my goodness, it makes a lot of hummus.

I'll pop that to one side.

And there you have it, a creamy, healthy dip that we can enjoy.

Let me have a look.


Well done for today's cooking, that was a lot of fun working in the kitchen together.

And I don't know about you, but I'm rather proud about the hummus I made today.

If you haven't done so already, now is a great time to pause the video, to tidy away, and wash your hands.

The practical work is finished for today.

Press resume once you're finished, and we'll carry on learning together.

Okay, I'll see you soon.

Are you all organised? Great.

It's now time to reflect on today's lesson.

We can ask ourselves what went well, what was tricky, and what would we change next time? Reflecting on what we've done is a great way for us to improve and develop.

So what went well for me, I thought the hummus was tasty, I learned something new, and I improved my healthy packed lunch.

You press pause and have a think or tell somebody nearby what went well for you today.

Ready? Off you go.

Well done for saying what went well.

Let's move on to what was tricky.

Tricky things would have been cutting up the avocado, but I didn't use the avocado today.

I bet it was tricky if you had to use it.

I also found peeling the garlic quite tricky, even with the fabulous lunchbox design.

I'd like you to press pause now and have a think what you found tricky, off you go.

Did you say what was tricky? Well done if you did.

Okay, let's have a look at what would I change? Next time, I'd like to add more garlic because I actually really enjoyed the taste and I'd love to experiment to see how I can make my recipe of hummus even more tasty.

What would you change? Pause the video now, have a think, and tell someone near you.

Ready? Off you go.

Did you say what you would change? Well done if you did.

Wow, I've had a really fantastic and busy lesson with you today.

Let's see what we learned, shall we? We recapped on our design brief, we recapped on how to make hummus, we made sure we follow the safety and hygiene procedures, we then worked in the kitchen to prepare and combine ingredients to make hummus, or, not sure if you made avocado hummus, I might make that one next time.

Well done for today's lesson, you should be really proud of yourself.

I'd love to see some photographs of you working in the kitchen and the hummus you made today or your special dip.

If you'd like to share your work with Oak National, please ask your parents or carer to share your work on Twitter by tagging @OakNational or #LearnwithOak.

I look forward to seeing you very soon.

Take care, bye.