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Equipment requiring safe usage.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Mrs. Enoch.

And I'm your design and technology teacher for cooking a nutrition.

Looking at healthy and ferry diets.

So, are you ready to see exactly what we're learning about today? I hope so.

Ready? Let's have a look and see.

In today's lesson, we're going to be looking at the following things.

We're first going to explore how vegetables can be designed and cut in different ways.

Then going to focus on the importance of selecting the right tools and equipment before we start cooking.

Next, we will look at selecting the suitable ingredients.

After that we will make design decisions and we will develop our skills of cutting in different ways was making sure we are always safe.

Finally, we will be looking at ordering the main stages of sandwich making in preparation for the next lesson.

Today's going to be a fun and practical update of activities.

And I absolutely can't wait, can you? Absolutely.

Okay, in today's lesson you're going to need the following equipment.

A knife and cutting board.

Now this is incredibly important, when you're using a knife it must only be used under the supervision of a responsible adult.

For example, a parent or a carer.

You're also going to need the vegetables that you are going to be cutting for your healthy packed lunch.

Finally, you need a small cookie cutter.

This can be any shape you choose.

And ideally a vegetable peeler.

The vegetable peeler is optional.

So do not worry if you don't have it.

Okay, in today's lesson, there are going to be key words that we will be using, talking and need to understand.

Let's have a look and see what they are.

Our first word is Target Market.

Can you say that for me? Target market.

Well done, Target market is the term we use to refer to the group of people who we are designing our products for.

I wonder if you can remember if you are talking marketers.

I bet you can.

Another key word we're focusing on today is Ingredients.

Can you say Ingredients? Excellent, ingredients.

Ingredients are the individual items of food which we'll be using in a recipe or to make a meal.

Ingredients we will be using are for? That's right.

A healthy packed lunch.

Absolutely, let's look as another key word for today.

Ready? Our next key word is design brief.

Can you say Design brief? Super, Design briefs are how we need to design the product to meet the target market needs.

We found out what our target market wanted through questionnaires.

And from that we learned our design brief of how we need to design the healthy packed lunch.

Lets have a look at how vegetables can be designed to appeal to children.

This is something we really important.

We want to encourage people to eat healthily but we understand that when trying new and different foods we need to give everybody all the help they can have to make it appealing.

Appealing means tasty, and it looks great.

So you want to try it.

A design brief for a healthy packed lunch for primary school child.

And part of our design brief is that the packed lunch must be super tasty.

The ingredients chosen must be tasty for that individual.

We also want it to be super colourful.

A good way to know that our packed lunch has lots of fruits and vegetables is fair to be super colourful.

And do you remember how many fruits and vegetables we were aiming to have? Can you show me on your fingers? That's right.

Cool, excellent, well done.

We also need a healthy Packed lunch to be super healthy.

We want it to be low in salt and sugar and avoiding some of the typical things we might find in a not so healthy packed lunch.

I bet you can think of some, can't you? I know I can.

Finally we want a healthy Packed lunch to be super fun.

The Packed lunch must look appetising and be fun to eat.

We want people to choose our packed lunch.

We want it to be appealing.

Appealing design techniques.

Let's a look what they could be.

We could cut the vegetable into small pieces.

Hmm, wonder why that would be a good idea? I know, it could be in small pieces.

It could make it easier to pick up.

It could make it look more interesting.

And the little mouths it's quite nice to not have to have cut something up but to have it cut up for this.

This is a fun one.

Look at what the banana has been turned into.

Isn't it fabulous? We can make our fruits and vegetables into different shapes such as animals or flowers or whatever your imagination could be.

This is a great way to get lots of different foods by putting it into a fruit kebab.

Just have a look at the colours of the rainbow on there.

Isn't it amazing? That looks like something I want to eat right now.

We can also make our design appealing by putting ingredients together.

Look how colourful the fruit is in that bowl.

Doesn't it make you just want to squirm it up? Absolutely, we're now going to focus on selecting tools and equipment.

Okay, this part of the lesson is extremely important.

It is a safety warning.

In a moment you'll be asked to use a sharp knife for our cutting activities.

So please, please go and ask a responsible adult to be present before you start this part of the lesson.

Never ever use a sharp knife unsupervised.

So please press pause and go and find that lovely responsible adult to be nearby now.

Ready, off you go.

Did you find a responsibility adult to be nearby? well done and a lovely hello to your responsible adult and thank you for being nearby for this activity.

Okay, let's have a look and see what else we need to prepare before we start the actual making of vegetables.

The preparing of the vegetables.

It's extremely important to choose the correct knife.

And again, only use a sharp knife when supervised by a responsible adult.

You want your knife to be clean, your knife to be sharp and there should be no rust or additional dirt on that knife.

Let's see what else we need.

You need to make sure that you have a cutting board.

That again is clean and flat.

You need to be able to place that board on a clear, empty surface.

Excellent, now the cutting tool is an optional tool for today's lesson.

It's a cutting tool that can sometimes be used when making biscuits and small suites.

But today we're going to be looking at using a cutting tool, like the one in the picture to make our vegetables more interesting.

But again, please only use these tools when supervised by responsible adults.

Okay, on selecting suitable ingredients.

Choosing a suitable ingredient.

We want the ingredients to be fresh.

Check your vegetables and fruits to make sure they're fresh.

You don't want them to be a little bit mouldy.

Not at all.

We won't want to eat those well, Will we? Please make sure that you have washed your fruits and vegetables in cold water before you use them.

You'll have opportunity in a moment to pause the video so you can do this.

Okay, let's see what else we need to choose.

Oh, I think this is very important.

Please make sure that your vegetable, your ingredient your fruit or vegetable is tasty.

Think about who's going to be eating your fruits and vegetables and it's kind to pick one that they like.

This is very important.

Allergies, please check to make sure no one has an allergy to the ingredients you have chosen.

That's really important to check.

Okay, let's see what we're going to do next.

Shall we, ready? Making design decisions? We're going to be developing our skills now focusing on cutting skills.

Before we can do this we're going to make sure that we follow the health and hygiene rules.

Always follow this advice before you ever begin working with food.

Make sure your hands are washed ideally for 20 seconds with warm water and lots of soap.

If you have long hair, you need to make sure it is tied back out of the way.

And also make sure you have a clean work surface.

Just to give the surface you're working on a nice wipe down with a clean cloth just making sure it's clean and safe before you start cooking.

Okay, in a moment you're going to pause the video to get the pad ready for a cutting of fruit and vegetables.

So in a moment I'd like you to pause the video, to wash your hands.

Make sure responsible adults is sitting with you.

If you have long hair tie it back and get all your equipment.

And when you're all ready press the video again and then we can start preparing our vegetables together.

I'd love to go and wash my hands and tie my hair now.

I will see you in a moment.

Okay, pause the video now, and when you're ready, press resume once you're finished.

Ready, off you go.

Okay, let's have a look at cutting the cucumber.

So we've washed the cucumber.

We've got a nice clean surface and we've got a sharp knife ready to go.

So we're going to start by using the claw technique going to hold the cucumber.

We're going to place the knife here and we're going to push down to cut the end off.

I'm going to choose the length that I would like my cucumber sticks to be.

I think around there.

Now, again, going to hold with the claw technique, the knife is well away from my fingers and I'm going to push downwards.

Fabulous, we'll take that part away.

We have a smaller section of cucumber.

Now I could cut it into circles but I quite liked the idea of sticks.

And for this, I'm going to need to use the bridge technique.

Make your fingers like a bridge, fabulous.

Going to hold the cucumber in the bridge just like so.

Can you see? And then from there we can place them carefully down and make a rich, Oh, there's just cut that in that.

Wonderful, there we go, fabulous.

So we have two pieces then we're going to make more.

So I'm going to make like a bridge.

And going to place the knife through here, my hand is over like a bridge I'm cutting down.

So it is done.

And we can repeat this technique.

Making sure that our cucumber is nice and safe and our fingers are nice and safe.

There we go.

So guys cut through here and there we go, excellent.

Now, if I did want to cut here I could use the croquette technique.

But because I'm making sticks again, we're going to use the bridge technique.

So I'm going to have it here and we're going to place that down further making sure it's not near the fingers and we can cut away.

Here we go again.

The bridge technique, there we go.

You can see it's cut nice and safe.

And here we have some lovely cucumber sticks, delicious.

Hello, we're going to have a look now at how to make the humble carrots.

What I want to do is I want to take off just the top skin of the carrot to make it even more appealing to eat.

So, I've got my carrot and I'm holding it most gently in my hand like this.

And then I've got the pillar like so.

And what I need to do is I need to put the blade at the top of the carrot.

Add a little bit of pressure.

We're just taking off.

Can you see I've just on the top section of the carrot and then I'm going to pull down as far as I can go and the skin comes off.

I can do this again, pull down on the skin comes off and I can keep repeating this moving my hand.

You'll notice my fingers are nowhere near the blade.

Just in case you accidentally slipped.

So keep pulling down and I'm slightly rotating my carrots all the way.

Here we go.

Can see now the top skin of the carrot has come off.

That is all nice and shiny.

Now with the peelings I happen to have a friend who has a Guinea pig.

So I'm going to pass those on to the Guinea pig.

So nothing gets wasted.

Okay, so now we have our lovely carrot.

And we're going to cut the carrots into different shapes.

And we're going to do this by some safe cutting techniques.

Now, the first technique we're going to do is the claw, so make your hand like a little claw.

Excellent, and we're going to hold the carrot using the cloth, just like this, okay? So, now I'm going to actually cut my carrot in half.

And I'm going to do that because I'd like to have fun and make two different sorts of shapes today just to give you extra skills.

So I'm holding the carrot firmly and safely in my hand.

The knife is nowhere near my fingers.

I'm holding the knife confidently with the blade facing downwards.

I'm going to place the knife onto the carrot leaning it slightly forward.

I'm going to begin to apply pressure and then push down and Wala.

The carrot has been cut in half.

I'm going to put one half to the side and I'm going to focus on this carrot first.

Now, I'm going to hold it using the claw again.

Just like this.

I'm going to hold the carrot, hold the knife confidently.

And I just want to cut the end off.

So I'm going to hold the carrot nice firm grip.

The knife is facing downwards away from the fingers.

I'm going to push down.

And there we go.

That little bit can go to the Guinea pigs as well, pop it over there.

So now we have a carrot that has had been peeled and the top and end taken off.

Now I think on this one it will be wonderful to make carrot circles.

And we're going to use the claw technique again.

The claw, the claw, hold the carrot using the claw.

Take the knife again sharp blade down.

You're going to, if you say I want my carrot slices to be quite thin.

So, if you look here, you can see, can you? Not doing chunky.

It's quite thin.

So here we go, push down, push down.

I call these my carrots and shines.

Push down, move them away.

Take the grip.

Now we don't need to do it quickly because we want to make sure that safety is our priority.

So we're going down, move away, just keep cutting.

Push down, push down.

Now you can see the blade is getting closer to the fingers but the blade, even if my hand slipped forward, whoops, it would not be touching my fingers.

It's going to get down until to the end that you were comfortable with, okay? You save that little bit over there for the Guinea pig.

Now, we have lovely circles, which are so tempting.

I want to eat those.

So we've got some lovely circles here that we can make.

If you like to have circles to hold your carrot maybe dunk it into a delicious sauce.

I've got the bowl over here.

If I can actually scoop my crunchy carrots into, my little carrot sunshine's.

Don't forget that one.

Just like that.

Well done.

You did some great cutting skills.

In a moment, we're actually going to be cutting up some fruits.

And looking at making us fruit more appealing for children to eat.

But before we do that, in a moment I'd like you to pause the video, tidy up your workstation, clean the equipment and just wash your hands again.

When you've did all that press resume and we'll carry on cutting up the fruits, ready? Time to wash your hands.

Off you go.

Hello, so we're now going to be looking at cutting up some fruit to make it look more appealing for children to eat.

So here I have some succulent strawberries and we are going to look at cutting them to make them more appealing.

Now you can see here, I've got the strawberry and it's still got the STEM and the leaves on.

Which obviously isn't particularly appetising.

Now, if you carefully peel back the leaves you can see the section here the white section that needs to be cut off.

And the way we're going to use that is we're going to cut it using the claw methods.

So if you watch my fingers, I'm going to hold my fingers like a little claw, just like this, okay.

I'm going to hold it with a little claw, pop it down there.

Now, we're going to make absolutely sure that the knife is going to be here away from our fingers which are holding the strawberry like a claw.

So you hold the knife confidently, sharp edge down and you're going to lean it over the strawberry and start to put pressure and then gently pull back.

As you do that, it cuts away.

And we've got the STEM off, which is amazing.

We're now going to use the claw method again to cut it in half.

So I've got my knife sharply down.

And I'm going to push down and cut.

Making sure, here we go.

We have two lovely shapes, which look far more attractive.

Now I could cut it into even smaller sections but I'd like to have a little bit of fun and make some love hearts.

So, just moves that one out the way there.

I'm going to hold the strawberry using the claw method because my hand is like a little claw just here.

Okay, and I'll holder it here.

Now, I'm going to take the knife with a sharp edge down.

I'm going to very carefully make a tiny bit to cut like the side of a triangle at the top.

And then holding the strawberry using the claw method making sure my fingers are safe.

I'm going to cut the other side out.

And there we have a strawberry that I think looks like a heart which is really cute.

So I'm going to pop that one into here and let's have another go.

Okay, see that.

Lets move that one out the way.

I've got my strawberry and I'm going to hold it safely using the claw method.

You made your hand like a claw? Fabulous, hold it very carefully.

Take the knife.

Make sure the blade is sharp edge down.

And you're going to cut into the strawberry very carefully like the side of a triangle.

Fantastic, if I bring that nice and close let me see if I can get a lovely focus.

Can you see the little cut? Super, now we're going to cut it again using the other side.

Here we go.

As you can see, I've made a little apart strawberry lots and lots of fun.

Okay, so these are our delicious strawberry hearts that we have cut using the claw method.

Now I have some delicious grapes that have been washed ready for us to cut into different shapes.

Now to cut the grape, I'm going to actually use the bridge method.

Like you to make your hand like this.

Your thumb is apart from your fingers.

And can you see the lovely curve of a bridge? Fantastic, now the idea is you make a bridge so the knife can safely pass through without hurting your fingers.

Okay, so I'm going to hold the grape into a bridge.

Okay, you can see that my fingers are on the outside of the fruit and then I'm going to take the knife and I'm going to make sure that there is absolutely nothing touching and I'm going to push down and it is cut.

Let's try that again.

I'm going to pop that into my bowl, you can already see the colour, is looking rather lovely.

So I have my grape pop it into the screen, hold it like a bridge.

And then you can push down with the knife and it is cut.

Fabulous, you can actually turn it over if you want to make it thinner and you can hold it as a bridge.

I can see here, put the knife in and it is carefully being cut.

I can add it to my bowl.

Here's another great.

Hold it like the bridge.

Put the knife in the middle.

Apply pressure, pull back.

You can safely cut the grapes.

You can already see how this fruit salad is looking wow.

They're lovely, let's do a few more grapes.

Pop this here, bridge method, apply the pressure safely cut the grape, cut it even smaller, place it flat to down.

Make the bridge.

Hold it either side, put the knife.

You're going to apply the pressure forward and gently pull back.

Wonderful, you can keep going until you have as much fruit as you need to fill your lunchbox.

Rich, push the knife pressure forward and gently pull back.

And there we go, have a look here.

You can see how delicious the strawberries and grapes are.

So, you have fun cutting.

Make sure you stay safe and you use either the claw or the bridge to make sure you're using that knife safely.

Okay, fantastic.

Fantastic food cutting.

Really, really well done.

In a moment I'd like you to pause the video tied your worktop and wash your hands using warm water and soap.

When you're done, press resume.

Ready, off you go.

Hello, we're now going to have a look at preparing vegetables using a cookie cutter.

I've got a little gingerbread post in here which I thought would make my vegetables look a lot of fun.

Now, if you don't have a cookie cutter you can still have lots of fun preparing your vegetables using the claw and the bridge technique that we talked about earlier.

But let's see how it goes with this lovely cookie cutter.

Now the smooth edge is the top and the sharper edge is for the bottom case.

We'll put that over to one side for now.

Let's have a look at the vegetable we're going to be preparing.

Can you see those beautiful colours? Oh my goodness.

Delicious but not yet quite ready to eat.

So, what colour should I take? I know, I should take the red pepper.

I'm just going to check by measuring up that my gingerbread person will fit on the shape and yes, I think he will.

I think it well.

Yes, brilliant.

So, I'm actually going to cut the pepper using the claw technique.

So I'm going to hold my pepper firmly using the claw technique.

And what I want to do is cut away this section so I can make the pepper more flat ready to use the cutter.

So my fingers are away from the sharp knife.

I'm confidently holding the knife sharp edge down and I'm going to begin to apply pressure going forward all the way down as a little bit of resistance for the middle core and I'm going to put that away.

Fabulous, so I've cut off the top and I'm going to save that section because I think I can actually use that to make some different shapes.

Oh my goodness.

What a messy middle.

So let's have a look and see.

I've now got my pepper and I'm going to hold it by the claw again and cut it down here.

You can see we're starting to get the flat shape.

I'm now going to hold it by the claw and cut away the parts I don't want.

I should save those and make it into other shapes later.

Let me just scrape away.

You see it? Board will definitely need washing after we are.

Move that to one side.

There we go.

So now we have the piece of pepper ready to prepare.

Actually, I'm just going to cut off here.

No, that would not be sensible way to cut.

Do you know why? That's right.

The blade is facing towards my fingers.

That would be very, very unsafe.

So what I'm going to do is I'm going to move it this way.

I'm going to cut across make it nice and flat.

If you have a nice flat piece of paper, then I'm going to lay my gingerbread person on top and with a firm presser pressure I'm going to push down on my gingerbread person.

Oh my goodness.

A big old push is needed.

And it's just coming away all the way round.

Keep pulling it off.

And here we have a little pepper person.

How cute is that.

Absolutely amazing.

Now I'm going to pop this to one side because I can cut that into lots of shapes because we don't want to waste any of our extra pepper, do we? I'm just going to clear my surface and I'm going to have another go at making a pepper shape.

So I've got my lovely pepper here.

And I am going to hold it by the claw method.

I'm going to pop this down to cut it away.

Excellent, this time you can see the middle here.

Can't you? We need to cut away.

So I'm going to hold it by the claw.

I'm going to put the put knife in and just cut around.

Still holding it by the claw method.

And then once I've loosened it you can take out, there we go.

You can say the pepper it's become empty in the middle.

Okay, let's have a look.

We need to cut the pepper in half.

So I'm going to actually use the bridge technique.

I'm going to hold it, please hold the camera up a little bit so you can see, there we go.

I'm going to hold the pepper.

I'm going to put the knife into the middle.

And carefully cut it open.

You can see we've got a lovely large piece of pepper here and we've got a lovely piece of paper there.

Fabulous, I'm just going to pull away those little bits, I can use those in my a different cooking.

That will be wonderful.

Okay, so got the two peppers.

This time I'm going to see about cutting it this way up.

So again, I've got my cookie cutter the sharp edge on the smooth part at the top.

I'm going to place the cookie person into the pepper.

I'm going to firmly push down, give it a little wiggle, a little wiggle giggle.

Pull it apart.

And here we have two little pepper people.

How cute is that? Absolutely lovely.

So I'll just pop those there.

I will get a bowl ready to put our little pepper people in.

Let's see if we can make another pepper here.

Got this pepper here, I'm going to just use the claw technique.

Just cut away those little sections.

Wonderful, get my little person cookie cutter.

That will be the most sensible way on this pepper shape.

Put it on top of the pepper like so, and then using the flaps of your hand to push down, give it a wiggle giggle, start to pull it away.

And you can see I've made another little pepper person.

Look at that, absolutely lovely.

Give them an extra little wing if you want to.

We can put our little person into the bowl with their friends here.

And you can see how using a cookie cutter can make the vegetables much more exciting.

Now with any of the pepper you haven't used.

Keep it to one side because it can be cut into different shapes.

For example, using our claw technique, we can cut down pushing the pressure forward.

This can be saved and added to lots of other recipes to make sure non of it goes to waste.

My goodness, what a lot of practical work we've done today.

If you haven't done already could you pause your video to tidy your worktop and wash your hands.

For the next piece of work you'll need a pencil and paper.

Once you're organised best resume we'll carry on learning together.

Okay, designing a healthy packed lunch.

So far we've prepared vegetables in different ways and we've prepared fruit in different ways.

We're now going to focus on how to make a sandwich.

Here's my friend Mr. Alien.

The alien is landed on planet earth.

Can you tell them how to make as a healthy sandwich? What I'd like you to do is pause the video to complete this task.

You're going to explain to an alien exactly how to make a sandwich.

Now you can choose how to explain to your alien.

You can choose to write down instructions.

You can draw out what you're thinking or record yourself explaining.

When you finished press resume, will have a look of how I organised my explanation to an alien.

Ready, off you go.

Did you do that? Well done if you did.

An alien has landed on planet earth.

Explain to them how to make the sandwich.

Here's what I came up with.

Spread the butter on the bread, prepare the filling, add the filling on top of one slice of bread, place the second slice of bread on top.

Cut the sandwich into the desired shape.

Were your instruction similar to mine.

Well done if they were, well done if they were even better.

I've really enjoyed working with you today.

You should be really proud of everything that you've achieved.

Take care, and I hope to see you soon.
